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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 534x280, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7050288 No.7050288[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you missed at 0.03
>you missed at 0.06
>you missed at 0.09

Better get in on the legit ponzi 3.0 before reddit normies flood in

https://discord gg/YK25G95

>> No.7050319
File: 20 KB, 128x112, tfwtoiq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no before, you always win, unless you have weak hands

But you win more the earlier you get in

>> No.7050323
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>> No.7050380

No matter how often it collapses you'll keep your dividends, you could literally relaunch this every day with a fresh website.

>> No.7050400

i hope we do this desu

>> No.7050415

Once you really this whole world is just one giant Ponzi Scheme, you start to understand why this works so well and that is the one of the most legit way to make money possible.

>> No.7050449

>Once you really understand*

>> No.7050453

Oh boy here we go again, enjoyed first and second one, strapping up to enjoy the ride

>> No.7050467
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 3454635677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you missed the top of the piramid better buy at the bottom
wew seems legit

>> No.7050471

has anyone else noticed that hardly anyone is cashing out? see for yourself on the internal transactions tab. this is going to go for a long time yet

>> No.7050495

Even those that are are just collecting dividends.

If this ever crashes I'll be using my dividends to buy more, as many in the discord are going to do as well

>> No.7050534

link to discord?

>> No.7050548

it's basically in the op post...

>> No.7050550
File: 50 KB, 665x835, 934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are dozens of transactions every minute. People on reddit are loving this.

Get in here and take the ETH from normies.

>> No.7050563

i have no idea how the fuck this works, but i just bought some - I feel like a bonafide "crypto trader" now

>> No.7050575

reddit? i want black twitter into this.

>> No.7050637

>1 day
>6 hours
B-but this time it'll be different! See? People already started cashing out and made money!
Fuck the Aussie criminal Anglo scum. Why are they so inferior compared to brits, burgers and leafs? Is it due hereditary crime mentality from their subhuman ancestors?

>> No.7050673


from here: >>7050470
>No ponzi was built like this, it literally can't tank like the other ponzis. Did you even read the site?

>If it tanks people who hold will get massive dividends on the way back up

>> No.7050696
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Can confirm, getting big dividend as more people buy in

>> No.7050711

>if it dies you get free money
Doesn't work like that, aussie piece of shit.

>> No.7050719


Can we all learn the difference between pyramids and ponzis for the love of god:

Pyramid is when you profit because someone down the line pays more than you paid. This all money flows to the top evenly. The people who buy the bottom of the pyramid (aka top of the asset price) get fucked. All of life is a pyramid scheme (see: real estate).

A Ponzi scheme is a specific con perpetrated by a single individual who controls everyone’s assets and promises everyone huge returns but basically just gives everyone a fraction of what they gave him back, until he runs out of money/exit scams. They’re very different concepts.

>> No.7050735

literally does work like that
articulate why you think it doesnt faggot

>> No.7050759

Fuck off cunt

>> No.7050765

Someone give me some PoWH, I can't buy because all my money is stuck in exchanges

>> No.7050769

Is this real? How do I track the price of this? There's no way this is the biggest moon mission of January...

>> No.7050786

It's on the website. 0.102 eth as we speak

>> No.7050789

Go to the website you dumb ass. It is real

>> No.7050792

Who will pay you money when their product dies? Who is gonna pay for the hundreds of gullible retards? There's no honor among thieves. Fuck off back to your discord and enjoy seeing your idiotic scam die within the day.

>> No.7050805

>product dies
dear lord you're dumb

>> No.7050822


Bought in a few hours ago, already close to 4x. And it shows absolutely no signs of stopping, This thing is insane.

>> No.7050830

What happened to 1.0 and 2.0 then? Why not get into them?

>> No.7050839

>not knowing how smart contracts work

>> No.7050841

someone just bought 8k worth wtf.

>> No.7050842

they were completely different you dumb fucking autist

>> No.7050844


holy shit u dum son

>> No.7050866


there's a reason this is going parabolic and because you're such a brainlet you can't see why this is literally trading with higher volume than most ETHERDELTA coins

>> No.7050890


>> No.7050897

Discord shills sure is getting desperate. No wonder, they bought in a lot before operation shill on /biz/

>> No.7050900
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>> No.7050906

wtf someone just bought 15 eth

>> No.7050914

15 ETH coming in oh shitt

>> No.7050933
File: 48 KB, 946x604, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put 1 ETH in

>> No.7050952

This is only the beginning, fellow stronghands.

>> No.7050975

wtf i put in $150 at the beginning and im up 1 eth already.

>> No.7050986

I'm so jealous REEEEE

>> No.7051026
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>tfw your life was part of a ponzi all along

>> No.7051379
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>> No.7051854

you fucking retards will lose all your money when you wake up tomorrow just like with the last one lmao

>> No.7051904

You'll never make it bro

>> No.7051922

Your birth certificate is the certificate of the value of your Person as an asset

GDP is a pyramid scheme, as is social security

Your life is already a scam, why not form part of the next ruling class?

>> No.7051984

>implying that i'm going to sleep
nigga, i'm watching this like a mother hawk watches her newborn. And I love what I'm seeing

>> No.7052022
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>> No.7052069
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lets get /comfy/ lads

>> No.7052344

This is actually pretty interesting. Not putting any money in, but theoretically this could get huge.

>> No.7052396

This is my first ERC20 Token. I sent my money to the address from metamask and i added the token to my tokens, but it still says i own 0 POWH after ~10 minutes. whatdo?

>> No.7052468

Cashed out. mfw I only put $10 in. mfw 66% growth. Can't wait for round 2.

>> No.7052521

how much ETH is the first guy sittin on right now if he put in 0.2 ETH at the start?


>> No.7052571

NVM fags the balance is displayed on the site. THanks for nothing.

>> No.7052593

A self sustaining renewable pyramid scheme, incredible. Threw in 0.1 ETH in the hopes that this hits dogecoin levels of memery, gonna use the dividends as play money on ethorse when it goes live.

>> No.7052671

i put in $50

its my birthday today. i hope i dont get scammed

>> No.7052720

happy bday. Its going to tripple by morning

>> No.7052761

The dividends and the mechanism by which the price changes basically guarantee you won't lose everything.

>> No.7052969
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>some desperate motherfucker out there WILL buy this

>> No.7053202


>> No.7053984

Anyone who buys in now are fucking retarded.

>> No.7054021

stay poor, this is nothing

>> No.7054037

Predicting 7 eth eom

>> No.7054074
File: 341 KB, 2000x1621, meat0ea1aea3a188b52a902740c8ff1d2515f922c06db265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just destroyed 500k cap in hours. Not slowing down either. Best part is that it can last for weeks

ill still be up all night

>> No.7054120

Just gotta keep the hype train going.

>> No.7054123
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>> No.7054304

think this will last for a while

>> No.7054333

I would say yes because of the way it's set up

>> No.7054406
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>> No.7054414

Yes, it will only die if ETH contacts die.

>> No.7054575

so assume I bought inat the beginning of the first thread

how far up would I be?

>> No.7054672

No idea, but I just bought in with .089 and it's only been about 30 mins and I've made $1 in dividends already. Cash cow, even just on dividends.

>> No.7054678

depends how much you put in, but roughly 50x.

>> No.7054692

goddamn, shoulda bought in

>> No.7054694

can someone start a 4th edition

need to get in on the ground floor


>> No.7054697

Yeah the dividends are insane. I've already made over $50 in dividends alone.

>> No.7054723


>> No.7054768

>expecting me to FOMO and lose all my money

>> No.7054791

smart man. theres a large chance this will dip once enough people 2x their money (everyone will want their initial investment out ASAP) so keep your eye on this. with the dividends added, you really can't lose here

>> No.7054814

this thing is designed to dump and pump quickly, just find a good time buy in

>> No.7054816

This is just going to keep going. It may come down with some people selling but it will just keep going in cycles. If you get in now you get dividends no matter what.

>> No.7054848
File: 427 KB, 504x489, weedpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally 10k in the last 5 min into this coin
keep missing out

>> No.7054866

once you have been on biz long enough you learn money missed is not money lost

>> No.7054878

What happens if everyone wants to cash out?

>> No.7054883

ah a wise guy huh? well what if this is the first time in history something like this has ever been done? hang on to your butts

>> No.7054897

>10k in 5 min
>100k+ in an hour
fucking crazy. tomorrow will be a great day bros. this won't even see a dip for the whole week, 100% accumulation right now.

>> No.7054908
File: 3.52 MB, 450x244, 1492989214397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway once somebody just copy pastes their own ponzi coin with the same code people will jump ship and go into the ground floor one

>> No.7054922

you'd have to be physically disabled not to be able to sell before the contract runs out of ETH (you can withdraw from the smart contract as long as it has sufficient eth to pay you) its literally foolproof unless you sleep through the crash or some shit.

>> No.7054939


People are too greedy to cash out.

Do you even human psychology?

>> No.7054948
File: 19 KB, 1060x27, Screenshot+2018-01-29+02.31.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 ETH

jesus fucking christ

>> No.7054950

somebody just sent 30 eth


>> No.7054967

Guess lol
Waza waza waza

>> No.7054978
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anyway im going to get to work building Ponzi 4.0

>> No.7054996
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>> No.7055026

3o eth whale jesus he did 5eth before his 30 if you look at his address

>> No.7055040
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>> No.7055057

Literally going up 10k every 5 minutes. If Ponzi 2.0 is any indication, should hit 1 eth by morning MINIMUM

>> No.7055124

>wastes time building a 4.0 when theres a fully functioning one already

>> No.7055150

Ground floor is the safest floor, ill make sure to shill here first though

it's obvious whomever made site plans to dump their coins at a specific point

>> No.7055219

Too late now?

>> No.7055230

ponzi 4.0 is within 2 days, buy into that

>> No.7055239


>> No.7055258

hell no if we had a graph, we would be spiking after a dip right now and this coin doesnt have bear markets it just waits at certain prices sometimes

>> No.7055263

its never too late. dividends.

>> No.7055275

Never too late, read how this one works.

>> No.7055298

Whale money coming in. THIS MEANS ITS NOT TOO LATE TO BUY IN, I personally put another 100 bucks in

>> No.7055354


Its designed so it can never end

>> No.7055416

does anyone else get the feeling that this will last for weeks, and become the biggest pyramid in human history? that's how I feel right now

>> No.7055433

I literally do get this feeling a bit lol.. it's just designed so perfectly...

>> No.7055507

The meme potential is here wait until the media picks it up
The conteact received almost $700k

>> No.7055549

Why wouldn't people just panic sell?

>> No.7055585

No because only a tiny fraction of people know how to use ETH. Unless the admin somehow set up a way to buy POWH directly from USD, it won't take up far.

>> No.7055616

Is this shit really 100 usd??

>> No.7055632

$181 USD :)

>> No.7055640

Because you still make dividends if you HODL

People will FOMO in again when the price is low hoping to be the early adopters

>> No.7055644

you can buy fraction coins.

>> No.7055661

Too late to buy in? be real, anons

>> No.7055678

been less than 24 hours you are good !

>> No.7055688

I'm being real. I bought in earlier (all in by complete accident) when I went to sell, my value was already going up and I was making dividends. I see this going so much further.

>> No.7055699

Too late to 2x or 3x? Sure
Not too late to get some extra money tho

>> No.7055712

I think this is an easy x2 or x3 still idk about x5 or w.e

>> No.7055720

Where is the "Buy PoWHCoins" button they're talking about? Using Metamask in Brave with ETH in it.

>> No.7055741

Poorfag with nothing significant to lose here, turned my 1k all in into 3k over night. Love it.
Only thing that sucks is that you can't cash out partially. Either all or nothing.

>> No.7055743

Go to the "My Coins" tab pajeet

>> No.7055751
File: 40 KB, 435x512, 1426467217270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gotten what, 700k? That's absolutely fucking nothing in the grand scheme. I literally think this will 10x by EOTM

>> No.7055780

>inb4 you missed 0.2

>> No.7055835

I'm American. I see no tabs in the extension's popup.

>> No.7055879

if it gets shilled outside of /biz/ we are not that big

>> No.7055896

you can't cash out half your tokens?

>> No.7055971
File: 65 KB, 1498x645, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok sir sorry sir..
try changing browsers if pic related doesnt work

>> No.7055997 [DELETED] 


>> No.7055999

No you can only convert your total into dividends and then cash those out. Or I've missed a button somewhere

>> No.7056074

Yes, it works. You're fucking me now. Thanks!

>> No.7056103

can someone explain the quick exit? I'm a normie that has no clue how to use metamask.

>> No.7056149

I think this is just a way to cash out if the SEC finds out about this shit and shuts down the site?

>> No.7056154

You never exit.

>> No.7056190

I want to buy but my noob ass has no ETH and only XLM and my bank has blocked my attempts to purchase ETH

>> No.7056213

yeah, PLEASE SAVE THIS SOMEWHERE SAFE If for any reason this website goes down, you can open up a Transaction through Metamask, Send 0 Ether with a 150k Gas Limit to the Contract and send "0xb1e35242" under additional data for a personal exit scheme. This is the getMeOutOfHere() function on the contract and will cash you out of all tokens and dividends.

>> No.7056215

Have you tried... Trading XLM for ETH?

>> No.7056255


>> No.7056261

Yes exactly. Think of all the reddit normies who will see news of this on their Monday morning commute/in work.

>> No.7056267

I'm not really sure how to actually. I have my XLM on Binance. I'm not smart in any way.

>> No.7056277
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>> No.7056281

The absolute fucking state of biz

>> No.7056301

going to the moon in Kek's pyramid

>> No.7056308



POWH has minor flaws

>> No.7056311

SENT IT IN BOIS https://etherscan.io/tx/0xf2f97be5c88cda9ad71cad1e8301335e0913d1f7ebf7fd940cdbd8c663ee89f8

>> No.7056317 [DELETED] 

Pretty much. I'm just a stupid 17 year old with a lot of time and some money

>> No.7056325

I feel like replying to this post with a gif of someone beating their dick but I don't have one

>> No.7056327

I smell shitty pajeets
already fud niggers

>> No.7056333

This shit is going to be done once ponzi 4.0 comes out. I hope you can atleast et your money back

>> No.7056337

I sent 1 ETH from GDAX, where will my coins show up? They are held on the site?

>> No.7056344

Someone explain difference between cashing out dividends and tokens?

>> No.7056345

buddy europe is just waking up

>> No.7056368
File: 25 KB, 485x443, 1517080603665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just switch to eth markets on binance when on the home page

>> No.7056370
File: 386 KB, 800x800, C8AFDD86-3773-4E47-88C9-34476AF631AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t believe me?

Okay just wait on it
3 days at most

Is someone worried?

>> No.7056375

more like pyramid scheme

>> No.7056381
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>> No.7056385


>> No.7056439
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fools and madmen

>> No.7056453

just woke up, had breakfast, saw this topic, took a quick look at the contract, threw 0.2 eth at it
website is aesthetic and funny, high potential to rope normies in, regardless if ponzi 4.0 5.0 6.0 come along
shill this to the bitconnect crowd on reddit and you've got a winner

>> No.7056469

How many people will lose money this time I wonder

>> No.7056483
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>> No.7056488

fuck it I went all in, 1.8k YOLO

>> No.7056506
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>> No.7056579

It will be worth 1btc tomorrow mark my words

>> No.7056588

Hope you are kidding
If not you just lost an ETH

>> No.7056591

you do realise it's self-sustainable
if it crashes to near 0, you just hold and shill it to normies, who buy in and give you dividends
just like there's a new barely eighteen girl every day, there's always a new investor who'd love to get on the ground level of a dividend bearing scheme
this is sustainable. only way i can see it killed off is if someone comes out with a version that adds community engagement somehow

>> No.7056598

I hope so bruh, would change my life desu. I wish you all the best, thank you for commenting.

>> No.7056634
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>> No.7056697
File: 30 KB, 600x600, d53[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only put $50 in but it does seem like the scam is working.

>> No.7056802
File: 62 KB, 533x328, I+agree+100+thicc+is+my+religion+_738eae72ef1017ee627f7979968c9260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy it my wonderful retards.

>> No.7056811

Holy fucking fuckballs - someone just dropped over $100k into this. Thar she fuckin blows!

>> No.7056820

99 ether order in >:^)

>> No.7056876


This is why he is rich

>> No.7057024


>> No.7057099

Will this be still going tomorrow? I want to sleep but the last one crashed so instantly.

>> No.7057122


>> No.7057131

Did the last one have dividends?

>> No.7057144
File: 82 KB, 900x506, super_dur_face_by_irukashi_sama-d46xw0x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Has to do with exponents and fractions imirite?

>> No.7057151
File: 117 KB, 465x645, cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're buying on FOMO now, you're kissing your ETH goodbye.

>> No.7057178

Can someone explain what do you use to store them? I mean there is no private key, no login-password system. How will I get access to my coins if my computer breaks down or something like that?

>> No.7057199

you got a seed bruh from metamask

>> No.7057204

to buy them you need an ETH wallet, when you buy them, your ETH wallet is given the credit.

>> No.7057213

You realize that you've been scammed and you learn a valuable life lesson.

>> No.7057225

Yeah just logged off from Metamask and can't get access anymore. Thanks, guys. Will buy some more.

>> No.7057251

You realize there are dividends right, and this contract can't run out of money because of the way is scales

>> No.7057269

How the fuck can I check the token price on my phone.

>> No.7057299

you cant :^)

>> No.7057311

Your metamask wallet still has the coins you fucking retard

>> No.7057323
File: 107 KB, 645x729, 1513360522908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do i use web rbowsr n phonnannnnne

>> No.7057365

I'm the guy who sent 100 ETH. I'm planning on sending 1000 more once I sort my things out with bittrex. I'm not that rich but I'll try and hire youtubers to cover it. Anyone wants to help?

>> No.7057391

gotchu mate. I'm sending in 50 more ETH no joke, we will build this wall together brother

>> No.7057408

1000 ETH
>not that rich

>> No.7057441
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>> No.7057449

this just hit .2 eth :)))

>> No.7057469


>> No.7057479

Holy fuck someone did send 50 eth by the looks of it

>> No.7057480

Holy hell man was looking at your tokens. You are rich as fuck. Luckily I am holding some of your larger positions. Any tips for a young buck?

>> No.7057484
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>> No.7057495

Oh wow I just saw you drop 50. THANK YOU. Hope the other guy drops more too!

>> No.7057519

Another 50! thats two within a minute.

>> No.7057544

Wtf is going on desus

>> No.7057621

Email me bro, I’m in this and a YouTuber will shill for money for sure maybe work together long term? ... danwinters@protonmail.com

>> No.7057779

literally made $200 doing nothing

>> No.7057789

It is a ponzi scheme when you think bow countries have to take loan to use their own currency and be charged interest

>> No.7057975

I'm going to sleep, don't cash out without me pls :^)

>> No.7057979

It's about ripping people off. This is to /biz/ the definition of making sense.

>> No.7058012

I just dropped an ETH into this bullshit. I got 4.4 coins.

Someone tell me how fucked I am

>> No.7058018
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>> No.7058047

enjoy the moon bro

>> No.7058051

>he posted it in every thread
its not too late anon, you can still invest

>> No.7058204

The dividends alone makes this fucking worth it. To everyone that thinks they're too late - I thought I was too late last night when it was 60k and only put in 0.05 lol. I thought I was too late again this morning at 500k and only put in 0.2 more.

>> No.7058422

How big did the dividends get for you?

>> No.7058814

too late

>> No.7058927

free falllinnnnnnnnnnnnn

>> No.7058984
File: 46 KB, 531x800, WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is so full of shit.

Contract was made 12 hours ago:

>> No.7059005 [DELETED] 

your welcome if you read my post and made the intelligent decision.

>> No.7059258
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>> No.7059302


Back in with 9.8 ETH

>> No.7059308

Nope, I watch the proof of weak hands in action, and now people are buying back in. Maybe I'll learn on the next one.

>> No.7059356

duh thats the point
its a scam

>> No.7059494

Tried to time the dip,

Wasn't that profitable because of the 10% buy-in penalty