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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 906 KB, 1224x825, Lambolinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7050142 No.7050142 [Reply] [Original]

What coins will make it in the long term.

>> No.7050153

>pic unrelated

>> No.7050265

Only link. All others will fail.

>> No.7050377


>> No.7050512

BAT, unironically.

>> No.7050838


>> No.7050908

I searched LINK in the catalog and this post showed up.

>> No.7050922

meme magic

>> No.7051285

Eth, ark
I'm retiring in 2020

>> No.7051299

UFR. Download movies, games, porn in a matter of minutes. I would pay for that speed and I know you would too if it's just a few cents. This will be revolutionary.

>> No.7051938
File: 8 KB, 300x168, req and link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7051968

This is seriously it op

Req and link are both the next big things in crypto

>> No.7051989

LINK is down 13%. No one takes this shitcoin seriously. You won't be driving LINK Lambos. Give up, biz.

>> No.7051992

Req will hit $30 EOY

>> No.7052023

>your shitcoin

>> No.7052151
File: 26 KB, 460x322, 1453703979922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7052335

>putting a shitcoin like link on the same level as REQ
stop trying to leech off better coins you lying linkies

>> No.7052391

>Doesn't understand that REQ is using LINK and needs it to succeed
Absolute state of retards

>> No.7052403


> low marketcap

>> No.7052448

this, I used to be very bullish on REQ but sorta meh on it now. It seems the market agrees too.

>> No.7052458

>still trying to ride the success of another coin
reminds me of the bac faggots who list off actual good coins like skycoin, req, etc and then mention bzc in the same list just to fill their shill quota

>> No.7052470

everyone who has half a brain already knows how crypto is going to play out. monero becomes the new bitcoin, bitcoin becomes the new dogecoin, ethereum becomes massive, basic attention token is the first widespread use of crypto, a sea of other coins and tokens go to zero as people realize a tech can be great while its coin is worthless, then when ethereum is a finished product, someone will fork it and a rogue group of investors will switch to the forked version, and then both blockchains will be equally valued 2 years late. it's pretty fucking obvious guys

>> No.7053030
File: 123 KB, 712x960, 1515968749515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR, has a real world use and the platform the developers are creating will make torrenting an actual redituable venture for everyone.
It is also dirt cheap right now way below it's AHH.
But like always DYOR, be sure you are comfortable with the coins you are buying instead of trying to become rich in a month...