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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7108362 No.7108362 [Reply] [Original]

Itt: we post as if we were all boomers

You gotta invest in something secure like treasuries
>mfw locked in the interest rate at 12%

>> No.7108434

The only way you can become rich is saving money from your minimal wage job, son

>> No.7108527

>What do you mean you don’t have any savings?

literally the same thing as asking a homeless person why they don’t just buy a house

>> No.7108549

You can trust women

>> No.7108567

Firm handshake and hard work, sport.

>> No.7108570


you fucking serious nigger?

>> No.7108606

Not sure which way you mean it, but 12% is very, very high for traditional investing.

>> No.7108612
File: 104 KB, 640x480, WarrenBuffetApproved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong hands beat the market every time. don't time cycles, out last them.
>pic related, the only coin that matters PoWH

>> No.7108639

i meant it as in good luck finding a t bill with a 12% interest rate you retarded NEETs

>> No.7108729

when i was a kid i paid for college by working a job
>part time during the summer
>to pay for the entire year

>> No.7108802

is that really that good? Welp time to dump my crypto money and lock it away

>> No.7108824

When I was 18 I walked into the bank, looked the manager straight in the eye, shook his hand and said “give me the job.”

Now I own 3 houses and 2 boats, I don’t even have to pay for my healthcare bills thanks to you youngsters. You millenials are so lazy.

>> No.7108862

>see son I told you this cryptobabble was a scam

>> No.7108915

d..do you know what a T bill is?

>> No.7109043



>> No.7109087

im guessing its something equivalent to what we have over her: you buy a "share" of the internal debt and the gvt. pays you after a set amount of time + dividends, is that it?

>> No.7109118

If I was rich as fuck I would put money in treasuries. Comfy gains and no risk at all.

>> No.7109151

Boomers are the most fucking retarded generation of all time. They grew up in the biggest bull market of human history and attribute their success to shit like hard work and Jesus. Fuck them.

>> No.7109171

>I am barely literate but I still had a well paying middle management job before retiring at the old age of 58. You just have to work hard and it will be at your reach too!

>> No.7109209 [DELETED] 

it's whatever the T charges you for 30/60 minutes

>no risk at all
very little risk

>> No.7109216


>> No.7109271
File: 80 KB, 460x276, my_sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spot on

>> No.7109346

>you know what you gotta do son, you gotta get in with a good company and just work hard and stay with them, companies reward loyalty

>> No.7109391

Still true today though.

>> No.7109477

My home is my retirement ;)

>> No.7109507
File: 201 KB, 1280x720, BE6C82A4-2F68-41DD-B3F8-AE95BA170B9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh look, a boomer. What does it feel like to be mentally handicapped?

>> No.7109530

Son, you'll have to listen to your woman and take her opinions seriously. You two together form a team after all.

>> No.7109627

just because we're not 15 doesn't mean we're boomers

>> No.7109667

Companies would rather pay more to have someone who has had the job than train someone. And Unless your irreplaceable in the company your salary will be stagnate.

>> No.7109680

Loyalty is rarely rewarded.

>> No.7109771

>wash dishes for 3 months
>buy brand new firebird and full year of tuition

>> No.7109884

The larp I was replying to said "good company". A lot of people everywhere do the bare minimum, if you're always trying to do a good job and your boss is not a total asshole, you'll be rewarded. And being hard to replace is a good thing. If you had some employees you knew you could trust, wouldn't you want to keep them?

>> No.7110021

I have a dozen cryptos that all have sell orders for 2x-10x for tether and BTC.

I just sit around and every 3 months rebuy.

>> No.7110031


You’re mistaken. If a corporation could make more money by throwing babies off of cliffs, that’s what they’d do. The only reason they don’t do that is because it would hurt their bottom line.

>> No.7110264

>good company
Choose where you work, and of course they expect you to help their bottom line, that's what you're supposed to do.

>> No.7110483

i had a better job than you will ever have, with 1/10 of the qualifications. that said, pay my healthcare and social security that like the job you'll never have.

>> No.7110884

>Choose where you work
Good luck with that one. Unless you're already at a director level, the only way you're getting a job is by carpet bombing everything within 100 miles of you with a resume.

>> No.7111074

Then be better at what you do. It suck for some people, but work is still mostly a meritocracy. Even if your employer only cares about themselves, if hiring you over some other people will cause them less headaches, that's what they'll do. I might have been lucky up to now, but this always worked for me.

>> No.7111126
File: 60 KB, 720x533, oldfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee this reverse mortgage thing seems like a swell idea! Junior really doesn't need the money. I worked twice as hard as he did when I was his age and raised 6 kids just fine. Even his wife has two jobs, so they must be doing good.

>> No.7111295

I know this is the point of the thread, but god damn does this still rustle my jimmies.
I work at a small company (albeit in a big city) and we got 17,000 fucking applications for a handful of positions in a single month.
It's a pure gamble if your resume is even looked at, let alone reviewed.

>> No.7111468

"Is this the internet funny money that Billy keeps wasting his allowance on? Stop scamming my wife's son's wife's son."

>> No.7111482

>What do you mean I can't retire by age 55?!
>I worked hard for that retirement!
>How dare they gamble with my money!

I swear boomers think their retirement funds are kept in a scrooge McDuck vault with a note on top saying "Bob's retirement cash".

>> No.7111560

>the state of biz
If we could all get risk-free 12% returns per year I assure you crypto would be much lower in asset value.

>> No.7111589

To be fair, many companies in the 70s and 80s had well-funded pensions.
Then began the late 80s and the shift towards outsourcing and viewing employees as more of an unfortunate need of business rather than an asset.

>> No.7111617

>A..Anon you're up 2%! Nice! You should think about taking some profit off the table

>> No.7111861

Pensions are paid so the generation befire you can retire. At least as far as I understand it.

>Greatest generation gets killed off in ww2 so fewer of them.
>Less money needed for them to retire comfy.
>Boomer generation happens. So fucking many of them.
>All have to retire at the same fucking time.
>Ruined everything so the current generation can't support their asses.

We are totally fucked btw. Lucky if we can retire by age 75 if at all.

>> No.7111997

if you're on /biz/ right NOW, you're retiring within 3 years, so don't worry.

>> No.7112003

this is not true LOL, its advisable to find new jobs at least every 3 years as companies are shit at increasing wages, unless they know you have a better paying job waiting for you.

>> No.7112761

I hope all the boomers die before immortality is discovered

>> No.7113105

I hired into the plant in 1974. Why don't you go down the union hall and fill out an application Anon?

>> No.7113301

No they do not.

>> No.7113385

You are delusional l and probably an actual boomer.

>> No.7113614

Why don't you have children yet? What do you mean you can't afford it? Your great granddaddy was a pastor and supported 8 of us!

>> No.7113744

This is true in Japan but not the cucked W*st

>> No.7113789

>Boomers liking kids

>> No.7113792

If by reward you meant they replace you with three pajeets who will work for a quarter of what you were making. Then you're dead on.

>> No.7113878


Hello, my grandson said /business/ was pretty savvy in how to use Bitcoin. Could any of you teach me to use Coinbase?

Can I write them a check?

How much does it cost to ship, is overnight available? I don't want my coins sitting on my porch during the day.

Who can I talk to about refunding any defective Bitcoins?

Thanks for any help, it's appreciated!

>> No.7114197

My son don't want to work at a company.
Look at my friend's son and daughter, they're sucessful, they work everyday from 9AM to 5PM, and they almost work overtime, they already think their workplace as their second family.
But look at my son, he work at home as daytrader trading something something bitcoin everyday.
I know this human failure make 20x more money with less effort than my friend's son. but he's don't want to work at company because he felt that the payment is not worth it.
What to do biz? i just want my son to work at a company and work overtime everyday even he's underpaid.

>> No.7114371

In my day we had it much tougher. I didn’t get to go to University so I had to work in a factory.

It only gave me enough to support a wife, 7 children, a house, a car, and the occasional vacation. Just the basics. We didn’t have luxuries like iPhones.

>> No.7114404


>TFW bought a 4bdr house with a pool for 30k, on one income.

>> No.7114509

Just invested my life savings of $5000 into a safe investment fund with the bank for up to 1.5% returns a YEAR! Hard work really does pay off ya lazy millennial.

>> No.7114519

You better invest in real estate. At least you own it.

(fell for it, got ripped off, thanks but no thanks)

>> No.7114535

Pension is a bullshit childish wager.
>Well, I can't pay you NOW, but how about I pay you FOREVER?!?!
I made deals like that when I was 6.

>> No.7114546

>muh trickle down economics

>> No.7114600

that and also they think dating/wifing isn't a tedium of disappointment in today's hypergamous world...

>> No.7114653

I meant "find yourself a nice girl to marry and have a family with"

>> No.7114688

Dumbass wagecuck

>> No.7114691

Think of your pension, son, for (if) when you get old.

>> No.7114728

kek, my bad, didnt know you burgers had absolute shit investiments opportunities

>> No.7114832
File: 429 KB, 466x491, 1509399998810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When my parents died, they left their house to me. Now, my house is my retirement fund.

What do you mean you aren't saving money for retirement? You young people these days are so lazy and irresponsible.

>> No.7114995

A Chad in his 20s literally said this to me in December about crypto "no thanks, I like working and 5% interest from my savings account is good enough."

Stay poor, Boomer wannabe

>> No.7115575

5% gains
>you should cash out
50% gains
>you should cash out
500% gains
>you should cash out
5,000% gains
>you should cash out
19,200% gains
>you should cash out

No risk no reward you baby boomer fucks.