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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 800x1035, muhgenericmecheresume2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70717 No.70717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

need help

>graduated mechanical engineering
>no job experience/low gpa (2.8)
>total neet
>but i did passed my FE exam and registered for the engineering in training certificated for my state board

can i still take internships/low entry jobs after grad??? i need experience but i spent my college career being a total fucking neet and i want out

also post your resumes

>> No.70725
File: 323 KB, 466x497, 1392706921289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh heeeell no

>> No.70782
File: 929 KB, 3072x2304, Trash_Lid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Technical Skills
>First four are Microsoft Office

>> No.70787

should i replace with ms office suite?

fuck nigger i have no real job experience. i never even networked with my professors.

>> No.70800

My advice would be to start up a LinkedIn make sure you get a professional shot of yourself. Begin networking with students, even if you dont know them on a great level. An add for you is an add for them and its mutually beneficial.

Also get some more volunteer experience on your resume. Employers are looking for individuals who are smart with a heart.

>> No.70796

>finger on trigger


>> No.70804
File: 123 KB, 451x249, 1392072002640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70821

thx man, i was a de facto member with the ASME
and did a few things with them (but our whole class was required)..ill add that

yea i have a linked in and networked with about 6 classmates +1 TA/grad student so far

>> No.70901

>should i replace with ms office suite?

Yes. Then add some work experience, even a shitty retail job. Also learn at least one programming language.

>> No.71017

What's with the influx of btards and redditfaggots whenever a new board is made?

>> No.71040

"Team Member" is not a valid job title

>> No.71565
File: 163 KB, 770x948, resume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to critique mine?

yes i spelled suite wrong, did an overhaul quickly to post here, already fixed in the .doc

>> No.71616

I'm a hiring agent and I'm going to save every resume I see on here, and if I ever see it in real life, I'm going to set it on fire.

>> No.71651


Okay, I guess that's fair. ??? Or you could just help people with your experience and position. Why are you even here?

>> No.71649

You're missing dates on your education.
Entrepreneurial endeavours is too vague. In fact most of the other points seem a bit vague too. I don't really get a feel for what you spent your time doing from reading it.

>> No.71665


What do you mean? You want start dates? I didn't think it was important. I'm not sure how to fix vagueness, but I'm willing to try.

>> No.71695

>Circle K
It's like you expect people to know what the fuck this shit is. The whole resume is weak.

>> No.71725

The only skill I observed from your resume is that you make glazes.

1/10 would not hire for glaze making

>> No.71729

>tfw it's not even worth posting your resume in the thread, because it's just a glorified transcript since you've got no work or internship experience

>> No.71737

fix your last sentence
>own and manage a online
>a online
an online

other than that, looks simple and easy to read. i like that you have "work experience" in a research lab setting

>> No.71738

OP, you resume is too verbose. Some bullet points don't add value.

>Managed project hours, technical documents, etc
You don't need to state this. Everyone knows the generic responsibilities of a project.

>Wrote presentations...
You can just say you facilitated the agenda and meeting presentations. Stating PowerPoint is unnecessary.

Get rid of any MS Office unless you are good with Visio or the other suites seldom used.

Try to get your descriptors to one line.

You don't need to say you learned LabView in a project. You already stated it in your skills.

>> No.71746


I've only used it for on-campus endeavors which would be familiar. It's actually a service work organization. Is that shit even worth having? I have no idea what to emphasize. Just not sure of how to change it entirely. I went to career services on my campus and the woman looked at it for about ten seconds, told me to 'use more adjectives' and said we were done.

I haven't applied to any real jobs, I don't graduate for a while, but I figure I have to get something put together.

>> No.71747

But the point is to pull the trigger.

>> No.71753

>>>>MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project
>Before actual programming languages/tools
>Even on an Engineers resume

What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.71798

>Passed the F.E.
Why is this even listed? This is a god damn minimum requirement.

no job experience an absolutely horrible shit gpa? Bro...you're kinda fucked.

good fucking luck. You might as well continue education getting an M.S. and attempt getting internships while doing that. You NEEDED internships to even get a job.

>> No.71800

you dont have much of an option with a bio degree lmao

either you
1)continue higher education --> health care (pharm/dentist/medical)
2)go back to school and get a masters in bio then repeat option 1
3)work an 9-5 office job

gl friend

>> No.71807

Hello there! It seems you have made a common spelling mistake, using "resume" instead of the correct spelling "résumé". Now don't worry, we at /biz/ don't judge people for such things.... But it would be wise to realise that a future employer may not be so forgiving! Keeping this in mind please remember your acute accent, your job may depend on it!

>> No.71825


trust me I know. I'm in a big healthcare area. Contemplating getting a lab tech job at a hospital and trying to work my way up to a Histology position.

I'd be ok with an office job too. originally I was going route 1 but if I'm in school much longer i'll kill myself. And ideally, if I HAVE to go back, I want someone else to pay for it.

>> No.71819

how does one get into grad school with a low gpa, especially engineering LMAO

hes double fucked...
no good gpa = no higher education = no work experience = no job

looks like the military is his only option

>> No.71841

and the data collection begins.....

>> No.71848

This is true...maybe by some hope he'd get in if he got excellent recommendations....but that horrid GPA. It's possible his school has an course-work only M.S. which he may be able to do which is less choosy on applicants...

I know a lot of dude's graduating with me this semester that do not even get interviews because they're in that position. No internship, and < 3.3 GPA.

>> No.71853
File: 139 KB, 555x664, 1392779677090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off

>> No.71854

Different Biofag.

You forgot HS teacher as an option. but I can't remember the expected opening projections for the upcoming years; don't think it was all that high though.

>> No.71865

ill consider that a wageslave office 9-5 job

>> No.71880

I read these resumes, and all are missing one key thing: your objective. If I can't figure out who you are, what you are good for, within the first 4 lines of the resume, then neither will the HR scumbags that will throw yours away.

Each resume should be tailored for each job. If you are applying for a specific job, your objective should state this. Then you should say in less than 4 lines a summary of your skills/experience that will prove you are capable. Education, past job experiences, and other things can be more detailed later on.

Doing this has had at least 4/5 of my resumes get to the interview phase.

Good luck. The job market is total bullshit, hiring managers and HR people are all scum, but if you play the game right, with an inside track, you can get a job.

>> No.71959
File: 476 KB, 856x2160, keel me now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my resume that I send out and slightly adjust depending on job which is not getting me any results. I apply to jobs that I think I'm qualified for.

Destroy me 4chan as you usually do. Why is this resume so shit?

>> No.71972

>more than one page

>> No.71981


why the fuck would you write 'windows operating system'

I don't think anyone cares about your interests either.

Honestly it's too long. I didn't read it all, just the start and the end. Consider consolidating your experience.

>> No.71996

You've obviously never worked with baby boomers, a lot of them can barely operate a computer and think I'm some sort of computer whiz cause I know how to type well.

>> No.71998

What the fuck is an internal customer? Can you write a sentence that doesn't take 3 lines to finish?

>> No.72004

Your mother is an internal customer when I'm inside her

>> No.72012

>open the image
>look at the formatting
>throw up
>throw my computer into the trash
Try learning LaTeX and you might have a better chance kid.

>> No.72013

It's not formal enough. Most things I see say restrict Resumes to 1 page, but do as you will.
Your objective is kind of long and sounds funny in some places. "With the optimism that my strong organizational skills..." Most of your sentences here are too wordy and confusing. If someone has to read a sentence twice to get it right, whether it was literaturally interesting or no, it's a detracting quality. Make your sentences simple and leave adjectives at the end if you're listing them out as you have done.

Use more formal word choice. "emailing and phoning students"...student correspondence maybe?. you used "Prepped". Do not fucking use this again. "scanning onto database" into the database. say stuff like Resolving student application disputes.

Just say Microsoft Office Suite...don't list each piece. Don't list your typing speed.

If english isn't your first language, a lot of my earlier comments may not be as stringent to fix since it's hard to help in your situation.

>> No.72021
File: 338 KB, 229x220, ITS HAPPENING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude what the hell were you doing at school? 2.8GPA in MechE (of all engineering fields?) and no networking/experience? What the hell did you go to school for?

>> No.72015

Shorten the objective down to one or two lines.

Take out that skills and interest thing, everyone has MS Office on theirs and 60 WPM is babby tier.

Take out some of the experience things. They all sound pretty similar and use the same set of skills at a glance.

>> No.72030

>typing speed
I can type 150wpm and I'm in the lower 50%.

>> No.72029

Protip: don't use buzzwords like "self-motivated" or "team-player."

Be as precise as you can be in what you actually accomplished, because listing actual achievements counts for infinitely more than clever but vapid wordplay insinuating you're awesome.

>> No.72043
File: 57 KB, 680x780, into the trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at electronic mail address

>> No.72044

I lol'ed

But seriously, that resume is generic garbage. Google some resume do's and donts.

Also, 3 years and you still haven't gotten that HR diploma? The fuck?

>> No.72051

objectives to long
make it 1 page please
all your work experiences can be summarized as "i stand behind a cashier for $6.50"

1) make it shorter and simpler, because you're essentially repeating yourself with your part time job
2) 60 wpm typing speed is kinda low bro, there are 100+ wpm applicant that I could hire if they are accurate
3)make it a one pager resume

>> No.72049


>HR people
>not small time people trying to power trip because they are inferior

>> No.72059

seriously though learn to LaTeX. Download a resume template. ezpz

>> No.72063

Why wouldn't you list the typing speed when it's literally one of the first 3 requirements of every admin job out there?

I appreciate what you said about the objective though. I'll rewrite it. I've been meaning to do that for a while now.'

>> No.72073


Keep to one page. You don't have enough experience for more than one page.

Your objective doesn't say anything about you. It's all generic adjectives with no concrete point. It's too long and should be kept to one sentence. Let the resume do the rest of the talking.

You also don't need to outline generic job duties your job title already implies.
>implying the reader doesn't know what an admin does
>implying the reader doesn't know what an office clerk is

You should outline duties one can't infer from your position.

>> No.72076

Because it's 2014. Typing is not a skill.

>> No.72078

Holy fuck OP, you just motivated me to do better with my engineering degree. I was slacking off and getting a 3.3, but I'm hoping to get a 3.75 by the end of my sophomore year.

>> No.72084

I make $25 in my job right now so thanks for playing.

And I don't get why you all say it should be one page. Everyone I talk to IRL says theirs is 2 pages long.

It is when the HR people are baby boomers.

>> No.72085

Because lower than 120wpm is not going to make me do anything but laugh when reading an application.

>> No.72099

Because 60 WPM is terrible.

>> No.72110

cool, then dont bother applying to higher paying jobs if you're content being a $25/hr wageslave

it took me 15 secs to read your 2 page resume and immediately close the tab to critiques

thats the game you are dealing with

dont hate the player, hate yourself for playing like a total noob

>> No.72113

>It is when the HR people are baby boomers.

No, it is not a skill. Typing is not a skill nor an accomplishment. That's like listing the ability to write nice cursive. No one cares.

>> No.72116

You idiots don't understand that job postings have "require minimum 50 or 60wpm typing speed" on them, it doesn't matter how fast I type. I'm not applying for a typing specific position here.

>> No.72122

>Everyone I talk to IRL says theirs is 2 pages long.

1 page for every 10 years of experience is the rule of thumb.

>> No.72134
File: 104 KB, 1277x905, shitty cv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nothing of value to add to my cv

>> No.72131


Wow, you mad? You asked for critique.

>captcha yourshit dunbar

>> No.72135

Wow thanks for saying that beforehand.

60 is still shit

>> No.72137
File: 195 KB, 800x1046, resume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've received a lot of conflicting advice on mine. Is it decent looking at this point?

>> No.72147

i would give you an interview for a small office job
if it looks like you might mingle well with our employees then you'll have a shot

>> No.72148

Don't list Outlook or other Office products as a skill. Instead, be specific about what you can actually do with them. Word processing isn't a skill.

>> No.72164

>data entry clerk
there's a joke in there somewhere.

>> No.72168

Sounds decent. Everything is short and to the point, no fluff.

I like it.

>> No.72171

you like to board other ships? I would hire you in an instant, can you come to somalia?

Really though, decent. Doesn't look stupid either. 8/10. Can't really make it better without having more experience.

>> No.72172


oh god.

cut down your objective. get a respectable font. cut out that 'work whilst school' shit and the communication/personal qualities you really just fucking want this on one page.

and cut out your high school achievements unless you're in HS.

>> No.72177

You need a fucking objective.

Other than that, gj.

>> No.72182

At least you have work experience.

I've got nothing but school stuff on mine. Plus, I'm using a basic Word template for it.

>> No.72185

heres the most truthful answer

real job? no
office cubicle 9-5 wageslave job? yes

your options:
1) go back to school and get technical training
2) become a youtube star
3) military

>> No.72197

Yeah, we weren't really allowed to talk about it, but some of those patients had files thicker than Swann's Way.

I have a job as a tutor and plan to be a professor after my PhD. Right now I'm just looking around for part time editing jobs. Which I guess fall under your "wageslave" definition.

>> No.72207


what do you consider a real job?

>> No.72210

Thanks, unfortunately I'm young and have had to compete with at least 50 other applicants per job
In the jobs i've applied for they've asked me about my word processing skills, I actually had to do a Word/Outlook/Excel test to apply for a temp job. remember older generations aren't as good at that kinda thing

>> No.72216

>Masters in English
Into the trash it goes. I hope you like serving/bartending...

>> No.72212

Fair enough. I'd consider it a bit better than a cubicle job though.

>> No.72215

>In the jobs i've applied for they've asked me about my word processing skills

Sure, but if it comes up in an interview, explain it. But you don't need to waste important real estate on a resume page for it.

>> No.72219

Well i've recently left school, but thanks for the advice

>> No.72226

hs teacher is a good job in certain cities as long as you dont get niggers and trailer trash

>> No.72243

No, but I do very much enjoy teaching.

>> No.72254

Yeah, but that's probably the only places with openings in the future.

All the high school teachers in the decent schools are loving the easiness after a few years, decent pay and summers off too much to quit anytime soon.

>> No.72278 [DELETED] 

testing proxy ;^)

>> No.72276


>> No.72289


I've thought about trying to use my bio degree to be a HS teacher but I am so ambivalent that I can't even look up what I'd need to do that. The Education majors at my school spend two years student teaching instead of classes though, so I feel like I'd be behind? Nonetheless, my ambition fizzed out when I realized some of my most valued teachers in my upper-middle class school were making $30-35,000 a year.

>> No.72310

If you're in it for the money, education is not for you.

>> No.72313

Education classes at the undergraduate level are a complete joke at most universities. The only thing you're missing is the experience of actually teaching.

Why not go for a MS? As a graduate student you can easily ask for a low-paying TA job or BIO 101 course to teach. And then you'll have your experience.

>> No.72350

That seems a bit low, even for a beginning teacher.

As a biofag, I've looked at that option too since med school isn't happening--you'd most likely just need a certificate in education if you've got a bs in bio already, though it depends on the state really

>> No.72367


Never said I was in it to teach, said I was in it for a job. I've done tutoring etc before, I'm not bad at it, but it's not particularly enjoyable. I go to a nice college right now though, with a good name and my tuition costs more than $30,000 a year. I can't imagine my end-time salary being so fucking low. I mean, I know a woman who was there for fifteen years making $32,000 a year still. jesus. why.


Because degrees are expensive and I really don't need another useless degree. I'd rather try to get into healthcare, something more lucrative with training etc.

>> No.72391

hello biofag
please look into the navy, they have a good community if you think you can make it into the Navy Nuclear Propulsion Officer or Naval Flight Officer

>> No.72399

>Because degrees are expensive and I really don't need another useless degree



Welp, we're done here.

>> No.72415


It's not very handy if you don't know what you want to do with it. Couple years from now I'll be sitting here with a masters like "Well fuck, what do I do now?"

>> No.72427

Your inability to make use of a Masters degree does make the Masters degree useless.

>> No.72439

airforce officer for ez pay and military sluts
naval officer for actual chance with an employable post-military career (especially in energy industry) and foreign sluts during shore duty

>> No.72432

No thanks. Probably going to try for a Masters in Molecular or Micro and see where that takes me-- hopefully to a lab spot, at least one better than you get with just a bachelors.

>> No.72435

What is a resume supposed to look like anyways? Can someone point to a guide of some sort? Or at least describe the format that it should be in?

Do you really need an objective or intro? Do you write anything about yourself other than your experience and education? Do you list the main tasks you did in your past work or should you just list your past jobs and your main skills/experience for your entire career/education?

>> No.72453

Objectives look good because the employer can say "Wow this person wants to get somewhere with their life!" even if you just want to sit at home jerk off and eat chips ahoy.

also what >>72445 said.

>> No.72445

>download LaTeX
>make resume

>> No.72446


I disagree. Could spend thousands more dollars on all kinds of pieces of paper, doesn't matter unless you know how to utilize them.

>> No.72460


Bottom half or so of those. If you're not an art student lel, you shouldn't really need any fancy formatting shit

>> No.72462

>doesn't matter unless you know how to utilize them

That's exactly what I said.

>> No.72464

Which is exactly what that anon just said...

>> No.72470

search up some public biotech companies on NASDAQ

might be harder to get in but worth a shot if you can land a lab tech position

>> No.72473

They sound so fluffy though.


i'd rather just put down cold hard facts

>> No.72493


Sorry friend, I misread that as "DOESN'T" make it useless. I'm real tired. I had a good twelve hours of classwork today. Senior year is really cutting into my shitposting schedule.

>> No.72494

Cool, what about adding colour? I hear that black on white is no longer popular and there should be something else added.

>> No.72496

Then do that. It depends on the person reading your resume, but I don't think they'll mind one way or the other. Just don't undersell yourself. Cause that looks like shit. Everyone pads.

>> No.72528

Add a non-intrusive color. Very light beige, very dark grey. no one wants to read lime green and turquoise.

>> No.72542

go for it if it's an electronic submission but dont overwhelm your page

you are basically dealing with 30-40s yo hiring you....just think ...they were teenagers when you were born watching rugrats or scooby doo...thats the generation you are dealing with..

if you make your resume flamboyant where it takes away your credentials, ill just look at it for the pretty design (if its good) then probably toss it away unless something from your credentials stands even more out than your design scheme

>> No.72561

I'll look into that when the time comes for more serious job searches.

I'm more focused on trying to get an internship/research spot for resume boosting. I'll probably have to take a year or two off for possible post bach research or a lab monkey job for experience too.

>> No.72564

Cool. Ok so can you tell me why those LaTeX templates only want your objective, work experience and education? What about other skills? What about your interests so they know who you are?

>> No.72583

Learn Latex and add them in yourself.

Interests and stuff aren't really as important to people, from what I understand, plus they waste space for other possibly more important things.

>> No.72584

a lot of those are found out during the interviews

you are writing the resume to get the interviews, thats the key

>> No.72587

They don't care who you are. They are not your friend. They are your (potential) employer. Not to sound like a total hard-ass but no one gives a fuck about who you are.

>> No.72609

Lol you might be right but you have to realize that not every job is for some soul-less bank where they don't care about the person. Surely someone out there wants to know whether you'll fit in with your coworkers.

>> No.72624

Interests should not be included. Only directly work relevant things should be included, don't include anything for the sake of being an individual snowflake.

If you get the second interview, that's where they see what kind of person you are and how you'll fit in personally.

>> No.72625

And a lot of the time, that person that's doing the interview is in HR and has 0 ties with the common workforce. People putting in half a page of their "interests" and "skills" makes us want to throw away your resume. It is trash, it is wasting space, it shows you're too incompetent to stand on your own merits.

>> No.72637

If you don't have anything else to put and still have space, you might as well just throw in some basic skills or whatever for filler purposes. At least that's what I was told

>> No.72662

>how does one get into grad school with a low gpa

Find a grad school you like
Take some graduate courses as a non-matriculated student
Do exceptionally well
Get to know the professors
Apply to graduate schools with those professors recommendations

Also how you get into graduate school with a great GPA but no recommendation letters (especially if you've been working for a while)

>> No.72664

What's so amazing about LaTeX? Most of the time they ask for a .doc or .docx resume anyways.

>> No.72708

It looks more professional than Word docs. Formatting is also easier for the most part too.

>> No.72713
File: 175 KB, 666x666, Teller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be an employer
>CV is .doc or .docx

>> No.72870

Trying to do this now except Im taking the undergrad pre-reqs to even apply from the program. Going for CS masters with engineering degree. Hopefully it works out or im fucked

>> No.72882

>be an employer
>get a CV
>look at it
>throw it into the trash with a grimace on my face

>> No.72877
File: 324 KB, 1275x3212, splork1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example of what I got. It's working pretty good for me.

>> No.72895

You have never had a good job with that resume. Try getting a job at Google, IBM, SpaceX, etc. with that piece of shit.

>> No.72904

>be an employer
>get a CV
>feel the paper
>low quality, normal printer paper
>into the trash

>> No.72916

>be an employer at a waste removal company
>get a resume
>it's literally a trash can with resume paper in it

>> No.72956

>I read these resumes, and all are missing one key thing: your objective

That's what a cover letter is for

>> No.73027

Objectives are pointless if you are applying for a specific position. I think what you are talking about is a summary, which is like an elevator pitch on your resume

>> No.73055

What undergrad courses? CS is piss easy and shouldn't be too hard to self teach everything in undergrad.

>> No.73071

Got an interview at Amazon with it about 2 months ago. Fucked up on my own from there, but that was through no fault of the CV.

>> No.73119

The core shit like data structures. Having taken those at least those courses is a requirement for most graduate programs. I also work full time and it would take up all my free time to self-teach. I also just dont have the work ethic to teach myself while working full time in an unstructured environment.

>> No.73127

You can have an absolutely killer resume and internal recommendations and still not get a job at Google or SpaceX. Happens literally every day.

>> No.73131

That reminds me.
>glance at resume
>no cover letter

>> No.73151

Objectives, especially early in a career are a waste of space.

>> No.73163

I'm not really quite sure why anyone would want to get a job at Google. You prove yourself as the top of the pack and land the high paying job where you get to manually respond to Orkut tickets. It sounds like it would be absolutely soul crushing after a year or two.

>> No.73179

But GoogleX is nothing like that.

>> No.73183

you are an idiot

>> No.73187

>It sounds like it would be absolutely soul crushing after a year or two.

And that's why Google is consistently ranked, every year for the last 5 years, one of the best places to work?

>> No.73204

He's right to some degree. I know people that work there and have been there into the offices a bunch of times.

They want and expect you to be at the office for long hours (hence the amenities). Yes they offer good benefits and pay, but the bulk of the trade-off comes in the form of high pressure and higher-than-you'd-think levels of stress to go along with the long hours.

>> No.73211

Sure, it's one of the busiest and most intense tech companies in the industry. They want smart people to work, and work hard.

>> No.73232

Of course it is. Compared to 99.99% of companies outside the tech sector, they are a fantastic employer. Even within the tech sector they are still a really, really good employer. The problem is with how much satisfaction one gets out of their work when they are doing base level tasks all day after spending so much time and energy making themselves as smart as they are. I just don't see how anyone in that position finds it fulfilling. I'm sure some do, I just don't understand.

>> No.73252

>I just don't see how anyone in that position finds it fulfilling. I'm sure some do, I just don't understand.

Have you ever actually talked to someone who works at Google who likes it there?

>> No.73270

>The problem is with how much satisfaction one gets out of their work when they are doing base level tasks all day after spending so much time and energy making themselves as smart as they are. I just don't see how anyone in that position finds it fulfilling. I'm sure some do, I just don't understand.

I work at an engineering firm and that describes my job perfectly. How does an engineer get into that position? Turns out the only work left in the field I am in is extremely simple and repetitive now.

>> No.73278

But people still fail to understand that it's not all sunshine and rainbows like it's made out to be.

>> No.73285

Of course not, it's a tech job. Google doesn't become the huge company they are by just sitting around eating celebrity chef food while riding electric buses.

>> No.73307

I'm not the same guy but,

My best friend works at Google and has to spend the first 6 months being a telemarketer pretty much. He also got the most competitive position for someone straight out of college.

He was a realllly smart guy too, debate team captain that made our school beat Harvard in some competition.

>> No.73594

Google is interested in PHD, that's about it anymore. My CS prof turned down a position at google because he said it made his friend kill himself from the stress and being on call 24/7. He told us that CS was far from glamorous if you really wanted to be a part of the future. It scared off about half of the class.

>> No.75495
File: 42 KB, 800x1035, resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

destroy me

>> No.75505

PSA: Never ever ever put Microsoft Office or Word or whatever the fuck as skills on your resume. You might as well put breathing or writing right next to them.

>> No.75567

i like this thread! it's exciting!

>> No.75600
File: 191 KB, 557x270, 1392186399581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Festival Volunteer

>> No.75638

Instead of actually volunteering for shit, could I just make a fake charity website, link a fake email and a shitty prepaid phone to it, then if an interviewer wants to check, he calls the phone and I bullshit about how great I am whilst pretending to be the Head.

>> No.75645


What positions do you wish to apply for with this resume?

>> No.75661

0/10 that was rather depressing to look at

>> No.75686

i think it's clever you only said "university of texas" so nobody will be able to laugh and say "utd uta or unt" and give you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you went to austin

>> No.76320

>Dat header

Why do you do this?

>> No.76335

>blue font
>right justification
>using any font besides Times New Roman


>> No.76414


Jesus christ work on that branding statement.

>A driven, motivated accounting student, with skills in sales, e-commerce, communication and customer service, who is eager to learn the accounting profession.

For starters that's too many commas. The comma between student and with is unnecessary. The comma between service and who is unnecessary but you need to re-write it to make it work.

How about something like:

>Accounting student with experience in e-commerce and customer service seeking to develop a career in accounting.

IMO you shouldn't have Detail-oriented first in your list of qualifications. It sounds like fluff.
Throughout the resume, make sure to follow the same grammar conventions. In Work and Volunteer experience you should put a period after each entry or no periods at all.

>> No.76497

That would really look better as one page, not two. You don't have nearly enough content to justify having two pages.
I suggest taking references off of your CV and making a separate reference sheet which could be given to employers during an interview.

Other than that, it definitely is not a conventional resume (blue text, the font, right-justified text, page border outline) but that may be a good thing for the jobs you're applying for. In my field of engineering it would probably get trashed for having all of that but I can't speak for other fields.

>> No.76616

>tfw my stepdad has connections with a Japanese company and I can get a job in Japan out of college
>tfw I don't have to bother with this resume bullshit

>> No.77181

pls no

>> No.77316
File: 36 KB, 518x633, Notthetrash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need extracurriculars

>> No.77329

HR-manager here, the CV is just a validation that you pass the minimum. The cover letter is where it's at.

>> No.77346


Your "Leisure center" looks a like it's worded weakly.

>> No.77357

Better hope you're 100% nip, speak native Japanese, and love 70 work weeks then

>> No.77398

You spelled entrepreneurial wrong

>> No.77445

>4 As at Advanced Higher

What the fuck man, I was asked for 2 As and a B to get into fucking Oxford. Who does 4 Advanced Highers?

>> No.77455

I know people who got that in highschool.
They did not do oxford.

>> No.77465
File: 259 KB, 658x926, Mr Moose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, those were all in 6th year right?

>> No.77600

What do you guys think of putting github projects on CVs?

I want to do something like create a website or app so I can put it on my cv. I have no extracurriculars.

>> No.77929

/adv/ helped me with my resume and now I have an interview next Friday with a really large engineering firm. Just wanted to say thanks

>> No.78012

can u post yours without names and city and contact info for reference? i need some ideas

>> No.78100
File: 144 KB, 740x941, biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, right?

>> No.78113
File: 240 KB, 1434x928, resume1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This resume got me a job making $25/h which is great with my experience and no schooling.
The personal projects section is really stupid but it's what got me the job.

>> No.78117
File: 181 KB, 1440x875, my resume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78169
File: 32 KB, 638x873, m8uwot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw failure at life.

>> No.78183

Half of you guys don't even bother to use a template or do some fiddling with fonts, bold, italics, etc...These look like you just literally stuck it into notepad and started typing away.

Your resume will seem more professional and attractive just by doing that.

>> No.78202

Most of them look like generic Word templates.
Not that mine is much better but they look so damned generic.

>> No.78226

>saying that you're hardworking/dependable/organized on a resume.

No shit. Who isn't?

>> No.78236

Solid tip right here:
Print it on slightly thicker paper than you usually would.

>> No.78246
File: 47 KB, 426x341, 1372203876856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your interview is scheduled as follows:
>March 7, 1:30-2:30
>We're looking forwards to seeing you here on the 6th.
What do I do now?

>> No.78244

>Not knowing about resume paper
Does this really need to be said on a business board?

>> No.78245

Resume paper is an actual thing.

I'm not.

>> No.78250

>lol fgt recruitur u goddit rong gimme rite date I shud hav ur job

>> No.78257

Just go, you have nothing to lose.

>> No.78264

>Just go
Which day?

>> No.78269

now is the time to research

go to company website

take notes

also the interviewer will reivew your resume with you and ask you to explain everything you put on there to verify if its true

if you get caught lying on a resume even though every one knows all resume is fluffed and padded, you'll get blacklisted by the hiring manager and potentially blacklisted by other companies

this is true with fortune 500 companies and what not

but fear not...just research the company you got the interview for

>> No.78271

Reply back asking.

>> No.78294

Researching the company is only good for big companies or big positions. It really depends on the job.
Also interview questions are a joke sometimes.

>Get an interview for a big company and pretty good position
>Research the company and interview questions for days
>Go to the interview
>It's a fucking group interview holy shit I'm not prepared for this
>First question they ask is "If you were a car, what kind of car would you be?"
>Literally never asked a single question I researched

I got the job but god damn.

>> No.78306

I'm doing my research, I just have no idea when to show up.
Do hiring managers get mad if you email them with questions? Do they even reply? My invitation doesn't have any "please don't hesitate to email or call me" -type wording in it.

>> No.78319

I used to post my resume on the job sites until one day I answered the phone for a job interview for Shantal.

Interestingly enough, my resume format was so pimp that Shantal stole my resume as a template and forgot to change the cell #.

> tfw my resume format was pimp
> tfw totally surprised nigger was looking for work

>> No.78323

No they wont get mad. Especially with something like that.
They'll actually probably be happy you're paying attention. Maybe it's some kind of stupid test.

>> No.78324

You might as well print off your transcript and just hand that in as your resume, if you're not going to try and at least bullshit it a bit.

>> No.78340

>tfw totally surprised nigger was looking for work
Well, did you hire him?

>> No.78409


I hope you don't have "critical reading" on your resume.

>> No.78422

I was joking, my apologies for throwing that into your serious thread about serious things.

>> No.78473

do voluntary shit man, and i'd have thought listing course specific software before ms office would look better

>> No.79197

>2 page resume filled with complete garbage
You got lucky or you're trolling.

>> No.79218

sorry ruseman, nobody's falling for that ruse

>> No.79235

>not writing your resume in Scheme

>> No.79261

Christ, that's an awful question. What line of work is it?

>> No.79605

at&t sales representative

>> No.80437

Is it really so bad in the US, low GPA and no experience = you are totally absolutely fucked?

I live in Finland, literally nobody cares about your GPA and work experience is really easy to get (AND you get paid)

>> No.80472

It's so bad in the US that high GPA and a little bit of experience=you are probably still fucked

>> No.80506


It depends, really.

Getting your foot in the door is tough here, even with a good GPA. The difficulty varies based on what you study.

From my experience, people get their first job / real work experience through somebody that they know that already works in their field. Besides that, most people (again, that I know) do bitch work and apply to real jobs in the meantime hoping that they'll land their first real job.

>> No.80530

Finland has more of an emphasis on the trades, so it makes sense that academic success might be viewed as less valuable there

>> No.80618

I might be wrong here (I'm Canadian and have visited relatives in Finland), but it seems that there's a relatively higher amount of job training available in Finland as opposed to North America. Plus your education system seems to give people skills that can be directly applied to a workforce, whereas in much of the US (and in significant parts of Canada, too) the education system sucks.
At least we're not as suicidal as you!

>> No.80652

>people suggesting an objective
no wonder you are unemployed

>> No.80680

Excel is fine, if he's going for some finance shit.

It's kind of expected that you have it, but it'd be much worse not to include it at all

>> No.80811

dont put in relevant coursework unless theyre honors courses or something special. employers know what a business curriculum is.

source: my HR professor

>> No.80846
File: 74 KB, 592x805, 01147852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot, Snowden!

>> No.80866

I've genuinely never heard about this. Might be an american thing.

Where do you get it?

>> No.80879

>the NSA's on 4chan
Called it.

>> No.80880

>I'm a smart...

Stopped reading there
What a cocky douche-bag.

>> No.81072 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 1200x1697, resumefake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.81191
File: 251 KB, 990x1399, cv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you hire me as Android dev/Java backend programmer?

>> No.81255

Give us Bukovina and Maramureş to rightful Ukraine, and then we will talk.

>> No.81297


Can you program in Java? If so prove it. Tech jobs are interesting as the traditional bullshit is a lot less important. If you've done something, even if its simple little side project, its worth so much

>> No.81363

I have a few apps on google play(nothing big, 5k downloads,3 stars)...should I include that into my cv?

>> No.81389


>> No.81418


Recycling is bullshit.

>> No.81532


absolutely, it is all they will want to talk about at interviews too

>> No.81559

- So, where did you acquire java/linux/c++ skills, what did you make with them?
- You say you know java? Which part? Did you use any library, framework, application server, what platforms (EE, SE, ME, Andoroid, etc).
- Personal traits are neither job related skills nor management skills, I would skip that
- What about databases, SQL, etc.

>> No.81593


>> No.81635
File: 48 KB, 802x857, yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi anons, how does it feel making the wrong career choice?
>m-m-m-muh STEM

>> No.81708

SCOTUS clerk on 4chan

>> No.81726

you were an accounting and finance major and weren't lured into corporate law? grats, bro. any tips for someone who doesn't want to be sucked into biglaw?

>> No.81795

>any tips for someone who doesn't want to be sucked into biglaw?
well, my clerkship is only temporary as you might know. i'll most likely be sucked into corporate law when it's over.

if you dislike biglaw, the best thing to do is go for a government position. unless it's a local prosecutor's office, you'll have great 40 hour work weeks. best government position is obviously Assistant US Attorney, but you can't get that until minimum 5 years of.......well, biglaw or local prosecutor's office.

if you have the grades and are a T14, my recommendation is go to, say, the Manhattan DA's office as an ADA, then transition to an AUSA, which might have to be outside of New York, since that's super-crazy-competitive

>> No.81806
File: 54 KB, 643x720, myresume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys. let me know things to improve on.

Appreciate it.

>> No.81926
File: 16 KB, 300x400, 1369765940479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good at spelling

>> No.82067

i think it would be cool to have a website on your cv, and then the website will have links to your github and projects and stuff.

>> No.82068

this is pretty good

i would hire you to clean my toilets

where do you live and when can you start?

>> No.82120

thanks for the advice, i'm glad to see even scotus clerks have the time to browse 4chan.

>> No.82197

>Putting college projects on your resume
People actually do this?

>> No.82217

Probably should only do that if you no other experience.

>> No.82548
File: 46 KB, 614x654, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.82568

I landed one job with this, only problem is that it is part-time and I want something more permanent. I want to work in an office, any tips?

>> No.82695

education at top, remove that 3 years out of 4 thing and put in "expected graduation 2015" indented to the right. also, expand upon what you've been doing in college.

remove objective

remove references bit at the bottom

rename to relevant skills

add another section called "related coursework" and list your courses and projects

lastly, make margins 1/2~3/4 inch rather than a full inch so the thing jumps out at you (my sekrit)

>> No.82869

I have some work experience related to HR (temp agency office worker) but I did that in 2010 for 4 months. Should I list that if I want an HR role? Or is it too far back?

>> No.82928

def put it down. just have a solid reason why you left.

ps are you a boy or grill

>> No.82945

north york?

>> No.82964

I'm a brown North Indian male, born in Canada

>> No.82969


more applicable than burger flipping jesus christ

>> No.82974

Good. I wouldn't want to work for a company who hired such a cunt anyway.

>> No.83035

goddamn that sucks. most people will skip over your resume just because the name is foreign.

>> No.83070

Should I bother putting my mailing address on my resume?
I figure city/state is good enough.
>send out fuckloads of resumes with my mailing address
>start getting weird invites to MLM scams in the mail

>> No.83064
File: 60 KB, 816x958, resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine.
>junior in college
>looking for a summer internship in pharma/biotech
>going to career fair at school in a few weeks
>will add that I am tutoring people this semester
>no connections in pharma/biotech industry

>> No.83065

you really think someone wouldn't be able to find out exactly who you are with that information?

>> No.83076

I don't think so, Canada loves minorities. I've never had a problem landing jobs, only problem might be in senior level management positions, but who am I kidding I'll never reach that level.

>> No.83107

When you say 'related coursework', do you mean the name of the classes I took? Or do I list things I learned about (e.g. labour laws, theories, etc.) And all of my projects are just essays and reports and tests, I never did anything technical like you STEM folks.

>> No.83116

Im still in college working my way up to more fancy jobs but I think I get turned down for a lot of shit because Im not white.

One day Im going to set up an email and resume with a fake white name and then apply for the same jobs just to see if I get more calls with the fake name.

>> No.83129
File: 28 KB, 120x89, 1371881494256.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chem E here. You should put AIChE stuff on that resume. Also I am envious of your GPA.

>> No.83167

just put the names of the classes. you majored in business and hr, so you must have taken some courses that sound useful.

>> No.83198

Stephen Levitt, a pop-economist/sociologist, did this and found that white-sounding names get more job interviews.

>> No.83196

Oh yeah I forgot about AIChE. Does putting on "AIChE member" do much? I'm not really active within my student chapter.

>> No.83247
File: 28 KB, 300x300, willsmithx233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Operating Systems: Windows XP
>Worked collaboratively in a group of four people for six weeks

>> No.83263

Yes. If they ask about your involvement, lie.

>> No.83284

Care to explain what's wrong with it?

>> No.83285
File: 20 KB, 683x771, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a critique? I know I don't have much to showcase.

>> No.83311

I'm not sure if this is the right thread to ask this in. If I'm in an interview and I'm asked what my hobbies are, what is a professional way to say I'm a news junkie?

>> No.83337

I KNEW IT! Will google this Levitt fellow and read/watch his report on this study.

I used to work near a very high end mall and I noticed the only non whites working in the mall were either janitors or in the foodcourt.

>> No.83366

I like to stay up-to-date on current events. I'm particularly interested in (insert the news type, this will be based on the type of job you're applying for, e.g. financial, political) news.

>> No.83406


Your GPA looks pretty good, I don't get a sense of what you did in your job description. I feel like you should re-write your skills sections. You don't need to list the Windows OSes you've worked on, Windows, Ubuntu, Debian and Mac would do fine. I think the Tools should be 'Software' or something, and elevated above platforms. I don't think a lot of people care what OS you use, because it'll probably just be windows, unless you're applying for something that needs someone who can work on others

>> No.83597

Thanks m8

>> No.83809

You've got some weird black squiggles on it somehow, I'd remove those.

>> No.83944

I just decided to pick an area and change all my info to that. My name isn't Splork either

>> No.84237
File: 168 KB, 693x669, my extremely shitty resume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No experience
>Probably won't get a spot this summer because of this resume

Also, Word sucks, the skills are basically just class descriptions and listed out because of how the internship I used it for selects people, and I left off a list of classes space filler.

Be gentle please.

>> No.84269

Is your university research-oriented in the slightest? You really need to get onto getting lab experience, beg a prof to become their lackey.
If you have done university (not classroom) lab work, then slap that shit onto your resume, man.

>> No.84321

I think it is. I was planning on looking into and contacting various professor's here soon, hopefully for a spot this summer or next semester, since I'm 99% sure I'm not getting that internship anyways

>> No.84338

Gonna pay this chick to write me a Resume and cover letter.


Good deal?

>> No.84357 [DELETED] 
File: 349 KB, 1275x1650, 1392864892632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique please.

>> No.84371

Not as bad as that 4 page Zelda one, with 3 pages being walls of text

>> No.84403

>tfw Bio major
>i love the subject matter
>not clouding my vision by wanting to become a doctor
>realize that all other career paths for bio majors are unstable or don't pay well

well, at least i'll enjoy what i'll do, right?

>> No.84427

I work in a bank that is certainly not souless. Fuck off

>> No.84494

Harvard doesnt teach acct since acct is for plebs

>> No.84495

Reddit has a board specifically to talk about 4chan. So when this site makes a new board, well...you get it.

>> No.84587

This is only applicable on small companies of 5 or fewer people really.

>> No.84657
File: 109 KB, 725x677, muh resume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84666
File: 207 KB, 1411x912, 1392871467404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my shitty resume
>tfw when bad gpa, no real job experience
>tfw no references available
>tfw neet

but i am spending my neet time trading stocks with parents money. so far im at $17.5k from a $10k starting position after flipping penny stocks for 4 months now

>> No.84671

Should projects go above or below education information?

>> No.84709
File: 81 KB, 500x952, 1392865652863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been interested in messing around with penny stocks for a bit now. Not bad for 4 months worth, what's your secret?
Endless tracking of information to try and sneak into a good time? Have you gotten lucky on one of them?

I'm very interested in hearing how you go about your trading!

>> No.84734

>scan the page briefly
>less than 3
>throw my screen in the trash

>> No.84808

well i bought a years worth of this kike's timothy sykes penny stock access to his study videos for $600 at profit.ly

i get access to the chat rooms and follow on people opinions. i never trade without doing my fair share of due diligence first

currently im holding 2k shares $BLDP @ 2.2, 1k $PLUG @ 2.86. i just sold 3k @CBMX yesterday for a $350 gain

i just get in and out and dont hold too long and especially through earnings

>> No.84816

ya'll niggas postin fake resumes rite

>> No.84836
File: 1.76 MB, 346x194, Im safe here.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uses I in Objective

Seriously though, no I's in your resume.

>> No.84894

you know thats a troll cv right?

>> No.84905

>University of City
Stop trying to make the School of Hard Knocks sound prestigious.

>> No.85005

lol @ buying that garbage... Tim Sykes shit sucks ass and is on torrents everywhere

>> No.85045

Which fonts are good for resumes?

>> No.85088


Arial Black for the titles and Lucida Handwriting for the body.

>> No.85092


>> No.85105

Fuck you

>> No.85112

times new roman

>> No.85134

Comic Sans. This got me the job at the circus. I am now the top clown. All of the other clowns look up to me and wish they were as comical and hilarious as me, but they just aren't. It's funny how comedic I am.

>> No.85157

It's too bad you're not funny on 4chan

>> No.85162
File: 76 KB, 419x550, REKT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.85163


Comic Sans

>> No.85166

It's too bad we're the samefag

>> No.85207

Where do you see his GPA?

>> No.85378
File: 51 KB, 317x265, 1358982323925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85477

thanks for the feedback

>> No.85664

>Good gasp of HTML and CSS

>> No.85756

Any suggestions on resume filler? I need a few lines of something extra, what should I list on there?

>> No.86060

>30K starting for EVERY job (STEM/Business too)
>Raises (5K) only after every 5~10 years
>Mandatory daily after work drinking parties unless you don't even want them raises. No social life for you; ever!
>Kimari unpaid overtime, shouganai ne
>Lifetime employment aka no one wants you if you're not 22 and just out of college. Hope you don't regret your choice of company for employment.

>> No.86149

>Japanese Native
>English Native

So which are fucking which? Is your mother tongue English, Japanese, both, or neither? Why take exam if you're native?

Also, are you an US citizen, Permanent resident, Japanese citizen, "illegal" dual citizen, etc? Won't hire you if there's possible visa bullshit to deal with.

>> No.86173

Dual citizen, took both exams because I wasn't sure if I was going to end up in an American firm or a Japanese firm.

Either way, there are way too many people that "speak" a language that suck ass in reality. Test results are a solid way to leave no doubt even before the interview.

>> No.86247

My university career center recommends it

(didn't do it because I half assed my projects due to lack of good project ideas)

>> No.86298

I think it really depends on the project and how far out of university you are. If it's a end term project it probably shouldn't be there, but if it was a supervised project or whatever it's ok.

>> No.86302

>Tau Beta Pi


>Fun of Chem Eng
No, you didn't? Who would expect a ChemE to take that.
>Fluid Mechanics
>Probability and Stats
>Quantum Chem
>Eng Lab
These are expected of all ChemEs

>No MATLAB skills
>No FORTRAN, C++, or Python skills to explain absence of MATLAB
What clown college are you going to?

>> No.86375

>3.6 in Math courses
>3.5 Cum

Don't even put that on there

>Black out courses
Show them. There's a massive difference between good math majors that take honor/graduate level analysis and algebra courses and those taking easy shit like 'HS math teaching' and 'probability for bio majors' who are barely better than CS scum.

>> No.87126


Lol, what's wrong with that

>> No.87368

Get some work experience. It doesn't matter if it's a shitty job or not.
The fact that you know how the world works, and that you can be counted on to get up and get to work by 0800 puts you ahead of so many others.

We can teach you some skills. We can't teach you work-ethic. Show us that you have it, so we know that we can hire you.

>> No.88619

You have a lot of achievments for a guy who doesnt know you dont put fullstops at the end of a list row.