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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 432x576, Hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7114878 No.7114878[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I really need some help as I am at the literal and figurative end of my rope. I have been eating 1 meal per day for the last 2 weeks while trying to save as much money as possible.

I have a coinbase account and we were going to be transferring some BTC after Christmas in order to pay for my sister a new wheel chair (it is a model that is motorized and roughly $6600 dollars - she has been immobile since she was 15 (car accident) and she is now 39. It is far time for her to have a new set up).

I work a minimum wage job and just happened to be lucky/intuitive enough to hit on a few early cryptos (CVC being the one the comes most to mind). I had saved up about 2.1 BTC so I was transferring .4 and some change in order to cover the cost of the chair.

I believe that my account was phished or hacked as all of the 2.1 was gone from the HitBtc account (use that for exchanges) and the .4 never transferred to coinbase and I have no idea what happened to the remaining 1.7 BTC.

Long story short, I am not super tech savvy nor am I in any type of position to replace the funds at the moment with my job. Someone screwed me but in turn actually screwed over my Sister who is a good hearted and wonderful person... there isn't really shit I can do about it right now which pisses me off even more. If anyone can help then please do so, whether it is helping replace the .4 or pointing me in the right direction. I feel terrible and coinbase/hitbtc have not even answered emails.

The wallets are below if anyone can help.


1Gq163FADr8gMKh WVJyRt5sV5hsqJP9dTf

>> No.7114943
File: 56 KB, 432x576, Foodless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is proof that I am literally down to water, some parm cheese, and some damn chic-fil-a sauces... I'm literally trying to put every possible cent back in to getting this for her.

>> No.7114947

No one in their right mind would consider sending you a penny without you timestamping your sister for proof

>> No.7115001


>puts wallet address

ppl would give you money if you actually looked for help on how to DYOR and not begged like a fucking leech scum, faggot

>> No.7115037


>> No.7115090

Will consider if you upload wheelchair incest porn w/sister.

>> No.7115123

Post nudes of your sister, or starve to death. We don't really give a fuck about you. Go beg on ledd!t

>> No.7115136

got a sharpie?

>> No.7115254

Waiting on sister.
Ready to help op but you understand why some of us may not believe you.

I would also send btc if you admit your a pajeet and timestamp of pic of ganesh

>> No.7115269

Yes faggots, make incest jokes and bring more hurt to a fucked up situation. Exactly the worthless response I expected.

I actually first ask for help or how to figure out what was going on. Not tech savvy means what it means. I'm just trying to help out my sister and hoped to get some help/right direction from these anons.

Just trying to help her out, either point me in the right direction or continue with the dick in your mouth.

>> No.7115372


>> No.7115392
File: 94 KB, 866x900, 1512887028029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post wallet i send you one linkie

>> No.7115410

Post sister or gtfo.

>> No.7115433

in post at end, or if you could help figure out wtf it is gone and coinbase/hitbtc is unresponsive?

>> No.7115456

fuck off faggot

>> No.7115458

First of all check log in history on HitBTC, I myself didn't have 2FA on it and some Russian virgin hacked my account, thank god I've never put any funds on that shit exchange

also look at withdrawal history etc. doesn't require any high level tech knowledge, if you can't figure these things out yourself than good luck in life stupid faggot

stay poor

>> No.7115502

then you know what to do OP

>> No.7115510


see where it withdrew to CB, shows in withdraw history on hitbtc, doesn't show deposit on CB. You can click to see the hashes or whatever but I really don't understand much more than that. Thank you for the help though.

>> No.7115559

get to it whore before i change my mind

>> No.7115598
File: 48 KB, 576x432, sharpie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7115631

So tired of these fucking faggot scammers

>> No.7115646

Crosschain recovery. look into it. I also know ways to obtain crypto for free, but nothing is 'free'.

I feel that you are a scammer, tbqh. Please, convince me.

>> No.7115698
File: 1.16 MB, 640x1136, 1488128507599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's going on on /biz/ this month

I question my life every time I have this happen

>> No.7115707

>Empty fridge
>Ask for donations
Works every single time, i've made over 50 ETH out of you faggots doing this shit

>> No.7115731

That isn't even a valid BTC address.

>> No.7115739

will look into crosschain, thanks. I owe you nothing, you owe me nothing. Not trying to convince anyone, just figure this out and help, without starving myself in the process.

>> No.7115749

he delivered, help them goys

>> No.7115771

had to put a space in it for some reason, idk why. Just remove the space.

>> No.7115791


>> No.7115802
File: 79 KB, 1730x162, Dumbfuck OP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>OP begging for money
>gets pissed off when people give him shit for being a beggar

God damn. I don't care what situation you are in. There are people who have been in worse and they don't act like stupid faggots like you do.

Pic related. Do you know why this rule exists? Because for every one person who might genuinely need help, there are 100 others who are ready to take advantage of bleeding hearts.

Go use one of the numerous crowdsourcing websites that exists for people in your situation.You'll probably get much more help from people who will give you straight cash if you explain your story and provide some proof other than a fucking empty fridge picture where all your food might be just off screen.

>> No.7115822


Thanks for the ideas and if anyone could help. Not trying to scam anyone... literally can't figure out where the original went and have no way to recoup it. If it was for me instead of a family member I'd prolly just say fuck it.

>> No.7115880

I'll send you some
But I want some nudes or your retarded sister as payment
And btw
That sharpie is not even close to big enough

>> No.7115900

>nudes of*

>> No.7115911

Why do I give a shit about the empty destination address and not your originating wallet on the exchange you were supposedly "hacked" on?

Transaction ID. HitBtc wallet. Let's see this transfer.

>> No.7115968
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1513936376118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I sent you a little something. Enjoy.

>> No.7116000
File: 82 KB, 1321x258, transaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what i have from HitBtc.

>> No.7116032

nice digits

>> No.7116040

The .4 and change never went to coinbase and the whole account has nothing left in it. Like i said, idc if you believe me or not. Just looking for help or a way to figure this out.

>> No.7116074

Thx... it'd be more enjoyable and less of a bummer if I could get those btc digits to coinbase.

>> No.7116103

let's see your coonbase btc address noob

>> No.7116148

And I am looking for a picture of a crippled lady.
For this timestamped photo I will send you .4 btc

>> No.7116157


kekd hard, help this dude out