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7112024 No.7112024 [Reply] [Original]

Any software engineers on here looking to contribute to the ChainLink open source community once the main net code is public? I know they had ChainLink-ruby and now ChainLink-Go, I'm very partial to Python so I'm interested in possibly inplementing an interface with that as well. Setting up a node seems pretty straight forward if you follow Thomas Hodges' tutorial on github so I want to see if I can automate that on a distribted system to run a cluster of nodes. What are other oracle applications you guys are interested in that are independent of the node infrasturcture?

>> No.7112143
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i too am certified SWE good sir. i building adapter for this special blockchains broject. gongrats on this. periously

>> No.7112203

I think you should make a sport betting application

That will generate huge adaption.

For example, if I want to bet with my friend on a match, then the oracle can be an api from a sports site that connect to the chainlink api

>> No.7112234


>implying anyone here even actually understands what the tech does or wants anything to do with it.

amirite guise?

>> No.7112260

I think it's likely that we will see a healthcare provider or some other big data affiliate running services as soon as the main net is live

>> No.7112363
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How can/does the oracle combine information from different sources that could contain conflicting information on the same event? Such as ESPN oracle and some other sport network for example. Is it possible that there could be two different a race condition? How is the information coordinated between data providers pushing like information?

>> No.7112413

STFU faggot I'm investing to change the world

>> No.7112601


Probably the most significant thing in this graphic. Not the fucking corp logos that everyone immediately reigsters, but the fact this is flexible to any web API and all backend systems. The interactivity of so many different paths in this chart shows that this will literally be the glue to connect blockchains together and to the ret of the world. This will be the core means of programmatically interacting with an internet of blockchains

>> No.7113396
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>> No.7113434


>> No.7113474


The thing is, while the technology is pretty interesting, 1 it isn't really all that useful, as it has very limited utility for only a couple of specific situations.

2. The protocol it uses could be implemented by the smart contract provider platforms themselves. and it is all opensource. There is no monetization factor for the token itself. You can implement these nodes and have them run with any token you want. LINK itself while technically cool, doesn't provide uncopy-able value.

Def not going to hold up in medium term.

>> No.7113551

It's all one big weighted average across nodes with the weight being each nodes reputation that is based upon the amount of link they stake and prior performance.

>> No.7113552

Interesting question, I would think think if you have 2 oracles who are giving different answers the contract will be ended and anyone get their locked stake back.

>> No.7113595

>now ChainLink-Go
The Go source is public now?

>> No.7113669

Also yes, I am a software engineer for a top 50 Fortune 500 company and I plan on contributing. Gotta learn Go though, I do C/C++, Java and Python mostly.

>> No.7113752

thanks. just market sold my 50k Links

>> No.7113916


As far as we know he hasn't started working on it yet.

>> No.7113989


The post directly above yours answers your question.

But this reputation system isn't as well hashed out in the ruby API testnet.

>> No.7114038

I likely won't contribute to the project, but I do want to spin up a few nodes once I see what data feeds get claimed out of the gate when main net is launched. It could be fun to port to a different language though once I've played enough with it to feel comfortable trying. Might keep that as a back burner project idea.

>> No.7114068

>How can/does the oracle combine information from different sources that could contain conflicting information on the same event?
If there are multiple sources, and say 80% agree on the information and 20% don't, the 20% are discarded.
If there are multiple sources all showing different information, the network calculates the mean average.
Di you even read the whitepaper?

>> No.7114108


Yeah, there's still some details we won't get until Chainlink-Go is public.

>> No.7114128


The Ruby testnet was a testnet. Generally you're more concerned with defining your spec at that point, so certain pieces can be left stubbed out. They've been working through the Go rewrite for months and porting the basic functions over wouldn't take much, so I suspect they've been ironing out any remaining kinks with the reputation system and any other loosely defined components with the rewrite. Then we'll have a phase of community feedback before the main net goes live to further iron out any issues.

>> No.7114135

>doesn't provide uncopy-able value.
The technology is patented, so it actually does. Anyone trying to copy it will be raped by the law. That includes the pajeets from Mobius and other streetshitting copycats.

>> No.7114144

And a lot more that won't be fleshed out until a while after the initial Go release.

>> No.7114146

I sent them my CV once, they never even replied NO FAGGOT, it hurts.

>> No.7114165

Reputation will be a factor that exists on chain. It makes sense that it's not in the Ruby implementation when specifically talking about the node, and I doubt it'll be in the Go implementation as well. Reputation will be tracked in a smart contract.

>> No.7114216

This is a good point, the whitepaper goes more into the on-chain and off-chain components for those of you that still haven't read it.

>> No.7114237

Interested in database connectivity anon to commercial systems. MSSQL, ORACLE etc

>> No.7114363
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Sorry havent read the whitepaper, but i think its an intersting project.

Im still not sure how the token is used in this.

Which one should I buy, the vanilla or the shadowfork?

>> No.7114638
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I posted this yesterday, it may be of interest to developers in this thread if you didn't see it then.

>> No.7114650

>They've been working through the Go rewrite for months

If you could cite this with any kind of proof it would probably cause a price surge. I've been able to find no sign of this happening, so I'm assuming you have some inside info or are just bullshitting.

So, if you go back and reread the paper, the reputation system seemed unclear to me. What did seem clear is that the contracts do not need an entire rep framework built into them, they simply say that they want X amount of nodes or they can select specific nodes that have high rep. But it isn't clear how they do this. I guess the idea was probably that they just use some DHT stuff and P2P it? But then this would contradict what you just said, because that would be the nodes themselves having the rep system built into them.

>> No.7114696


All we know is that ChainLink Go will let you go to your local park and catch rare Sergeys on your phone.

>> No.7114771


>They've been working through the Go rewrite for months

>If you could cite this with any kind of proof it would probably cause a price surge.

I thought this was common knowledge. It's one of the first things Sergey mentions in his EOY article: https://medium.com/@sergeynazarov/chainlink-an-overview-and-our-focus-14f03335b803

>> No.7114776

Listing service (off chain) contacts the reputation contract (on chain) to provide results of nodes to the end-user. There's no need for a node to know about its own reputation.

>> No.7114803


>technology is patented
So while it is true that Sergey has patents, none of them are for Chainlink.

>Anyone trying to copy it will be raped by the law.
So, go look at all their github repos, and you will see that they are all licensed with an MIT X11 license, meaning I can copypaste it and do whatever I want with it right this minute and build a company out of it as long as I leave their name on it. It is a very small step up from public-domain-tier my friend.
There are absolutely no legal consequences of taking their tech and making your own version of it that does not include their token.

>> No.7114826


it is common knowledge. The earliest reference to porting to Go is in a video from February 2017 where Sergey says that's what they are planning on doing.

>> No.7114889

> none of them are for Chainlink.
Chainlink patent pending since mid-2017. It's in the fucking whitepaper. Read it.
It's already done, there will be no competition, ever.

>> No.7115009
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Fucking pajeet. Nothing can stop Mobius.

>> No.7115095

This fud doesn't make sense. The value is in the strength of the network of nodes. There's no profit in copying the code and making your own network of nodes; if you wanted to do that you'd just have a centralized network and in that case you wouldn't be interested in chainlink in the first place. Sergey already has the ear of big players, he doesn't code so presumably the last year hes probably mostly been doing b2b to get institutional nodes set up and people interested in writing smart contracts on the platform so he's got a head start (in addition to probably spending a little time consulting with his advisors ironing out the kinks on consensus [Andrew miller] and security [Ari Juels] and token economics [one of the other advisors I forget the name]), and he's been at it for 4 years, during which time according to all the publications and speaking gigs he's become an expert and respected in the field. If anyone's going to do it you'd be dumb not to put your money on Sergey as the one to pull it off.

>> No.7115168
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>actually fall for the bait enough to look it up thinking the whole time "there's no fucking way he patented something that he released under an MIT license, unless he gets off on throwing his money in the trashcan" only to find out I'm actually just talking to a lying shill baiting me.

Learn how software licensing works and then get back to me kiddo.

>> No.7115217

Yeah, I don't remember seeing any patent info in the whitepaper.

But it's kind of besides the point. The code is open source, so it cannot be patented. And since everything has been documented and is open source, obtaining a patent would be either nearly impossible, or you would not really have any rights considering the software is open source.

So, really it's up to successful partnerships and implementations that will give the tokens value. If SWIFT is on board, then it's all dominoes from there.

This is yet another reason why the premise of Mobius is absurd.

>> No.7115396
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>This is yet another reason why the premise of Mobius is absurd.
There's also the simple fact that Mobius is centralized.

>> No.7115492

you glorious faggot. dont you know that most of us are from /g/ when crypto threads dominated that board and they forced us to come to /biz/ to discuss the shit.

>welcome to /biz/ newfriend

>> No.7115550

you faggot. theyve been working on it for almost 2 months now. and no, the code isnt public yet because they arent finished. rope yourself ignorant nigger.

>> No.7115778

Mobius memes are fucking shit just like the shit covered streets that the pajeets who make them come from.

>> No.7115888

It's an anti-Mobius meme.

>> No.7115958

not all of us are brainlets. kys

>> No.7116127

Hey, OP
I have set up a node, it takes ~20min.
You can then make an image of the instance on AWS and then duplicate it that way, or you can use Docker (which they use for the node anyway) to pull the container and get it running.
I'm relatively handy with AWS, and I'm not too sure how I would be able to assist you securely. I am on the slack if you want to publicly post so I can PM you and assist.

>> No.7116192

/biz/pool when?

>> No.7116239

Can we trust linkpool?
They seem fishy to me

>> No.7116330

Didn't they post their full information? If you have less than $50k worth, I'd trust them. But when your LINK exceeds that amount, pull it out and set up your own node.

>> No.7116374

I can answer this.
The idea of a distributed ledger is applicable here.

Depending on your bet, it could be win/lose (binary) or it could be an over/under bet (numeral).

If you were using smart contracts to pay sport bet winners, you would pull off-chain data from multiple oracles. You would find oracle's by making a(nother) smart contract saying, "hey I want access to oracle's with <this> data and I'm willing to pay <this> amount" people running oracle's would see this request and put in bids and 'answer' your smart contract. This would create what is essentially an SLA of sorts (agreed upon accuracy and uptime and other shit).

Once you have multiple oracles reporting sports scores and win/loss data, you would take the majority vote on binary (win/loss) and average of numeral (score) values. I understand average score data isn't ideal, but this is where staking comes into play and why LINK has to go up in value. There has to be a significant penalty for reporting bad data (the punishment for bad data is agreed to in the SLA smart contract.

Lemme know if you have more questions.

>> No.7116389


We need the programmer known as Jason Parser for this one. If he can build something that can pull in data from FRED, that would be big. I'd contribute to that Link pool.


This is open source financial data from the (((Federal Reserve))). A lot of big finance users would be interested.

>> No.7116421

Fucking ESL pajeet

>> No.7116471

This is most not polite. In the saying of this you have impolited India. Therefore you will with the apologies be making.

>> No.7116511

You're also not limited to simple averaging. You will be able to customize the aggregation methods, even write your own so long as it conforms to a standard calculation interface.

>> No.7116777

You're 100% correct, I was bored of typing, so I didn't specify other options for getting data from various oracles.

>> No.7116830

Yes yes uhhhhh if I am good with your sentence I will do the needful and tell apologies to the people

>> No.7116953

He didn't realease shit. Github only has the old ruby testnet, that doesn't work properly and hasn't been updated for months. The real thing is on a private repo.

>> No.7117044

Shills mobius. And i gurantee he does not know what it does

>> No.7117496
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I'm not a software engineer butt a computer scientist and I'm learning contract coding at a school club right now so i can contribute and be more wary of scams. I don't want to send my link to stake in a pool run by a contract that I'm not 100% sure is safe

>> No.7117815

just like any other crypto adoption is everything. by your logic bitcoin, ethereum, etc all have no value because its open source and someone else could just copy it.

>> No.7117847

sergey said they are using a private repo for the go code also youre a faggot

>> No.7117886

Guys. Make this vid go viral if you want chain link to go up


>> No.7118505


Why keep it private when they did all their work publically before? maybe because it is fucked code of insanely behind schedule.

I won't believe he is working on it until he shows code, dude is a scamster.

>> No.7118715

Because they are first movers in this sector, they don't want mobius pajeets stealing their code. Go lang is actually a powerful programming language but there are just a few developers who master it

>> No.7118778

chainlink doesn't need and shouldn't have mobius-tier shilling like this. not the video itself, but the way you're promoting it.