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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7051476 No.7051476 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here seriously take advice from /biz/? You DO realize that discord groups use this fucking board as a dumping ground for their FOMO shit. 1/10 threads is worthwhile, the rest are hot scam garbage. I feel sorry for any brainlet stupid enough to throw their money at the shit most of you faggots shill.

>> No.7051514

Wait. So UFR isn't the next bitcoin?

>> No.7051528

I don't think I've ever followed any advice from /biz/. I kinda just come here for the memes

>> No.7051548
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I just come for the wojaks. r/cryptocurrency is unironically superior.

>> No.7051555
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I come here for the memes too, but I genuinely feel bad for the people that get scammed. I mean sure, they're fucking stupid, but so is a dog. Does that mean you should hurt man's best friend?

>> No.7051567

>Does anyone here seriously take advice from /biz/?
Not exactly. I just look for the threads that have one intelligent post then fall out of the catalog without a single reply. Those are always the best investment advice.

That and the guy that said to mine TRTL like three weeks ago when you could still get a million of the fuckers in just a couple of nights. Easiest $2000 I've ever made that didn't involve anal.

>> No.7051631
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Bro buy some turtle that shit about to flip ETH

>> No.7051643

If you know how to filter the memes there is some great stuff on /biz/. News always seems to get posted here before (sometimes LONG before) it gets to Reddit, for example.
And remember when an anon hacked that coin's twitter and live-"streamed" the process on /biz/? Classic /biz/ hijinks.
Also, not every coin that gets shilled is bad. VEN and WTC have both been massively shilled but these seem like genuinely promising projects, even if they're younger in terms of development and connections than most of the shillers are willing to admit.

>> No.7051648

Same honestly, and I feel like I've been here long enough to differentiate between larper, faggot retard op's, scams and genuine smart posts

>> No.7051747

I use /biz/ to know when to buy/sell
>catalog full of pink wojaks
>catalog full of pepes

>> No.7051831
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I've seen the cycle repeat itself week after week.

Day 1

Day 2
>Shilling continues.

Day 3
>People start to point out that it's retarded

Day 4
>Push for people to FOMO in.

Day 5
>Starts dumping.

Day 6
>Pink wojacks.

Day 7
>Fuck you /biz/! You scammed me.

Like clockwork every week.

>> No.7051837

I come here for the FUD. If I am considering a coin, you contrarian fucks will unearth every possible bad thing to say about it. If there's no fud or weak fud, it reinforces my confidence. Thank you VENfants for making me a Sweet and Salty Waltie.

>> No.7051917

Not true, I post good advice here like the devery and ocn ICOs
Speak for yourself pajeet

>> No.7051949

Fuck you faggot. We have people shilling, telling others to shill, and buying into a literal fucking ponzi scam. It's amazing the kind of shit the mods allow on /biz/

>> No.7052109

Don't you mean:
>holy shit easy 10x guaranteed!
>fagots call it a scam with a keylogger in the wallet
>coin gets to 9x
>faggots desperately buy in a week later when the charts are just one niggerdick sized green candle with a Viagra erection
>coin barely makes that last 1x
>they try to hold on for 11x
>everyone who bought in a week ago already had their targets in
>they sell
>Reddit starts posting Fagjacks while screaming about how it must have been an exist scam