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File: 20 KB, 590x421, 488564423-federal-reserve-bank-chairwoman-janet-yellen-smiles.jpg.CROP.promo-mediumlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
708370 No.708370 [Reply] [Original]

This sweet lady is about to pump a bunch of money from her ass. Just she cannot say it yet because it's a big surprise!

Don't get fool by Austrians, the party can last for another 2 years, God Bless Keynes and enjoy the ride.

>> No.708390

>God Bless Keynes

Why is it that every economist is fiscally libertarian (or close) but every politician is basically a socialist in economic policies?

>> No.708391

Yellen is an economist.

>> No.708394

What evidence do you have for this?

>> No.708396


You do realize she would be actually be brought to court if she did a surprise QE? Like, she could be jailed for doing something like that.

>> No.708407


She's a politician by virtue of working in government. Obama isn't a lawyer either.


You can find polls, there was a recent one involving 1000 economists from across Europe and NA. You can also read econ journals, it's mostly Austrian school views.

Meanwhile 90% of the developed world had extremely high taxes, 'stimulus' programs, subsidized housing etc. most economists are against this sort of stuff.

>> No.708411

>She's a politician by virtue of working in government.
So CIA agents and IRS auditors are politicians?
>it's mostly Austrian school views

>> No.708417


Do you realize that people like Yellen are appointed to positions like her's for ulterior political agendas? Obama appointed Yellen because she's a socialist and a woman.

Meanwhile Friedman was hired as an "adviser" but everything he says is ignored. Obviously they don't give a fuck about economics.

>> No.708418

...and people wonder why no one takes the Austrian school seriously.

>> No.708419

>She's a politician by virtue of working in government

Please do link the poll, as I can't find it.

>> No.709658


>> No.709660
File: 382 KB, 1468x1548, all-womenstaff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socialist and a woman
The FED has had men in charge for as long as it exists but no, jew loving nigger obama appoints a woman. No wonder shit is going down.

>> No.709667

Because Austrian economists are entitled manchildren that quite honestly believe that all markets will eventually clear no matter how monopolistic the environment or minimal the competition

>> No.709670


Groups that demand membership of only a specific segment of the population tend to have a poor track record.

>> No.709704

I don't think so....