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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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703197 No.703197 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any jobs that are in an office environment and pay around $30k-$35k and take around 2 years to study/train for?

I'm 24 and i don't have a college degree or any real employment history to speak of.

I just want a decent job; something that doesn't require 4 years of college and internships. I just want to start my life because i've wasted so many years.

>> No.703214

From what I hear, Dental Hygenists make good money off a two year degree...

>> No.703216

how did you get by without working? who supported you? did you have ANY jobs or income?

>> No.703220

If you work hard enough there are plenty of corporations to work for that allow movement up the ladder. You can just start somewhere simple, talk to the right people, make friends with the ones that can help, and you become manager within a couple years. Or less.

At the moment I'm working a transitional job at deli. My former assistant manager wants me to move to another store with him so I can fast track to management position (making around 45k a year plus bonuses). Of course I'm not going to do it because fuck customer service, but I feel like the same principle can apply anywhere.

I just hate careers personally so I try to avoid them. Its more fun to move from job to job. Keep that in mind.

>> No.703221

I live with my parents. I don't have a job because i didn't want any responsibility. You can call me every name in the book if you want, but i'm here to seek advice about how to turn my life around.

>> No.703223

Start out at the shitty $8/hr jobs and work your way up. $8/hr won't be the $35k that you're seeking, but, it's still a step up from nothing. You need to first prove to yourself and your employer that you're even capable of holding a job and responsibilities.

>> No.703225


>> No.703531

you could make that much as a banker or bank teller i believe
you might need a bachelors to be a banker though

>> No.703561

go work in a call center, then kill yourself.

>> No.703584

Absolutely, and even then it's hard in most areas. There's so many finance/economic/accounting/business majors from community college, state colleges, and for-profit colleges that try to start their career in banking or entry sales that it's actually become a harder position to get into than better paying jobs.

>> No.703586

Im a banker making 35k a year and it required no qualifications or experience

>> No.703754

He didn't mean "bank teller". He meant on the corporate level.

>> No.703757

i got an assoc degree in computer science, started 42k

>> No.703774

In the exact same boat as OP. So bump.

>> No.703777


There's always BJs

>find office parties
>offer BJs to everyone
>become office BJ person
>30-35k anually... maybe more, depending on your effort

go get 'em, sport!

>> No.703875

Get some experience. Remember, that is the number one thing employees look for.

>> No.703927

This is legit. My current girlfriend used to do this before I met her. Actually this is HOW i met her. She was the front desk receptionist at our office, she really only got hired because she was a pretty face, just out of college. She's about 5'2 petite frame, blonde hair. She does workout so even though she's petite, 9/10 ass.
So at office parties of course all the men would hit on her, we were all in our 30s and 40s and she'd get a bit loose a the office parties. Afterwards she'd still be approached by some guys but she wasn't interested obviously, she was just a bit intoxicated the night before. Then some of our coworkers got a bit ballsy, knowing she was making peanuts compared to what we made, they'd offer her a few hundred bucks for BJ so she'd take it.
Then I heard about it and set up a few meets after work. First I offered her $300 for a BJ and she took it, i'd pick her up and drop her off. I really liked her and was falling for her but she'd never have sex, I even offered her up to $800 once but she said she couldn't do that.
Long story short, we got closer and closer and eventually started dating. I found out she had a ton of college debt so I've been helping her out a bit so she doesn't have to go back to giving BJs for money.
All in all it's not bad, she probably pulled in around $1000 on some weeks but she promised me those days were behind her.

>> No.703930

Oh god my sides

>> No.703935

Be sure to marry and impregnate her

>> No.703941


sad thing is that some guys really do this shit.

>> No.703959

These aren't office jobs but plumbers, electricians, and machinists all make pretty good money and 2 take about 2 years of education.

Office job wise look into being a tax preparer, or an CAD technician.

>> No.703972
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>> No.704024

This is true

Generally with each BJ you give, you gain a little experience.

>> No.704473

Oh my god. Who in their right mind would date a girl like that?

You do realize she's still giving blowjobs for money, right? You're just her only client now. She'll leave you when her debt is paid off.

>> No.704485

Enrolled Agent, and it doesn't take any special schooling, just a $400 course, and three $100 special enrollment examinations. Voila, you are now licensed to represent taxpayers in front of the IRS. A starting salary with this certification is around 30-40k with much higher income potential. Not even a high school degree required. You are welcome.

>> No.704486
File: 335 KB, 417x515, Life decisions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope this is a joke.

>tfw whore is using you to pay off student debt

>> No.705494

I wonder if there is a equivalent to this in france

>> No.705508
File: 254 KB, 871x720, panty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is her name Wendy Davis? Haha, you're getting played my friend.