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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7056679 No.7056679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pajeets, explain what's the reason in staying so close to each other in queues?

>> No.7057043

educational bump

>> No.7057071

tell us, pajeets

>> No.7057092

not enough room in th country baba

>> No.7057129


i've been advised that the continent of hindustan is overrun with mannerless line cutting scoundrels that can only be fended off in this manner

>> No.7057154

They love smelling each others ass stench

>> No.7057158


>> No.7057186

It feels good on your jutti

>> No.7057187

best post on /biz currently

>> No.7057189

smell is gud ty op

>> No.7057215

They call it a chainlink

>> No.7057220
File: 301 KB, 517x753, 538692AC-025D-486B-852F-2E9A1AE9E431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is wrong with this guy? I know he’s a long time wtc holder because of his skincolor and weird hygiene habits, but what’s wrong with him?

>> No.7057230

lining up for the gang rape

an orgy to stop pajeet cutting in line

>> No.7057259

go back

>> No.7057267
File: 118 KB, 800x430, g-g-gaaayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder: in India its completely common and acceptable to hold you male friends hand when walking down the street or generally in public

>> No.7057272
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>> No.7057274
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Good one, laughed hard.

>> No.7057275


>> No.7057293

I do it so I can feel a dick grinding against my ass while I do the same to the person in front of me. Actually, I don't do anything at the front of the line. I just go to the back again.

>> No.7057336

i can't be the only one who can't hate pajeets
they're so eager about their endless scams, they're like puppies
disgusting shitstained retarded puppies

>> No.7057338

hmmmm that`s interesting

>> No.7057348

No wonder diseases spread so fast in Pajeetia.

>> No.7057418

fucking kek

>> No.7057435

pajeets aren't even the problem. One shitstain is responsible for bitflur, prodeum and all the major scams you see on /biz/. All pajeets have done are shill shitcoins

>> No.7057837

I would guess they are really afraid of someone cutting in line?

Can someone confirm? Legit curious.

>> No.7057941
File: 129 KB, 1024x776, 1407535057879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At my job, two niggers from Nigeria started working about a month ago. They walk around holding hands going to/from break/lunch. Our american niggers fuck with them constantly and shit. Nigerian niggers dgaf and claim they're not gay.

I knew that male handholding was common in India and some Asian countries but I was shocked to learn that fucking Apefricans do it too.

>> No.7057974
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Pls Sir

>> No.7058022
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>> No.7058036
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>> No.7058088

It’s a poo distribution service. You might now know but each one of those pajeets are internally connected via a butt to penis to butt shit transfer smart contract. If I understand this correctly, it’s so nobody in queue will have to loo. The downside is that if the pajeet bladders all fill up, by definition of the smart contract, the area or street will have to become designated and loo’d by everyone at once. This is only possible from a young coder names Vitajeet Butterin

>> No.7058146

Its because of the line cutting in India its a constant zero sum game and if you show weakness you will be crushed.

>> No.7058218
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My sides!
Thank you

>> No.7058250
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>> No.7058263
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>> No.7058274

Topkek anon

>> No.7058371
File: 81 KB, 560x420, ganes-dead body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diseases are a meme sir

>> No.7058409

Lets protect indian nature from indians. Day of the loo is coming you dirty fucking patels

>> No.7058437
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>> No.7058572

In mini-jeets defense, that would still be cleaner than the streets.

>> No.7058714

Are they working with something or taking a bath?
Probably neither.

>> No.7058791

I wonder what did anglos think when they met Pajeets for the first time. Probably they didn't have streets, and all this plastic bag junk, so it didn't look as horrible as now.

>> No.7058861
File: 119 KB, 634x418, 1496076309822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sir pls can i find you something to eat sir

>> No.7058908

lmao you guys make fun of pajeets all day when you don't realize there is like 1 pajeet for 500 of us

The people spamming shitcoins and advertising things are one of you. A whitey, this is certain

There aren't any real jeets here, so dunno what this thread is trying to attract. Prove me wrong

>> No.7058956
File: 56 KB, 720x479, Indian-airports-salacious-mistranslation-Eating-carpet-strictly-prohibited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove me wrong
You just proved yourself wrong Sandeep

>> No.7058961

We are just meming, or you think we visit this board just to ask about shitcoins?

>> No.7059011

this is vry true point....... what is 4CHAN most Indians dont even noe... thnk u 4 kind wrds my frend

>> No.7059046

Post vegana.

>> No.7059050

oh shit this picture just made me realize black people don't look like monkeys white people do. monkeys with the fur shaved off.

>> No.7059070

Someone will take your place if you leave a space. This way there's no line cutter. Hindus are scammers don't you know?

>> No.7059080

Worked around West Africa as contractor for a while, believe me if you literally saw two Subsaharan African Men holding hands walking, - They're a hundred percent gay. The Hand holding thing is not "a thing" in west africa, men don't even hold their wives hands.

>> No.7059084
File: 95 KB, 935x796, DCuEQI5UQAAG8Tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very true.

>> No.7059122

He's looking for gold

>> No.7059139

+1 shillpoint rewarded to your balance rajesh

>> No.7059229
File: 60 KB, 200x200, Shitfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TY sirs, now let me draw your atencion to special coin today. It make very good money, good investment

>> No.7059262

hahaha holy shit

>> No.7059274

you did not post the name of the coin or ticker in the post, no shillpoints rewarded.
remember when posting to put the name as many times as you can to make it stick in to the white man's head.

revert back and do the needful.

>> No.7059663
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>> No.7059745


>> No.7059823
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>> No.7060197

i genuinely don't understand what could possibly be their goal here...
exposure to bacteria is in itself not necesarily a bad thing. But this is something completely different. This seems like some serious cultural problem. I'm seriously out of words.

>> No.7060326

Supposedly the Ganges is actually relatively safe to bathe in because it has so many bacteria that it also has a thriving ecosystem of bacteriophages. I wouldn't, but there it is.

>> No.7060422

Kinda sweet desu

>> No.7060554
File: 17 KB, 746x600, 1497506257968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except the skull of a white person is shaped totally different while a blacks skull is nearly identical to one of a monkey

>> No.7060625


>> No.7060737
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>> No.7061471

bump for science

>> No.7061640

this makes sense

>> No.7061797

This is pretty cool. I heard someone mention it before and just chalked it off as nonsense.

>> No.7061917

You can still see the niggers trying to squeeze in like noone will notice in the OP!

>> No.7062216


>> No.7062304

aw they're so cute

i know they probably smell like curry but desis are adorable

yes, you can code for me little pajeet. Give me your best java.

>> No.7062349

Indian blockchain technology that will dethrone Ethereum.

>> No.7062354
File: 53 KB, 200x200, 04EBD6DF-CBFE-4064-925D-89150E05853B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.7062617

fuck off newfag