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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 147 KB, 604x604, 1517159559212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7102053 No.7102053 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else down several hundred thousand dollars this month?

>> No.7102091
File: 2.24 MB, 695x392, 1515872589879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I'm down 25k.

>> No.7102115
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Not several, just 40k from high...still up 80k since october, but tingling with ragrets

>> No.7102119
File: 125 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180131-033949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first jump was just porting into delta. the resr is all me plus i gotta pay them taxes on every trade i made hehehe! yup!

>> No.7102124

i had 950k
now i got 400k left
what to do?

>> No.7102158

an hero

>> No.7102161

Not hundreds but down 65k but already cashed out my initial months ago plus profit. I have no skin in the game so its a complicated feels

>> No.7102170
File: 175 KB, 609x352, whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much LINKs for a Serbian masseuse

>> No.7102201

I'm down about $80k this month and surprisingly I'm just holding ETH, BTC, and ICX now.

I trust that after Chinese New Years it will recover significantly though.

>> No.7102238

There is no house money even though you cashout initial investment.

>> No.7102291

Oy vey, you're not going to have enough to cover Uncle Sam's cut...

>> No.7102293

I'm down 1.2mil anon.
but I believe in the holding meme though
Got to this high thanks to holding anyway

>> No.7102327

>measuring his crypto in USD
damn dude, you really don't get it.

>> No.7102337

I'm not reverse image searching that

>> No.7102349

It's not real money until you cashed out; all you lost were some numbers on a screen. Oh, what was that? Really? That's too bad you bought in at the all-time high. Why did you not heed common sense and refrain from buying in too late out of a fear of missing out?

>> No.7102362

hehe yup! israel is our best ally. gotta pay them taxes on over a million in profit with my 300k hehe yup

>> No.7102367

>only mice here

>> No.7102379
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Down 30K.

>> No.7102385
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feelsbad man

>> No.7102403
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Entered 2018 with 100k.
I have 65k left.

>> No.7102414

Y not?

>> No.7102437
File: 89 KB, 604x604, uCoorIDgUoY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The edge gets a step closer, day by day

>> No.7102481

Link is not comfy. I'm not comfy.

>> No.7102536

ya but who gives a fuck really, corrections are needed. as long as it's money you can afford to lose, it's only slightly uncomfortable.

>> No.7102569
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post moar

>> No.7102647

I don't know

>> No.7102686

Yes but I know we’ll be back up in 3-10 months

>> No.7102687
File: 108 KB, 601x601, 1515185689072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its because you don't understand link that you're uncomfy

>> No.7102724

I understand it. I'm just entirely aware that I'm relying on it more than I would like. I'm a nervous person by nature. It's disconcerting.

>> No.7102783

sorry about that.

could you tell me what JUST stands for

>> No.7102840

How new are you? It's not even an obscure meme.

>> No.7102856
File: 333 KB, 731x711, dfjkdfjkdkjdfkdjfjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

down 450k.

>> No.7102864

yes, I also have around 80k debt. Most days I want to kms.

>> No.7102894

oooohh that's spicy
fuck man

>> No.7102916

man i just didnt want to cash out because muslims would get half my gains
i rather lose everything or make it. but THEY dont get one satoshi

>> No.7102938

Don't really care that I'm down 50k EUR. However, being down over 1.5 BTC..

>> No.7102960

hope you're larping, this is the fucking stupidest comment of the day.

>> No.7102961
File: 395 KB, 590x544, Screen Shot 2018-01-16 at 00.55.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still have around 380k, with a portion in fiat. But it hurts. Wish I cashed out more at the top.

>> No.7102976
File: 57 KB, 590x750, SayNoMore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really like being mean but I'm certainly not going to explain. This pic should explain enough. Connect the dots.

>> No.7102984

it is true
they want 50% or something
i will never cash out here

>> No.7103000

We all do.

I know to you it's probably fuck all, but I'm down 5.2k to 2.5. It's the wealthiest I've been still.

>> No.7103092

What is this. Are these girls under age

>> No.7103143

It's all relative. Losing gains sucks no matter the number.

>> No.7103151

I'm fairly convinced the one on the right has a tiny head behind its neck.

>> No.7103167

Yeah... I retain some hope. But it's hard.

>> No.7103323

This has to be a meme right? Even if you are a new fag surely after lurking for a fee weeks and maybe using Google you can figure it out easily

>> No.7103378

You had a speculative 900k. Now you have a speculative 450k.
You didn't lose shit until you realize

>> No.7103548

down 30k, in my shitty country the average low paying folk takes around 5 years to earn that... so a lot of money here

>> No.7103600

Technically fiat is speculative as well. I really want the global bubble to burst. We're in need of an apocalypse.

>> No.7103634

Started at 13k. Down from 65k to 33k.

Probably cashing most if not all tonight.

Crypto is dead right now.

>> No.7103738


>> No.7103828
File: 72 KB, 604x613, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, is this "that" girl?

>> No.7103862

Can't wait for Eth to take over the top spot, so the whole market doesn't take a gigantic crap every time Bitcoin goes down. Just let it die.

>> No.7103889
File: 24 KB, 320x427, D4DFC428-645C-4AEA-B11A-65FDEBCB34BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down by 3k, worst thing is I thought I had bought the dip and was a good entry point after much /biz/ shilling, but it has been nothing but loses for me

>> No.7103907


she isn't aging very well. should wind up on a russian bride site eventually, tho. i'll bet 4chan will hold an auction.

>> No.7103923

What are you talking about?

>> No.7104004
File: 683 KB, 848x766, Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 1.45.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started out with $6K, Hit $60K, and now I'm down to $35K...

Feels meh man...

>> No.7104079
File: 29 KB, 231x435, 28A1A4D8-702A-4F09-9D82-ABB45C04DC18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All slav women age like milk, I would legit make her my bride even at this point though

>> No.7104154

friend of mine is down 1.9 million euros :D
Loosing is part of the game

>> No.7104538

400k from peak, about 30% down

>> No.7104727

You just don't know how to make money OP. Join this 4PGXm4v. That's how you make money.

>> No.7104809

This girl has CP on the internet. Most of these images appear to be her older and over 18 though.

>> No.7105140

how the fuck do you faggot creeps know this

>> No.7105273


he's just saying it's all real money.

i have a friend that was telling me he didn't want to sell his BCC because he's "down."

there's no down, there's no up. at any given moment - if you choose to leave your $$$ in one crypto over another or USD - you're saying you think that is the best place for it to be. otherwise - you'd move it to another spot that is a better place to be.

>> No.7105308
File: 64 KB, 750x600, totse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here a very long time.

This place was 4chan before 4chan existed.

>> No.7105481

Down $120,000

I feel sick to my stomach.

>> No.7105610

Does shr have nudes on internet?

>> No.7106178

Kek, good luck Tryna buy back, when fomo kicks in knowing you sold the bottom. Noobs do the same shit every cycle makes me laugh, especially when they post when moon after

>> No.7106243

>already rich and set for life
>put it into a volatile market

I don't understand you people.

>> No.7106318
File: 91 KB, 1312x253, 1513925701476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw oldfag
>tfw you see an ancient one

>> No.7106378

See back then I didn't spend much time here because I had dial up and the images took forever to load.

>> No.7106520

Waiting 30 seconds for my naked chines cartoon characters to load. The art was dog shit too. Couldn't even preview the images most of the time.

Good old times

>> No.7106617

230k down

>> No.7106671

down only 13% so far . TRAC is holding together very well, limiting my losses.

>> No.7106766 [DELETED] 

Down almost 100k

>> No.7106945


I'm in ok shape, only because I have most of my portfolio in Ethereum.

Now I shill for this shit, Sphere token. Sign up here and get some shit free.

https://sphere dot social/?ref_code=5309-dd06ae0c

>> No.7107007
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Fuggen saved.

>> No.7107226
File: 179 KB, 480x337, 46545646546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kek

>> No.7107676

How much monero for a girl like this?

>> No.7107739

no it isnt, stop buying this pseudo economic fucking garbage you read on the internet

>> No.7107789
File: 11 KB, 202x200, 5348474+_687f02eec0bec2275d8ac7f56be2f217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>legitimately down over $1mm

meh, it's all profits anyway

>> No.7107914

>Thinks 900k is set for life

Maybe if you live in a shithole

>> No.7107927

make those gains back anon. you have the chance to live like a king in that shithole you call a country

>> No.7108487

you wouldn't want to see those...

>> No.7108975

I'm still up 9x from my initial investment of 4.5k 4 months ago, but that's down from the 20x I had a month ago.
Then I threw in another 5k USD two weeks ago.
I don't know how to feel about throwing good money after bad.

>> No.7109133

i would have to give in 400k of this 950k anyway to rapefugees. i hope with 400k i can still make it. goal is 4mio

>> No.7109398
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>> No.7109422
File: 7 KB, 201x251, jootippinghat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Masha Babko you tardos

>> No.7109924

I don't believe you

>> No.7110007

>uncle Sam's cut
>portfolio in AUD

Fuck you're special

>> No.7110073

Look up Cat Goddess and Masha Babko

>> No.7110108

im down about 200k

i feel nothing, bull run this spring/summer and i will retire a neet

>> No.7110127

Pay the rest of it to the government for taxes. Not even meming. If you had 1 million in gains on December 31'st in FMV from short term crypto - crypto trades you're going to have have to pay ALL of that for taxes.

>> No.7110169

was 100k at some point, I'm down to 40-45k.
IT feels like shit.

>> No.7110211
File: 18 KB, 400x300, ufrnew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Checking the reserve address 0xc31cd20d1a768aa579efe301ac0d89d84e6a78d9

Per the burn post, this should be the distribution:

Total Circulating Supply: 24,000,000 UFR

14.4 million UFR (60%) - held by token holders, ICO contributors, initial bounty campaign participants

5.04 million UFR (21%) - reserve supply, will not be released on the market until warranted (bounty campaigns, airdrops, etc)

4.56 million UFR (19%) - developers, contributors, will not be released on the market until key project milestones are met

If the proportions are the same as the whitepaper:

*60,000,000 In-App Purchasing of Tokens

*150,000,000 Reserved for Potential Contribution Period v.2.0.

It should be:

1,440,000 In-App Purchasing of Tokens

3,600,00 Reserved for Potential Contribution Period v.2.0.

>> No.7110212

For tax purposes the government considers trading from crypto to crypto or selling for any good or service as "realizing" a gain.

>> No.7110243

no . i held it

>> No.7110293

Down over 200k

>> No.7110303

6.5mm on XMAS, when I finally started trading my 6 yr old BTC stash

10.5mm around Jan 12

8mm now

>> No.7110384


>> No.7110407

I'm down around a million this month, lol

>> No.7110420


>> No.7110424

down 320 k, from ath last week.feels bad man.
just hodl faggots.

>> No.7110503


>> No.7111221

Don't do it, anon. Cash out in a haven.

>> No.7111261

>all this larping from amerifats in credit card debt