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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 882 KB, 1200x1200, dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7102701 No.7102701 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>fall for the dropshipping meme
>buy shopify account
>create a dragon dildo store
>start importing cheap chinese dragon dildos
>months pass
>not one dragon dildo has sold
>my whole family thinks im gay
>try to explain to them im running a business
>they think im just hoarding all the dildos for myself

why did you lie to me /biz/?

>> No.7102744

I'll buy a couple. Do you take chain link?

>> No.7102748



Link your store, i may buy tho.

>> No.7102771

Please be real

>> No.7102775

>Dragon dildo
Congratulations on contributing to the death of the west, anon

>> No.7102806


it's been dead a long time ago.

fuck off cuckerino

>> No.7102849

Thanks just bought 100k closets

>> No.7102878

r u fuckin retarded

that's now how dropshipping works you imbecile.

>> No.7102906

>wants to buy a dragon dildo
>calls other people cucks

>> No.7102919

>my whole family thinks im gay

Anon I got news for you

>> No.7102959


>> No.7102971

top fucking kek, dragon dildo

>> No.7102999

Pffhahahahahah! Literally the funniest thing iv read this year! Fucking made my day! Fucking kek lost hard! You cant make this shit up.

>> No.7103010

Congrats OP, you're a faggot

>> No.7103022

Assuming you’re not memeing:
You should do jewelry or something else like that.

>> No.7103027

I wish my dick looked like this to be honest

>> No.7103045

>cheap Chinese dragon dildos
Link please

>> No.7103049

Please be true

>> No.7103054


>ordering stuff to your place

pick one

>> No.7103080
File: 668 KB, 2322x4128, pfl7aKD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I'm really stuck I don't know what to do with all of these dragon dongs.

>> No.7103096

Never change biz

>> No.7103113

Also, you don’t have them sent to your house you dringus

>> No.7103135

Assuming this isn't a LARP, that's.... not how dropshipping works.

Dropshipping means you never order anything ulness you get an order yourself. And the item never goes to you, it goes from the manufacturer straight to the buyer.

You're basically just playing middleman, doing the marketing for the manufacturer.

>> No.7103147

What is wrong with a dragon dildo?

>> No.7103195

Same thing that is wrong with all sexual degeneracy you fucking idiot.
Not that I think it matters at this point or that anything can be saved.

>> No.7103274

>keeping product in stock

>> No.7103281

What is wrong with sexual degeneracy?

>> No.7103297
File: 114 KB, 250x250, 1514305832151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7103330

why is it wet

>> No.7103375

The family already thinks he's gay, why not have fun

>> No.7103408

Had to test the product.

>> No.7103417

-lowers a nation’s birth rate
-more infidelity
-mental illness

>> No.7103445
File: 112 KB, 644x527, 1496276857084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7103492
File: 77 KB, 813x879, dragonchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7103550


get better at photoshop faggot

>> No.7103552

so that's what's in that red box

>> No.7103574

>more infidelity
except that sexual openness means that people who feel like they want to fuck themselves with dragon dildos aren't running around on their wives to do it, they just do it, sex being less secretive and less judgmental reduces infidelity

>lowers a nations birth rate
not an actual problem, human population growth is out of control as it is, we can barely keep up with housing for the world and significant portions live in extreme poverty

>> No.7103576

>buy chinese bootleg dragon dildo from gay neet dropshipper for 1/4th price.
>not bad
>2 months later ass constantly bleeding
>go to doctor
>"you have ass cancer from lead exposure, I have never seen anything like it"
>my counterfeit dragon dildo was contaminated and now Im going to die a slow, painful death.

>> No.7103599
File: 84 KB, 586x434, 776F1E42-CDC4-48E5-8E5D-43B20CB091A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7103629


kek this

>> No.7103655

why would you tell your family that your selling dildos online? fake and gay.