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706317 No.706317 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be accurate to describe marriage as selling an option to a woman at no cost, with no expiry for 50% of your current and future net worth and your children that can be exercised at the time of her choosing while taking liability for all her debts?

>> No.706323

Yes, but you get a tax break for selling it or something

And a lot of people are hype about it, which means it MUST be a good idea

>> No.706337

I think you finally just convinced me to become one of those fedora tipping "marriage is pointless" assholes...

>> No.706344

>tax break
You often don't even get that. It depends on what your incomes are relative to one another.
It's not pointless. It's just that you don't get much that you wouldn't get with a roommate.

>> No.706345
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>> No.706977
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>> No.706978
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yes OP ofc

>> No.708224

>wanting to throw money away

>> No.708482

What about adding a prenuptial to level the playing field on your side. How much do those things cost anyway?

>> No.708518

worthless, they can claim coercion

>> No.708524

Prenups usually don't hold up in court any longer.

>> No.708528

They are worthless and here is why:

If the prenup doesn't give the woman a "fair" (read: half or more) amount of rights to property, alimony, inheritance as well as the elective share then it will be ruled as "unconscionable" and not be considered legally valid.

Most states have "sunset provisions" - if you have been married for a certain period of time, or a child is born, the agreement will automatically expire, and the prenup will no longer be valid.

If you become more successful and make more money during the marriage, the court will rule that it was "not foreseeable" to your wife that you would gain an increase in wealth and it will entitle her to it.

If you are professionally successful or otherwise more "powerful" then your wife before marriage, it will be PRESUMED that you had an "undue influence" or advantage when the prenup was made, thus the agreement will no longer be valid, and thus the prenup will be no longer valid.

Never forget, the courts want to fuck over men as much as possible.

>> No.708548

>Tfw even if you don't get married, common law marriage will fuck you in the ass

>> No.708607

only if you live in a shitty country

>> No.708626

what country do you reside in friend?

>> No.708646


There is no incentive for a man to get married in 2015. Marrying a woman will simply allow her to sink all the legal hooks into you. She will lock in child support, an upscale house (on your salary), potential alimony.... it's all downside for men.

The question every man should ask himself in 2015 is: Why should I marry? What will I gain? Will the sex get better? Will food taste better? Will I have more freedom? Do I get a tax break?

Is there any advantage to get married in 2015??

This is not cynicism. Nobody goes into marriage expecting a divorce but it happens OFTEN. And yes, she really will walk away with your house, your children, and huge portions of your investments. We have all seen it or heard about it.

Open your eyes. We live in no-fault divorce America. Legally, that is to say that the dissolution of a marriage does not require a showing of wrongdoing by either party. That is also to say that she can fuck another man, divorce you, and take everything from you on a whim. Just because, ya know, it's legal.

Live with her if you have to (Protip: in a no common law marriage state or city). Just don’t marry her.

This is your 28 year old real-talker signing out. I will never marry in the USA until the laws change.

>> No.708668


Oh, forgot the answers to the questions:

Why should I marry?

-You shouldn't read the post above.

What will I gain?

-Nothing. Seriously.

Will the sex get better?

-It will get worse. Wedding cake is also known as the most fattening food on the planet.

Will food taste better?


Will I have more freedom?

-You will have less freedom. Muuuuuch less.

Do I get a tax break?

-If you earn significantly more than her you will probably get slapped with a marriage penalty. Yes, that exists.

>> No.708672

Good post anon.

>> No.708692

Marriage penalty?

Can you tell me more about it?

>> No.708715

not cuckstralia

>> No.708718

If you're in US, check your state. 8-10 US states have Common Law marriage.

>> No.708720

Eurofag here, can you guys outline american divorce-law for me? From threads like this one it always seems that in America, a divorce means the wife gets half of her husbands shit, period, while their individual financial situations dont matter at all. Or is this just based on the assumption that all wifes are stay-at-home with no income or assets?

>> No.708746

It's based on the assumption that wives make significantly less, and spend their money on vacations/good food while the man's money went into cars, houses, and savings.

>> No.708755

so if it were the other way around, the husband would get half of his wife's stuff?
Is it so uncommon in the US that women make a lot of money?

>> No.708757

I should clarify; it's not that women make less than men, it's that as a rule of thumb women won't marry men that make less money than they do.

>> No.708759

Women who make a lot just marry men who make more.

>> No.708781

I'm these cases the court grudgingly grants alimony to the man.
They are very hesitant to do so though.

The bias is very clear.

>> No.709201


kind of funny how americans try to superficially avoid discrimination in every aspect, yet the courts of law clearly discriminate against men. Thanks for clearing it up.

>> No.709244


Discrimination against white males is actually pretty common and institutionalized in the US.

Compare an application to Harvard by two people exactly equal except one is black and the other is white.

>> No.709253

Is it really that hard to find a woman that isn't a total vapid cunt? I found my wife pretty easily and been married over a year now, lived together for close to 4. Our relationship is great, we both work, we motivate each other, do fun things and workout together. Even started a business together which we aim to grow so that someday soon we can only work for ourselves. Of course with any relationship we have our ups and downs but at least she isnt a raging money grabbing cunt. Even if we did divorce 50/50 would be an honestly equal split of income and assets. Why would you get involved with a chick who is anything but determinded and self motivated?

>> No.709259

You could have had all of that without entering into a legally binding contract with the state (i.e. marriage). Stop being so emotional and start looking at marriage analytically.

>> No.709267


Do you find your life fulfilling living it like an emotionless robot? To each his own but like anything, a marriage will be what you make of it. My wife an I look at it as a rewarding challenge, the longer we stay together the better it gets. If youre going to look at marriage analytically then it very clearly isnt for you. Its an antiquated piece of religious institution, but it can still hold personal significance if you want to.

>> No.709273
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>> No.709283

With divorce rates being what they are, only foolish men would not look at marriage analytically in 2015.

You can have everything you listed without signing a legally binding contract.

You can live with a woman without marrying her in a state without Common Law marriage.

I do.

You will not be the same person you are today 10 years from now. You're likely fatter wife won't be the same either. Marriage in 2015 may just lead to your financial ruin 20 years from now.

It's all downside for men in 2015.

>> No.709302

You're very clearly brainwashed, you can love someone and spend your entire life with them without signing a legally binding contract over it. If anything, marriage is the romanticized version of being an emotionless robot by implying people can't love each other and stay together without a binding agreement.

That being said, you might the right choice when marrying someone motivated with money, the divorce won't hit as hard but make sure to get a good lawyer cause she sure as hell will. Your divorce will happen 6-9 years from now.

>> No.709334


You're exactly right, I absolutely can have all if that without alegally binding contract. And is it a financially risky proposition? Most definitely if you marry the wrong woman. But youre all still missing the point of the personal fulfillment it CAN bring should yoy desire to seek it. You can call me brainwashed all you want, im just looking at the institution in my own light, not the church's or the state's. It holds a personal significance to my wife and I that we enjoy. Dont get caught up in the jaded pessimism of today's young men,form your own opinions.

As far as not being the same person in 10 or 20 years I dont intend to be. However my wife and I will continue to grow together as we have been for several years now. Its not complicated, its just what happens when two people stop being selfish pricks.

>> No.709348


You think relationships without marriage CAN NOT bring fullfillment?
You think the nature of a relationship has fundamentally changed because you fitted it into the straightjacket of an outdated institution?

What I find most absurd is that you do reject the insititutions religious and cultural significance and background, looking at it "in your own light". Yet you DO still fit yourself in its straightjacket.
If you're looking at it your way, why not reject all the CLEAR DOWNSIDES, and do something that works for you without downsides. Buy a nice pair of rings and wear it to signify your special relationships. Attach to these rings all this "personal significance" of yours.

You took a lot of risk unto yourself, to fit into an institution that, by your own words, you dont even care that much about.

>> No.709356

Your arguments for marriage are all appeals to emotion.

If it made you feel better you could have just given your wife a ring. You could have wore one too. You did not have to sign a contract with the state.

Do not get legally married in this current environment. The risks are too great and the odds are not in your favor. Like I said before, nobody signs the legally binding contract known as marriage with the intention of getting divorced later.

Do not try to dismiss my correct analysis of marriage as pessimism. I live with a woman in a state without Common Law marriage.

>> No.709392


>You think relationships without marriage CAN NOT bring fullfillment?
Nope, never said that. In fact, IMO if youre getting a large part of your fullfilment from the marriage alone you shouldnt be married.

>You think the nature of a relationship has fundamentally changed because you fitted it into the straightjacket of an outdated institution?
Lmao wut. Never implied that either.

>What I find most absurd is that you do reject the insititutions religious and cultural significance and background, looking at it "in your own light". Yet you DO still fit yourself in its straightjacket.
I dont follow. Of course the whole idea of marriage comes from religious ideals. I never said I rejected all of them. I simply said we look at it as our own.

>If you're looking at it your way, why not reject all the CLEAR DOWNSIDES, and do something that works for you without downsides. Buy a nice pair of rings and wear it to signify your special relationships. Attach to these rings all this "personal significance" of yours.You took a lot of risk unto yourself, to fit into an institution that, by your own words, you dont even care that much about.

God damn youre salty. Im not worried of this risk you keep going on about for numerous rreasons, most of which involve hard earned trust. But also thr fact that she is a very independent person and doesnt want money she didn't EARN. We both came from poor backgrounds and have a respect and appreciation for working for what you want and valuing what actually matters. (Not money.)

Im.by no means saying all if you need to go out and get married. In fact I do NOT reccomend it to most people. That said however, there are always exceptions and it will always be what you CHOOSE to make of it. Im with you guys in the fact that mariage is usually a mistake, just not always if you choose to use a little logic and sense with it

>> No.709401


>Your arguments for marriage are all appeals to emotion

Uhh thats the entire point of a relationship IMO. if a sensible marriage adds to that emotional fulfillment I see no problem.

>> No.709537

The nature of your arguments is backed by your poster ID.

>> No.709541


Women don't sign them and judges throw out legally signed and witnessed documents even when they are fair.

>> No.709543


I'd rather be a godfather than marry and adopt/have a kid.

Life is just too hard these days to risk someone stealing my money.

I'll gladly have committed relationships, but I think I'll think long and hard before I let the common law period pass.

>> No.709573

not sure what i am looking at

>> No.709583
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>> No.709593

You are looking at two applications; the one on the left is done by someone who is not a minority the one on the right is done by someone who is a minority. Look at the check box. Besides one being a minority and one not being a minority everything else is the same.

Now look at the responses from the schools. The final point 'MUH PRIVILEGE' is mocking the fact that minorities complain about discrimination and not being white when in reality being a minority has huge benefits. This is one of the examples of that, simply being checking the minority status box completely changes the response of the schools.

>> No.709596


Your chance of getting accepted into some of the US's most prestigious universities. Both sides are equal candidates, except that the right side can claim to be a 'under represented minority' (read: isn't white). The right side candidate has a far greater chance of getting into these universities than the left side candidate.

>> No.709606

Fucking loled so hard

>> No.709640



>> No.709651


i laugh

>> No.710346

It's things like this that make me realize that although MGTOW are primarily autists, they do have some good ideas.

>> No.710353

holy shit lmao

>> No.710356

Actually read "isn't asian or jewish"
They need white males again, white females are still a no.

>> No.710358


>> No.710386

>Marriage penalty?
>Can you tell me more about it?

"Marriage penalty" refers to the extra tax high income earners pay when married filing jointly, that they wouldn't have to pay if they were both single and filed separately (NOT married filing separately, you should almost never do that). This is because the higher tax bracket thresholds are not doubled for married joint filers, only the lower ones are.

Suppose you and your girlfriend each make $250,000. Each person will pay $66,106.25 ((250,000-189,300)*0.33)+46,075.25) in federal income tax. Filing as two singles means your combined tax is $66,106.25 * 2 = $132,212.50 on your combined $500,000 income. If you get married, you might expect the same tax burden. But you don't get it, because for couples filing jointly, the tax brackets are not in your favor. You report $500,000 of income and pay $142,229 ((500,000-411,500)*0.35+111,324).

$10,016.50 more in taxes.

Calculations based on the IRS's 2015 income tax brackets.

>> No.711396

That's fucked, we don't even enjoy the damn tax break.

>> No.711405
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>> No.711418

what if you aren't an Americuck and you live in a civilized country where you can get married under "separate assets"?, that is, what you make before and during the marriage is completely yours

>> No.711419

I never realised what true love was until I signed a three party contract, with a woman and the government being the second and third parties.

>> No.711422

What country would that be friend?

>> No.711424

hahaah fuck thats good

>> No.711459

Spain, in fact, in certain parts of Spain marriage by separate assets is the default type

>> No.711506

What if I'm gay?

>> No.711520

The lowest earning male is treated as the equivalent female victim and fucks over the higher earning male.


>> No.711537

Sounds fantastic

Too bad Spain's economy is down the shitter right now.

>> No.711611

Jews love whites who don't marry.

>> No.711612

>The question every man should ask himself in 2015 is: Why should I marry? What will I gain? Will the sex get better? Will food taste better? Will I have more freedom? Do I get a tax break?

Uh... you forgot family.
Like. Family, you know?

You really just forgot the whole point of it. How young are you?

>> No.711613

Oh you even said 28.
Hard to believe.

>> No.711654

>Suppose you and your girlfriend each make $250,000
That's a pretty big assumption you got there brother...

If one spouse makes a lot less than the other, marriages are generally favorable with regards to taxation

>> No.711738

I doubt it's hard to find a woman who's not a vapid cunt, but it is very hard to tell whether you succeeded before it's too late.

>> No.711749

Spain isn't the only country with that law...

>> No.711753

>>Contributing to the overpopulation and environmental destruction of the world is a virtue

>> No.711785


You're the one who is missing the point here.

Why do you need to sign a legal contract, which is the essential difference between a couple and a married couple, to create a Family?
You can have that lifelong commitment to eachother without the bloody piece of paper.

>> No.711807

why did you need to marry her?

>> No.711844

Newsflash, no one cares
Suffering will always exist with or without the looming problem that is overpopulation
I personally see no issue with being selfish and striving to achieve what I want out of life. If you always thought about other people before yourself then you're gonna have a shitty life

>> No.711853

That's great. I'm telling you to get off your soap box. You don't have the moral high ground. Nothing virtuitous about having a family.

>> No.711865

The same "tax break" you get for a mortgage loan. For every dollar you spend on your wife you save 25 cents in taxes. For every dollar of interest paid to the bank you save 25 cents in taxes.

>> No.711879

This man understands. 10/10 for the only good post.

>> No.711909

social credit. that piece of paper shows you have skin in the game.

whether you want to believe it or not, that effects the way people treat you and their image of you in the professional world.

>> No.711919


>> No.712263

fuck of Edvin

>> No.712314
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These anons have it right. Marriage is viewed much more favorably from a social standpoint.

Does that mean it's worth the increased financial risk from the possibility of divorce? Maybe, it's up to you. That, and how faithful your partner truly is. ~55% of first marriages last for life.

>> No.712935

Is this true outside blue states? I really don't think so.

>> No.713778

Is that a new meme i'm not aware of?

>> No.713884

If I live in a state with community property laws, just how fucked am I if I get married? Does a prenup even work in such a state? If I get married across the border in a state without community property laws, is it still a community property marriage? Help please.

>> No.714290

Not to mention, only 25% of first marriages end in divorce. The current rates are massively skewed by people divorcing out of second or third marriages and onwards.

>> No.715718
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Only 25% chance to get fucked, great odds.

>> No.715741

You can start a family without marriage. You can start a family without a partner. If anything family is a pretty shitty concept. I bet everyone in this thread has a drug addict/criminal/pedo/just generally shitty family member - whether in the immediate or extended family - and it's sort of like, what? I have to like these people just because they share some DNA with me?

Good friends are significantly more important than family, and even though having kids would be great that's an option you could do in many other ways now, surrogacy, adoption etc. as opposed to undertaking a minimum 18 year group assignment with someone you fell in love with who no doubt you will hate before your first child even graduates high school.

>> No.715753

I'm not an advocate for marriage, I have 2 girlfriends and I love this "single" life, but for the most part if you REALLY, and I mean REALLY get to know someone especially at their worst and stick around without being a combative cunt, theres an extremely good chance it won't end in divorce.

You need to learn how to push buttons early on to see how she'll react long before you're locked in to a marriage.

>> No.717059
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can't you just answer the question without a snide remark

>> No.717261

>implying having kids isnt even worse than having a wife

>> No.717483

Not relevant, that's the only country where that bullshit is tolerated

>> No.718060

Just admit you are from Greece or something.
Clearly one of the few nations afraid to show their face on the internet lately because of debts meme.

>> No.718070


>marrying useless subhuman trash with nothing to offer but dirty meat flaps

>> No.718084

One day, anon, your wife will be sick of your shit and she will go and fuck some other dude. In the process, she will have also fucked you.

>> No.718085


>> No.718829
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