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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 1312x875, dopamine-cryptocurrency-mining-case-1312x875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7059747 No.7059747 [Reply] [Original]

I can buy a $1k mining rig and just mine 3 eth per month. Mining is easier and almost free than buying crypto unless you're living on a third world shithole with expensive electric bills.

>> No.7059756


>> No.7059765

You didn't buy BZC yet anon? Kek

>> No.7059787
File: 14 KB, 248x189, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$1k mining rig
>3 eth per month

>> No.7059802

3 eth a month from a 1k build? really dude?

>> No.7059803

>third world shithole
>expensive electric bills
Pick one newfag

>> No.7059857

he is not wrong tho. Most third world shitholes have cheap KW prices. We in Germany on the other hand have one of the most expensive KW prices....

>> No.7059866

Electricity is free in Germany, China on the other hand...

>> No.7059869


Lmao dumbass i live in east europe and here we have the cheapest electricity in europe. Besides that, i mine in my garage, which is part of the building and not my personal flat so the electricity bill is split amongst everyone in the building. Nobody even notices the difference because the bill is split on 30 apartments.

>> No.7059874

There's no way you're getting 3 eth per month with a 1k rig.

>> No.7059890


>Electricity is free in Germany

u wot?

>> No.7059891

my state literally has the most expensive electricity in the world, dont think mining will ever be worth it for me

>> No.7059901

He's not, I have a $2K rig and I barely get 0.3 eth

>> No.7059911

And only stupid miners tell stupid people that buy crypto why mining is better, because the more people mine the harder it is for you to mine and make profits.

Leave your ego aside and shut the fuck up about it and let others mine in silence.

>> No.7059920

have fun buying graphics cards in romania or whatever nigger european but not in the EU country youre from

>> No.7059949

>1k mining rig
>3 eth per month
maybe back in 2016

>> No.7059954

We're even being paid to use electricity. I ordered a mining rig overseas since it's cheaper than here in Germany. Win-win situation.

>> No.7059961


there is no gpu left in romania, everything is out of stock

>> No.7059985


stop larping retard

>> No.7060008

Okay /biz/, post where your from and electricity price in kWh. I'll start

>Day time 0.06 $/kWh
>Night time 0.01 $/kWh

>> No.7060045

This, I get just over 1 ETH PCM from a $7k setup.

Electricity is 'free' for me as it's included in my service charge for my offices.

If you spend $1k on a rig and have electricity charges, you will take quite some time to get a ROI.

>> No.7060048

Sweden, around $0.08

>> No.7060058

1x rx580 = 30 MH/s

6x rx580 = 180 MH/s

180 MH/s = 0.488 ETH a month

source: actual miner

>> No.7060077
File: 22 KB, 600x630, 15163431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>south australia
>.41 $/kWh for first 11 kWh of the day, .44 after + a daily supply charge of .91

>> No.7060097
File: 9 KB, 299x168, sober.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been considering mining...I have $2000 that I can spend and I live in a rent controlled apartment where my electricity is free...any recommendations or ideas for mining rigs for me?

>> No.7060106
File: 345 KB, 1500x1500, smug wendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can just buy a 1k mining rig and just mine 3 eth per month
Wanna know how I know you're not a miner OP?

>> No.7060114

>found a dude who proved to me he can build unlimited energy machine
>we need 90k to build it


>> No.7060123

If your electricity is cheap, running a larger array of older and very cheap cards is more efficient, provided you are clever enough to set it up.

You can get 5 y/o cards for like 10 dollars in some places...
Hooking in to residential electric you dont own is not very hard...

not saying any more

>> No.7060124

To be honest the most profitable setup currently involves you spending at least 5-7k for a six card rig. And even then you likely won't break even for a bare minimum of 9-10 months.

>> No.7060227

Not yet, but I ordered 3 mining rigs which will arrive on Wednesday.

>> No.7060401

0,0823 €/kWh before taxes
0,1367 €/kWh after taxes

....thanks France

>> No.7060441

>has unlimited energy
>mines fake internet money

yeah, why sell it for literally trillions of dollars

>> No.7060497


That really is nothing considering it is not a huge investment

>> No.7060519


He already sold it for 90k to a moron obviously, the moron just needs to get 90k

>> No.7060573

maybe in 2016 lol

>> No.7060618
File: 16 KB, 384x390, almost unpleasant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I ordered 3 mining rigs
Okay anon this is some top tier bait.

>> No.7060728

>85CHF every 2 months

>> No.7060817

I feel your pain fellow ausfag

0.28/kwh here in Syd. Not as bad as yours but definitely not as good as 0.08/kwh. Mining for me is still profitable. 2 rigs 6x 1070 Ti, $400/week before electricity costs

>> No.7060830


That doesn't make any sense? Price in kWh m8

>> No.7060924

>I can buy a $1k mining rig and just mine 3 eth per month.

I think you meant to say "I could buy", like in 2014.

>> No.7060955

Aus/Canada fag here... My dad lives in Ukraine and wants to pick up mining. Electricity is probably cheap there. How do I send him 60 Rx 580's without getting my gear stolen or confiscated?

Buying them in Ukraine is more costly than buying them here in Australia

>> No.7060960

I wonder if some people literally steal electricity from a power line and use it to power their rig

>> No.7060993

0.11 $/kWh or something close to this, Bulgaria

>> No.7061010

Getting your hands on 60 RX 580's is the hard part.

All vendors in Aus are now imposing a limit 2 per household rule. You'll get them but it'll take a while.

>> No.7061047

Yeah but that's a very long time in crypto, he can 20-50x his investment by trading shitcoins during a 10month period easily.

And that's without having to worry about a mining rig and possible electricity costs. On top of buying GPUs at literal ATH.

>> No.7061133

I have the same problem anon, have my grandfather living in Serbia and i cant find a way to send him my 13 rx 580s from Belgium, im scared they will confiscate them at the border

>> No.7061185

how the fuck are you pulling a profit at 0.28?

>> No.7061287 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7061289


>he can 20-50x

This is brainlet thinking. First of all you need skills for that, second it is very much a gamble. Mining is a sure thing, with minimum effort.

It's like saying don't save money, you can 36x your money on roulette. Typical brainlet thinking

>> No.7061311

makes sense

>> No.7061313


>Muh decentrilized crypto
>Powered by stolen electricity

>> No.7061319

lies, the german electricy companies sell the renewable and unused electricity undervalued to france, the netherlands, austria and switzerland. the mean price here is extremely high and about 0,2€ what is almost the double price of the US and 4 times what the chinese pay

>> No.7061366


Serbia fag here, i will take it for you, trust me ;)

Seriously, why would they? It is a legal product. The only issue is that they might impose a tax on it at the border, i think it is somewhere around 20% of the evaluated price.

>> No.7061408

0.2€, Portugal
Didn't stop me from mining though

Trying to find somewhere with industrial electricity though

>> No.7061540

Please tell me where can I buy this $1k mining rig that mines 3 eth/month

>> No.7061596

Don't forget 85% taxes on crypto if you make 6 figures per year.

>> No.7061611


>> No.7061657

fuck you, grand cayman here. 75cents a kilowatt hour. Take your cheap electricity and shove it up your ass germany.

>> No.7061675

67% on highest income bracket (€150k+), 3% of some extra tax and 15% of social contributions, iirc. There's good info on the bitcointalk french subforum

>> No.7061718


You're an island you mongoloid, of course it's more expensive. Germany has some of the most expensive electricity in the western world, especially for all the bullshit stories about the miracles of renewable energy.

>> No.7061734
File: 50 KB, 663x707, 1514762442111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

few people are autistic enough to post smug wendys with this degree of bitterness in their posting. therefore i conclude you are the poorfag who has about a $600 portfolio who wouldn't stop posting smug wendys the other day. sorry it had to be like this.

>> No.7061737

Fuck that, I'm all in on stealth coins and not cashing out through exchanges.

>> No.7061787

Just interested..if I had access to free electricity, let's say solar panels which already paid back the initial investment..could I still make it in mining?

>> No.7061854

how else will you fund all the africans and arabs flooding in at the beck and call of your women?

>> No.7061881

Spent 13k usd. Good luck finding GPU's. I'm at about 2k a month.

>> No.7062212

I have free electricity. If you make your own case you're looking at maybe 300-400eur for your 'base' (mobo, cpu, ram...). From then on it's a matter of setting yourself a budget and finding the most cost effective solution, for example 4x1060s instead of 2x1070s. My rough calculations for nvidia cards at current market prices and current gpu prices is that you'll be getting 1/5th of what you invested per month. I'd give that a safe underestimation and say that you should be planning for a 1/6th return, meaning that only the GPU's will pay themselves off in half a year. With free electricity you're practically guaranteed to not lose money because you don't have any ground floor of profitabilty where you lose money by mining. You just have to hold out those 6 months to get a ROI

>> No.7062230

>germans getting anything for free
>after breaking away from the (((international banking cartel)))

>> No.7062996

Electricity in ukraine is about .065 usd per kwh. They will get stolen. You need to hand deliver.