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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7108959 No.7108959 [Reply] [Original]

You have seen.

Major partnerships on their way. I must hide away from pajeets seeking to imprison me. For another day.

CCK out.

>> No.7109023


>> No.7109096

Not quite all in, like 75%

>> No.7109107

bye CCK

>> No.7109141

Major partnerships just make this coin go lower.
Please stop anouncing good things.

>> No.7109197

Get out of VeChain. NOW.

>> No.7109213

i'm erect

>> No.7109237

This kind of larp is so cringeworthy. Didn't anyone learn from fucking LTC's whalebro and whatshisname in TRX?

>> No.7109447
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the difference is this dude is always right, fuckwit

>> No.7109486

He's literally pulling nostradamus on your gullible ass by saying much open for interp without saying anything
Why do you think he larps as oh so mysterious riddle maker? Because he don't know shit, he just spouts dumb shit and people read into it and see what they wanna see.

>> No.7109570
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If nostradamus had written some dumb shit about 9/11 a few hours before 9/11, I would be inclined to believe he knew about it. The timing here is key.

>> No.7109651

That's the thing. He constantly drops "hints" in form of senseless riddles, then something good happens and he gets the credit for "predicting" it with his nonsense twitter puke because people, again, read what they want to read.

>> No.7109749


What he says doesn't mean anything though. If, one hour before every major announcement, he tweeted "I just took a huge shit", he'd still be calling an announcement early.

>> No.7109828

I dislike that he stopped calling out street shitters and salty walties because reddit got upset and called it unprofessional kek

>> No.7109940

who's that semen demon?

>> No.7109989

that dude is literally working for VEN that's how they promote their shitcoin

>> No.7110597
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No idea, but I'd like to know for scientific purpose

>> No.7110722

You have not seen.

>> No.7110777

I never thought I'd have the courage to tell you my story... but here it is. I was a huge fan from the start, since BitSE split and formed VeChain. The idea of IoT and tracking products on the blockchain sounded incredible. I decided to visit the Singapore office in 2017, and my life was changed.

I arrived there and was greeted in the most friendly manner by a woman at the front desk, Ann I believe her name was. Then I saw him, Sunny Lu, standing at his desk. I tried to keep my composure and walked up and said something along the lines of "Mr. Lu, it's an honor to meet you. I've always admired your entrepreneurial spirit, and I love how VeChain is progressing." Then, he gave me that blank stare. The stare that will be burned in my mind until I reach the grave. You could tell there was nothing left, no soul, no heart. And that's when it all went wrong.

He fiercely grabbed my genitals and started twisting, with the same blank stare into my soul. I sat there, looking horrified, very visibly trying not to cry. He finally stopped twisting, and brought his face about 1 inch away from my own. I could smell a rancid stench coming from his mouth as he said these words: "YOU GET OUT WHITE RICE. YOU GET OUT AND YOU NEVER RETURN."

I let out a barely audible "Y-yes sir," and he finally released his grip. ALL of the coworkers just stood around me, mocking and laughing, calling me 'milky-white boy.' I ran out in tears and took the next plane home. My stomach churns just at the thought of how this day changed my life.

>> No.7110872

Why doesn’t this shit moon like every other coin? Any other coin has a minor announcement and it fucking moons 10-15%.

>> No.7111017
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Whales want to accumulate

>> No.7111043
File: 76 KB, 720x960, gainz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause of whale walls anon, look at the trade info and you'd know.

>> No.7111062


because it's not a meme coin

eoy lambo gains though

>> No.7111125

Because the purpose of this coin isn't to sell it, it's to accumulate so much of it that you never have to sell it.

>> No.7111303


I've noticed the timing of a lot of FUD around Vechain has been timed precisely around good news (increasing the market cap on vechain with the DNV GL announcement, the tether news around your latest tweet). Is there any connection?

>> No.7111352


You may have seen.

>> No.7111380


Poojet scamcoin

>> No.7111490

the only connections here are shady ones, I'd watch out. There's been plenty of red flags

>> No.7111646
File: 63 KB, 500x535, herewekillniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s up with the racial slur? says reddit
>Hide CCK, reddit is coming for you

>> No.7111731

this looks very promising i will buy many coin yes sir thank you sir