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File: 22 KB, 880x404, bitcoin bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7085342 No.7085342 [Reply] [Original]

>Bitcoin isn't a bubbl-
Looks like the meme chart was right. We're now in "return to mean" mode.


>> No.7085422

Return to the mean? No. Certainly not. This is the complete end of the bull market. It will completely tank, taking no survivors. Blockchain tech won't see any adoption until long after this bubble bursts. This is just the daddy's money and chink bubble which is why there are huge swings.

>> No.7085434
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>> No.7085446
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>> No.7085454

I'll return you to mean if you keep shitting up the board

>> No.7085468
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>> No.7085469
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>I posted it again mom

>> No.7085514
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>> No.7085551
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>> No.7085561

Except the part where it hasn't broken $10k. Its gone sideways after the bull trap and broke the meme bubble trend. The true bubble will be many trillions, possibly tens of trillions. Except the bubble will actually be fiat. When the bubble happens it will be because of a massive wave of adoption, the dollar value of cryptos will continue to skyrocket but the actual value will decrease because the value of fiat will collapse.

>> No.7085569

Tethered out hours ago, will buy when it's cheap tonight.

>> No.7085588

>cherrypicking this hard
All that matters is the current price of BTC is unsustainable and in a bubble.

>> No.7085620

Billionaires are going to pump it billions so all the bormies holding can sell and 2x! Your grandpa will be telling you about his 2x too.

>> No.7085632
File: 34 KB, 500x343, mysides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20k -> 200M -> 20k
The wojacks would be legendary, and the suicide vids would be chronicled for millennia to come.

>> No.7085639
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>> No.7085698

Post what happens after. 80% loss from the ATH if I remember correctly.

>> No.7085769
File: 56 KB, 1060x621, 2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7085805

Replace cryptos with precious metals and you might be on to something.

>> No.7085841

Every chart you posted is right before a major downtrend. Literally bubbles popping. Simply because something is a bubble doesn’t mean it goes to zero. It reverts to the mean and that’s what we see in every such pattern like what you posted.
If you want to become a bagholder for a couple years that’s fine. But don’t insist it’s not a bubble when it very obviously is

>> No.7085858
File: 11 KB, 402x306, worldpopgr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real bubble lads. It's going to take everyone with it, literally

>> No.7085878
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>not a bubble

>> No.7085933

d...delete this anon. oh god

>> No.7085953

but once a bubble pops you can't inflate it again

>> No.7085991

If you look closely you can pinpoint the exact moment when humanity went to shit

>> No.7086001

nice just bought 100k

>> No.7086022

I remember my first bubble too.
you newfags are so cute.
Try to find a graph that shows when BTC went up to $30 dollars then corrected down to $2 dollars. Boy those were the days.

>> No.7086035
File: 319 KB, 789x833, oil decline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the oil companies themselves admit the severe state of depletion

Collapse soon, probably before 2035

>> No.7086066

Imagine if people who actually held stocks did the trading.
This shit would look just as fucked as crypto graphs.

>> No.7086080

Nah look into the bonds market. That shits about to explode and make 2008 look like Christmas.

>> No.7086088

I talked to the VP of BHP Billiton (largest mineral/petrol company in Aussieland), he even admits himself that although oil is a good industry to be in right now, he wouldn't want his kids to get petroleum engineering degrees.

>> No.7086130

literally everything is in a bubble right now

someone should design something to escape an economy collapse in case of a recession

>> No.7086183

dude wtf are you trying to say?

>> No.7086186
File: 67 KB, 804x596, Debt-Wall-US-Energy-Companies-Amount-Of-Bonds-Owed-Each-Year.png?x65756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening

>> No.7086192

If it all comes crashing down on its head, i will be in awe and shock that my two major investments bullets and bitcoin where right all along.

>> No.7086247

Don't worry, it's the third worlders that will be culled. Do we really need 1000 billion Africans?

>> No.7086251

I give it 1-2 years and there will be blood in the streets.

>> No.7086264

We already are there dumbass

>> No.7086283

I'm saying that in crypto volatility is much higher.

>> No.7086319
File: 35 KB, 603x315, e31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin is a bubble
>industrial civilization is on the verge of total collapse

>> No.7086352

>he didn't buy the Black Dip

>> No.7086353

the bands are getting tighter
you know what that means get in now

>> No.7086359

>> It's going to take everyone with it, literally
I am sure some microbes will be around after all 450 of the worlds nuke plants have went fukashima.

Used to be peak oil doomer, thought this is what would save the planet a total collapse, unfortunately fracking will buy us enough time to completely fuck the planet.

>> No.7086363

Simply untrue, the big kahunas take so long for real valuations to catch up it seems that way. But bubbles also happen on a much smaller scale. A bubble is little more than overvalued price that comes up quickly (usually due to speculation) and thus falls quickly.
If the idea is that all this price action is happening inside a larger bubble, that’s even worse. Although irrelevant because traders right now are at risk for significant losses, like I said bitcoin is making bagholders right now who may need to wait a year or longer to see green again. But everyone still keeps going on and on about holding while they take losses week after week

>> No.7086405

Peak Oil is completely retarded.

I remember when Pee Coilers back in 2007 were saying that the price of oil would be $200 in 2010

>> No.7086435
File: 69 KB, 1366x598, Capture15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added this TA last week (don't ask for proofs), but it looks like it's more or less on track for recovery at 10k in a couple days.

>> No.7086464
File: 150 KB, 610x445, oppenheimer-negative-cash-flow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fracking will buy us enough time to completely fuck the planet

Depends how long the financial system can keep going, fracking companies haven't made a profit since 2007 and need constant debt to operate, it's so bad they actually started losing MORE money when oil prices doubles. If the financial system and endless debt stop it's game over

>> No.7086501

On second thought fuck crypto I'm buying guns and ammo.

>> No.7086598
File: 3.20 MB, 2951x9999, 1508946954881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this retarded

>> No.7086658

>>Peak Oil is completely retarded.

right cuz we live on a planet that goes on for infinity.

Conventional crude peaked in 2005/6. The fact new sources of oil coming from fracking, deep water oil sands shows we are in the last stage of the oil story.

>>I remember when Pee Coilers back in 2007 were saying that the price of oil would be $200 in 2010

This is a logical fallacy, what kind of retarded argument are you trying to make here?

>> No.7086686

I was asking him to elaborate on his cherry pick which would make it a more robust assessment but ok
Still no one wants to post the full chart lmao

>> No.7086743
File: 70 KB, 832x477, world oil production.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fact new sources of oil coming from fracking, deep water oil sands shows we are in the last stage of the oil story.
>oil production will d-decline any minute now
this was the same shit they were saying in 2007

>> No.7086748

was oil magically made all at once? I always wonder why oil isn't just constantly being created considering shit dies all day every day for billions of years...

>> No.7086759

really i get all my financial advice from neets who add some text over a graph with ms paint

>> No.7086782

82% of bitcoin has been mined. The ride is over

>> No.7086803

Have we reached peak bitcoin?

>> No.7086886

>I always wonder why oil isn't just constantly being created considering shit dies all day every day for billions of years...
It is. The rate is just absolutely minuscule compared to how fast we're guzzling it up.

>> No.7086888

It amazes me that fracking companies have been able stay in business, and that they are thinking of expanding into new markets.

>> If the financial system and endless debt stop it's game over

This right here, that is why we are a species and a planet are so fucked, the current paradigm has no other option then grow or go completely tits up.

>> No.7086952

>muh overpopulation meme

overpopulation is a myth, and if it wasn't then by all means take one for the team and off yourself so the rest of us have better chances

>> No.7087016

lol who fuckin knows, the way you retards act it could go to 0 or a billion, like we could literally be mining zinc or some shit for a spare satoshi by the end of this. I hate you all and wish for the apocalypse.

>> No.7087077

Nuclear is the best option you retard.

>> No.7087136

>overpopulation is a myth
When the niggers stop dying as much as they fug then its a problem.

>> No.7087157
File: 23 KB, 455x459, musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is agriculture and medicine
>you could literally fit the entire world population in New Zealand if the population density was the same as Boston

>> No.7087216
File: 42 KB, 325x374, 20171212_150416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those Chinese and Indians

>> No.7087265

If you fit the entire population in NZ you'll have the population decimated within a week.
By the way batteries are actually a retarded way to store energy.

>> No.7087268
File: 151 KB, 1287x2825, charts 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7087333
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>If you fit the population of Boston within Boston, but had all that farm land outside of Boston, theyd be destroyed on a week
>gas vehicles produce 4kwh of electricity per mile less than electric cars due to the process required to alchemically change oil for the use of untermensch machinery

>> No.7087335


MS in geophysics (#1 school in world), worked and consulted with every big name. "scarcity" is a meme. one drop in every existing well for every drop taken out + insane amounts of unexplored reserves. I trained a whole generation of Saudi students that are going to start extraction near red sea (tethys reserves under shield flows). We should just be making hydrocarbons from atmospheric CO2 using high temp reactors. Anyways, there is no short in supply - just technology, licensing and market fixing.

>> No.7087336

This, the market corrected and will soon be dwarfed by the next bull run/correction. It isn't over faggots

>> No.7087367

Nicely done how you completely ignore how the electricity is created.

>> No.7087412


market analysis knows fuckall about supply dynamics, tech or physical extraction

>> No.7087429

Hold up I messed that up. If you had Manhattans pop density you could fit the world in New Zealand. New Jersey or SK pop density could fit the world in Russia though.

>> No.7087468

It's made by coal miners that need jobs fag. Also,
>he thinks the electricity used to convert/transport gas is made with a different, better electricity

Also, solar in tropical climates. Solar City/Tesla monopoly coming soon

>> No.7087513
File: 177 KB, 736x1206, c66ebc177446badebed65a0d80c45a64--asimov-foundation-foundation-series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7087556

Here's the problem with any of those memes.
>not all landmass is inhabitable
>having high population density is a nightmare for logistics
>every city needs to be sustained by other things (water, food, energy)
>people actually require open space for quality of life
And that's ignoring other cultural and economical factors that make a growing population a nightmare.
Not sure why you post Foundation.

>> No.7087562

The majority of electricity comes from some form of carbon source,oil coal,natural gas. Green energy is a scam, it takes other forms of carbon energy makes then into a feel good product and a few people make a lot of money.

i really wish i could be as blue pilled as you two, ignorance is bliss,

>> No.7087653

>Not sure why you post Foundation.

There's going to be asteroid mine belts named after Musk soon (also, I remember the "main" planet being super pop dense)

That's due to energy companies not allowing the free market reign. Amendment 1 in Florida was a scam to try and give energy companies profit (cents on the kwh) for any solar not able to be utilized in battery/generators

>> No.7087754

>There's going to be asteroid mine belts named after Musk soon (also, I remember the "main" planet being super pop dense)
Yeah well we're not leaving earth any time soon.
And I also remember the Empire (whatever it was called) collapsed because it was in technological decline (much like today's society is compared to the previous century).
So I guess the equivalent to Foundation right now is to start a commune in Siberia dedicated to maintaining an independent wiki.

>> No.7087763


>> No.7087944
File: 379 KB, 2000x1369, elon-musk-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So I guess the equivalent to Foundation right now is to start a commune in Siberia dedicated to maintaining an independent wiki.
Nice (I actually never finished the last book as the author's style didnt keep my interest like Moon is a Harsh Mistress, for someone that's not big on sci fi books)

Also, blockchain ubiquity is soon to change that technological decline ;)

>> No.7087943

I remember when this was posting back during the China fud, good times

>> No.7087948

how can i short this?

>> No.7087966

So we can bith agree it's cyclical and we're gonna moon hard again lmao