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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 450x299, net_worth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
703376 No.703376 [Reply] [Original]

Post your age and your net worth

>> No.703379
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I'm kicking myself for caring about this stuff so late. I've wasted so much money in my 20s. I only set up my roth ira this year.

>> No.703380

Also my property is my car which shouldn't really count as my net worth, so it should be 64,800

>> No.703381


70k/year is nice, but college doesn't feel worth it at the moment.

>> No.703384

how did you get 11k at 25? I think I was negative then

>> No.703385 [DELETED] 
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I know, Need to sponsor my self more on KTT as a beat producer

>> No.703387


Of that, 21k is in RRSP, 7k in TFSA, and 2k in mutual funds

>> No.703393

Lived at home for $100/month rent for the first year, never enjoyed life, paid off student loans like it was my life mission.

Turning 26 in 2 days, finally have my first real vacation scheduled, cousin sent me a wedding invitation for the same day.

It's an odd mix of "nothing is wrong" and "God I want to die"

>> No.703414


224k and a couple of apartment complexes that are rented out as well as a subway franchise.

about average among my friends but well below some of them. I need to get to work if I want to make anything of myself.

>> No.703416
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Cars and tools = 10k
Cash = 1k
Bank = 40 bucks

im 24

if i didn't go to school to get my useless degree i would have 80k more in the bank

>> No.703424

I feel you, son. If I had just done an apprenticeship at 16/18 and lived at home until 23 I'd have my own house by now and five figures in the bank.

>> No.703426

17 with that much net worth? I smell bullshit.

>> No.703427

>u will nevar git gud jerb w/no collage!

>> No.703436



>> No.703441

Cash on hand = $4500
Total debt = $15000
Status = unemployed

I am doomed. Doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddddddddd

>> No.703444


Quarter million.

Income is quarter million.

I've been working for one year.


>> No.703447

>you beat me

>> No.703459

23 - 550k

parents gave me 280k last year

made about 315k from based investments

>> No.703462

What do you do?

>> No.703475

gay porn star. no 19 year old makes 250k a year

both of those kids obviously inherited all of that money from mommy and daddy

>> No.703476

I would have been ecstatic if my parents gave me 10% of that.

>> No.703485

over 1k a scene usually closer to 2 yeah I wuld be a gay porn star if I could. it pays so godamned well that you wont care that you are literally choking on dick and getting fucked in the ass all day.

>> No.703486

I sell insurance
Wrong. 100% of my profit comes from commission.

My advice is find top salesmen and emulate them.

>> No.703499

this is impressive if true. prove it

>> No.703504

I just turned 19 and I can't get a job anywhere because no work experience. Fuck my life.

>> No.703515

protip: he's probably lying on the internet

he'd need to have taken his series 6 or 7 exam right when he turned 18

I can quiz him if he likes :^)

>> No.703520
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walk around the mall you bum. Job guaranteed if you can show you can actually speak English.

If it's not working just buy a Holister armband and rip it in front of an Areopostale.

>> No.703521
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Stop lying, proof or gtfo

>Net worth + current inventory


>> No.703523

Nigerian! My old friend I see you again! You always show up when I am on /biz. The amount of fantastic conversations we have had are astonishing.

>> No.703524

21 years old
$40k in debt
Still working on a degree

>> No.703525
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haha, must meant to be. Finally got my new biz sampled and working nicely. Just waiting for my other dies to come in.

>> No.703529

I really need to get a /biz name so you can recognize me better. I am thinking I could just use poorfag or something like that? easy enough to remember and completely true. Oh and about the mall thing, most malls are made for high end women's shopping in seattle, and the only other malls are designed to be staffed by the poorest people in washington so they are built far away from upper class neighborhoods like the one I live in. It would take me 2-3 hours to get to one if I needed to work. Except for downtown which is like 30 mins there and 30 mins back, but that is just designed for rich people who dress rich to get a job selling to other rich people. Seattle sucks.

>> No.703539

- 2400 $

but hey there's light at the end of the tunnel. Just got an email from the nigerian lottery. They say I've won their jackpot.

>> No.703546

Assets 436,000€
Liabilities 148,000€
Net 288,000€

>> No.703548 [DELETED] 
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Haha no need for a username, especially that one.

Same goes for where I am, most malls are built in Milford while I live in New Haven. You'd think they'd build one next to Yale but nah..

Had to go to Areopostale every day during the summer on 1hr trip just to fold clothes...wasn't fun but hey, when you Google my name I do have a good record with them.

lol would say to dress up as a trap and play the gender card on stores that wouldn't hire.

>> No.703551
File: 79 KB, 400x398, 1386230384581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha no need for a username, especially that one.

Same goes for where I am, most malls are built in Milford while I live in New Haven. You'd think they'd build one next to Yale but nah..

Had to go to Areopostale every day during the summer on 1hr trip just to fold clothes...wasn't fun but hey, when you Google my name I do have a good record with them.

lol would say to dress up as a trap and play the gender card on stores that wouldn't hire.

>> No.703553

that sounds like hell. honestly I would rather commit petty crimes than work a shit job like that.>>703551

>> No.703554


>> No.703555
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exactly, even my own co-workers would lie to me telling me there weren't any shipments and I would be able to work outside with people, but of course it was a clever ruse.

The whole time I worked there I never was able to work the register (main reason I wanted to work there). Like they didn't trust me with the 20 cameras staring at me.

there really isn't anything out there anymore, you're either


Basically depends on who you know, or if you're a qt with a nice rack.

>> No.703556
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We're not talking Runescape here

>> No.703557

>20 and a half
>$38,000 cash
>0 investments 0 debt

professional poker player

>> No.703559
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I swear I would be better off convincing morons to commit crimes and just become a "matchmaker" for criminals. You know, Here is a job, I have a guy who is paying top dollar, get it done and I will take a cut and you will be rich.

>> No.703563
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Hahaa, that's not going to lead anywhere with today's tech. fBI/Nsgay is prob archiving these threads for further "allegations".

Like honestly, if people just sat down and taught of what's going on, they'd realize how fucked everything is going in this world.

>> No.703566

lol everything on this website is a load of crap. People spout bullshit constantly, I could be/am shitposting like crazy at all hours. There are no ways to prove I am sincere without me getting specific which would be a stupid thing to do.

>> No.703569
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I just keep laughing at the virtual coins start ups I see daily.

I mean, I understand the use of it in undeveloped countries (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrRXP1tp6Kw)), but here in the U.S. with how things going? Nah...

and yea as the site goes, take everything that goes here with a grain of however it's said...

Mostly everyone coming here just wants to be spoonfed...

>> No.703571

Everyone just wants the easy way to get rich. Yeah. All I want is enough to live and raise a kid or two and be comfortable forever. I don't want elleventygigatrillionmillion dollars like everyone else on this stupid board. I just want a decent life.

>> No.703572

$0 in bank.

$2000 owed on credit card
$1100 owed to my dad
$680 owed to pawn shop after hocking a gold chain for loan.

$5000 owed to me from a business venture with my bro, the business currently has about $40k in the bank so il hopefully get a dividend from that this year.

Motorbike was stolen yesterday, $7300 insured. Hopefully i have no problems with the insurance company but im new to this insurance thing and there was no trace of it going missing so im abit worried they'll find a loophole and fuck me.

I really loved it and want to get another one, but i think it would be better to invest this money into my business and pay off my debts.

TL;DR $5000 with possibly another $7300 on top minus $3780

>> No.703574
File: 2.77 MB, 1280x720, Ace3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol well that's were you and I have our differences

I just want to live on my Ace yacht with my big booty hoes that only want me for my power/money. Life is too short to spend it with this current generation of a "woman/wife". lol, if I don't make it then I'll follow suit with you, but for now that's pretty much my goal.

So answer me this; if you won the lottery today ($500mill), what would you do?

>> No.703582

Buy my house out of forclosure
Buy my mom a nice place wherever she wants to live.
Pay off all of my sisters college debts
Put 5-10 mill in savings accounts just in case
Take out 10 grand and buy as many drugs and cigars as I could handle and have a party with my friends.
Start my own company that would allow people with really good ideas to pitch their idea and let me fund them if they were good enough
build a nice and cozy house just far enough out of the way that I could live peacefully
And from there I am not sure what I would do. I would try to give any able bodied worker a job at my company doing something, I would also try to build large amounts of low income housing where the mortgage would go directly to me and I would give really low interest rates.

>> No.703585
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lol wait wait, I lost at
>Win 500mil (minus taxes approx 410mill)
>Put only 10 in savings


>> No.703587
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anyways, yea that sounds nice and all but I don't agree with the cigar part, a kush vending machine would be the only thing in mind.

So you would re-create a private Shark Tank?

>> No.703589


19, $110,000

>> No.703590
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Basically. I would try to buy into every piece of new and budding technology. and the 10 mill would give 100,000 a month in interest at 1% interest in a bank, I don't think I would ever need any more, plus it would be split into multiple accounts in separate banks. I would never touch any of it unless I was bankrupts or something,

>> No.703591
File: 892 KB, 564x350, This guy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're not talking Club Penguin

>> No.703592


What do you mean?

>> No.703593
File: 11 KB, 400x400, Herm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


True true, I'd just put more in sep banks. Most of my money would be in Euros anyways. Can't count on USDs...

>> No.703594
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Oh, so you're serious?
Never knew saving lunch money would really payout...

>> No.703596


I have a job but also wealthy parents. In college as well.

>> No.703598
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>wealthy parents

Is your job by any chance mowing the backyard when dad's in China?

>> No.703599


Not the person who you were talking to originally, but if I had half a billion dollars I'd probably move to one of the nicer places in Africa. One that didn't have as any many sluts as an average city in Florida does.

>> No.703603


No. I work part time at a supermarket.

>> No.703604
File: 2.58 MB, 1637x1015, Nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Nice place in Africa

Nice to see people know Africa is a continent. Africa really is the new utopia.

>> No.703605

Someone else here. I also have wealthy parents whom I still live with, but having a job is nice because you get to feel like you're worth something to someone. At least in my situation it's eight dollars for every hour I spend at the store.

>> No.703607
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Nice, yea I'm just fucking with you >>703603

Of course it's nice to have wealthy parents, just don't go too crazy claiming you "worked your ass off to get where you are". When you know deep down your parents have connections normies don't.

>> No.703610


I study a lot, I am going to go to medical school. In a sense I am working my ass off.

>> No.703613
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Any loans?
How do you get to school?
Do you have power/water when you get home?

>Inb4 "Get a free ride to college hurr durr" "Study hard", that's one in a million...

>> No.703614

Guess 50k

Need to star a business

>> No.703616


No loans, live on campus

>> No.703627


>> No.703646


Assets 463,000€
Debt 148,000€
Net 288,000€

Have more than 70% (Im guessing) than my aged people, still feel like a poorfag

>> No.703647

More than 95% more likely

>> No.703654


>> No.703659


Ayyyy lmao

>> No.703690

what software are you using?

>> No.703738

>21 y/o
>Around 15k in cash.
>0 debts

>> No.703745

What app is that?

>> No.703747


>> No.703753

Like $400


>> No.703756

Wow that sucks ass what happend with your life?

>> No.703770

27- $40,000

>> No.703775

Age - 33

Equity - $40,000
Bonds - $26,000
PM - $100 (lol)
Other assets - I dunno, like, $2000

Debt - $0

Net worth - $68,000

>> No.703806

>> 25

Cash: 4.5k
Investments (Stocks, Bonds): 42k
Goldcoins at the bank: 16k
Property (got my own appartement when I graduated [thanks dad]; he paid ~ 650k around 3 years ago, fair market value right now would be about): 720k

No debt and I earn 3k/month, I save 1k/month and invest it in index ETFs and bond funds. The other 2k/month are used for property taxes and living expenses.

>> No.703926

it's mint.com

>> No.703931

or %10 of your %10...fuck

>> No.703940

God I hate my life.

>> No.703950
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31. About 5K converted into dollar. No debts.

Not too bad for a former crack cocaine addict (clean since December last year.

>> No.703970


10k cash

20k investments

120k home equity

20k in tools, car, guns

only had low income jobs

>> No.703971

Age 30
My networth is $140,389.10 according to Mint.

>> No.703986


>> No.703995

Congratulations. Keep it up.

>> No.704014

good shit mang

>> No.704028

age 22

about 38k In retirement funds,
a car worth 25k
and $2500 in my bank account.

Haven't worked for a year either. Im looking forward to going back to work this week and beginning investing and not having to live on fuck all

>> No.704048
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I went and signed up thinking it was a system where I could input my financial data myself and anonymously but they ask you to link bank accounts and credit cards... lol no thanks.

>> No.704116

mint is owned by intuit ya dingus... you know the guys who made quiken and turbotax. they're probably the most trusted name in financial software

>> No.704143

you mean $100,000 a year at 1% interest not every month....

>> No.704149


Wealhy parents who pay most of my expenses and started giving me money because of the tax benefits vs. inheritance tax, also I still worked every summer since I was 13 to save up

>> No.704165
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thanks. yes never ever again. I was totally being fed up with being dirt poor, no money for food etc etc.

Took me a while to get adjusted to a 'normal life' though (instead of walking in parks and empty buildings at night to score. picture very related)

got 5K now and plan to become a millionaire in 10 years time (that's a realistic time frame I think)

>> No.704189
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age: 25

net: 114k + about 60k my wife has in foreign accounts

Got my first "career" job a little over a year ago after finishing school. I know I am loosing a lot of interest, but at least most my liquid accounts here are giving 1 - 6% returns. Will be doing more investing but I am also saving for a house, and life is somewhat unstable right now.

>> No.704193




It's growing by around $2500 a month

>> No.704204

You're full of shit, bizpocrite detected

>> No.704210

You're full of shit, bizpocrite detected

You're full of shit, bizpocrite detected

You're full of shit, bizpocrite detected

You're full of shit, bizpocrite detected

You're full of shit, bizpocrite detected

>> No.704244
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mine was the lowest you quoted but I don't see why that is far fetched.

>> No.704261

18 years old, about $46,000 not counting a 10% share of a farm (which I don't count because I did absolutely nothing to get it)

>> No.704271

about 850k

i'm a corporate lawyer

>> No.704275


Just about to wrap up muh master's degree with zero student loan debt.

>> No.704278
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the 19 year olds are lying. the others are quite plausible

>> No.704282


I was unaware of that, but from what I've seen they don't really provide that great of a service. I could just do it myself in an excel spreadsheet.

>> No.704289

is owning a franchise worth it? always been interested but I heard it can be a lot of work - unless you have someone you trust managing it.

>> No.704297

broke as a joke

>> No.704321

>age 23
>cab $300
>investments 3k
>loans 30k (university)

I'm fucked

>> No.704329

interested in this, especially cause its a subway franchise, there not expensive to open and always seem to be popular

>> No.704332 [DELETED] 


>> No.704550

Help me out niggers, I work on my own, fix cars and what not. I easily make about 8k per month after expenses and everything.

Problem is that my dad takes away all of it, and then shits on it (buys random shit for house that we dont need, buys other unnecessary shit too). How can I get my money from him? I dont get a single cent because "all of it is family money and its being spent on the family"...

Im in a fucked up situation, currently a software engineer in my 2nd year. In canada so student loans....

Need help, best way to cut him out?

>> No.704564

Maybe $1,500 plus the $1,000 I have in savings

>> No.704566
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If it's his shop he built and you're working in, you're fucked.

Family over everything man, lol wtf are you thinking?

How can you be making 8k net and still live with the family if you don't actually work for your dad...

Finally, someone speaking truth

>> No.704567

move out and stop giving him money. sounds like you need to just be firm and do shit on your own.

Why does he know how much money you make? why are you giving it to him? this should seriously be just be your business and you are making enough to just live on your own easily. wtf are you doing man.

>> No.704568

Are you retarded? Just don't give him your money. Maybe move out?

>> No.704574

>what is an apartment?
>what is between 300 and 1000 per month depending on quality, location, and room mates?

>> No.704577

~32k in brokerace account
~10k in checking account
~9k car
About 50k €

>> No.704586


Yeah, still working on it.

>> No.704589


Between Investments (thanks dad), property and savings. I haven't even contributed to my 401k until the start of this year

>> No.704690

Lots of liars in this thread.

By the way, if anybody got gifted assets from parents. It kind of doesn't count.

I think the purpose of these threads are to see how well ppl handle monies.

>> No.704718

>$5k cash
>$62k investments
>paid off student loans
>=$67k net worth

Just fucking kill me

>> No.704725
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>By the way, if anybody got gifted assets from parents. It kind of doesn't count.


>> No.704736

>just turned 22
>about 5k cash, car probably only worth 6k now
>40k student loans and a useless double degree in civil engineering and information technology
>fml ishiggydiggy uni

>> No.704774



Student loans will be gone once I get an actual income.

>> No.704778


Do you have a college degree?
It's not so bad, your 24. Check out YNAB.

>> No.704782


Yeah, they really don't belong in biz.
They really don't belong in life in general.

So it balances out.

>> No.704859
File: 68 KB, 370x242, tfw if I was like 5 years older I could have bought a home during the housing crash for nothing means always have investment cash on hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


80k cash
3500 equities
no debts
no other assets to speak of.

My most expensive possessions are a 1k painting and a Kitchenaid mixer. I've lived out of 2 suitcases and a box of kitchen gear for nearly 10 years as an expat to pay off student loans and save that money. Not even sure what to do with it.

Pic sort of related.

>> No.704876


26k (20k is inherited).

Finished an AA and I've worked shit jobs for a while. I'm looking for a new job but I've never been financially independent. I'm going back to school to finish a Bachelor's. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.704881

>-97k Student Loans, approx
>-500 credit card debt
>+21.5k graduate student salary
>+1k savings, checking, and SX brokerage account
>+4k "classic" vehicles (conservative estimates for both)
>+1k in mutual funds, Roth IRA
Not looking so hot right now...-70k net worth at this moment.
Can't wait for this Summer to start my career and increase yearly salary by approx 40-60k annually, while using the extra funds to reduce student loan debt by at least 10k annually, and build at least 10k savings spread out in the various accounts annually. In a few years of working, will be purchasing a house with my wife, which will turn regular rent payments into more equity/worth.

>> No.704904

that 3 hours relaxing: post the link

>> No.704954
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>pic related

+ another 30-50k to this from another account not pictured

+ about 290k in home equity at fair market value.

+ maybe another 3k in cash and random gold coins laying around the house.

So about half a million or so.

The nice thing about being well off is you're never really sure how much money you have.

>> No.704956




>> No.705001
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I have about 2-3k cash, USD. No debts. Mostly meaningless associates degree. Also, as I'm sure you can tell, I have a deficit of shame.

So probably somewhere around $5,000 if I liquidated some of my stuff.

Probably gonna get a job soon, seriously debating going back to school in the fall.

>> No.705009


33 and $5,000

Lost a good chunk after the 2008 mortgage crisis, had to pay for costs while unemployed.

>> No.705145


about 20,000 but it's all in my boat which I'll never sell and certainly never get the asking price for

>> No.705162

ouch man, boats are a major cash sink

do you at least make a living from your boat or purely recreational?

>> No.705170
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My gf has parties in it with her friends and colleagues. I'm always working so I never get to go out on the lake with them but they sure do manage to fuck up the boat. I'm pretty sure I've been cucked on that boat several time; I with I was the sort of person who saw cuckolding as the thinking mans fetish, but I'm a pleb and a bitter cuck. Many fuck boats.

And sorry to that other guy. I'm not the guy you quoted just another 30 year old with an okay job and a boat that I didn't want but is like half of my net worth.

>> No.705178

Best buy I ever made. Bought it in college for about a year's rent - lived on it for a couple years and saved. Parties were awesome, chicks were impressed.

It took a lot of money, but so much fun. I worked three or four jobs through college, and two of them were boat related so it was a bit of an investment training wise (mostly just awesome)

Man that sounds shit. Start sailing stop working. I'd never let someone else take her out, even I break something on every voyage. God knows what someone else would break. Good luck with your cucking, it sounds pretty gay though

>> No.705746
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I have been wageslaving since 2008.

>> No.705757


Go to Florida and become a coyote.

Mad dosh

>> No.705784

assets 7K
student loans 35k

MD & PhD just about to exit grad school

>> No.706743


One time on pol I made a lie saying I was 17 and make 200k a year. I got banned forgetting the damn 18+ rule.

>> No.706746

>One time on pol I made a lie saying I was 17 and make 200k a year. I got banned forgetting the damn 18+ rule.

>> No.706749

9k (Mostly in stocks and funds)

High roller right here. At least I have no student loans because I pay for that shit myself by working my ass off. Parents don't give me money.

>> No.706750

20 years old, about 20k, zero debt aside from 1 credit card I pay off every month

Parents have a net worth of ~20 million

>> No.706965


invest that shit

>> No.706982

Do you need a personal bitch to do what ever you need? I'm offering my experience and services.

>> No.707038

$190K in total assets

$100K a year salary. Taking home about $1.5K a month after expenses, taxes, 401K etc

I didn't save a dime(non retirement) from 25-29 bc I was out blowing it on gambling, strippers and dating. Would do again

>> No.707163

how did you save 190k then?

stock market is kinda on the high side p/e and the rocket fuel low interest rates will not last much longer. Cant really do property as I live abroad atm, forex is high risk...

>> No.707335

>just about $0

stopped being stupid and started paying off my loans last year. nearly there, /biz/

>> No.707453

Give me a break with this shit.

>> No.707902

>$1000 car
>$750 in cash