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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7049769 No.7049769 [Reply] [Original]

Big week coming up! Earnings report from Apple, Microsoft, AMD, etc

What are your plays?

>> No.7049784

$msft (long)
$v (long)
$tqqq (selling on Friday)

>> No.7050544

I'm fairly bullish on halliburton, I held about two weeks before earnings and made like 10%

>> No.7050576

EA short

FB short

>> No.7050709
File: 109 KB, 950x515, DUjEUoCU8AEyiTx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7050801

nvda amzn aapl msft v I am so much green I have no reason to sell even if they dip. Intel reported solid so I am not worried. my boring stocks and etfs im canadian by the way ry td zwb vun xef are also doing amazing. I have nothing to worry about I use my paycheck for stocks and ETH every since month 2018 will be a blowout i am worried because this is too too good. I am thinking about BA and something boring like brk.b what you think about BA?

>> No.7050943

Stock Market? What's that some new crypto exchange? Will they have dividend tokens like COSS?

>> No.7051041

>buy stock
>make 20k in like 10 years

lol stay poor nocoiner

>> No.7051066

fuck off with the stock threads

this is a crypto forum now

>> No.7051101

>10% in 2 weeks

HAHAHAAHAHA ill make 10% in 2 days dude

>> No.7051675
File: 49 KB, 671x673, 1509118394294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7051690

>this is a crypto forum now

Cryptards should have their own board where they can pretend to make fake money.

>> No.7051738

enjoy your 2% gains while I make 50% every day margin trading

>> No.7051741

$DWDP is a major holding for me as underlying... wondering if i need some 76 calls

>> No.7051766
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x1621, 1517175555832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didnt buy apple at sub $171 before earnings
lol what a disaster

>> No.7051818
File: 540 KB, 1600x1600, 7D8BA4F9-359E-4307-88F2-E2192742FC9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do and you’re here.

>> No.7052067

TGB could hit $3.00 in a few months. Has good volatility for saying trading right now.

Honestly, imo, I think we are about to see a correction in the market soon. Too many overvalued stocks in the market right now.

>> No.7052405

The past few weeks have been bad for crypto. I think crypto is in a correction right now. Stocks are about to see one very soon too.

I don't expect anything major, but we've had quite a few large retail chain store closings and announcements. Even Wal-Mart is going into the shitter. Which is fine by me I guess.

I think crypto is going to be very unpredictable this year with world governments trying to get their greedy hands on it. It will be nice when Robinhood allows trading as many tax companies can import yearly trades directly from them. Hopefully, crypto exchanges follow suit. If they do you could see hodlers make bank in a year or two.

>> No.7052789

I like this image, it is very pretty. May I download it?