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File: 11 KB, 400x400, payfair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7109743 No.7109743 [Reply] [Original]

PayFair is looking good. All that weak FUD was borderline the most obvious buy signa. $20 eoy

>> No.7109789

I had this for a month and lost 30%

>> No.7109909

I got in early on PFR and am going to be running several nodes and am excited. The team has proven themselves time and time again. Very rewarding node system for node holders. Anyone who believes the fud on pfr and isn't taking advantage of this price dip regret it. Pretty soon too I think

>> No.7109946

Sounds like you sold. You weak handed fool.

>> No.7110049
File: 244 KB, 1223x670, reallydidit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy more now and split your cost. duh

look at the demo. it looks so sleek. this is a clear moon mission

>> No.7110098

what happens if a buyer says they've paid for the coins when they haven't?

>> No.7110170

check out the video


>> No.7110190

....The situation you described is the reason why PFR is being build. It's solving the problem you're describing. Look up what their Trust and Escrow nodes do... Trust nodes act like smart contracts in a way, except it's a third part (node operators, i.e., me), They get 1% of the transaction the the traded coin as a fee

>> No.7110267
File: 8 KB, 255x197, 1517053050624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought a trust node amount today, time to pump.

>> No.7110315
File: 20 KB, 89x79, faceofmoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, trust nodes will cost $50k soon

>> No.7110381

I understand the premise but I'm confused with how the escrow would work for usd to crypto
does the usd and crytpo both get sent to the operator and they check both have gone through before sending them to the right parties?
what's stopping somone from being the guarantor and getting good reputation up until there's a high value trade before taking the money from both parties and running?
I read the whitepaper but I don't think this was mentioned unless I glossed over it

>> No.7110436

Got my first trust node today, first time buying the dip, thanks for the crash bros

>> No.7110464

I see. Yeah I don't understand the USD in the process. Anyone know how USD is exchanged through PayFair?

>> No.7110665

They sent out an announcement on telegram today. they are doing a second crowdsale of a PFR2 token that will equal the current PFR token in price and will be capped at 1 million. This PFR2 token will be used for exchange listings and in one year when the devs funds unlock they will give the crowdsale people the same amount of PFR 1 tokens.

Kinda interesting. Means kucoin and binance are a reality soon.

>> No.7110691

watch this. it helps visualize it


>> No.7110747

you need 3 consecutive approvals for the deal to go through. The escrows put their own tokes at risk. there is a lot of incentive for the escrow to choose correctly.

>> No.7110773

I don't understand why they would do this... Why can't PFR1 coins be listed on exchanges? Why does a different coin need to be made in order to be traded on exchanges?

>> No.7110887

This reminds me of the Minecraft scam.

>> No.7110893

like local bitcoins. Any store with a cash flow can set up a cash out kiosk cheaply and easily.

>> No.7110904

because the devs have no money for buying access to kucoin or binance. so they are doing a second fund raising for short term. when their funds unlock they will repay the crowdsale people.

>> No.7110927

All their tokens are locked

>> No.7110994

Yes but... if it's not a crypto<->crypto trade, then how can a trust or escrow node know that someone got their USD in order to release the BTC?

a) Person1 has USD, Person2 has BTC. They want to trade
b) Person 2 sends BTC to escrow
c) Person 1 wires (western union?) USD to person 2
d) Person 2 receives money, claims they didn't
e) Escrow returns BTC to person 2
f) Person 1 is JUST
How does the system work with non-crypto trades?

>> No.7111103
File: 55 KB, 1189x681, dispute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then Person 1 better have proof they sent the money. then it will be up to the escrow to settle the dispute. hopefully you have proof. there will also be a rating system, so hopefully that helps too

>> No.7111106

why would i buy PFR1 tokens then?

>> No.7111162

correct me if I'm wrong, but western union has public transaction numbers. Anyone can look up the status of the transfer if they have the number.

>> No.7111206

because pfr2 tokens are going to be replaced with pfr1 tokens in a year. pfr2 token is a equal token to pfr1 but is hard capped at 1 mil and is only for exchange listings and is refunded for pfr1 when dev funds unlock. so pfr1 is the true token and is all that is left after a year.

>> No.7111268

all this PFR2 talk is bullshit. please ignore it. it is just a possible way to pay for the listing. it's pretty much loan. Payfair would do fine without it.

>> No.7111275

ok i get that, but pfr2 tokens should be more expensive since i can trade them on excahnges right?

>> No.7111372

Just go to the telegram you brainlet

>> No.7111407

i dont think pfr2 will be listed on exchanges, its used as like an IOU for listing pfr1.
I kind of agree. I would like kucoin or binance just so i can move it to my main stacks but i do believe PFR will be fine without it.

>> No.7111452


there are no actual pfr2 tokens, you're pre-buying the devs' locked tokens and get them when they're released ( in a year).
don't get too confused about it guys, it's all good.

>> No.7111466

This whole talk about two different coins sounds like a clusterfuck guys.

>> No.7111520

no retard, if you donate money to the devs you get PFR2 tokens in return.

after a year when the dev tokens are unlocked you will then be repaid in pfr tokens.

its actually a pretty sleek way of doing crowd funding

>> No.7111813

just see>>7111452
its not confusing, its just an IOU.
I thought it was clever too when I saw the announcement.

>> No.7112548

Hello friends, we decided to launch a crowdsale for exchange listing. We will issue a new token, PFR2, 1 PFR2 will be equal to the original PFR (PFR2=PFR). When our tokens are unfrozen, we will distribute 1 mil of tokens among participants. The amount is fixed: 1 mil PFR2. The crowdsale will be going for 10 days. The raising amount has no limits. Our community will decide the allocation of funds via voting. At the moment we are creating and testing the smart contract for crowdsale.

PFR2 is just an IOU. All the participants will get PFR tokens.

Do we need a crowdsale for listing?

You can vote in our group in telegram
The vote will last until Thursday evening.

P.S. Voting is open in the interests of our community. Our team has only one interest, it is to make a platform that will be in demand.