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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7075206 No.7075206 [Reply] [Original]

Hiromoot gives us one meta thread..
/pol/ needs to leave. The quality of this board has drastically declined since late last year when they all started flooding in. They invest with their emotions, they treat crypto like console wars, they drag every discussion into the shitter and turn threads into nothing more than off topic echo chambers.
But the worst part is they've been here a few months and are already claiming we are a "/pol/ colony" and trying to revision history. The fuck is up with that. Literally how is it any different to Muslims invading europe and niggers shouting we wuz kangz? It's not

If you're from /pol/ and bring your shit here, fuck off
If you happen to browse /pol/ but don't bring shit here, keep quiet you're alright for now

>> No.7075286

Yeah there's a reason /biz/ and /fit/ are up there higher than you /pol/tards can even see.

>> No.7075591

Yes, that's right. /pol/ needs to leave, not the shillers, the scammers, the underage, the pornposters. Not Them. /pol/, the white adults with money. Need to leave.

>> No.7075694

you know how i know that you are a nigger?
getting upset about some shitposters from pol
totally not the thirworld pajeets that ruin this board

>> No.7075703

The increase of all those things can be directly attributed to the influx of /pol/ posters since btc broke every major psychological barrier starting with $3000
The losers who hang out in discord pnd shill groups and bring it all here... they are pure 2016 new meat /pol/ posters

>> No.7075769

99% of pajeet posts are broke fag underage /pol/ trash trying to fud or reverse shill projects by pretending to be pajeet
Just check all the mobius shit. Obviously people pretending to be pajeet and not actual pajeets

>> No.7075851


You are wrong. I live in discords and they are not /pol/, they are normie and shitskin central, and racism political correctness is not tolerated even in the scummiest domain of scammers groups.

Basically you are completely fucking stupid and have mis-attributed the "decline" of a board to a spook.

>> No.7075882

>/biz/ 124
>/fit/ 131

>> No.7075964

Bump to remind Poltrash they need to go

>> No.7075997
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>/vg/ above 90

>> No.7076035

/pol/ is /biz/ and we need a cleansing NOW

>> No.7076072

with money my ass

>> No.7076080

/pol/ has nothing to do with /biz/, its just some niggers from /pol/ try to make them look a little bit smarter than they actually are.

>> No.7076164
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>/lit/ 147
i wonder who made this picture

>> No.7076214

>/lit/: I have read more books than you therefore I am more intelligent

Intelligence doesn't work like this at all.

>> No.7076260

seems like it also doesnt work for you aswell

>> No.7076267

Why isn't /his/ mentioned in that list?

>> No.7076368

We are a team of highly dedicated members hell bent on capturing the cryptocurrency scene. Be a part of it or miss out big time/,/

https://discord dot gg/TEADGGw

>> No.7076391
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>> No.7076437

>muh spooky nazi racist sexist internet boogeyman!
>everything I don't like must be shitposting from /pol/!
>muh feels!
>your rights end where my feelings begin, bigot!

>> No.7076459

/bizpol/ is always right.


>> No.7076477


Only people that complain about Pol are the shitskins/leftypol invaders

>> No.7076479


If you've been on /pol/ long enough you would realize that it is mostly shitskins pretending to be white and white guys pretending to be shitskins and self hating Jews.

>> No.7076509
File: 388 KB, 479x640, 1504609652863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to smart
Read a book cryptocucks

>> No.7076643

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/1879744