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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7056401 No.7056401 [Reply] [Original]

I'll always be happy just holding these till 2020 and hopefully retire. Post your holds.

>> No.7056502

post your eth order history, it looks like you just added it for this thread

>> No.7056531

Not even a believable larp, gay thread

>> No.7056563
File: 32 KB, 750x546, 1516466581608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7056604

having 3000 eth isnt a believable larp?
you must be new.

>> No.7056670

larpfag kys already holy fuck

you too you faggot larp enabler

>> No.7056706
File: 87 KB, 1024x681, -1x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw not a larp but hodler since 2016

>> No.7056721

Wanna help turn around the life of a beggar faggot, by any chance?


>> No.7056743

>wont post eth order history
larper faggot, and you hold mco too like a clueless pajeet

>> No.7056819


If you actually offered a service of some kind people might send you money, instead you spam these threads begging which is why you will never receive a cent.

Fuck off already.

>> No.7056825

i have large amount of eth from last year also
also millions in monero
these fucking poorfags that inhabit biz now are hilarious thinking people werent around from the beggining

>> No.7056865

Props to you. Yeah the scene has really changed, and I'm sure it'll change yet again.

Someday people might be trading in Finneys calling bs on the ones who "larp" and say they hold 100 ETH.

Congrats on your new life also

>> No.7056869

>depressed NEET
>zero marketable skills
>offering services
You think I'd beg if I had something else going for me? kek

>> No.7056913

Learn a skill, and then swap it in exchange for payment. The money you earn from that will feel better by 10 fold. Teach a man to fish, he can eat for a lifetime. Give a man a fish, he only eats for a day.

Learning how to develop smart contracts and getting paid for that isn't a bad option these days anon.

>> No.7056988

Thanks anon, I'll look into that.

>> No.7057145


I know who this is

Where's your BitBay though

>> No.7057227


You might a well offer some nice memes or pictures of pretty women. But instead you don't even try, you lazy fuck.

>> No.7057305

how difficult is it to learn how to develop smart contracts? brainlet neet here, but i'm going to actually try to learn how to do it

>> No.7057331
File: 60 KB, 600x600, tumblr_p2uafdG0Z81vas0n1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes very gud sir I give you meme you give donation?

>> No.7057454


nice, just send 0.001k

>> No.7057581
File: 35 KB, 300x200, 42D6AC45-9653-41BB-ABF4-55CDE79D4CB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ve already held long enough for capital gains instead of income tax.

You need to do the 3 following things:

1. Place $1MM into attractive private, exclusive presales in ICOs that will sell out and be in high demand. You’ll 20x - 50x and turn $1MM into $20MM - > $50MM.

2. Place $1MM into a Vanguard ETF and live comfy off of it.

3. Place all remaining Ether into EOS because that’s what the smart, rich, crypto-illuminati people are doing.

Source: on the outskirts of the crypto-illuminati, making my way in, and I know what moves are being made.

>> No.7057633


>> No.7057669

I recently sold mco for thc because some Indian told me hardfork was on 31st Jan. I fomo'd in then realised it is on Feb 24

>> No.7057720

Just fucking kys

>> No.7057754

Configured wallet to receive KYS

>> No.7057887

>Exactly round number of 3k ETH

Most obvious larp of the century, why do retards even do this

>> No.7058167

Post it on the blockchain you fucking liar

>> No.7058212

With a 56k% increase in the last 24 hours? Kys