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File: 23 KB, 300x300, 60743A5D-C52A-44CB-A279-BCE92BAC72C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7078133 No.7078133 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7078159

>Buying VEN at ATH* was the worst decision of my life

Fixed for you, OP

>> No.7078195

has any coin been fuded this hard since ethereum? serious question

>> No.7078219

listening to the biz shills was the worst decision of your life.
When something is shilled hard here, you don't buy it.

>> No.7078275

But ETH was shilled hard here a year ago...

>> No.7078312


>> No.7078315

Get out now, this coin will be the biggest scandal in crypto history...very shady...predicted to reach a negative value and you will owe sunny money..

>> No.7078320

Lol we all knew it was a scam lol who is Jim Breyer anyone? Nobody in crypto. Not only that they don’t have a white paper and Walton is blowing them out of the water. Only literal Autists bought this shit

>> No.7078327

you spelt shilled wrong

>> No.7078356

Anyone else get rock hard when they see Vetards suffering? A lot of normies jumped on this at max hype and didn't realize infinite growth wasn't a thing. I'm gonna buy in at $3.50-4.50, but jesus, you fags complaining about the coin falling. Making multiple threads every five minutes in a fully decentralized, yet cringey way. its entire trajectory has been a massive bull run. You're in for a rude awakening now that it has stopped. Say good by to at least 50% of your gains cuz we goin' right back down! Welcome to crypto faggots. Cry harder that there isn't a smoke&mirrors chink partnership every 4 hours to hype your obseletecoin (see Walton, OriginTrail, etc.) Vetards could ignore this thread but they are subconsciously stressed out, nervous, and paranoid their chinkcoin "investment" they've been telling all their fellow normie egotard friends and coworkers about. You smarmy assholes actually think VEN will reach $20 with an already 4 BILLION marketcap. Lmao yeah guys sooo much growth ahead of you! This random token is TOTALLY gonna grow as much as bitcoin did over the last 6 years before Q2 2018! Hahaha oh how come we're not hearing "READ DA WHITE PAPER!" From vetards you might ask? Ah well that is because there is no whitiru papuru, pajeet! Haha Even stinky linkies have a prett decent whitepaper peer reviewed by Evan Cheng (dorsctor of egomeering at Facebook) and Ari Jules (cheif scientist at RSA). Also VeChain doesn't have direct RFID integration like Walton. God, you guys are gonna get so fucked I'm so excited. The sheer confidence and arrogance Vetards have been showing is going to be blissfully net with reality once they realize the ecosystem their project has already arrived late to. So excited to see this crash.

>> No.7078374


Shilling and FUDing are different sides of the same coin. If you were here when there were literally 8 "VEN PBoC" threads every hour, you'd be sick of it too.

>> No.7078389

Very shady shit. Did you hear about Sunny Lu?

>> No.7078392
File: 1.10 MB, 1320x1980, 1517259901556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do we do now? Sell at a loss?

>> No.7078394

Who is Jim Breyer? LOL
Yes, yes, VEN is shit, stay out faggots!

>> No.7078436

I was in an elevator with Sunny Lu and I said to him that I was really impressed with everything he had accomplished with Vechain, and that I wished him good luck. He didn't even look at me and didn't respond, but he did move closer till we were shoulder to shoulder. Then he slid his left hand into my pocket and began to fondle my genitals. He never made eye contact. Just felt my balls and my stiffening shaft through the inside of my pocket until the elevator reached the ground floor. Paralyzed with fear and embarrassment, I didn't resist or push him away. The door opened and about ten Chinese businessmen were standing there looking at us, Sunny with his hand in my pocket, me with an erection. I didn't move. Sunny took his hand out, shamelessly licked his fingertips, and then walked out of the elevator. I still didn't move. The businessmen crowded in and I rode back up with them as a few of them cast sidelong glances at me and talked to each other in Chinese. I rode all the way to the top of the building, then back down again, just to make sure Sunny wasn't in the lobby waiting for me.

>> No.7078437

Anybody else get rock hard for a coin when they see copy and pasted FUD everywhere? I know I do.

>> No.7078443

yh this is my most recent encounter with him

I was in downtown Liverpool at 2am. Drunk off my tits. Having a cigarette outside the bar. Went into the alley to piss. Saw the ugliest, scrawniest Asian guy, short hair, monobrow, sure enough it was Sunny and he was fucking a chick from behind, she literally looked like a chihuahua. She had bug eyes, zits and no tits. Legs and arms like a praying mantis. He kept saying 'tobacco on the blockchain' wtf that means.

I was only about 10 feet away from them. I think some of my piss trickled down to where they were. Now I've seen people screwing in public on occasion, its always hot. But this display belonged in a zoo for retarded animals. I couldn't watch, I felt violated.

>> No.7078452

Why do y’all keep copying and pasting this paragraph? Weird AF

>> No.7078454


>> No.7078464

Sell and buy something more promising like TRTL

>> No.7078466

Epic dude

>> No.7078474

Anyone else get rock hard when they see Vetards suffering? A lot of normies jumped on this at max hype and didn't realize infinite growth wasn't a thing. I'm gonna buy in at $3.50-4.50, but jesus, you fags complaining about the coin falling. Making multiple threads every five minutes in a fully decentralized, yet cringey way. its entire trajectory has been a massive bull run. You're in for a rude awakening now that it has stopped. Say good by to at least 50% of your gains cuz we goin' right back down! Welcome to crypto faggots. Cry harder that there isn't a smoke&mirrors chink partnership every 4 hours to hype your obseletecoin (see Walton, OriginTrail, etc.) Vetards could ignore this thread but they are subconsciously stressed out, nervous, and paranoid their chinkcoin "investment" they've been telling all their fellow normie egotard friends and coworkers about. You smarmy assholes actually think VEN will reach $20 with an already 4 BILLION marketcap

>> No.7078480

GAS mooning

>> No.7078481


what the fuck?

he CANNOT keep getting away with this!

super shady desu senpai

>> No.7078494

That was before biz became the pajeet scamming capital of the internet.
If you're taking financial advice from this shithole, you're not going to make it, it's that simple.

>> No.7078527

"Hey Stacey, want anything from Starbucks?"
>"Yeah, I want a mocha roastie supreme! But can you go get it for both of us, I don't want to stop watching Netflix!"
"Sure, can you send me some money though? My credit card is almost empty, I spent everything on Chad!"
>"Yeah, I just go this new app "Request Network". Download it and send me a request!"
"Wow, I just got it too! I'll put in a request. Hmm, that's weird Stace, it's saying I need "REQ tokens". Wtf is that?"
>"Uh, this app is so fucking weird. WEIRD AND CREEPY. Why do I need a token to send money? How do I even get them?"
"Just delete it Stace and use venmo. That app was made by virgins and creepy ugly losers."

3 weeks later...

"Stace, remember that Request Network app?"
>"Ugh. that ugly looking one that was obviously made by no life virgins?"
"Yep, that's the one. Well I GUESS I had to use it to send money because it has lower fees, but it's such a shit app and you can tell that ugly virgins made it. Guess what the app MAKES you do Stace."
>"Lay it on me girl, I can only imagine what the neckbeards that made that app make you do to use it."
"Get this Stace, I wanted to send 10 grand to Chad, and instead of just being NORMAL like Venmo and Paypal and entering Chad's name to send it to him, I had to enter his "wallet address". LOL!"
>"Holy shit, that is the nerdiest thing I've ever heard! I'm drier than the Sahara just hearing such nerdy, gay words."
"It's unbelievable, if you want to send money, you have to enter a 40 character string of letters and numbers. If you screw up, and of course what normal, non autistic person wouldn't under those circumstances, no refunds, because the app uses a "blockchain". Imagine the autistic spergs that made that app Stacey, they're so fucking creepy and their app is shit! Let's use Venmo only from now on!"

>> No.7078529

At least you didnt buy AMB kek

>> No.7078534
File: 39 KB, 450x450, 881c53ce-0938-40b6-977e-6c4ad525e42b_1.ca16c438846fd2539e4f8dcd8591448b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are selling because they are figuring out that Vechain partnering with an ice cream company is not a big deal. I would sell while you still have some profit... This is going straight back to 9k sats.

>> No.7078535

this coin is going to $2 tonight get out now

>> No.7078537

Sonny gave me a great fucking reach around, and that's why I'll always schill VEN!

>> No.7078540

you spelled spelled wrong

>> No.7078565

Common knowledge when biz is fudding you actually start accumulating and wait for the next moon mission.
This project is one of the most legit ones in this space.
Anyone not having VEN in their portfolio is a pure idiot.

>> No.7078575


Glad to watch VENcucks suffer. The shilling was awful to put up with. Now stop making these fucking threads. Sell or don't, but just stop posting about it.

>> No.7078589

Sold my VeChain at a huge loss feeling happy not being in

>> No.7078596

there has literally never been a shadier coin...

>> No.7078648

>89 degree angle
you amaturdlets deserve no better

>> No.7078663
File: 278 KB, 603x520, VeChain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VeChain is a mess

>> No.7078675

Id stay away from chinese coins especially the ones tied to the government. Jim breyer could be a secret communist, he did marry a chink. A lot of red flags, i'd stay away for now

>> No.7078731

Sunny Lu will go to jail !

Ya don't know chinese laws

>> No.7078774

This is what happens when you start believing in some insane moon during a bear market. When you actually think whales are conspiring to to supress the price, the Chinese government's going to pour billions in it forever etc. etc.

>> No.7078800

The way I see it is a large majority of women orgasm when they are raped so Sunny is doing them a huge favor, all in VEN just for that.

>> No.7078913


past and past participle of spell.

Fucking BURN nazi fag

>> No.7078918

its just FUD, most on here are just small fish so this doesnt even remotely have an impact.

>> No.7078934

>Be a normie
>bought ven at $1.50

>> No.7079029
File: 126 KB, 800x800, Vojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt even remotely have an impact.

>> No.7079071

stay poor pajeet faggot

>> No.7079076

Take that back! You're hurting my strength nodes feefees

>> No.7079091

Do me a favour and sell now, op. You also missing out on the imminent bullish cycle will make my day

>> No.7079276

Anyone else get rock hard when they see Vetards suffering? A lot of normies jumped on this at max hype and didn't realize infinite growth wasn't a thing. I'm gonna buy in at $3.50-4.50, but jesus, you fags complaining about the coin falling. Making multiple threads every five minutes in a fully decentralized, yet cringey way. its entire trajectory has been a massive bull run. You're in for a rude awakening now that it has stopped. Say good by to at least 50% of your gains cuz we goin' right back down! Welcome to crypto faggots. Cry harder that there isn't a smoke&mirrors chink partnership every 4 hours to hype your obseletecoin (see Walton, OriginTrail, etc.) Vetards could ignore this thread but they are subconsciously stressed out, nervous, and paranoid their chinkcoin "investment" they've been telling all their fellow normie egotard friends and coworkers about. You smarmy assholes actually think VEN will reach $20 with an already 4 BILLION marketcap

>> No.7079283

Anyone else get rock hard when they see Vetards suffering? A lot of normies jumped on this at max hype and didn't realize infinite growth wasn't a thing. I'm gonna buy in at $3.50-4.50, but jesus, you fags complaining about the coin falling. Making multiple threads every five minutes in a fully decentralized, yet cringey way. its entire trajectory has been a massive bull run. You're in for a rude awakening now that it has stopped. Say good by to at least 50% of your gains cuz we goin' right back down! Welcome to crypto faggots. Cry harder that there isn't a smoke&mirrors chink partnership every 4 hours to hype your obseletecoin (see Walton, OriginTrail, etc.) Vetards could ignore this thread but they are subconsciously stressed out, nervous, and paranoid their chinkcoin "investment" they've been telling all their fellow normie egotard friends and coworkers about. You smarmy assholes actually think VEN will reach $20 with an already 4 BILLION marketcap

>> No.7079308

I'm sorry anon, but people were calling this since the beginning. At least you learned a valuable lesson.

>> No.7079316


my dick is getting superhard

>> No.7079398

VEN being over $1 defeats the whole purpose of the token. If you knew anything about the project, you'd know this.

Use your brain people. Are you seriously going to fucking buy this over $1?

>> No.7080298


>> No.7080357

>I was in an elevator with Sunny Lu and I said to him that I was really impressed with everything he had accomplished with Vechain, and that I wished him good luck. He didn't even look at me and didn't respond, but he did move closer till we were shoulder to shoulder. Then he slid his left hand into my pocket and began to fondle my genitals. He never made eye contact. Just felt my balls and my stiffening shaft through the inside of my pocket until the elevator reached the ground floor. Paralyzed with fear and embarrassment, I didn't resist or push him away. The door opened and about ten Chinese businessmen were standing there looking at us, Sunny with his hand in my pocket, me with an erection. I didn't move. Sunny took his hand out, shamelessly licked his fingertips, and then walked out of the elevator. I still didn't move. The businessmen crowded in and I rode back up with them as a few of them cast sidelong glances at me and talked to each other in Chinese. I rode all the way to the top of the building, then back down again, just to make sure Sunny wasn't in the lobby waiting for me.

>> No.7080408

I fucking love this meme

>> No.7081005


>> No.7081841

This will bleed down to maybe below 3$. Sell now and dont buy back in until atleast 4$ to be safe

>> No.7081933

yep jump into neo when it hit ath

>> No.7082072

looks like some little boys are mad they bought ATH bags..

>> No.7082665

Im just in it for the Sunny memes desu

>> No.7082842

fuck off gRaMA

>> No.7082894
File: 85 KB, 530x398, 9E1F386F-DB1F-4EC9-B931-91429EFEE6BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s like you don’t understand math.

>> No.7083006

Just wait till end of Feb you impatient fucks