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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 635x466, NasdaqOverbought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7035911 No.7035911 [Reply] [Original]


I'm not here to scare anyone I just want to discuss a though I had with a friend yesterday. We both are interested in market stock and cryptocurrency and as we were looking at the nasdaq yesterday we found out something.
Every-fucking-thing seems to be overbought, look for yourselves http://www.nasdaq.com/ and the unemployment rate is 4% wish is really low but the majority of people have shit jobs.

It seems like the whole American market is a big bubble about to explode. We started to look on the internet for more information on an incoming crash and we fell on this video :
tldl; some pattern wish happen before every major economical crash and that has just happened ONCE without a crash following is happening right now.

Also, it seems like the fed current leverage is 115:1 wish is WAY too risky, it means that if the market would go down 1%, the whole economy would crash, during the 2008 crash the fed leverage was 42:1. This dude is predicting a 1000% increase in gold during the next few years:

But gold is old and takes time to make profit (during crisis 2 or 3 year to 100%).
In 2009 right after the crisis, bitcoin was born has a Fuck you to the US economy and the bank. A decentralised currency which would regulate itself, during the years, people started to put even more trust in crypto that in gold.

With the recent FUD around the whole crypto market, we could think some big investor were trying to lower the price to go in, I'm thinking about bank and other whales who start to feel something shady about the world economy. Those people probably know all this shit will crash and are putting there economy not in gold, but in crypto because this is the only shit that will go up when everything will go down.

We were lied to, crypto isn't a bubble, the US economy is.

>> No.7035973
File: 337 KB, 512x498, witch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My attention span is too low to read all this. So tldr also probably is institutional investors are the majority of this bubble right? I know occupy wallstreet level shitposting but ye 2008 really foookin payed uff dadn mate? Meanwhile Soros tries to "warn" people of the bitcoin buble. Pissing myself laughing.

>> No.7036034
File: 48 KB, 400x390, 1517134614277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That chart looks totally sustainable to me. :^)

>> No.7036068

you can watch the video it basically says the same thing

>> No.7036110
File: 28 KB, 319x563, 89561293410923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, you are close, but you will have to wait and see.


>> No.7036127

look at the USD chart vs bond chart.
The dollar is bleeding out and some entity is panic buying bonds like their life depends on it.
Trump & Mnuchin claim a weak dollar is good for a stronger stock market.
They want you to only focus on the dow jones.
this crash will make 2008 look like a fucking joke. like a blip on the radar. that's 100% guaranteed at this point. Like you said its all overbought.

Only question in my mind is where will this capital flood to when the inevitable crash comes? precious metals? crypto?

>> No.7036162
File: 39 KB, 625x415, 20-things-that-happen-when-you-get-scared-easily--2-18479-1446317999-7_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7036209

My personal thought is that it will flood into crypto because it actually have potential. Gold wont develop in the next year, it will stay gold, crypto might actually become the next economy

>> No.7036285


first of all, fucking express yourself in appropriate english

>> No.7036385

I read Armstrong economics blog who thinks the nasdaq dow Jones etc will be exploding upwards for the next 10-15 years before the end times.
Looking at the charts it's just like typical cycle chart the dow is just finished with the bear trap.
Do what you wish though.

>> No.7036386
File: 125 KB, 680x501, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7036459

Stock market tripled from here, massive breakout after decade long consolidation

Miss the gains if you want, I really don't give a shit

>> No.7036490

If it follow the same pattern has before, the stock market will explode upwards for the next 1 or 2 years to follow way too fast and then it will all go down

>> No.7036539

A market crash would be the best thing to ever happen to bitcoin.

>> No.7036559

Alright watched your shit. Well ye i didn't think about crypto being an alternative to gold in such an event. The TA stuff is voodoo you can make the case just with history. Nice to see a thread on biz that is not a panjeet coin by the way. Cheers

>> No.7036635

Tbh my TA experience is mainly about looking for pattern that could repeat in near history.

Also, I just saw the thumbnail of the first picture you post

>> No.7036681

Protip: Buy QID. It's an ETF that shorts the NASDAQ with 2x leverage. Cheap as hell right now. Check the historical prices of this ETF during the 2008 crash.

>> No.7036682

Wow, racist much? This place is a safe space for South Asians. If you can't handle that, you can scurry on back to /pol/, and don't let the door hit you on the way out!

>> No.7036723

I agreed til you said crypto is going to go up if the market crashes, first asset people will try cash out in a market crash is crypto

>> No.7036728

unironically crypto. we're going to be fucking rich because people are going to be converting out of dying american petrodollar shitcoin and straight into crypto

>> No.7036791

I'll look it up

We all have different point of view according to crypto but I personnaly think crypto will be the safe investement for people to put there money in during a crisis


>> No.7036823
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>> No.7036883

The problem with shorting a crash that you think might happen is you could be in that position for years before it pays off.

>> No.7036896
File: 98 KB, 736x724, 1517135987702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, why the fuck would money flow in crypto during economical crisis which is most volatile market in the world and can be crashed by some fake news about korea. Crypto is the first thing to be sold when shit hits the fan in the real world.
Before this let's enjoy making gains with these overvalued shitcoins.

>> No.7036952

Or Chinese RNB
Petrodollar has been destined to fail for the past five years now.

>> No.7036978

but precious metals is always your safest bet when it comes to economic crashes.

>> No.7037022

>Crypto is the first thing to be sold when shit hits the fan in the real world.
The dollar is what is failing.

Why would people SELL crypto to get back into dollars?

That makes no sense.

>> No.7037117

Why would they keep it in crypto which you can only use for buying drugs and vpn's when you can buy gold which is the true safehaven.

>> No.7037182

>Why would they keep it in crypto which you can only use for buying drugs and vpn's when you can buy gold which is the true safehaven.
both crypto and gold are safehavens

my question is why would they keep it in dollars?

>> No.7037205

Mad pajeet? You can scurry minus the S back to the street.

>> No.7037227

Yikes.. what will my links be worth?

>> No.7037230

Holy shit, are we in 2010 ?

you can now buy things with crypto and every week or so there's new entreprise who accept crypto has a payment, also you can easily trade some btc if you make some contact.
>buy money and drugs

>> No.7037235

Us stock market crashes are extreme events that usually recover in 7 years time. In the rare very extreme cases (like the crash of 1929), around 17 years time.

Thus, if you are at least 17 years away from retirement, you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.7037252

We're at ~1996 equivalent in that chart. Still got a few years to go.

You're not wrong though, just a bit off on timing.

>> No.7037292

Because you can actually use it even though it might lose value?
Crypto is far from safehaven it only takes one bad news article to crash this shitcoin circus. If you really think everybody will download coinbase app and put all their savings into tron and verge during economic collapse you are fucking deluded.

>> No.7037312

Just remember to buy properly scalable assets.
The reason the dollar is valuable is in part because of it's liquidity. You want to make sure that whatever crypto you get can be scaled up for potentially hundred of millions of people to use.

>> No.7037353

Have fun trying to buy food and supplies with your shitcoins from walmart.

>> No.7037363

>Crypto is far from safehaven it only takes one bad news article to crash this shitcoin circus. If you really think everybody will download coinbase app and put all their savings into tron and verge during economic collapse you are fucking deluded.
How are they going to buy gold during an economic collapse then?

>> No.7037389

>t. morons that cant read a chart past 2008
Look at the entire history of the market. We have so much further to go... There is literally nothing bad in any forecast about equities markets, its the bond market thats turning

>> No.7037407

>not counting 1 satochi has a liquidity
the liquidity of a crypto is all about his total marketcap, and the total market cap is about the amount of people who adopt the crypto

>> No.7037409

Like usually with real money.

>> No.7037606

>>How are they going to buy gold during an economic collapse then
The point is to own gold before a crash as a form of insurance against instability. Better to be a year early then a day late.
anyways after crash just buy gold the way you always do, just at a much higher price.

>> No.7037647

you can't buy drugs with gold to dull the pain

>> No.7037793

Assets > currencies

>> No.7037867

Any europoors know how to play the current Dow bubble? The dollar is devaluing so rapidly we could still loose money even if it 2x this year.

>> No.7037875

>This dude is predicting a 1000% increase in gold during the next few years:
What value does gold have other than store value?

>> No.7037928

It has the value of people like him speculating wildly, kinda like crypto

>> No.7038069

>It's all speculation
This is why I buy assets.
I only have a bit of money in crypto cause that removes my FOMO feelings.

>> No.7038077

Before any of your retards has the bright idea of shorting the S&P500 or Dow, just bear in mind that the market can stay wrong longer than you can stay solvent. If you want to benefit from this, go long in something, not short. Long in cryptos is the obvious choice, as everyone will flood there if USD really does lose value.

>> No.7038086

American stocks have been frothy for like, 5 years now. Who cares, just ride it up.

>> No.7038133

Personally I think that a recessions will be put off as long as possible, the last crash was papered over and this crash will be a global crash.

I do not think in the long run crypto will be allowed to be used as any form of legitimate currency and the next during the next crash tbtp may blame crypto currencies, only useful tokens will be allowed. Not enough of a tech autist to really under stand crypto currencies but I don't think i need to, tptb are not going to let internet neet bucks destroy the franchise they have been working on for centuries.

If I had to bet after the next crash if we are using crypro currencies they will be government issued coins and physical cash will be outlawed.
Crypto: The End of Freedom!

>> No.7038220

yes these are also a safe bet

>> No.7038228


your meme money goes to 0 when people think the real economy is crashing

its actually fucking hilarious that some of you think this shit has the same faith in it as gold when bitcoin has 10% volatility a day

>> No.7038367
File: 93 KB, 1024x645, makifes7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This clown doesn't know what he's talking about. Just how desperate are you to make (imaginary) money?

>> No.7038521

>imaginary money
money is only the value you gives to something

nice meme, crypto is way more secure and valuable that your green paper that you call money.

you can be septic about crypto future but
You can't lie to yourself saying crypto isn't worth something.

>> No.7038556

this guy is a fucking idiot

>> No.7038656

what was your argument again?