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7073957 No.7073957 [Reply] [Original]

BazingaCoin/BZC Thread

Why are you faggots not on this boat yet ? Do you want to be left ashore where only negroes with monster-sized cocks want to fuck you in the ass ?
No, you want to be first class on the QUEEN FUCKING MARY II : BAZINGAcoin the only normie-coin that's gonna get through.

Stop what you're doing right now and buy the goddamn ICO and get your 10x.

>> No.7074500

I'm still on the fence, thinking of putting 200$ into it and leave it over summer, is a 5x realistic goal?

>> No.7074537

don't setup goals when it comes to cryptos in ICO phase. usually it's x2 in the first month after it hits exchanges. if you hodl you might even go x10-x20 like it happened with Trx ICO

>> No.7074540

1. zero info on the team
2. shit website that looks like it was made in an hour by a 12 year old
3. "Bazinga" is literally trademarked and owned by Warner Bros. (not that these pajeet streetshitters care since they are just looking for a fast buck)
4. the concept of the coin is being "paid to write comedy". Jesus Christ
5. zero potential for any legitimate partnerships or growth in the future

If you buy this literal pajeet shitcoin scam, you deserve to lose your money. I have zero sympathy for you.

This is a fair warning for all you nucoiner normies, don't listen to any bagholders shilling this trash. Norton, TrendMicro and Mcafee detected background keylogger installer. DO NOT GO TO THIS SITE.

These points HAVE NOT been "debunked" and no evidence to the contrary has been presented, no matter what these street shitters claim.

>> No.7074561
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>> No.7074585

>get paid to write jokes

Do these threads count?

>> No.7074639

why do you keep shilling your fucking retarded coin. you made this because of Big Bang Theory, the most pajeet tv show ever

>> No.7074788

If you can't spot a moonshot then you will stay poor