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7055609 No.7055609 [Reply] [Original]

Ohhhhhh boy, crypto really is still in the early days, isn't it?

>> No.7055651

It should be legal to beat the fuck out of anyone who refers to crypto as "shares"

>> No.7055654

kill yourself, you'll make more money.

>> No.7055689


as far as people knowing anything about it, yeah

they've all "heard" of it, but few "know" it

>> No.7055727


>> No.7055763

Its crazy how many people on reddit can’t take 2 minutes to figure out something themseleves rather than asking reddit

>> No.7056014

Diehard reddit users are far worse than normies, they're peak bugmen

>> No.7056270
File: 49 KB, 535x523, topkeke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely agree

and also here's a comment someone made and her response XD

>> No.7056313

$100 what a pussy i went all the fuck in

>> No.7056319
File: 2.20 MB, 3025x3024, 7DBADEB4-C42D-47B4-AF74-FAAEE1076A98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in several crypto currencies

>> No.7056349

Go back

>> No.7056359

Kys bourgeois

>> No.7056362

>Don't speak to me or my hyper diversified $100 ever again.

>> No.7056393

man is gonna be a millionaire in one year

>> No.7056397

>$100 what a pussy i went all the fuck in
I think we all did

>> No.7056422

Why do People even bother buying crypto if they're only Willing to invest 100 dollar?

>> No.7056449

i was a neet for a year and got a job this month purely to buy more crypto lmao, i put in $15k and was left with $1k so i couldnt last much longer

>> No.7056454

Real talk:
That is what I started with in 2011

>> No.7056459

Gambling money

>> No.7056479

how many million are you worth know from that $100?

>> No.7056489


>> No.7056509

That's all I saw.

>> No.7056597


Have been rather careful.

>> No.7056614

>friend who works full time making 30k/year asks me for advice on investing in cryptos
>says he heard about them from a YouTuber (Phillip defranco)
>I start going through the basics with him, don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose, explaining how blockchain works, different cryptos
>”so, how much were you planning to invest anyways?”
>”just $10”
>”...the minimum I would recommend is several hundred”
>”no way man, if I lost several hundred dollars overnight I’d freak the fuck out”
Decided to tell him to steer clear of crypto

>> No.7056639

damn that's quite the achievement, good job anon

>> No.7056675

He can put 10 dollars in cryptopia and make money.
There's always a place to make money off small cash in crypto for now.

>> No.7056801

Please fuck off back there you cunt

>> No.7057404

more like quite the larp lmao

>> No.7057458

the worst part is that they're getting help

>> No.7057654
File: 62 KB, 499x663, 1512631726707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i put in $15k and was left with $1k so i couldnt last much longer