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7113285 No.7113285 [Reply] [Original]

Amerifag here

My professor in International relations at USC (california)just told that class mid lecture how BTC is glorified gambling, and he remembers the internet bubble in the 90s and how it ended.

>MFW I made 5x his salary since july
>MFW i just shitpost and smoke weed and play vidya all day

who else is smug and comfy here?

>> No.7113321

It is. The fact that you made money doesn't change that.

>> No.7113422

BTC maybe, crypto market as a whole not really

>> No.7113497

He’s right though

>> No.7113530

Atm it is. Fundamentals barely play a role and all coins are very dependent on BTC.

>> No.7113585

Maybe if you weren't a brainlet you wouldn't be in a brainlet program for women like International Relations.

Everyone in STEM sees the value of crypto.

>> No.7113596

Amerifag here
>be financially secure for the rest of my life because I bought a bunch of ants
>work cushy minimum wage job in college town just to flirt with 10/10s
>get fired
life has no purpose anymore

>> No.7113608

It's actually the opposite you retarded shit, but you'll learn that soon enough.

>> No.7114091
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I dont need my degree, im pretty much set for life. after the next bull run ill be diversifying into metals,

>TFW ill never be a wagecuck
>tfw ill wake up to blowjobs in brazil soon

r u me?

except leave ur town and go abroad, stop waging like a bitch.

>> No.7114278

Yes, you are me. I'm in my last term of school then I'm out of here to Portugal. Losing my motivation fast though, why the fuck would I want to wage all day when I can make my salary in a week on crypto?

>> No.7114424

dude holy fuck, im looking at lisbon. but i might go to puerto rico, as it is closer to the states.

>why the fuck would I want to wage all day when I can make my salary in a week on crypto?

exactly, use your capital to get several masternodes running and live off that, very profitable.

>> No.7114547

Been to Puerto Rico, good place to visit idk about live. The warm rain is pretty fucking cool though.
Hell yeah. Barring any major crashes, we're gonna be just fine anon

>> No.7114548

IR major? dude pick an actually valuable degree program.
to your prof's point, it is gambling, though saying that alone is too simplistic. any speculative investment is gambling, it's more about the degree of risk. you're winning, but it's still speculation.
also tame your autism, get off 4chan, and get to laying babes.
fight on bro
this Marshall SoB

>> No.7114959
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because educational system that was created on rubble of post-industrial era will lie about anything to prolong it's coma state

>> No.7115248


EXactly what i was looking for, thx desu

>> No.7115327

Selling/renting houses here in Portugal
Unironically for more crypto money

>> No.7115378

>>>>Barring any major crashes
Good luck to you my man

>> No.7115429

Eu ja possu falar portugues, e dificil fazer isso? eu sei que o mercado la e muito barato agora, e?

Vou ter quase mais de um milhao este ano, vc pensa que eu posso ter sucesso?

brigado mano