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File: 349 KB, 2939x2204, how-to-get-a-us-passport-renewed-in-24-hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7036302 No.7036302 [Reply] [Original]

TFW you see several people on /biz/ trying to get $500,000 from crypto to get US citizenship, but you got yours for free. Comfy long term hold.

>> No.7036340

>Get US citizenship
>Have to pay taxes on literally every trade you have made

No one wants citizenship from your shit country faggot

>> No.7036374
File: 9 KB, 325x155, americano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an american and i plan on leaving this shithole if i make it

pic related is your average American intellectual.

>> No.7036403

why would I want a 3'rd world citizenship?

>> No.7036420


That's funny since I'm just trying to get enough money to escape the USA. Maybe get a golden visa or something.

>> No.7036437

As a white guy living in California, I can confirm.

>> No.7036438

>be me
>spend 2 hours researching upcoming and current ICOs.
>Find one that has a super low MC (sub 1M) and a promising team
>get excited as hell
>sign up for ICO, there's a checkbox where I have to declare I'm not a citizen of the United States
>internally cry for 30 minutes and look up ways to fake KYC
>Finally come to the conclusion I don't want to commit fraud to invest $10,000.
>Internally cry some more while wishing I wasn't from the US

>> No.7036452
File: 8 KB, 246x205, PFFFFT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be leaving Australia to go to that shithole? BAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.7036471

wait, it costs 500k to become a u.s citizen?

illegally, I'm assuming? I thought you just had to get anally probed by the u.s govt for a decade or something....?

>> No.7036503

This, what the fuck OP

>> No.7036506

>do not want
>would not visit that shithole again

>> No.7036514

i've literally never seen this happen
what i see is people trying to renounce their US citizenship

>> No.7036532

when are you faggots going to realize it doesn't matter that you have to pay tax on every trade you make or just when you cash out? its not more or less money its literally just 35% on everything you make.

Its actually better to pay taxes on every trade you make because then you can deduct some as a loss

>> No.7036541

Wouldn't you?
If you get rid of it you don't have to pay taxes so they don't extradite you.

>> No.7036579

there are fast lanes for people that invest money in the U.S. economy (e.g., buying a home in cash)

>> No.7036587
File: 1.19 MB, 627x1208, IMG_2519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously considered where to migrate to after 30 years in US, i thought about Canada, EU, heck, even Japan and Taiwan.

In the end, I chose to stay because the rest of the world truly is a shithole compared to the US. Gun ownership, dribe anywhere from the tropics Florida to Alaska, wide open roads, some places still not being invaded by chinks, unlike Canada and Australia where chinks now moving en masse to.


>> No.7036640

who the fuck wants to move to the US nowadays? it's a dying empire.

>> No.7036675

Why would I want to get North Mexico citizenship?

>> No.7036674
File: 43 KB, 666x666, 1497247521138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty funny. I paid a LOT of money to WAIVE my US citizenship so I didn't have to pay double taxes on the money I make outside of the US.

>> No.7036734

>Drive anywhere
You could probably move to Europe and drive to all countries in less time than it takes you to cross half the fucking US

>> No.7036769

It’s not the same. If you want to hold over 1 year then you have to pay tax at the end of the first year no matter if you are holding for another year or not. It can fuck up your gains pretty bad

>> No.7036784
File: 13 KB, 415x359, 1516967771736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be bait..

>fat chicks
>spreading feminism
>justifying nigger crimes
>police literally kills teens and moms etc
>every hillbilly and sub 60 IQ person is armed, in fact the more stupid a person is the more proud he is of having arms
>tipping 15% for everything... what the fuck, these persons work as waitresses UNDER a company that should be paying you. You getting a shit pay is NOT the customer's fault - it's your lack of self esteem for accepting shit pay so you need to beg for tips. Fuck, I only tip when I get a superb service, don't expect it for granted

Shit, I could go for days. There are truly crappy places in EU as well but I'm currently really satisfied.

>> No.7036796

My passport is expired where do i get a new one

>> No.7036867

oh and gender equality.. now that's some solid bs.

Here's a lifehack: get an Eastern European woman with good family values, guaranteed to be smoking hot and move to south-west Europe for great weather and really cheap life filled of grandiose culture. No arabs, no jews, no niggers. Only occasional darkskin italianos who get btfo'd.

>> No.7036931

you've never been to the US and stay the fuck out

>> No.7037010

Lmao how poor are you to take so much time to think about tipping i always tip 25% because im not a filthy poor fag and fuck waitresses all the time

>> No.7037101


Dunno though. There's still lots of natural resources there because the natives never mined them. The rest of the world is mined up.

>> No.7037158

In a 1'st world country waiters etc. get paid a salary

>> No.7037174

US is best. Dynamic society with plenty of opportunities and wide variety of regional cultures. When I get enough money from crypto and graduate, I'm going to travel this country, staying and working in certain cities, for 4-6 months. I want to see as much as I can

>> No.7037297
File: 37 KB, 300x410, SMOM_Service_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> trying to get $500,000 from crypto to get US citizenship
Why would anyone do that? Whit-tier citizenship, would not get, 0/10.
I'm holding double Israeli/Austrian, when I make it I'm going to upgrade to Order of Malta or Vatican.

Why would anyone want to be a burger?

>> No.7037355

As an American I'd short our country. I'd short the West in general. 50x leverage.

>> No.7037408

>not moving to nipland
It's like you fags hate your lives.