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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 34 KB, 292x330, dumpsterdive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
704374 No.704374 [Reply] [Original]

I belong to a house of folks who try to live as ethically and with as little waste as possible. A restaurant right behind our place throws away tons of good food everyday and keeps their dumpster locked.

My question - if you owned a restaurant and a group of people living near your store offered you $400 a month to let them access your dumpster at a specific time every week, would you let them do it? What conditions would you require them to meet besides the money?

>> No.704375

>eat the food
>get sick
>sue the restaurant

>> No.704376

If we signed an indemnity agreement would that work?

>> No.704387

>I am a broke neet faggot and need to dumpster dice for my broke ass family

>> No.704388

why not just buy the waste food rather than dig through the dumpster you retard

>> No.704392

>OP is tard

>> No.704393

Just learn to shim a padlock. It's piss easy.

I doubt they're going to agree to it, man.

>> No.704395

Troll thread. For $400/month you could get your own groceries.

>> No.704396

We already asked him and he said to come back with an offer.

He was pretty clear that he wasn't going to store waste food for us. It was an option we considered.

>> No.704398

For $400 a month for 5 people? I don't think so. Also, the point is to reduce the waste the restaurant produces, not just feed ourselves.

>> No.704419

Not the same guy but I'm pretty sure if you bulk purchase potatoes and rice and milk it could be done

>> No.704421

But again, that wouldn't do anything about the restaurant's waste. We're not just doing this to feed us but to make use of their waste.

>> No.704423


You can buy a 5lb bag of rice and beans for $8 each at Walmart


>> No.704429

>implying i want people going through my bills and other personal items and data
fuck off with your hippy faggot shit

>> No.704430

I'm not understanding where the confusion is coming from. We're trying to make it profitable for the restaurant to let us use their waste. If money where the issue, then of course we'd do something different. To quote the post you replied to: "the point is to reduce the waste the restaurant produces, not just feed ourselves."

>> No.704482

To know damn well you're only doing this to feed yourself.

I don't understand how someone could have so little value that they consider dumpster diving for food an option.

When you tell your grandkids your life story what are they going to think of you? Keep what little dignity you possibly have left and support your family like a real man you piece of subhuman shit.

>> No.705179

>Paying to dumpster dive.
>Paying for trash.

What fuck, that defeats the purpose.

Just ask the owner for a key FFS.

>> No.705209

Wallmart quality is a lot less than restaurant quality.

I think its worth it very much to dumpsterdive if you manage to stay anonymous though. You wouldn't want to be known as the dad that dive's dumpsters.

What many anons here dont get is that there's a lot of sealed food on the expiration date in these dumpsters so its perfectly fine to eat it.

>> No.705235

Then don't come to /biz/. We're about making money, not saving the environment. Your thread is about losing money to save the environment.

>> No.705237
File: 40 KB, 300x400, LetrashtimeXD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dumpster diving in the winter
>tfw free food
>best feels

pic related, where i go