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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 211 KB, 750x1045, 833B22C5-BED9-4B35-8512-B80E24167239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7078417 No.7078417 [Reply] [Original]

I have DACA, which mean I’m not a US citizen or resident and I don’t want to pay more taxes on my crypto gains. I make barely six figures and I’m already paying close too 35K in taxes a year. I have a Mexican passport, how can I cash out my Binance into USD without using coinbase which as my social security?

I have about 11 BTC and 4 Ethers and about 30K in shitcoins

>> No.7078503

Transfer everything to ETH and BTC, create a Bitso wallet using your Mexican Passport, Cash out and get Just’d by fees, no taxes in Mexico.

>> No.7078703

So if you have a Mexican passport just register with the mexican passport? God damn are you seriously this dumb

>> No.7078737

I live in the United States you nigger. I want to have USD in my bank account in the states. I don’t want to go to Mexico.

>> No.7078902

You might be able to buy gold and then sell gold for cash

>> No.7078957

well thats where youre going. Finally can click illegal content and mean it

>> No.7078974

You have to go back spic

>> No.7078996

l8r sk8r

>> No.7078998

total shit hole

>> No.7079033

You have to go back.

Get the fuck out. Unironically. Get the fuck out of my country.

>> No.7079044

i plan on moving back when i get crypto rich.join me

>> No.7079067

GO back and apply for citizenship - make your shithole country great again, dirty spic.

>> No.7079073
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How does this make any sense?
You're contributing more to American society than 90% of the cracker degenerates on this board.
Yet you're on the verge of getting deported.

>> No.7079113

i'm sorry. this song is you

>> No.7079149

le lgoic xD excuse me mr trump i dont know if you noticide but tht lass tweet can be seen as racis

>> No.7079152

imagine the return you could get if you invested in narco drug coins with your gains

>> No.7079160

What a faggot. OP is literally an illegal alien that asking for help with tax fraud. He has to go back. You should go too.

>> No.7079170

>You're contributing more to American society than 90% of the cracker
>Asking how to avoid paying taxes

Fuck you, too. Jesus christ, you fucking shitskins need to go.

>> No.7079179

I pay more taxes than all of you combined you scum NEETS. I’m picking up the slack for a lot of you faggots.

>> No.7079189


>> No.7079202

>Comes to USA illegally
>Doesn't want to pay taxes
>Doesn't want to go back

Seriously OP go fuck yourself.

And you fucking illegal faggots wonder why we don't fucking want you here?

>> No.7079212

le 50% face

>> No.7079219

howcome you haven't gotten citizenship yet?

>> No.7079228
File: 101 KB, 1000x989, NujakPink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great point my amphibious friend! It really makes me upset to think about all the great people of color not allowed in this great country because of that angry orange bigot in office (I call him Cheetolini. Get it? xD!).

>> No.7079255

No. No, you don't. I'm in the 250k+ family bracket, and I pay close to half of my income in taxes.

Fuck you. You have to go back. You are not welcome.

>> No.7079262

Fuck you spic

>> No.7079280



>> No.7079287

1776 your federal thieverment, then deal with paco the illegal

>> No.7079299

No you fucking don't you piece of shit. We all pay the fucking ridiculous taxes, you just don't hear us fucking bitching about it and trying to avoid it BECAUSE WE ARE LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, UNLIKE YOU.

>> No.7079303

This, non whites are parasites and this thread proves it.

Imagine being this much of an entitled parasite.

>> No.7079321

Sure thing larp faggot. I see tons of threads where other pricks like me are asking how to pay less taxes.

>> No.7079379

Dirty spic seriously thinks we will let him steal from us?

>> No.7079409

I’m not going anywhere you poorfag cuck whiteboys, señor trump is giving me papers and is going to take away your fucking welfare and food stamps.

>> No.7079475

lmao as if half of /biz/ won't be asking the same question this time next year when we have to pay taxes on crypto-crypto trades

>> No.7079512
File: 4 KB, 428x144, w2earnings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just happened to have my W2 handy since I'm doing my taxes.

Fuck you nigger. You have to go back.

>> No.7079539


Forgot to include, my wife is a pharmacist and makes about $140k a year.

>> No.7079543

>spic felon wants to keep stealing from the taxpayers
What a coincidentally coincidental coincidence.

>> No.7079552



>> No.7079554

>This fucking mad that he has to show his real W2 on a Mongolian degenerate dating board.

I see you’re a wagecuck, I’m an entrepreneur and I employ 6 people. How many people do you employ?

>> No.7079591
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Get a load of this faggot, he actually thinks that if a compromise is made that an illegal alien evading taxes is going to be allowed to stay.

The IRS doesn't fuck around faggot, they don't care about what color your skin is. They got Capone, they will fucking get you.

>> No.7079607


>> No.7079608

You can just sell your btc on local btc for cash. Or you can send me the bitcoins and I will make sure you dont have to pay any taxes.

>> No.7079637

Fucking spic get the fuck out

>> No.7079657
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kys OP sage

>> No.7079712

Nice bait pol
You have to go back

>> No.7079713

you know you can buy yourself citizenship to america right? every country allows people to do this.

>> No.7079728

I will probably end up paying my taxes if he passes a immigration reform. Sucks dick that I have to pay over 60K in taxes just so it can go to fund disgusting scum NEET lifestyles and lazy niggers like 90% of /biz/. Keep shilling your Link and dickcoins , the only moon missions left are complete scams where pajeet will rape your wallet. You’ve missed the ship, and you will die poor. See ya faggots.

>> No.7079760

how new.ru?

>> No.7079819
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>> No.7079877


>> No.7079888

We don't need the help. By making this country better and in turn, making Mexico shittier, you're encouraging millions of parasites that have a much more negative impact than whatever positive worth you bring to the table.

>> No.7079921
File: 409 KB, 944x4013, nu pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these retards falling for obvious bait

Fucking nu-/pol/

>> No.7079924

Get ready, Aztec scum. You're going back and your fellow jungle goblins are going to skin you alive for your dollares.

>> No.7079946


>> No.7079947
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spic parasites get out

>> No.7080042
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>> No.7080079
File: 13 KB, 486x600, 1514104640156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon-kun
you've gotta go back

>> No.7080245


Sure you are kid, sure you are.

Now get the fuck out of my country.

>> No.7080352

Get the fuck out spic. You contribute nothing to the economy and I hope the IRS fucks you for tax evasion.

>> No.7080359
File: 111 KB, 263x240, 1514513878030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is going to get his future children skinned by the cartel for being """"rich"""" when he gets deported.


>> No.7080404

all you amerifags are so easy to bait. #1 in weak hands and #1 to take bait.. i hope some mexicans chalupa your wives and mothers

>> No.7080465

Prepared to be ICEd