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706311 No.706311 [Reply] [Original]

Did a stupid thing. Got a bachelors degree in university studies, can't seem to find a job with it that isn't minimum wage part time.

Would it be worth my time to go back to a community college and get a certificate in accounting or something?

>> No.706806

>university studies

What sort of degree is just "university studies"?

>> No.706833

University Studies? Sounds like a bullshit degree. What is the career pathway for that, community college advisor?

>> No.706993

Three different minors. General studies. It's a degree in nothing, basically.

>> No.707011

Wow.. I had no idea that this was even a thing. This sounds worse than an art history degree.

On a different note, my 3 year old has started saying (pic related) "Leave me alone to die." This is not a funny sentence when an actual 3 year old says it.

>> No.707026

If he/she hasn't seen this movie, I'm concerned. You should probably look into where your child might have heard the phrase.

>> No.707234

That is not a thing. It's possible not to major in anything, but not to get a degree in "nothing".

>> No.707240


Please leave this website and work on your reading comprehension.


>> No.707478

From what I remember, University Studies was basically the "I can't figure out what major I want" major. As far as I could tell it was pretty much useless.

>> No.707711


Why didn't you just pick two things you were interested in, and double major? You had to narrow it down to three in order to take the path you did, and you ended up with the degree equivalent of a "participation" sticker.

Who is the accrediting body for "University Studies"?

>> No.707766


She has seen the movie... That is where she gets it from. Still not amusing.

>> No.708259

In what subjects did you take minors?

Have you tried listing these subject concentrations on your resume; Say you have a B.A from whatever university with minors in X Y and Z.

Don't mention "University Studies".

>> No.708267
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>picks retarded degree major
>Cant find job
bitch please

>> No.708269

>major in STEM
>still can't find job because don't know anyone in industry

>> No.708273

The key is not being autistic

>> No.708274

more like
>major in STEM
>cant find a job because you didnt spend enough time networking, doing related internships
>on top of that youre not even that competent in your field

>> No.708279

I've always thought if you can't find a job in STEM you can become a science teacher.

I am seriously considering majoring in classics. I feel like a liberal arts degree might benefit me more than a STEM degree. Also, is it just my perception or is every engineer on 4chan a mechanical engineer?

>> No.708288

mechanical are all the unemployed ones hence we are here
>4 years of theory
>count boxes on a drawing for hvac outlets

>> No.708290

Easier said than done. I don't sperg out, but I am well aware that charisma is not my strong point.

>STEM internship
Even harder to get. Few are offered and they are primarily given to women, minorities, and those with connections in the company. As for competence I had a near 4.0 GPA and did a semester of undergraduate research.

It has crossed my mind, but teaching at a level lower than community college has always been shit in my eyes. Even in community college night classes would probably be best so that most of the class isn't teenagers.

>> No.708292

>mechanic engineer

Too useless to be a mechanic too dumb to be a real engineer. Sounds right to me.

>> No.708294
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Mechanical engineers make money though.

>> No.708295

>Also, is it just my perception or is every engineer on 4chan a mechanical engineer?
Forgot to mention, and although not included in the post you replied to, I am a mechanical engineer.

I learned AutoCAD and took drafting classes in high school. Taking four years of college only to apply for jobs that are primarily concerned in an skill I had back in high school is pretty disheartening.

>> No.708885

try usa jobs, or contractors. navy's hiring.

>> No.708893

USA jobs is a joke. All the jobs I applied for I got rejected with the reason being that there was an overwhelming response and preference is given to "protected groups" or some such shit.

Commissioning in Air Force is something I considered, but I'm not sure if I would be able to get 5 meaningful reference letters.

>> No.710026

OP I am honestly curious why you did this? Why do so many people do this? I went into college and started worrying immediately about getting a job. Studying accounting now.

>> No.710035

Being a teacher is easier, less stressful, and has better hours.

>> No.710059

Nobody wants a generalist. Nobody. What sort of jobs have you been applying for? What interests you? If I was a recruiting director, honestly I would pass if I saw a "University Studies". Hell I'd rather take someone who had a degree in a throwaway major like Gender Studies, at least they had direction.

>> No.710061

USA Jobs is only for disabled nigger veterans.

>> No.710063


At least you still have your health.

I got a bachelors in electrical engineering, but I've developed schizophrenia and am severely limited in what kind of jobs are suitable for me, and moving away on my own is not a good idea either. Sucks that I never really had a chance to make it. At least right now I can support myself though.

If you aren't a complete fuckup like me then you can fix any of your career issues.