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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7115033 No.7115033 [Reply] [Original]

It's actually over, isn't it?

>> No.7115071

no, fuck, shut up

>> No.7115108



>> No.7115114

No you fucking faggot. Biz cunts are worse than those wall st. bankers that necked themselves after the 2008 crash. KYS or fuck up and wait for it to recover

>> No.7115278

>China out of crypto
>normies scared off, no new money
>Bitcoin, the flag ship, is old and is going down
>govs want regulations this year
Show even me even a flash of light in this darkness.

>> No.7115352

Yes, sell now.

>> No.7115417

Get into bitconnect asap dude. It's going to moon.

>> No.7115478

Yup, at least for one or two years...

>> No.7115562

>It's actually over, isn't it?

my cake is moist

>> No.7115615


>> No.7115617

Pussy bitch. The stock market recovered after every crash. If you faggots actually told your government what you want for long enough they will have to listen, especially near elections.
And the china thing, what do you expect from a commie shithole? Fuck China, they need to fuck off like you

>> No.7115626
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u should've sold the second BTC failed to break 14k weeks ago. that was the moment smart money exited

>> No.7115635
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only felt like I had a worthwhile amount money to risk when found out mum was getting some inheritance in May 2017, 2-3 months too fucking late after having wanted to get in for years

>> No.7115656
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yes it's over time to go back to the plantation

>> No.7115690
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PoWH Shadow by the OG PoWH devs coming soon to save you m8

>> No.7115747

Your little toy coins are not the stock market, sweetie

>> No.7115760


>> No.7115773

The govs wont put regulation because we dont want them to? What world do you live in?

>> No.7115838

Correct, they are far more promising.

>> No.7115865


>> No.7115892

Second this

>> No.7115955

Remember september last year. Bitcoin dropped from 10k to 5k. Ermagherd itll never recover. Wojaks everywhere mummy hold me. Faggots like you believing the media. My sides are in orbit. You should back this hahaahahaha up and get out of crypto. Ill drink your salty wall street tears in december this year. Screencap this so you can explain to your kids how bad you fucked their future up

>> No.7115964

im so depressed. i guess i was foolish ever beleiving i could leave this mierable life of wagecucking, becaue i bought some magical internet coins that dont do anything. it was all just a silly fantasy wasnt it? all of us neets with lambos, mansions, hookers and drugs, living like rock stars. all because we bought some internet tokens. i feel stupid for beleiving it. i just wanted it to be true so bad :(

>> No.7116012

Anon just think about where Bitcoin was a year ago

>> No.7116084

>all of us neets with lambos, mansions, hookers and drugs, living like rock stars
When you put it like this it feels like divine punishment

Yeah, it grew too much too fast

>> No.7116098

no its not you fucking stupid frog poster nigger

>> No.7116172

fuck you all it's not over, at least 25% of the people in Africa haven't heard of bitcoin yet, we can still sell them our bags.

>> No.7116219

really makes me think

>> No.7116269

Pay attention to the emotions itt. These are the emotions being played by the market.

>> No.7116297

>itt fags that sound no different from 2013...and 2015...and 2017.

Yeah dude its all over sell it all.

>> No.7116302
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>> No.7116329

What do you mean by that?

>> No.7116457
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>smart money

>> No.7116660

We have regulations this year though.

>> No.7116674
File: 10 KB, 288x304, 21192256_1267858630011108_4276736642724475310_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there someone really who thinks these shitcoins are the future? come on now

>> No.7116824

Bitcoin is the rest is dead/replaced next year

>> No.7117493

>mt gox didnt kill it
>chink regs didnt kill it
>korean regs didnt kill it
>US regs announced

Yep its definitely dead sell it all.

>> No.7117713

Well your got two camps here. Those full off fear panic selling, and those full of greedy dreaming of lamboland. there emotions are what drive any market

>> No.7117744
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>down 70%

>> No.7117794

It's the whole world this time.

>> No.7117999

like I said if you think its all going to crash to shit sell everything...or are you a nocoiner?

>> No.7118025

disintermediation of global financial arrangements that have been functionally insolvent for almost 10 years. world governments in a currency race to the bottom with rates negative in many places.

>> No.7118097

Big if tru

>> No.7118114
File: 301 KB, 490x628, old fool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no dude it's gonna peak at $20k again, sell now and buy back when it hits $3k then sell when it peaks at $20k, this is easy money, it's just the Bankers and Liberals that are fucking things up for us

>> No.7118172

It's time to move on !

>> No.7118255


africans aren't people anon

>> No.7118301
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thinking niggers have money or an IQ that can comprehend something abstract like crypto currency

where do we even begin with you?

>> No.7118320

shieeeet, middle aged poorfags won't be exposed to scams, how will we ever recover

>> No.7118353

Yes (And That Is A Good Thing)

>> No.7118381

Hey, at least he'll have kids unlike you, sperglord

>> No.7118384



>> No.7118469

Yes you were fucking told often enough but you had to buy muh ’'''''''''dip''’'''''''''''’'''''
Kek kek kek

>> No.7118590

I hope this board will get cleaner after so many people lost their money/saving and no more stupid shilling fkn shitcoins.
I hope normies sell at loss and learn a good lesson, never to come back.
You cannot imagine the possibilities, so you don't deserve this technology.

>> No.7118635

>670 BTC

jesus fucking christ how else was it to get BTC back then?

>> No.7118663
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>middle aged poorfags
lol the small company my mom works for (mostly middle aged people) were thinking about investing a significant chunk of their retirement portfolio in bitcorns when it was about $15k, i told her because of various threads I'd read (esp those people who claimed to bail at peak because it was going to crash) that i thought it had peaked at near $20k (i had to also tell her I'd been aware of them for years and also about their darkweb uses for weapons/pedo shit/drugs etc) anyway i guess you could call us poorfags since my family's not rich and nocoiners too but at the meeting (which i went to and which i spent some time explaining what even the heck bitcorns were to those oldies, i still think they didn't quite understand) they voted against it, i was worried i would look foolish if it surged to $20k and beyond but my mom says her boss thinks i'm "very intelligent" lol and of course eveyone is relieved they didn't jump into it mfw

>> No.7118674

That animeposter predicted the goxxening and btc boom in 2011!

>> No.7118689
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>me right now

>> No.7118789


reading that thread makes me feel loopy, I was posting on 4chan back then and missed the whole thing.

>tfw people were impressed when BTC was in double digits
makes me wonder how many of those people held until they were millionaires

>> No.7118861

Do you even read what you write?
You sound 10.
Post pics pls

>> No.7118876

They probably sold, just like how everyone is selling now lol. Only the iron hands and patient make it in the long run.

>> No.7119098

We're talking about thousands of dollars now, not a couple bucks.

>> No.7119212

I told you that it was over, please sell all of your crypto before it is too late

>> No.7119321

Look forward to the next great bubble in 2 years. This is training mode for all of us who weren't around in 2013.

Think about the dot-com bubble. The internet was used widely during this time, I was playing starcraft on dialup. Think about now and crypto, nobody uses it and this still managed to happen. At least that's what I hope :S