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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 1408x792, comforting_lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7096714 No.7096714 [Reply] [Original]

The hype is over.

All the nerds into crypto have been here for months.

All the normies have been here since December/January and are now exiting after their losses.

Older people won't touch this shit because they're smart enough to not invest in a dying trend.

6K in a few weeks.

Common Response:
> This is just like last year, don't worry guys!!

No it's not like fucking last year. For starters, there were no major future contracts. Right now, there's more volume on Bitfinex and Poloniex than the entire Binance volume as a whole. There will never be a parabolic run ever again. Open up the chart, look at the long term trend, and stop telling yourself lies.

Remember this simple fact: When everyone thinks they're going to get rich off something, it's already too late. When your taxi driver wants to invest in crypto, it's too late. When your friend from high school calls you up talking about how he found a new get rich quick scheme through crypto, it's time to pack the bags, wish crypto a good farewell, and find another way to make money again.

>> No.7096727

ETH 2k in 2 weeks. Screencap this.

>> No.7096747

So what, the bubble popped. Parabolic bull runs aren't the only way to earn money in crypto.

>> No.7096761

Are you fucking retarded? futures have btc closing at 10k-11k till the end of march you street shitting faggot.

>> No.7096777


Oh yeah I think it's safe to say that smart contracts and decentralised technology is fully integrated into the market to the point of saturation.
Wait a second, maybe it would be more accurate to say that this is literally the greatest technological revolution since the internet whose impact will be so massive that it is literally impossible to even envision it at the moment.
What happens when Joe Average can pay for his day to day costs with, say, a Monero card, but there is literally no way for the government to know (or tax) how much Monero he has? What happens when it's so easy to do this that every normie does it?
If you think crypto is anywhere but at the start, you're not paying attention.

>> No.7096821
File: 183 KB, 600x600, A0D86B69-1F82-4DB2-99B9-39C4D86FE55F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a fun game while it lasted.

>> No.7096826

>there will NEVER be a parabolic run again
weren't people saying this in 2014-1015? I guess this is the buy signal

>> No.7096837

what do you get out of this? how much do (((they))) pay you? I want in, I can fud better than you

>> No.7096883

There will be a few cryptocurrencies that will survive. You don't need thousands. They were meant to survive as forms of payments. No-one will fucking invest in cryptocurrencies until they're eventually and privately used by national governments.

Blockchain is the technology that will be adopted privately by companies.

That's all.

>> No.7096907

"It's only hype"

>Doesn't even understand a blockchain

>> No.7096908

You mean when 1% of the population heard about crypto? Give me a break bud. Stop referring to the past to make you feel better, when it's nowhere near the current situation.

>> No.7096927

This is true but biz is too deluded to believe this. Im a coiner but Im not a deluded one. There is still money to be made with margin trading and daytrading.

>> No.7096930

You mean back when 0.01% of the world knew about crypto? Give me a break.

>> No.7096937

And now 5% are invested. Regulated institutional money and the 401k boys are still on the sideline waiting.

>> No.7096941

If you think crypto isn't the future of all online payments and transactions you're a lost cause

>> No.7096955

I've been in this market for three years. I am now making my money by shorting. Every smart person is doing the same, while the average joe spends day and night worrying about their shitcoins going up 5% and calling it a moon.

>> No.7096976

Nowhere did I say it won't be. How many strawmen do you create per day?

>> No.7097003
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>doesn't understand buy low sell high
>thinks a market can only grow up to a certain point and never break that again, even when talking about life-changing tech
get a fucking grip, brainlet

>> No.7097014

>6K in a few weeks.
That's true. The old fuck's finally done. Better coins will takeover>>7096714

>> No.7097021

I see that there's a lot of upset people (probably started looking at this market weeks ago) who have not addressed my major point of how the money is already in, and that there's no huge source left. The market will grow but will crash this year.

>> No.7097033

Look, here‘s the dumbass who doesn‘t know shit. Don‘t be the dumbass. Join the discord group.
https://discord gg/PpD28R4

>> No.7097041

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.7097043

Blockchains make zero sense to do privately

>> No.7097066

>>This is just like last year, don't worry guys!!
It's "This happens every January" smiling_plush_pepe.jpeg to be precise. They never show the chart from 2014 because the last time bitcoin lost 50% of its value it didn't recover for over 2 years.

>> No.7097090

>Sub-trillion marketcap
>Actual monetary investment likely 20% of the hypothetically marketcap
>'All the money is already in'.

>> No.7097118

Sure. Cryptocurrencies will never be fully decentralized globally though, and will never be used as a form of payment until they become private, which defeats the intended purpose.

The purpose of Bitcoin was for it to be used as a currency. That will never happen unless it is stable, and that stability will never happen until it ironically becomes centralized within governments.

The average person doesn't give a fuck and doesn't even know what any of this does. Money follows trends and hypes. If this 'revolutionary' technology did not make money, everyone would drop it within minutes, including 80% of this board that is now (unfortunately) infested with people trying to make money off openly advertised ponzi coins.

>> No.7097137

>whole crypto market the same as amazon
>its over guys i swear
kek everytime

>> No.7097144

You mean speculative market cap that is not inherently based on value. Try again.

>> No.7097154
File: 56 KB, 1024x688, 1517261281702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the dip! Hodl!

>> No.7097161

Comparing a company that provides tangible services to a market where a good looking website chopped up in 15 minutes can land you an asset with a 100 million dollar market cap based on 4chan posts by idiots who willingly lose money 4 times in ponzi coins.

Top kek.

>> No.7097162

Crypto will be a thing for the next 3 years at least

>> No.7097207

>not realizing skynet which will keep u and ur family poor forever willl be built on the blockchain

>> No.7097209

I did open up a chart and the trend is still intact with a retest of 8k USD. Until we break significantly below that my hands are iron

>> No.7097276 [DELETED] 

This PnD group is growing so fast, it's unreal....

https://discord dot gg/pbN4G73

>> No.7097281

why dont you just cash out and leave this board to never return?
do yourself and us the favor

>> No.7097286
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>Taxi driver meme
The difference between a currency and security is that if more people own a currency it has more value.
Saged btw

>> No.7097290

Ah yes, OP is a Richard Spencer follower. It all makes perfect sense.

>> No.7097315

yeah a company that that is a glorified bodega vs tech that will interact with trillions and trillions of dollars. hmmm its over youre right

>> No.7097348

My friends are just discovering this shit. Hard to watch them go in with loaned money however.

>> No.7097354

The current situation is even better because people and companies have plans to actually use this technology going forward.
I can guarantee you this will go higher. I would bet everything on it for a dollar because that's how good the odds are.
So retarded.

>> No.7097361

Except it's not anything like a currency in the traditional sense since it is traded regularly by the average person, whereas the average person is not fucking trading forex.

It's a digital asset right now, and is nowhere near being used as a currency.

>> No.7097376

I'm sure you bet it would never reach 10K either.

If you did though, and maybe did an order through leverage, you would perhaps have had 3-4X the money from the beginning of january instead of (presumably) half that amount.

>> No.7097381

Can you fucking retards stop with these shitposts already? They're not even funny anymore. Kill yourself. And if you're serious you could research for more than 5 seconds and find crypto is growing.

>> No.7097396


Doesn't address any of the arguments. Calls it a shitpost. Doesn't realize that I never said crypto won't grow. Well, I didn't expect any better.

>> No.7097413

Thanks, OP, just sold $100k.

>> No.7097423

When people stop coming here to actively FUD I might get anxious. Thanks for reassuring me.

>> No.7097449

>Kekked and wow'd

>> No.7097483

That tech already exists and it's called a credit card. No one is using crypto to buy shit except for monero shills. Most see it as an investment, the world's biggest (decentralized) ponzi scheme. They HODL because they want to sell at the top. And no I'm not a mad nocoiner, I've made more and lost more with /biz/ than anything else in my life. I'm only mad cause I didn't cash out on top. The tether fud got to me. Still have 10% in, more likely to keep dropping than to 10x IMO.

>> No.7097499

I'm expecting GFC 2: electric boogaloo
Coming to your central kiking system soon

>> No.7097508

from 60b volume to 19m volume, all the normies are gone

>> No.7097520

Please remain flat and out of crypto OP, I would rather have pajeet make bank in this market.

>> No.7097557

>All the normies have been here since December/January

Do you have any idea how hard it is to buy crypto? Normies are still trying to figure it out.

>> No.7097560

who finna buy da dip doe??

>> No.7097574

It's literally dying right now. Have you seen the 'pumps'? As soon as I saw that Tai Lopez ad, I knew this entire year will be horrible.

>> No.7097595

cnbc showed them how to buy xrp at ATH

>> No.7097677

damn you nailed it, anon. saved

>> No.7097770

god you're a stupid stupid fuck. not a goddamned braincell operating normally... too much extacy brainlet. all you have here is shit fud that you pulled out of your smelly ass

>> No.7097823

I actually agree with OP. I have no fucking clue why you people think that the adoption of blockchain means that we'll continue going up. Blockchain can be adapted and the market can still crash to zero. If anything mainstream adoption would mean that coins would need to be stable. And I'm willing to bet that not a single one of you fucks cares about blockchain as a technology, but only as a means to make money. What you want is more idiots falling for the ponzi scheme that ths crypto market is. Because there's no reason for any of the coins to have anything other than a stable value, and it doesn't even matter what that value is. Every coin could be exactly $1 and it wouldn't fucking matter. In fact that would be the preferable option for mainstream adoption.

>> No.7097898

Everybody who spouts memes about the new paradigm memes and the revolutionary aspects of crypto is wrong. Private ledgers will be the ones moving the bulk of all money, and most crypto projects are shit.

That said cryptos STILL are useful because they're actually perfect stores of value. This is just like a big goofy gold market. That's why cryptos can still have room to grow.

>> No.7098189

A perfect store of value that may drop a 40% of its value in a single day. Cryptomemers are so funny trying to convince people to buy their scam internet """currencies""".

>> No.7098240

you're a stupid banker cock sucking fuck if you think the crypto market is a ponzi. where are all you stupid fucks coming from. go back faggots

>> No.7098292

look another banker cock sucker. do you just suck banker cock or do you also watch cock on hand while your wife cuckolds you with banker cock buried in her balls deep? which is it?

>> No.7098352

>tangible services
You can pretty much replace everything that Amazon is doing with decentralized services.

>> No.7098459

Everyone and their grandma knew about bitcoin ages ago.
'Cryptocurrency' isn't well-known other than "yeah there are some bitcoin knock-offs"
Ask any person on the street what a blockchain is. They won't know. They probably never even heard of it.

Bitcoin must die for crypto to become relevant.

>> No.7098546

Are you really this deluded or just a retard?. 99% of crypto is vaporwave and the 1% left is insanely overpriced. The market is worth a third of it's current price at best. Yes blockchain may be groundbreaking technology but it's years away from being implemented in the real world.

>> No.7098780

Fuck you OP, keep these idiots in their delusions. There is a fuck ton of money to be made from these morons on the way down, but for now we need them to be deluded.

>> No.7098815

So why aren't you shorting BTC then?

>> No.7098840


do you faggots have coordinated responses too? holy shit i cant even imagine how sad your discord group is

>> No.7098886

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Bitcoin, is in fact, the Bitcoin Core fork, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Bitcoin Limited. Bitcoin Limited is not a functioning cryptocurrency unto itself, but rather one component of a fully functioning peer-to-peer electronic cash system made useful by the Bitcoin blockchain, hashing algorithm and distributed network comprising a full peer-to-peer electronic cash sytem as defined by Satoshi Nakamoto.
Many users run a modified version of Bitcoin Unlimited every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, Bitcoin Limited which is widely used today is often called Bitcoin, and many of its users are not aware that it is actually a fork of Bitcoin Unlimited, developed by Satoshi Nakamoto. There really is a Bitcoin, and people are using it, but some have begun referring to Bitcoin as Bitcoin Cash.
Bitcoin Limited is a node implementation: a client that verifies and relays transactions across the network. a node is an essential part of a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a distributed network. Bitcoin Limited is used in combination with the Bitcoin Blockchain: the whole system is basically Bitcoin Unlimited with a smaller block size. All the so-called “Bitcoin” implementations are really forks of Bitcoin Unlimited.

>> No.7098990
File: 109 KB, 1326x565, too late.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People were saying the same shit in 2013.

>abloo abloo i was too late, bitcoin is already $100, it's mainstream now :(

you're probably just some pajeet trying to buy cheap bags so whatever

>> No.7099063

a fraction of the population knew about bitcoin then. Now every millennial talks about it and half of them invest. You might be clinically retarded if you think this is the same situation as 2014.

>> No.7099078

Omg dumb :D short btc and screenshot if you think thats over kek :D

>> No.7099099

>Now every millennial talks about it and half of them inves
Leave your bubble. Less than 1% of the world population owns crypto. You're retarded if you think we've reached "market saturation"

>> No.7099130

this is what I thought when btc was 1.2k

>> No.7099169

>he thinks the government will let this ever happen

AHAAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAAH screencapping this to laugh even harder once regulation is passed

>> No.7099178

Obama leaf found /biz/?

>> No.7099242

Nah op is some Alt-right, Richard Spencer-cocksucing nocoiner tard apparently

>> No.7099323

What is with this wave of coordinated FUD today? It's beyond obvious. You are being too obvious.

Mid-February is slated for next major takeoff.

>> No.7099327

do you really think bubble need everybodies money before it pops? No as we saw with dotcom bubble which was mostly burgers investing. Enjoy your bags, tether will implode soon, regulations are coming and markets will continue bleed and crash because there is not enough dumb money coming in.
Regards margin trade chad

>> No.7099376

A nazi that defends banks and their owners?! I doubt it...

>> No.7099411


For faggots like OP, it's not enough to just not invest in something that you don't believe in, you have to be so insecure about being wrong that you need to talk the rest of the world into not investing too, just so you don't regret your dumb faggot ways when this shit moons and you're still poor. Pathetic. Fuck off and don't come begging.

>> No.7099443

Dotcom bubble was 10 trillion dollars, adjusted for inflation, in the late nineties.
Crypto as a whole is 500 billion in 2018.

>> No.7099496

there's probably a lot of latecomers getting in now because it's low

I mean btc itself is likely to 3x before the year is over, people are going to be buying in

>> No.7099516

nigger did you do a fucking survey? None of my millennial friends invested shit cuz they think its "digital tulips".

>> No.7099543

dubs of truth. OP is a salty faggot who probably got in late and lost money. Now he fuds all day.

>> No.7099565

Believe me, i want it to dip, but this is the worst ive ever seen fudding

>> No.7099567

well, op not being bright is implied nazi or not.

>> No.7099573

Dotcom bubble was over $3 trillion and almost 20 years ago. So who in their right mind would think crypto has reached it's peak at $500-800 billion?! Also almost half of all the companies survived.

>> No.7099576

And space is like, really really big yo
You are comparing a BBC to a white boi

>> No.7099592
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>half of millenials invest

What are you basing that on?

Any stats?

What you are claiming is beyond the South Korea level of the population investing in Crypto, which is not happening in the west.

>> No.7099615

>half of them
From all hundred person that i knew and met, only one person that invest in crypto

>> No.7099626

>i only have one friend, i invest and he doesnt so half of millenials already invested in crypto

>> No.7099673
File: 82 KB, 788x685, 49768357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything I don't want to hear is FUD
>everything I don't want to hear is FUD

>> No.7099693


>> No.7099734


they've been saynig this since atleast 2012. Keep cruising on, this shit is only getting started. Put your stash into solid projects and forget about it for a few years.

>> No.7099740

And you think we need same marketcap for our shitcoins to pop than dotcom needed for companies like amazon.

>> No.7099759

I keep hearing this shit. There isn't a magic number bubbles have to reach before they burst, they burst when they run out of steam. There's literaly no reason for the market to go up right now. The december wave is loosing interest, the potential new investors aren't going to move in while the market is stagnated and the institutional investors aren't half as interested in crypto as people like to think. If you add to the fact that 99% of crypto is vaporwave and the 1% left is years away from being implemented in the real world, it's pretty obvious the market is running on borrowed time.

>> No.7099781

I think if you believe that smart contracts will share the same fate as pets.com you are willfully blind.

>> No.7099812
File: 33 KB, 500x331, Colossus-was-the-first-electronic-digital-programmable-computing-device-and-was-used-to-break-German-ciphers-during-World-War-II..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you only think of crypto as a currency you have missed the whole point. Crypto as a plattform will be able to decentralize the whole digital interlinked ecosystem.

>> No.7099813

>thanks just sold 100k
thanks for your bags faggots

anyone need bags?

>> No.7099818

but the youtube shills told me muh 10B whitepaper is gonna 100x this year???

>> No.7099830
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u baggots

>> No.7099906

>99% of crypto is vaporwave
post discarded

anyways have fun selling, you'll regret it in a few years

>> No.7099918

and why should average joe care if it's decentralized or not?

>> No.7099960

hi sir where can i by smartcontract
i c smartcontract.com is LINK a gud to invest XD

>> No.7099998

crypto dying off? all red

>> No.7100004

Over 1000 different coins. About 10-15 have any realistic use so that's 1%... Prove me wrong

>> No.7100008
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Kek, there will be use for blockchain in the future but that isn't your overvalued vaporware shitcoins that get 15 million for a website. Those projects that will succeed are like ibm hyperledger and icon, not shitcoins like verge. And even though they succeed in the future the price could be still be lower because we are in a speculative bubble where value comes from speculation not from real use of the products.

>> No.7100073
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>isn't already all in on skynet

>> No.7100085

Yep, this is it. OP called it. It's over, crypto is finished. January 30th 2018, the day crypto got BTFO so bad that it went away forever.

Oh wait.

>> No.7100088

glad to see this term being used

>> No.7100161

>First layer of the technology
>Second layer is meeting resistance
>The entire technology is done developing

You don't deserve money, you don't even deserve to be happy.

>> No.7100189

Top 15 cryptos that will moon for some reason in 2018!
1) Muh lightning network
2) Muh sharding
3) Muh unsued bank token
4) ok
5) Muh billion dollar erc20 token that will totes kill eth
6) pass
7) Muh bitcoin testnet
8) Muh fairx
9) Muh billion dollar erc20 token that will totes kill eth
10) idk
11) muh tangle
12) does anyone use this
13) ok
14) muh chinese bike company
15) muh vending machine

>> No.7100208

you obviously don't understand how shitty credit cards companies are for most businesses. credit card companies charge 1.5% to people they do like, and 3% to people they don't like. that would be .03 BTC for a 1 BTC transaction.

You don't realize this because you are vapid consumer. Companies don't charge their product, they charge their customers. You aren't the customer, you're the product. There's plenty of brainwashed fools who want to spend money they dont have, so to increase demand CC companies force retailers to pay the credit card fees. It used to be paid by the cardholder, back when adoption was lower.

>> No.7100230
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>> No.7100232

Crypto market is global and is accessible to anyone who has internet. If you think that 500 billion is the most that this new GLOBAL market will reach then you are literally retarded.

>> No.7100274

Internet Users
30 June 2017:
~ 3,885,567,619

>> No.7100276

16) QR codes
17) Nah
18) Lol
19) Scam

>> No.7100411

>bitcoin cash is ok
Ah, you're one of those deluded types. I see.

>> No.7100490

You're right, but they won't listen. The market cap went 40x last year. It's over, it's been over, the norman money is in, the institutional money is in, we went parabolic and it's never going to happen again. We're late and it hurts so bad.

>> No.7100529

oh so you haven't heard

>> No.7100630
File: 94 KB, 866x900, 1515562357790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17) Nah

>> No.7100664

114) Now we're talkin'

>> No.7100767

People said the same thing in 2015 when BTC was like $300. I'm not saying I expect ETH or BTC to hit 100k but I doubt it's over.

I fell for this FUD years ago and I regret it so much 'BTC will never go above $500 again', 'ETH is a scam', 'crypto is dead' and I sat there being all smug laughing at all the people who got burned by the crash.

I'm fully aware this could go belly up but had I taken the risk 1-4 years ago I would be in a much better place now. I had 40k sitting in my bank doing absolutely nothing when ETH was $1 and even when it was up to $10, if I end up losing a few thousand and this doesn't work out at least I can say I tried but if crypto continues to grow while I'm on the sidelines I will feel like a biggest idiot in the world.

>> No.7100877

Jesus christ is this normie faggots first bubble?
Yeah it's going to cool off for a bit, and then guess what it's going to do? I'll give you a hint:

>> No.7100995


So sell and never come back you fucking pathetic weak handed cuck.

The fact there are so many weak handed shit faces whining about missing the train and crying every time bitcoin goes down 10% is PROOF it will moon like fuck.

20k in a month or two.
Cry then for being a retard and not buying at 10k.
We won't see a long bear market this time because too many people are FOMO AS FUCK. first sign of reaching 15k and we will shoot like those Japanese dildos with a built-in ejaculation system.

>> No.7101186

It doesn't matter if it has volatility if you intend to keep it for a couple of years. Gold has massive volatility too.

>> No.7101220

Such delusional levels of confidence. I never understand why you normans always have that trait. Oh well, you'll learn the hard way.

>> No.7101505


>> No.7101553

buy ufr