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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 183 KB, 624x624, genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7085136 No.7085136[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


this should show you the power behind the concept of PoWH. This faggot whale deposited 85 ETH into proof of weak hands, and panic sold at a 5 ETH loss. 5 ETH that was split amongst US.

Do you get it now? do you understand the power behind this genius contract? Do you see why there were fucking 5 clones made trying to copy the idea?

Get in anon, it's OUR rocket ship.

>> No.7085214
File: 1.03 MB, 1058x948, ProofOfWeakHandsTechnology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

load up the memes and make this global. everyone will feed the rocket, needs constant shilling with etherscan proof that it's legit

>> No.7085354

yup, this concept is honestly the most innovative and interesting use of ERC20 smart contracts i've seen in crypto so far. it speaks for itself.

>> No.7085521

this needs a fiver payed job, paying 24/7 shilling on all media at all times, with like real twitter etherscan updates.
honestly if someone makes a bot with graphs periodically sending to twitter lets say every hour or 4hours ect. then it would gain followers alot faster!

>> No.7085582

Ok I will get my guys on it. I have a team of 25 programmers

>> No.7085695

fucking legendary, /biz/ has the resources to ride this to mars. this will be the moment where we all worked together to scam whales out of their lambo money.

>> No.7085747

I only have $30 available, should I throw them at this?

>> No.7085775

i already built an hourly eth in chart, somebody build a twitter bot around this:

>> No.7085812

absolutely bro, all my spare change/gas went straight into this last night, already withdrew my initial investment through dividends. the dividends are really what makes this project sustainable in the long run.

>> No.7085830

Somebody explain this token to me or lead me to some research thanks.

>> No.7085855


>> No.7085875


Please, sir, do not buy this scam coin.

It is a ponzi scheme coin, sir.

>> No.7085885

why build a chart? not seeing how high it's been or how low makes it better. whales don't know if they're in near a dump.

>> No.7085964

wait so... what? lol

>> No.7085978
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>> No.7086005
File: 85 KB, 371x407, POWH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whale put 82.71 eth into contract, cashed out dividends twice and all afterwards for a total gain of 81.34, resulting in a net gain of 1.326 ETH for the contract. Proof of weak hands.

>> No.7086018
File: 104 KB, 1125x1255, 1498241925546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you dont understand the smartest smart contract since..... ever.

>> No.7086030
File: 104 KB, 640x480, WarrenBuffetApproved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put money in and wait. easy as that. shill relentlessly like a Hillary supporter. never stop shilling and gain dividends. reinvest the dividends and shill more.

>> No.7086155


>> No.7086214
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>> No.7086243

I mean deep down we all know cryptos are ponzi scheme. At least that one has dividend and the best technology in proof of weak hands. Best buy in 2018

>> No.7086269
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>> No.7086294

exactly this, the market was always newcomers buying the bags of whales, this coin just shoves it out in the open and embraces it. look at the fucking volatility on this thing, its like a shitcoin on steroids.

>> No.7086431
File: 121 KB, 480x640, Pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show etherscans of dividend withdraws, that will induce comfort. passive income. make sure to tell everyone that you get in that they need to shill. haven't you ever been in a smart contract pyramid with dividend payouts? fuck get with it

>> No.7086497
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>> No.7086852
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>> No.7087105
File: 22 KB, 469x360, 7cfhe5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what can we do? our whales have become bagholders.. these autists wont sell.. PUMP IT.

>> No.7087140
File: 124 KB, 489x318, 1516781221714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great another shitcoin being shilled.

>> No.7087148

ok this is great news guys. the biggest wealth distribution. form the rich to all the poor. everyone will have more equal amounts of money. it wont be top 1% own 90%+ anymore. this is for the people to be decentralized ownership. we as a collective own this contract. and it makes us money in teh long run. its literally a proof of weak hands technology. amazingly brilliant. good job to who ever thought of this!

>> No.7087160

its not a shitcoin, its a smart contract. and you can't lose money as long as your hold.

>> No.7087850

>t. brainlet

>> No.7088383
File: 24 KB, 400x400, ab1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this train seriously has no brakes. smart contract is averaging +1 ETH per minute, dividends flowing. fucking comfy. to the anon who convinced me to buy last night at 0.09, thank you.

>> No.7088566

if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

>> No.7088623

so blockchain?

>> No.7088631

If you think the reason I sound like an idiot is because I failed math, it probably is.

>> No.7088632

read the smart contract, I was skeptical like you but the idea will blow you away.

>> No.7088803

Let me give it to you straight so the rest of you fucks understand. In a pyramid scheme who's making the money? The guy at the top which is usually the guy who started the whole thing, put the effort into marketing, networking, etc. After his "fund" has made a gorillion dollars some of the earlier investors want to cash out so he throws a bone their way. As the situation gets harier and harier, he decides one day to just exit scam the fuck out with everyone's money to an island in the bahamas living the rest of his life banging whores.

In this case, who's the guy at the top? who is the one that can exit scam? That's right nobody. It's just whoever was earliest in this game of musical chairs. Remember this IS. NOT. AN. INVESTMENT. Think of it as musical chairs meets a game of chicken. It's a constant cycle of fud and fomo to get people to panic sell their children into slavery and then fomo back in and panic buy their dicks off.

Those who simply hold will be rewarded with dividends from the volatility of the idiots constantly buying and selling with no single person being able to exit scam with all of our money

>> No.7088844

This literally circumvents eons of ponzi scheme logic. This is truly a new epoch.

>> No.7088860

Aptly explained. Thank you.

>> No.7088879

This demonstrates the implications that smart contracts will have on society. Honestly pretty brilliant, but what would you expect from the guy who basically made fucking hardware wallets. The guy thinks of everything

>> No.7088915

Did I understand you right? The guy that created this contract created hardware wallets?

>> No.7088951

Posting from the other thread:

alright this is actually pretty genius and since it's semi self deprecating and kinda taking advantage of the meme status wee can market it a lot of ways.

Post on crypto subreddits, STEEM, crypto twitter with a funny description so they don't know if you are actually promoting it or just astonished that something like this exists. LE FUNNY ponzi meme can get a pretty high social media reach if done well, and it will always attract attention from people who will get in

Contact all crypto youtubers that promoted bitconnect like crypto nick, trevon and all those retards, PM them on all their social networks so they can look into this, promise amazing daily returns with no affiliates even, so no more issues like bitconnect. If they make a video on any of those youtube channels all those gullible fucks will get in and we ARE rich!

>> No.7088969

What truly opened my eyes: "Ethereum may potentially take over the court system, because what do the courts operate on basically?: contracts." Prepare for a brave new world and human enslavement, but first, were all getting lambos.

>> No.7089003

morning fags, who's reporting in for a shill shift? we need to skyrocket this shit

>> No.7089027

The shilling is work. I don't want to work.

>> No.7089037

He's a engineer and ethical hacker that worked for tezos and apparently created the Ponzi token smart contract for fun a while back


>> No.7089039

The concept came from Dr. Jochen Hoenicke here:


He was one of a few crucial people that helped create Trezor:


>> No.7089063

Trezor not tezos, lmao always mix the name

>> No.7089067

I wish I has already ascended to NEETdom to be shitposting POWH but unfortunately I still gotta wageslave it. I'll be shilling this on the ground. Pretty good way to get people to use MetaMask too imo

>> No.7089077

>This demonstrates the implications that smart contracts will have on society.
This can't be understated. someone took the age-old archetype of a pyramid scheme and merged it with the innovation of smart contracts to circumvent and solve a problem that would normally plauge the scheme (as you said, one person at the top being able to dump).

it's stupid to think this is a scam, or that other anons are in it to take your ETH. We're witnessing the blockchain and smart contracts in particular, solving a problem which has ruined many people's lives in the past (getting dumped on w/ no control over your funds).

>> No.7089104

Not just courts, all of business. The reason the US has the best capital markets and financial institutions is because of the strength of our courts. Pretty much all business dealings are predicated on contracts enforced by a powerful nation (the US) thus ensuring smooth and trustworthy business deals. Blockchain and esp. Eth is about to make the flow of transaction better in developed countries but especially better in undeveloped places. Shit's about to get real /biz/raelis

>> No.7089189

I'm still not seeing any increases in PoWh, NumberToken, PoWHClone, or PoWHCoin4. They all went down this afternoon and flatlined.

>> No.7089337

really? its going up for me. currently at 704 eth

>> No.7089362

just ignore the fud. He's too lazy to shill mean's he's too lazy to check etherscan

>> No.7089393

I don't get it. What is the price now, and what did it launch at? Are we too late?

>> No.7089449

It's never too late. Thats. The. Fucking. Point. You're cashing in on volatility here. As long as you keep the train rolling by shilling and fudding it you reap on the volatility as long as you have iron hands.

So get metamask and go buy some fucking POWH and show me you're not weak

>> No.7089458


>> No.7089484

10 ETH just dropped in

>> No.7089490

>10 ETH just pumped in moments ago
you aren't too late. wait till you see the 100 ETH big ballers start coming in like last night. you're about to see some serious fucking shit.

>> No.7089514

should i put 150 eth in this for fun?

>> No.7089564
File: 16 KB, 350x289, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you do that... you might kill us all with gains. Do it.

>> No.7089569

Everyone here who “gets” it gives me faith that some of old /biz/ is still here

>> No.7089613

Trust me, if you put in 150 eth you will have the fucking time of your life

>> No.7089644

do it. if you're worried, maybe try 10 ETH first, and then you'll see how quickly the dividends flow and FOMO the rest

>> No.7089676

I've got like 100$ that i put in tonight and have like 70 cnts dividend. Hardly seemed worth it after 3 hours.

>> No.7089699

Sure it is and Etherscan is not going to have an increased amount in my shares worth or dividends.

>> No.7089739


>> No.7089772

>All these 10 eth buys
we're really not stopping till morning, huh?

>> No.7089790

this is too funny, in for an eth for the memes

>> No.7089848

i'm super confused about this. it this just a fad that'll die out?

are we being fucked by those who got in on the first shill?

>> No.7089854

idk man. but tune in next week on Dragon Ball Z to find out

>> No.7089864

Holy fuck it’s pumping. Is there a discord that PnDs this? If so I want in

>> No.7089898

go upvote my plebbit post, retards

>> No.7089901

You're witnessing the problem of pyramid schemes being solved on the blockchain. this is a smart contract with no stakeholders before the contract went online, meaning there is no "top guy" to dump bags on you. we all have a stake in this, and by creating a cycle of FUD and FOMO we hold, ride the ups and downs collecting dividends the whole way. and you have absolute control of when you want to withdraw. it's incredible really.

>> No.7089918


>> No.7089936

Hilarious, so its less of a pyramid scheme and more of a 4 dimensional shape scheme

>> No.7089937


It's already peaked above 1 million eth before, and it's on a huge bullish run right now, lots of heavy deposits coming in of 10+ eth. Can definitely at least profit by getting in now, then use those dividends to buy in further.

>> No.7089976

It's a literal pyramid scheme that advertises itself as a pyramid scheme. I only put like 100 dollars just for fun.

>> No.7089980
File: 23 KB, 1125x292, 111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put 1 ETH like a couple hours ago. Already have over than and also got some cool dividends

The beauty of this is in the shilling. You can shill it like blatantly because people won't understand if you're making a joke or really shiling it. And it still works anyway.

Just get those bitconnect retards like crypto nick to make avideo of this and we're set for life

>> No.7089996


>> No.7090013

everytime someone buys in or sells, 10% of the sale is distributed to all holding

>> No.7090016

Every time someone buys in, 10% goes to the dividend pool. This is why you can only cash out 90% of your buy in at first.

>> No.7090033

only on buys mate, not sells, we'll have to wait for shadowfork for that

>> No.7090036

i put some in

>> No.7090042

At first I thought this was a 4chan pajeet joke but I actually looked into it and mathematically it's pretty sound.....

>> No.7090071

>didnt read the contract
please guys, I urge you to read and understand how it works this will lead to greater problem solving abilities with smart contracts. PoWH could be the normie introduction to smart contracts.

>> No.7090104

go upvote this, goddammit

>> No.7090107

what everyone else said, fucking idiot

>> No.7090109

Every buy the price of the token goes up 0,25%, every sell goes down 0,25%
For that buy 10% goes to the dividend pool.

You always buy 10% above market price and sell 10% below market price, this also prevents whales from dumping without losing a lot of revenue, basically this covers all bases. If we can get huge numbers. Like tens of thousands, this is actually a really interesting social experiment and can also give us mad gains

>> No.7090117

can we convert this into a religion so we are tax exempt?

>> No.7090133

>going to sleep knowing I’ll have $100 in dividends when I wake up

Holy fuck this is unironically the comfiest coin I’ve ever held.

>> No.7090155

>you can't lose money
>literally called a pyramid scheme
>send money to this random 200 line smart contract with obfuscated code lol xd

>> No.7090158

>paying taxes

>> No.7090175


>> No.7090198
File: 1.68 MB, 1452x872, site.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing it wrong.

You're supposed to use a funny relatable title, like "I can't believe this is actually real LMAO" and then only post a screenshot of the site page with a link, Gotta up your karma whoring game dude.

Reddit doesn't really give much margin to shill. Now if you shill to some of those retards that were promoting bitconnect on youtube and somehow one of them with 50k+ subs promotes this, we're game on

>> No.7090224

These faggots are larping they see it going up, but if you look at the web pages for a while, you can see they're not.

>> No.7090234
File: 22 KB, 1158x129, 1517292945152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have to send powh links to this guys

pic related

>> No.7090246

I'm literally thinking of consolidating all my funds that are in shitcoins that may or may not moon for maybe 3-5x in a year and dump it all on this thing because it just seems to work itself out on so many levels. It's designed to be viral by appealing to the most base human instincts. and the best part is as more normies get in on this scheme more people gets into the eco system and value of everything you hold goes up as mass adoption takes place. It really is fascinating

>> No.7090254

No, it is. One POWH coin cost .164 ETH just an hour ago. Now it costs 0.181

Just watch the price. Check back in in an hour and then decide whether to buy in.

>> No.7090295

It's been doing that all day. It doesn't get to 0.200.

>> No.7090308

It's a single day in. That happens to coins. You've seen charts, right?

>> No.7090390

price was at .25 eth last night, small sell off happened

>> No.7090427

holy fuck people are putting in 20k hahaha

>> No.7090462
File: 54 KB, 1126x813, ss (2018-01-30 at 01.39.27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this one exit scammed

>> No.7090510


>> No.7090634

This thing should have been designed so that the 10% is paid when someone SELLS, not when someone BUYS. That way, true HODLers reap the benefit as people dump.

>> No.7090686

Should I sell my dividends to buy more coins?

>> No.7090701

someone just bought 12 eth we goin up again

>> No.7090706

This is literally gambling at this point

>> No.7090749


go upvote this, retards

>> No.7090778

I have $5.17 in that.

>> No.7090826

lets get this into the thousands!

>> No.7090868

Couple big withdrawals in the past 10 minutes, nothing to worry about. Congrats to 3 anons on 12 eth, 12 eth, and 29 eth withdrawals

>> No.7090942

ugh, i feel like i am either super late and will just throw the money into the garbage, or will be super bummed i didn't get in on this in a month.

>> No.7090978

That's part of the fun!
Like i said, the continous cycle of FUD and FOMO is what will propel our rocket to mars. give into the FOMO and join the mission.

>> No.7090985

put a small amount you couldn't care less about. It wouldn't hurt. You reap the rewards by holding. Its proven it can tank and goes back up so why the fuck not

>> No.7091033
File: 54 KB, 793x786, 1513387700739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 15 and I just withdrew 3

>> No.7091049

Plus the coin is literally 1 day old lol

>> No.7091057

You guys do realize that to make back your investment in divs this would have to pump 10x right?

>> No.7091063

Only way this ever dies is if people stop caring about it

>> No.7091076
File: 56 KB, 1177x633, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cashing out $100 a hour to my metamask

>> No.7091078

No you dumbass, it can pump and reset multiple times it doesn't have to 10x, that's literally the entire point of it.

>> No.7091081

I have a problem to cash out. After adding my tokens to the dividend I am not able to cash out. I hit the cash out dividends button and did a 0 eth transaction with 150k gas limit and 2 gwei. Everything looks fine but when I check the transaction on etherscan it can not be found. What is my problem

>> No.7091093


>> No.7091099

....not really though, as the buys also give you DIV's....right?

>> No.7091107
File: 25 KB, 1169x309, ss+(2018-01-30+at+06.15.26).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw poor

>> No.7091116

try 20 gas you fucking pajeet

>> No.7091163

stop throwing your money into powhcoin.com, the rate is too high and the dividens you will earn also very little, close to nothing unless if you put few ETHS.

Get into powhcoin3.com and we can start it all over with low TOTAL eth.

I just took my eths from powhcoin.com and got very little ETHs in extra even thought i got into it since 12 hours ago and threw it when it was 480K.

Get into powhcoin3.coim now.

>> No.7091172

I have almost $5 in powhclone. I think it was originally about $20. I never got around to putting anything in powhcoin4.

>> No.7091203

You will lose more than you get from your dividends...

Already minus 0.01... Keep praying hard just to break even, it will takes ages to get it at least.

Get into powhcoin3.com now! and we can make real shit there with low rate but high return since the total ETH still pretty low!

>> No.7091215

wow I didn't realize there was a 3. No https://powhcoin5.com/coins.html yet.

>> No.7091223


fucking laughing so hard

are you fucking serious

>> No.7091233

PoWH69 coin is when things will finally turn around for that inbred.

>> No.7091234

Original PoWH is king. all others are scams

>> No.7091244

ye nah, never gonna take off good luck though

>> No.7091249

Get your unoriginal scam pajeet coin out of here. No one wants to buy your bags

>> No.7091276

dude, i just cashed out my eths from powhcoin.com

got into it when it was 480K and cash out when it was 800K. I just made 0.14 for my 1ETH more than 12 hours wait.. Dude, not many lucky or have paitence enough as me..

The rest is up to you.

>> No.7091287

I wasn't shilling it.

>> No.7091297

Fuck off pajeet nobody cares about your scams

>> No.7091420
File: 77 KB, 600x536, hesoldlow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bagholder, you got scammed sadly. You should have placed your faith in the OG, who sits comfortably at $900k

>> No.7091506

Are you retarded?? I was on powhcoin before cashed out at 800K eth and made profit 0.14eth but it was too little. Thats my point.

It is sitting at 770K ETH now you piece of shit!

The boat is sinking, get ready to cry bitches!!!

>> No.7091531

Put your eth into powhcoin more faggots, dont tell me i never warn you earlier later.

>> No.7091537

I too had to learn the right way... It is hard brother, but you must face the truth

POWH is the one.

I came from NUMB.
I've taken my losses and I've learned the right way.
This is more than a currency, it's a culture.

>> No.7091552

Literally pajeet

>> No.7091584
File: 15 KB, 251x242, ahahahaahahaahaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly pajeet, we know you got completely dumped on. its obvious. if you had made any profit you wouldn't be shilling a scam. should've just invested in the OG

>> No.7091676

Powh is not HODL currency mate, please don't get into it when it is too HIGH and HODL till you lose your capital.

You must know when to get into the boat and jump.

Check the total ETH before it crashes and after it does. Use it as benchmark for next round.

Powhcoin will never cross 1000K or even 900K and if you got into now or few mins ago, you still unable to make break even with 100K - 150K more.

If you wanna culture, then go for real cryptocurrency not this bro.

>> No.7091681
File: 67 KB, 505x700, please-forgive-me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am getting right with god.
No more number games. just hodls

>> No.7091695

Im noy shilling a scam dude, it is just a clone as the powhcoin.com.

Powhcoin.com is a clone of ponzicoin.co incase if you do not know!

It works just the same, no exit scam.

>> No.7091720

Please avoid posting your metamask images on 4chan. It should be private and not exposure. even though the image contains general info of your ETH and transaction

>> No.7091820
File: 124 KB, 791x633, 6dBt2Oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck sakes, we're actually going back to a milli tonight. looks exactly like last night, except WAY more volume. this is the coin to be in this week.

>> No.7091936

Ponzicoin no longer takes payments and no longer running

>> No.7091942
File: 25 KB, 1176x312, powh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you faggots better not be lying to me OR ELSE

>> No.7091965

>Powh is not HODL
>Powhcoin.com is a clone of ponzicoin

>t. brainlet ranjeet

>> No.7091977

Who the fuck can be arsed to sit there refreshing the etherscan page to check if you pussies have started panic selling

>> No.7091980

POWH master race checking in.

>> No.7092000

welcome to the most fun ride you'll ever see in crypto. the volatility will make you laugh your ass off because it's ridiculous. then you see the dividends you're making and you laugh even harder.

>> No.7092048

https://powhclone com/index2.html
get in cheap and make some money, dont hold their bags.

>> No.7092067

> t. pajeet bagholder

>> No.7092103

Thats why you are on powhcoin.com since the original ponzi coin is no longer available lol!

>> No.7092124

what total ETH rate you got in at?

>> No.7092185
File: 19 KB, 253x229, comfyhold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bagholder pajeet refugees are welcome in the OG PoWH club, but you gotta stop shilling your shitclones please! drop those heavy ass bags, and come join us before $1 million.

>> No.7092214

I have a problem to cash out. After adding my tokens to the dividend I am not able to cash out. I hit the cash out dividends button and did a 0 eth transaction with 150k gas limit and 2 gwei. Everything looks fine but when I check the transaction on etherscan it can not be found. What is my problem? How much gas and gas limit do I have to use?

>> No.7092253

I just cashed out 3.2 eth with gas set to 50 gwei. took seconds

>> No.7092295

theres like .4 eth in the total contract, hardly bags. im invested in both and just threw some dividend money at it to make some extra profits

>> No.7092345

And the gas limit? You did it via metamask?

>> No.7092378

worked out to 0.1795599. Was I too late?

>> No.7092412

>its a scam
>should i put a lambo in it
It works the other way buddy

>> No.7092470
File: 261 KB, 720x1124, 1517206199091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rish look gud sirs...s-sirs.

>> No.7092537
File: 3 KB, 708x139, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt mess with the gas limit

>> No.7092543
File: 12 KB, 713x302, ponzi-ether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent 0.0020403 Ether to transfer 0.000000000000157825 Ether

This faggot is a legend!

>> No.7092558

Keep dreaming faggot!

>> No.7092590

Check the powhcoin full chart here


>> No.7092693
File: 52 KB, 697x393, wxi4jimai26z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this salty that you missed out on the largest transfer of wealth from whales to /biz/raelis in crypto history. we comfy as fuck in the rocket ship

>> No.7092745

keep on dreaming faggots!! :))

Ï made profit and took it off, and now sit back and watch faggots like you to cry with bags! :)

>> No.7092768

This idea is fucking great.

The best bit is that every thread has a dozen confused pajeets that don't get how it works, thus validating the concept.

It really is Darwinian survival of the fittest.

Can we get this listed on any of the exchanges?

>> No.7092782
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 33783348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pick up your Bags.

>> No.7092787

selling for a profit on a coin made for dividends

stop larping as a moron

>> No.7092788

Wow, it's going to the moon! Wait that's Michael J. Fox's signature. Sorry, wrong picture.

>> No.7092930

yes, eat the dividends while your eth vaporizes.. die faggot!!

>> No.7092955

stay salty pajeet, we'll keep making money in the meantime. :)

>> No.7093174

OG POWH is still going strong above 500 ETH. All other clones are dead. Your ETH vaporized there, not here.

>> No.7093215
File: 34 KB, 408x450, 1516031005464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor ranjeet :(

>> No.7093329

>advertises itself as a pyramid scheme
>unironically the most honest project in crypto

>> No.7093336

I only have 0.23 powh, will I make it biz. Holding over 12 hours strong here

>> No.7093385

srsly, do you even get dividends? Isn't the token pool waaay too diluted to get proper divs now?

>> No.7093418

so with every deposit the share prices goes up .25%?

are you thinking what im thinking?

>> No.7093459

Fuck don't get me started, fucking was here yesterday and was trying to get this to work, then was like fuck it I need to sleep, best woke up and checked before work if I could get it to work, fucking realised was on the wrong site, was on that fucking ponzicoin shit. So threw a few bucks as I wasn't sure if I should go all out

>> No.7093485


100 buy transactions... (assuming no withdrawals), we are at 5.3

>> No.7093492

I was wondering why people haven't done this already

>> No.7093538


Not 0.25% per transactions, 0.25% per coin bought.

>> No.7093582

Thanks anon, my autism did not pick up on that

>> No.7093596


ah fag. so would take 100 eth to go up a point. volunteers?

>> No.7093605

token pool shrinks every time someone cashes out.

new buyer grows the pool, but also pays more $ / coin to offset that

>> No.7093618

How high are me going before we crash, over 800 eth now

>> No.7093636

shhh i'm still accumulating

>> No.7093667

Well it looks like I did convince some people to join POWH3. Thanks, bros, let's make momentum pick up now.

>> No.7093669

It reached 1300 before. It will go higher this time imo

>> No.7093689

highest point was about 1300 ETH last night, don't expect this to stop before 1000. I've been watching the etherscan all evening and the volume is insane, the prices keep rising but we keep getting massive buys.

>> No.7093711


You now realize you're holding giant bags.

Don't you streetshitters realise aint shit for free? If there aren't losers, there can't be winners.

The contract will equilibrate over time until there's no more trading. The charts already demonstrate this.

It's over.

>> No.7093712

Nice, just don't sell before I sell my shit stack ok

>> No.7093725

At what level will it equilibrate?

>> No.7093755

Faggot their are losers, weak handed faggots that's who, anyone buy in lower then 0.14?

>> No.7093767


Should add before some fag tries to argue, that there'll always be minor fluctuations, but they will be too small to allow any serious profiting from pumping or from interest.

The early adopters, those who held and have massive amounts of coin will still be earning reasonable interest. But at this point $50 bucks worth is going to make you like 2 cents a day.

>> No.7093803

Fuck it. I am a poor newfag babby trader who literally started crypto this month. Putting in a few hundred.

>> No.7093808

>minor fluctuations
its like you havent even watched the contract address at all. this shit is volatile as fuck, we've dipped 150k like 4 times today. theres always a time to buy in, always a time to take profit.

>> No.7093836

You're no seeing its potential. This shit is 1 day old. It didn't even have a chance to get out of 4chan. When it does we could see huge influx of eth. It's just 800 atm. So it would be around 800th place on CMC. There is a huge room for it to grow.

>> No.7093844

>put in $50 aud 12hours ago.
> at $2.04 usdt in dividends

Throw some dollars in here fool, what the fuck else is going on out their, market is crapping itself, this is fun just don't go over board for fuck sakes I guess

>> No.7093849

>But at this point $50 bucks worth is going to make you like 2 cents a day.

t. mathlet

But, let's say for the sake of argument you're right (you're not) that's still a 6 year return on investment retard

>> No.7093865

As the financial crisis prompted Satoshi to create Bitcoin, so did Bitconnect prompt [dev] to create PoWH

>> No.7093903


It already has.


Some of you brownskins are really thick. No one is going to sell for less than they bought in, because that's retarded. Ok... some might, but a negligible number. Most will exit at a slight rise on the price they paid after realizing how mediocre the returns are.

Those who hold will benefit from those people leaving, but equally marginally.

The whole thing will collapse once people realise that their returns are much lower than in any of their best alternatives - even traditional financial products.

And when I say collapse, I don't mean people will sell, I just mean people will lose interest and ignore the contract, even if they have money in. Very few people will have been thick enough to put enough money in that they can't afford to ignore it.

>> No.7093907

>just don't go over board for fuck sakes I guess
fuck it dude. i'm a poor third worlder (not street shitter) and I put in an eth and already have $100. this will pay for my plan ticket out of this shithole and i'll make sure to come back in a couple weeks to laugh at all the retards who saw this but just like with bitcoin and eth didn't invest because they didn't want to leave their comfort zone. i'll have the last laugh, normies. screencap this. :^)

>> No.7093922


>he thinks a six year return on investment is good.

>> No.7093951

for a ponzi that you say has run its course? yes, mathlet.

>> No.7093960


still pathetic growth, and you were in near the beginning


look at the chart faggot


Oh yeah, because this is totally going to garner mainstream acceptance and get listed on exchanges.

>> No.7093962

>85 eth

Key, so I shouldn’t invest into this shithole if it’s just a bunch of scrubs waiting around for my money. And 85 eth isn’t anything close to a whale, u can make that in months day trading

>> No.7093963

It's over so soon because it hasn't gotten out of 4chan. All you fags talk about shilling but nobody actually go out and shill on Youtube or Facebook yet. If you want to have more losers, you gotta pull the normies in.

>> No.7093964
File: 1.05 MB, 960x540, POW_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality took a bit of a hit on conversion, but I think it turned out alright.
Any thoughts? Suggestions? I can make it bigger, up to 1080p, could probably do 4k but seems like overkill lmfao.

>> No.7093974

How much you put in, also why the fuck so many 3rd worlders into crypto?

>> No.7093986


>thinks 6 YEAR ROI is good.
>calls me mathlet
>Doesn't understand that if present ROI is six years, and concept is totally fucked the concept won't be around for six years. This shit has like three more days at best.

>> No.7094009

same contract, same potential. just throw in a bit for the lulz if your scared, you're guaranteed to profit

>> No.7094011

love it

>> No.7094016

>thing close to a whale, u can make that i

If 85 ETH is fuck all to you, why not go ahead and chuck it in the wishing well. No one is "investing" in this, even if they think they are.

>> No.7094017

Bitconnect did not need exchange listings. Neither does this coin. It promises quick gains and is a decentralized scam. So yeah, I think it will get much more popular.

>> No.7094033


>nobody actually go out and shill on Youtube or Facebook

exactly. no one ever does, because everyone is too lazy and speculative. just another reason why this won't leave 4chan and wont get bigger.

>> No.7094069

>only FUDers posting now
next dip is coming soon. get your dividends ready to reinvest

>> No.7094071


kek and here comes another reason why this stupid idea will fail. it's going to get even further diluted by clones, and competitors. What happens when someone writes a better contract? Perhaps one with forced random volatility...

>> No.7094073

I put in $50 and heaps got in before me, like I said 12hrs ago. It's 5% you silly anon, not bad for just fucking around and could pull out now with an extra 11% from my buy in

>> No.7094074

that was YOU that gave that magical 6 year ROI number and YOU said it would be that in the worst case, retard mathlet

let me tell you what will happen in the meantime for that to happen: you put in 1 eth now you and you hold you will be rich as fuck when that happens.

Ok, now you also say the concept is fucked and won't be around for long. cool, so you don't need to hold for long to get rich as fuck once it hits your end-game ROI estimate.

do you see how retarded you are for not buying in now, retard?

screencap this shit i'll be back to laugh in your face in a week

>> No.7094083

Wtf with this 6 year ROI? It's not true. It's not even close. With current growth you can get about $4-5 daily for 50 bucks you put in. Much more if it gets popular

>> No.7094096


Bitconnect had a clever nig nog who spent large amounts of time shilling normies.

This has a bunch of cynical 4channers shilling to each other.

>> No.7094135

It started literally one day ago... Kinda big growth for a young ponzi if you ask me. You expect this to be on your facebook wall after 4 hours?

>> No.7094137


sigh. when it gets popular price of the coin will rise and profits will go down correspondingly.

>> No.7094154


Screencapped faggot.

I'm gonna laugh so hard when you're here next week weeping into your bags.

>> No.7094191

why are you so emotional about this contract? I get you missed out anon but you're literally pissing your time away. at least im making money while I post

>> No.7094259

This lol. then again only thing worse than missing out on an opportunity is leaving before shit gets real. reminds me of the dudes that spent all their bitcoin on drugs and pizza. kek

Screencapped as well. going to enjoy laughing in your salty face

>> No.7094267
File: 41 KB, 499x499, 1461707042720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 eth buy!! :) shit, thought things would slow down a bit overnight.

>> No.7094270

Everyone knows the whole point of this faggot coin is that you aren't meant to sell.

The only way this gay scam will work is if you faggots shill this coin to normans as an actual coin that purports to do something other than what it actually does. So slick website, white paper, fake dev team, etc, and then issue news and rumour + Pump and FUD in a coordinated way to cause the price of the coin to rise and fall drastically every few days.

If buyers and sellers know what it actually does it'll just equilabrate.

Too bad you NEETs are too lazy and useless to perpetrate that sort of scam.

>> No.7094307

>Everyone knows
actually no, everyone is making money while you're whining xD massive eth buys coming in, feels good

>> No.7094340


Unless you dipshits heed this:


You'll just be constantly confronted with the decision re. whether it is better to cash out and accept the premium since you bought in, or stay in and accept the shitty interest as a consolation prize.

Have any of you fags actually sat down and worked out whether the seller or the holder is better off? Protip: it isn't what you think. I bet the creator is already long cashed out.

>> No.7094342


lmao I already x2 the grand I put in.
This shit will be YUGE this week. Reddit already jumping on it. Get in while you can.

>> No.7094373


Ok Pajeet, sell me another street to shit in.

>> No.7094410

>quoting yourself
might as well just neck yourself, no one cares about your ideas or how you think things should work
sounds like you got in right when I did. smart money saw it coming ;)

>> No.7094518

don't you have a street to shit in ranjeet

>> No.7094540

Also 16 shitposts holy fuck you sperg

>> No.7094549

powh is going up a tiny bit. My $20 made $2. So exciting. Going to the moon.

>> No.7094609


oh no sir, a word spelt wrong on an image board sir.


Well that's my altruism for the day.

If faggots aren't going to read, and think, then they had it coming.

>> No.7094671
File: 245 KB, 512x496, nRk4zGy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contract seems to be cruising at 950k, dividends coming in nice and steady. finally I feel comfy enough to fall asleep. this fuckin contract has a contagious energy.
congrats to every single one of you who got in tonight, you were part of the first massive 24hrs of the most important smart contract on the blockchain (so far). When i saw that whale fag sell at a loss, I KNEW we had something here. proof of weak hands.

>> No.7094680

ok stop right now and go upvote this thread. we need to have 24/7 top page shilling of cryptocurrency and cryptomarkets. also while you there upvote the replies and even send a reply tehre to add moral and sentiment to the world change of wealth distribution ect. ect. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7tzdaz/human_stupidity_is_the_only_unlimited_resource/?utm_content=comments&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=CryptoCurrency

>> No.7094997

throw your dividends here
https://powhclone com/index2.html.
i put in a little bit and already made my money back.
total contract is only at 0.7 eth
the div gains from being this early is huge.

>> No.7095092

Lol, fuck it. Threw a little at it.

>> No.7095141

man this has it's lost it's spark with me. was way more volatile last night

>> No.7095149

Easiest 5x of my life and the dividends already covered my initial investment easily. Shill it everywhere you fucks.

>> No.7095188

Your shilling is ineffective.

>> No.7095445

have fun being poor, i'm already profitting off dividends alone.
it's a pyramid scheme, of course you'll shill yours when you're in early.
if people wanna hold bags and get those at the top rich then they're welcome to
i'm sitting comfy at entry level so get in now if you're smart.
0.9 total eth contract on this vs 800 total contract
not hard to do the math on this one


>> No.7095490


please go here and upvote this thread, also post something interesting for others to continue buying!

also extra points if you go here and upvote this one and post reply here too!!!


we need 24/7 shilling on cryptocurrency and cryptomarkets, and twitter and youtube, but lets start with le reddit, aslong as 4chan army has front page on these 2 subs with dreamy posts, the money will continue to flow

dont even buy right now just go shill it full 24/7 and watch it liek a hawk, soon as it crashes buy in right away, and if your already balls deep then soon as it crashes buy in more with your dividends!

>> No.7095931
File: 279 KB, 558x816, 1479119316659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say I wasn't in. I have $12 of it.