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7028451 No.7028451 [Reply] [Original]

How are my fellow Communist crypto proletarians doing?

I hope you're standing strong against the whale bourgeoisie.

>> No.7028659

the perfect crypto would be a proof of stake coin that pays every wallet the same interest each day

>> No.7028692

how do we defeat the DASH bourgeoisie?

>> No.7028696

You can't be communist and crypto unless you are "communist" in a hippie/antifa way.

>> No.7028698

commie prole here, doing great today thanks to comrade vitalik

>> No.7028766
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crypto will help to bring down the ruling class and also there is no ethical consumption under capitalism

>> No.7028790

Do you want to know the fastest documented way to turn someone conservative?
Give them wealth or have them to win the lottery.
Communism competes with fascism and the black death to be the most deadly events to ever happen to humanity.

>> No.7028822
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kek. crypto is unregulated capitalism on steroids.

>> No.7028830

decentralization is much more socialist/communist than it is libertarian. at least in the long term.

>> No.7028855

> crypto will bring down the ruling class! This time for real guys!

See the french revolution it will happen over and over again, humans can't build the perfect utopia for everyone, if we could it would have been created long ago.

>> No.7028876
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>> No.7028894
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>> No.7028915

>im le communist guise
>Partakes in unregulated capitalism
Yeah we get it you guys are hypocrites as always

>> No.7028972

crypto is going to be the end of the US dollar and bring down the united states, well at least up until they ban it soon to save themselves

>> No.7029006
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>decentralization is much more socialist/communist than it is libertarian.

>> No.7029018

The means justify the ends.
If you sell on top of the pump you take the whales wealth, thereby creating more equality.
Taking wealth back from the rich is already communism.
Selling low is capitalism because it keeps the whales rich.

>> No.7029039

now thats what i call mental gymnastics!

>> No.7029119
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why wouldn't we want to partake in something that could potentially destroy the banks?

>> No.7029152 [DELETED] 

Distributing what coins I have left, first 10 to join get it. Enjoy it commies.


>> No.7029250

>My sell orders are magically executed against a particular group of people because of reasons
If you did anything else other than buying BTC at 20 cents you already made some whale's profits by buying at a higher price of what they paid for, anything else you're just cutting profits from your fellow man

You're the perfect kind of useful idiot that keeps the elite in power, good goy

>> No.7029521

Not how this works at all. Someone bought the amount you sold at the top, and it does not need to come from a whale. It probably didn’t. You’re using pretzel logic to justify the fact you participate in a zero-sum, capitalist game.

>> No.7029552

You best be NazBol or you get the oven kike.

>> No.7029665

Because Bolshevism was sponsored by banks to enslave all.

>> No.7029695

low iq communists so gud.

>> No.7029699

I am a Stalinist. Is that red-pilled enough?

>> No.7029726


Stop using libertarian to mean capitalism. Libertarianism means one thing and one thing only - minimal or no state. It does not imply an economic system. However, the goal of communists is to establish a stateless society free of (((private property))), which makes commies the true libertarians. Modern libertarians are all hardcore capitalists because they are too dumb to realize that (((private property))) only exists when there is a state to uphold it.

>> No.7029732

hows it like being this retarded?

>> No.7029767

How would this even work? Everyone pajeet would buy in with 1 coin and get the same reward. It would eventually devalue the coin to nothing.

Communism doesn't work.

>> No.7029855

It's a step in the right direction at least.

>> No.7029859

Can't wait until I can buy you a helicopter ride with RC.

>> No.7029894

There is just one right direction.. The direction against (((capitalism)))

>> No.7029930
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good luck

>> No.7029932


Libertarian is associated with communism because free trade is a nearly natural state of man. When our retard ape ancestors traded spear heads for spear shafts they were engaging in free trade. You fucking dumb cunt.

>> No.7029959



>> No.7029966

Pure communism and pure capitalism are two sides of the same shekel. The end result is the same. And curiously, the same ethnic group ends up at the top of both. Everyone's favorite longnosed tribesmen.

>> No.7030003

Those guys were socialists killed by either capitalists or guys that later became capitalists, lol.

>> No.7030030

I will just do a Sybil Attack and be fucking le bourgeoisie

>> No.7030065


How can pure communism possibly be the same thing. Capitalism is where you own the shit you make, communism is where everyone owns everything and everyone ends up killing each other like faggots. Jews end up at the top because they focus on education, working hard and saving money. It's not a conspiracy you lazy autistic fsggots.

>> No.7030074

I think you should read Stalin's writings on that issue. So far you're acting in the capitalist interests yourself.

>> No.7030090

You mean an eco friendly proof of work crypto that only pays the government who then pays all of it's citizens an equal share of the profits.

>> No.7030102

No, Jews end up at the top because they are an incredibly ethnocentric group that always works for their group interest while convincing the goyim around them to treat everyone equally. Without their rampant nepotism and favoritism of other Jews they wouldn't get anywhere.

>> No.7030110

Actually private property can exist in a stateless scenario when I'm armed to the teeth and stronger than you

>> No.7030116


>Capitalism is where you own the shit you make

have you had a job? you mean where your corporate master owns the things you make with your labor and rewards you with some scraps

>> No.7030138

This. Jews just destroy the nepotistic values of other groups via white guilt and then continue to benefit from nepotism within their own tribe.

>> No.7030155
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Communists need to die.

They want to destroy crypto lmao
You can't be a communist and support a DECENTRALIZED CURRENCY.
Fucking brainlets.

>> No.7030176

Eceryone knows proof of stake is a capitalist concept. Whats an investment durf

>> No.7030180

What about money skele?

>> No.7030187
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>private property))) only exists when there is a state to uphold it.

It's incredible how stupid socialists are.
Every example of real anti-statism in history had private property upheld in one form of another.
Medieval Iceland
Medieval Ireland
American midwest in 1800s
Neurtral Moresnet
Hell even the so called "anarchist" areas of somalia today have private property and CURRENCY

Your entire ideology is a joke.

>> No.7030238
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>he still unironically believes in exploitation theory which has been debunked a million times
>he still actually beleives the capitalist controls wage rates magically somehow and there is no such thing as a labour market

Also if the capitalist class gave all of the profits from the firm to the workers and workers went to go spend that money it would simply cause massive price increases because the supply of consumer goods doesn't increase.

Socialism is a fucking religious death cult filled with fallacies.
kys bootlicking kike

>> No.7030290
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Crypto is going to destroy the CENTRAL banks, and the banks that benefit from central banking.

It's destroying anti-capitalist/anti-free market institutions.
It's also going to destroy communism as you faggots will be forced to get high paying jobs in the booming economy when this is all over.

>> No.7030299

Free trade of that nature is not capitalist, that's just trading your stuff. Capitalism implies (((private property))) not personal property. You are entitled to your spear head so long as you are capable of preventing others from taking it. You can try to rent property to fellow retard apes, but good luck enforcing that. Private property is the most artificial state of being possible.

>> No.7030309


it's critical support, clearly crypto succeeding would be in our best interests even if some are too short sighted to realize it

>> No.7030393

>Capitalism implies private property not personal property.
Literally nobody cares about these made up definitions except you fucking losers.
free markets mean private property

>You can try to rent property to fellow retard apes, but good luck enforcing that.
Extremely easy. This is how it worked in countless anti-statist societies, you brainlet.

>allowing white people to own their own fucking property is (((jewish)))
Nice try moshie.

>clearly crypto succeeding would be in our best interests
No it wouldn't.
lol first off almost all of you are against crypto and your comrades would hate you for using it
also if it succeeds, it means a free market currency succeeds which vindicates libertarianism

>> No.7030401

Anyone with a gun will have just as much "private property" as you so it won't be able to be utilized in coercive ways like it is today.

>> No.7030410

Cryptogeouise reporting in.
BTFOing the fiatariats with my new found crypto gains

>> No.7030429

Stalin did ok because he injected a little nationalism into the Soviet Union and purged some of the most degenerate Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks (Jews) wanted globalist communism where they could prey on their host people undetected as a group.
There is no problem with capitalism within a nation. Competition breeds innovation and having the government try to manage exactly how many pieces of bread every backwater grocery store buys is retarded and way too much overhead. The main problem with pure capitalism is when it goes international. When big multinational corporations are allowed to screw over your people because muh free market. Pure capitalism ends up in a place even more 1984-tier than communism. There are other things that need regulation as well like drugs and porn and such, a hybrid system is best.
Take the third position, capitalism vs. communism is a false dichotomy.

>> No.7030452

Modern Marxist Communists should be executed.

And this is from someone who grew up in a poor working class town. Fucking rats faking disability, sitting on their asses, ripping off the state, claiming comp, and popping out children for extra dough. All the while sitting in their free houses with 50 inch tv.

Cunts have the audacity to then ask for repairs and free upgrades for their houses. Makes you want to turn libertarian.

>> No.7030456

Any entity with private property is essentially a state. Private property is that which enables you to control others. Controlling others = a state.

>> No.7030469

>Anyone with a gun will have just as much "private property" as you so it won't be able to be utilized in coercive ways like it is today.
lol yes it would and always was in anti statist societies

These definitions are so retarded.
I have a house that my family and I live in.
Suddenly I buy some capital and start producing ice cream or something and I hire 2 workers(who voluntary come to my property and begin working).

Suddently this is now "private property"?
This shit is retarded.

>> No.7030508

>Any entity with private property is essentially a state.
No it's not lmao
Private property successfully existed many times without a state

>Private property is that which enables you to control others. Controlling others = a state.
lmao what the fuck, none of this makes sense
if people voluntarily work on my farm and I pay them, I'm not controlling them, they chose to do this

>> No.7030542


We also want to destroy the central banks. It's a mutual interest. High paying jobs in a booming economy would be a great short term improvement for the workers and yes, like most liberal ideas, it would serve to delay communism. But the inherent contradictions of capitalism would persist, the relations of production would still be the same and the inevitable would still eventually happen.

>> No.7030555
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Crypto will fund free market helicopter rides for commies.

I can't fucking wait.

>> No.7030574

> Extremely easy. This is how it worked in countless anti-statist societies, you brainlet.

How was private property upheld in these societies? Private armies? Wouldn't that end up essentially being a state?

>> No.7030602

>lol first off almost all of you are against crypto and your comrades would hate you for using it

My comrades in DPRK are fine with it

>> No.7030658
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>We also want to destroy the central banks.
Because you want to create your own communist central banks.
Marx supported central banking in the communist manifesto, also all socialist countries created central banks.
Communists love central banks.
Crypto and libertarians want to destroy them.
Look how much of a hypocrite you are.
Almost all of your comrades strongly disagree with you.

>it would serve to delay communism.
Communism isn't inevitable.
Sorry, Jesus isn't coming back.
Your dialectical materialism religion makes no sense.
Communism is in the dustbin of history.

>But the inherent contradictions of capitalism would persist
There are contradictions in capitalism.
Marx's criticism's of capitalism have been debunked millions of times.
Meanwhile there are countless contradictions in marxism.

>relations of production
lmao remember when marx said that wages and conditions for workers would fall down to a subsistence level and this would lead to the communist revolution?
That didn't happen. Poverty rates are declining rapidly worldwide lmao

>> No.7030669

>All the while sitting in their free houses with 50 inch tv
Amen. Most of these fucks didn't work a single day in their sheltered existence.

>> No.7030682

>How was private property upheld in these societies? Private armies?
Polycentric law.

>Wouldn't that end up essentially being a state?
No, a state is a monopoly on law.
Read a book brainlet.

>My comrades in DPRK are fine with it
North korea is okay with anyone buying and selling crypto?
Nigger please.

>> No.7030708

>There are contradictions in capitalism.

>> No.7030731

What are you talking about? The Soviet Union was the most innovative country of the 20th century. The first to go into space. Just look up how Stalin modernized and industrialized the country from an agrarian shithole. (((Capitalism))) is purely (((their))) invention, it's driven by dishonesty and greed, and only (((they))) can benefit from it. If you want to take power away from them, you must abolish capitalism, dishonesty and greed. Moreover, you clearly haven't read Stalin's writings on nationalism. Nationalism is a bourgeois concept and you're basically playing into the hands of the ruling elite. "Divide and conquer", the old technique used by capitalists. Only united, the proletariat can overthrow the elites. So far you're clearly acting in (((their))) capitalist interests.

>> No.7030739

> if people voluntarily work on my farm and I pay them, I'm not controlling them, they chose to do this

Oh they are just doing it for fun?

>> No.7030792

>The Soviet Union was the most innovative country of the 20th century
No it wasn't.
It was a stagnant shithole that poorly ripped off most inventions from the west.
What do you think happens when people aren't allowed to innovate unless they go through corrupt state bureaucracy?

Not saying there weren't some innovations but it was mostly low hanging fruit compared to what the west did.

>(((Capitalism))) is purely (((their))) invention
No capitalism was created by white people you dumb kike.

>Nationalism is a bourgeois concept and you're basically playing into the hands of the ruling elite.
You are repeating what the jews constantly spew in the media every day.

>> No.7030813


they actually believe that capitalist wage labor is a voluntary transaction and not something in which people are forced to participate in order to not die

>> No.7030826

I mean, in our world today we have the USA competing with Russia/China/etc. Isn't that polycentric law?

And what do you do when one private army wins out and monopolizes the society, which will inevitably occur since monopolies are inevitable in unregulated markets?

>> No.7030850

Stop larping as being a proletarian you marxist piece of shit.

>> No.7030868


>destroy the banks

There would still be banks. Banks would potentially have more power over the state in a bitcoin world.

>> No.7030892
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They are trading their labour for money.
Nobody is controlling them or forcing them to do this.
They had nothing before, now they are getting something.

>pic related
>which people are forced to participate in order to not die
You have to produce/acquire resources in order not to die you fucking idiot.
Capitalism just makes getting those resources easier.
It's not like capitalism took all of the resources and made it so people have to enslave themselves to get scraps.
I already refute this here but you couldn't respond to me:

>> No.7030905

>It was a stagnant shithole that poorly ripped off most inventions from the west.
nah, they had a good run until 70s
props must be given for the quick recovery from civil war

>> No.7030927


Nobody thinks this, not even libertarians. The entire point of it is to eliminate the need for banks. Could you at least explain your reasoning

>> No.7030932

>I mean, in our world today we have the USA competing with Russia/China/etc. Isn't that polycentric law?
Those are individual monopolies on law.
Statism is a monopoly on law in a specific geographic region.
In these areas there is only 1 monopoly in each of these regions.

>And what do you do when one private army wins out and monopolizes the society
Impossible with market competition.

>since monopolies are inevitable in unregulated markets?
They aren't inevitable.
It's free markets that destroys monopolies.

>> No.7030934
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>> No.7030956

>Just look up how American companies under Roosevelt modernized and industrialized the country from an agrarian shithole

>> No.7030971

lol yeah
In my everyday life I probably use 0.01% of what the USSR created. Meanwhile almost everything else came from western FREEDOM.

>> No.7031010

Commies don't even know that american companies is what industrialized the USSR lmao

>> No.7031016

>implying communists don't want that

>> No.7031038

When I started crypto, I thought it was a great money redistribution scheme.

Then I learnt crypto has a ton of market manipulation, scammers and impatient stupid ppl with wishful thinking.
I decided, that it is in no way money redistribution, as rich and smart get richer off the less fortunate ones.

But hey, crypto still offers any person a chance to get even a bit richer, if they decide to play it safe. Im not talking a new house rich, but a car repair richer, a personal tutor richer, one memorable vacction richer.
So I started talking to my friends, telling them, they should give it a try. Do not invest much, I can help you.

But they refused and called it a bubble.
When I doubled, tripled, quadrupled my small 2k investment, their behaviour changed.
They started to expect gimmedats from me. We used to go dutch in pubs, now some of them expect me to give them a 10-20% discount.
I have never expected this from my friends. Never again I am talking to them.

They still have an opportunity to participate, I can help them, teach them what small experience I gained in these months, but no. They want to take zero risk, put in zero money, spend zero research time and then get free money from an acquaintance.

Fuck this commie shit. I earned this money. You just want me to share I put effort into. This effort may look insignificant to you, but still you refused the opportunity to make this effort.

>> No.7031043

I love accelerationist marxists.
I really do.

They support all of my policies thinking it will lead to the fall of capitalism but in reality it will only strengthen it.

>> No.7031056
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Wtf I love capitalism now

>> No.7031084

Is that why they always vote for parties that decelerate capitalism?

>> No.7031092

I love anarcho-capitalists
I really do.

They support all of my policies thinking it will lead to the strengthening of capitalism but in reality it will only cause it to fall

>> No.7031104
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If you trade in crypto you are bourgeois as fuck.

Embrace it and laugh at commie nocoiners who will stay inevitably poor waiting for capitalism to "collapse".

>> No.7031138


you're comparing the necessity of participating in capitalist wage labor to survive under capitalism and the fact that it's a coerced transaction and not voluntary, to the necessity of participating in nature in a hunter-gather society, a laughable false comparison and I remain unconvinced

this is a fun way to kill time while my coins go up though

>> No.7031145

>communism is about hating groups of people and not the system
No only retards believe that

>> No.7031147
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This is what commies actually believe.

After every single marxist theory gets debunked you still unironically believe in marxist flat earth tier pseudoscience. It's truly hilarious.

Nobody said commies were intelligent.

>> No.7031152


People would still want to acquire debt and credit. Banks would be institutions that lend money, and the state would no longer control the issuance of money. When the state finances its budget through selling debt, it would be in a fundamentally weaker position. Like Greece in the Eurozone, or Puerto Rico right now. Greece can't create euros, and Puerto Rico can't create dollars. Their creditors are looking at their insolvency and telling them how they need to organize their budgets and programs such that they can continue to finance their debt and not go bankrupt. The United States doesn't have this problem, since they can always pay anybody in dollars.

So if the United States had to borrow bitcoin, it'd be in a similar position. The banks clearly have plenty of power over the state right now, but it is more in corruption.

>> No.7031170

Mostly ignored by those faggots because it destroys their imaginary concept of crushing fascist germany on their own. They don't like to wake up to the fact that they couldn't have done shit without the supplies of their oh so hated western capitalist pigs.

>> No.7031198
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>> No.7031253


best friends forever

>> No.7031276

>Nobody is controlling them or forcing them to do this.
So they are just doing it for fun?

> It's not like capitalism took all of the resources and made it so people have to enslave themselves to get scraps.
Hahaha. Yes, thats totally not at all what is happening.

If I own private property like a farm, I can force people to work on it because if they don't they will die. I can pay them scraps because its more than they would otherwise have. Hell if it weren't for state regulations I could make them suck my dick for scraps. But according to you they are voluntarily sucking my dick, lmao.

>> No.7031277

>you're comparing the necessity of participating in capitalist wage labor to survive under capitalism
You don't have to do that in capitalism.
You can go live in the forest if you want to, or you could start your own business.
The hunter gatherer society point makes perfect sense. In nature you have nothing, capitalists providing you a job is actually giving you somewhere where you had nothing before.
How is this coercive?

>coerced transaction and not voluntary
It's not coerced.
Nobody is forcing you to work for anybody.
I don't know why this is so difficult for you brainlet.

>this is a fun way to kill time while my coins go up though
The fact you claim to be a marxist and are still participating in crypto is so fucking hilarious.
Your comrades think you're a traitor, and you truly are.

>> No.7031312



>tfw Marx didn't even give a shit about poor people when writing his Manifesto it's literally just an Ultra-Nostradamus tier prediction with meme logic based on 19th century economic observations

>> No.7031326

so the jews are communist but in germany everyone believed they controlled all the money? so the jews are bankers and communists? you fucking piece of shit how dumb are you

>> No.7031378

I think you are atomizing "geographic regions" arbitrarily. If you look at earth as a whole, there is clearly polycentric law. And in your polycentric regions, each private army would have a localized monopoly over their domains.

> Impossible with market competition.
Hahaha. Have you heard of Rockefeller?

>> No.7031398


>The fact you claim to be a marxist and are still participating in crypto is so fucking hilarious.
Your comrades think you're a traitor, and you truly are.

yeah I might go eat something and pay with money later too. TREASON

It is coerced. If I hold a gun to your head and say give me 1BTC or die, and you voluntarily give it to me in order to avoid death, that isn't voluntary, just like working for the sole purpose of avoiding death isn't voluntary.

>> No.7031399

>So they are just doing it for fun?
No, they are getting resources to survive.
Like you would do if no capitalists existed.
It's literally the same thing.

AHHAHAHAHA you people are quite stupid.

>I can force people to work on it because if they don't they will die.
Bullshit they can go work on another farm or go start a business or go live in the woods.

You're assuming that without these capitalists, they would have all of the resources in the world and wouldn't have to work. This is retarded.
Also under socialism, the ONLY employer is the state and you are literally forced to work for them or starve to death
what is the difference then?

the natural state of nature is absolute poverty.
Capitalists just provide an option to alleviate this poverty.
Also the wage of the worker isn't determined by the capitalist, it's determined by the labour market. Stupid.

>> No.7031481

>I think you are atomizing "geographic regions" arbitrarily.
But I'm not.

>If you look at earth as a whole, there is clearly polycentric law.
But there's not, you gigantic idiot.
Polycentric law means in the same geographic region there is more than 1 law enforcing agencies.
Clearly this isn't the case in every nation on earth.

Every nation on earth only has 1 law making/enforcing agency.

>Have you heard of Rockefeller?
Yeah did you hear that he was never a monopoly, and he managed to get the price of oil down like 90% so the working class could afford it?
By the time the state broke him up he only had like 60% market share.

>> No.7031564

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. None. Any comrade who criticizes a communist for buying bitcoin in order to make money to survive aka participating in society is truly the real hypocrite

>> No.7031582

>yeah I might go eat something and pay with money later too. TREASON
You're literally doing bourgeois shit though.
This is hilarious.
It's not like you're just buying resources to survive. You're literally becoming the rich bourgeoisie.

>If I hold a gun to your head and say give me 1BTC or die
But nobody is doing anything close to that you gigantic idiot.
There is a piece of land with some people on it and those people ask you if you want to work for them. You don't even have to talk to them if you don't want to.
Holy shit lol you're dumb as fuck

>just like working for the sole purpose of avoiding death isn't voluntary.
In nature you have to work to avoid death you gigantic fucking idiot
Where the fuck would you not have to work to survive?
holy shit lol

>> No.7031617


Nothing wrong with that, but bitcoin itself isn't conducive to anything unless you're an accelerationist and believe maximizing the misery of proles will make them revolt. So promoting it as a tool of communism could be seen as dumb.

>> No.7031632

>There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.
Nobody cares.
Marxists need to be killed.

>Any comrade who criticizes a communist for buying bitcoin in order to make money to survive aka participating in society is truly the real hypocrite
If you become a crypto millionaire and buy a giant house with gardeners and cleaning people you're saying you're not bourgeois at this point?

Almost all of your commie friends disagree with you and think you're a bourgie.

>> No.7031642

k i will make 1293482734982738 wallets

>> No.7031678

I just want the views of any populace to be directly and proportionately represented. Crypto would be good at making a software that could help do that (HST) without needing people to represent you. And as far as I see it, I think you can still be a commie and still be in crypto for money. I mean, why wouldn't you? It's literally free money

>> No.7031681

>You're literally becoming the rich bourgeoisie.

Owning any money means you're the rich bourgeoisie
hahahaha stop it

>> No.7031686

perfect utopia, no, but governing systems do improve on the long scale.

>> No.7031703

Said the marxist teenager for the 384735th time this year.
Face it, marxism is pseudoscience. Dialectical materialism is filled with holes and contradictions.
Do you honestly believe all human action is the result of economic forces?
How dumb are you?

>> No.7031739

>Owning any money means you're the rich bourgeoisie
LOL No stupid
You skipped over my point because you couldn't refute it.

If you're a millionaire and spend all of your time buying the labour of others and exploiting them how the fuck are you still a prole at that point?
lol dumb fuck

>> No.7031766

Any law enforcing agency on earth is welcome to try enforcing law elsewhere. The reason they generally do not isn't because they can't, its because they don't want to start wars. We clearly already have competing law agencies. I mean, the USA for instance can basically "provide law" in other countries by entering trade deals, drone strikes, immigration policy, etc. And the only reason the USA doesn't use these tools even more is because of COMPETITION from other LAW AGENCIES. We are already living in the ultimate libertarian society.

> never a monopoly, and he managed to get the price of oil down like 90%
He must have been trained in magic to control the price that much without a monopoly :^)

>> No.7031786
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Marxists get BTFO in every single thread on 4chan.
I've yet to see a thread where they haven't been btfo

>> No.7031808

Said Adam Smith for the 384735th time this year.
Face it, capitalism is a pseudoscience. Dialectical materialism is filled with holes and contradictions.
Do you honestly believe all human action is the result of economic forces?
How dumb are you?

>> No.7031864


At that point, sure. But I'm not a millionaire. I don't own a business, I'm not a landlord, I don't own any property and I'm in student loan debt with a negative net worth. So I think I'll be ok holding on to some crypto, nerd.

>> No.7031889

Only literal brainlet retards take the inane ramblings of a jobless NEET who made a small loosely-economic fanfic about how he should be a king one day for doing fuck all as gospel.

>> No.7031926

Redistribute your wealth to them anon, they deserve it for not taking risks or providing anything in return!

>> No.7031940

>Any law enforcing agency on earth is welcome to try enforcing law elsewhere.
No they aren't.
Is Japan welcome to enforce law in China?
What the fuck are you even saying at this point?
Your arguments are incredibly stupid.

>The reason they generally do not isn't because they can't,
Exactly, it's a monopoly on law.
Thanks for proving my point.

>We clearly already have competing law agencies.
Point to them.

>I mean, the USA for instance can basically "provide law" in other countries by entering trade deals, drone strikes, immigration policy, etc.
That's one monopoly on law taking over another monopoly on law.

Polycentric law means there are competing law enforcing/making agencies in the same area that compete with each other.
In every country on earth there is literally only 1 agency in an area you can choose from.

>We are already living in the ultimate libertarian society.
LOL Your arguments have already been debunked.

>He must have been trained in magic to control the price that much without a monopoly
Holy fuck you're stupid.
He got the price down by mass production.

He was never a monopoly and actual historical data disagrees with you.
How is 60%~ a monopoly?

>> No.7031976

>Said Adam Smith for the 384735th time this year.
Oh boy I love this shit.
Always comparing it to feudalism.

>Dialectical materialism is filled with holes and contradictions.
LMAO you didn't even bother changing this text.
I agree with you, DM is pseudoscience.

>> No.7032014
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>At that point, sure.
It will get to that point.
Face it, you're a hypocrite.
Your comrades hate you for participating in a libertarian activist currency.

lol projecting marxist teenagers.

>> No.7032083

Every time marxists have a prediction about capitalism it was always wrong.
Marx said that wages and conditions for workers in the 1800s would fall down to a subsistence level and this would lead to the communist revolution.
This didn't happen, in fact living standards rose dramatically and the revolution happened in the poorer agricultural countries.

>> No.7032250

>Marx said that wages and conditions for workers in the 1800s would fall down to a subsistence level and this would lead to the communist revolution.

>believing in something a lazy NEET wrote in the 19th century

>> No.7032394

>people can't drop out of society
>people can't revolt against the current order
>people live in the same conditions today as medieval peasants, says the webcomic artist paid to draw propaganda from the comfort of his heated home
idk about commie coin, but there should be a coin rewarding people on the logical strength of their arguments through an objective AI

>> No.7032419

you will all starve to death

>> No.7032440

They want to starve to death.
Food is bourgeois.

>> No.7032475

>you need a phone and computer in a capitalist society
there's really no limit to the delusion of 21st century "communists"
today you're entitled to brand new iphones made by slave labor in china, 20 years from now it'll be what, your own robot factory as a basic essential need

>> No.7032513


Imagine believing that ethereum or NEO is a "libertarian activist currency" lol. Holding and spending a US dollar and working to paying taxes to the USA is far more hypocritical than owning a decentralized piece of code.

>> No.7032518

Commiefags are pathetic and will be Impaled soon

>> No.7032550
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Is this thread a false flag by /pol/ to make marxists look stupid again? Either way it worked.

>> No.7032669

>Imagine believing that ethereum or NEO is a "libertarian activist currency" lol.
It is.
It's a direct threat to central banking and the US dollar.

>Holding and spending a US dollar and working to paying taxes to the USA is far more hypocritical than owning a decentralized piece of code.
No it's not. I can be as rich as I possibly want using US dollars and it still won't make me hypocritical.
I'm doing what's in my best interest.
Also just by using US dollars I am contributing to the inevitable destruction of the US dollar which is a good thing.

When commies use crypto they are actively fighting against their ideology.

>> No.7032923

>It's a direct threat to central banking and the US dollar.

Why wouldn't communists also want this? It's clearly in both of our best interests to see these institutions fall.

>> No.7033066

>Why wouldn't communists also want this?
You're unironically asking me why communists, the people who love centralization, state control over every aspect of people's lives would be in favor of free market banking and a decentralized currency?
LOL god damn you people are brainlets

>It's clearly in both of our best interests to see these institutions fall.
If commies took over they would implement something similar.
Communists want central banking.
Marx said this in the communist manifesto. All socialist countries had/have central banks.
Are you even a communist?

>> No.7033419

> Is Japan welcome to enforce law in China?
They can try (just like tiny private armies could try to enforce law in the domain of competing private armies)

>Point to them.
USA, Russia, China, etc...

>That's one monopoly on law taking over another monopoly on law.
Private armies having a conflict could be accurately framed the same way. Everyone has a monopoly over their domain. Private armies have a monopoly on the area they patrol. The USA has a monopoly on the USA. The only difference is the scale.

> LOL Your arguments have already been debunked.
Only by people who misunderstand reality.

>He was never a monopoly and actual historical data disagrees with you.
>How is 60%~ a monopoly?
You do know that Standard Oil is considered the archetypal monopoly right? It pioneered the usage of business trusts to cut costs and destroy competitors. The USA ruled it an illegal monopoly and divided it into 33 smaller companies. You don't need 100% of the market to ensure that you have no real competition.

>> No.7033875

so much reddit spacing in this thread
as an unironic communist you are all fucking retarded. read a fucking book instead of shitting up my crypto board.

>> No.7033898

Jesus Christ kill yourself retard. YES. THE JEWS ARE THE BANKERS AND THE COMMUNISTS.

Here, click on every leader of the commie side and ctrl+f for "Jew". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Revolution_of_1918–19

Then do it for the October revolution. Then do it for Hungary, Poland, Romania, etc. All fucking kikes.

>> No.7034021

>They can try (just like tiny private armies could try to enforce law in the domain of competing private armies)
They can't.
because there are monopolies on law preventing them from doing so
Polycentric law is real and existed many times in history.
You seem very confused and stupid and you don't know what it is.

>USA, Russia, China, etc...
All monopolies on law in their specific geographic regions.
You're not very good at arguing aren't you.

>Private armies having a conflict could be accurately framed the same way. Everyone has a monopoly over their domain. Private armies have a monopoly on the area they patrol. The USA has a monopoly on the USA. The only difference is the scale.
LOL nobody is talking about private armies.
We're talking about private law making agencies.

>Everyone has a monopoly over their domain.
Then it's not polycentric law you idiot.
Polycentric law had countless law making agencies. They were called judges and people would go to them to settle disputes. The laws would be enforced by private security forces. Disputes between judges were resolved by coming to compromises.

>Only by people who misunderstand reality.
You've misunderstood polycentric law several times so far.

>> No.7034052

>You do know that Standard Oil is considered the archetypal monopoly right?
Yes. By deluded idiots that were brainwashed by public education about standard oil.
If you actually go back and look at the facts they were never a monopoly.
You just have fancy just-so stories while I have the actual historical data.

>It pioneered the usage of business trusts to cut costs and destroy competitors.
This was a good thing, they were the most efficient firm and managed to get the price of oil down significantly.
They had a high market share because they were successful and benefited society.

>The USA ruled it an illegal monopoly and divided it into 33 smaller companies.
I know.
They shouldn't have done this.

>You don't need 100% of the market to ensure that you have no real competition.
But you need 60%~ market share?
You don't make any sense.
All throughout the time of standard oil there was like 10 american competitors.
Not a monopoly.


>> No.7034260


>state control over every aspect of people's lives
The goal of communism is a stateless society

>If commies took over they would implement something similar
Central banks now serve to further the goals of neoliberal capitalism. They are essentially an arm of the state. If we overthrew those and established socialism and it came to pass that we implemented a central bank in a worker's state that existed to further the goals of achieving communism, at that point I wouldn't care as much, though I would expect it to dissolve at the point where it is no longer needed and we could abolish currency altogether. True communism would have no need for a bank. Marx mentioned centralized banking as something that would happen in a transitional phase from capitalism to socialism and not the end goal, you are being disingenuous

>> No.7034296

Tbh these days anyone LARPing as a commie is almost certainly a bourgeois. It was the nationalism of Stalin that made the Soviet Union half decent, not the communism. If the Bolsheviks had held onto power they would have turned the whole thing into a standard fuck party where there are no families, everyone just has degenerate sex with whoever they want whenever they want and there is no culture (except Jewish culture). Its the path they were going down and Hitler would have stomped them if Stalin didn't whip the country into shape. All that cool looking commie propaganda you like is hella nationalist. Real marxism is fucking garbage.

>> No.7034481

>The goal of communism is a stateless society
Bull fucking shit. This is the biggest scam in the history of mankind.
>guys we need to create the most authoritarian state IMAGINABLE, completely controlling every aspect of people's lives in order to change human nature to be communist and then the state will magically "wither away".
This is what marxism is all about, this is what almost every communist actually wants. They want central banking, marx even said this. Fuck off you lying cunt.

What a joke, how stupid do you have to be to fall for this?
Why do we need to create a super authoritarian state first? Why can't we just have freedom first?
Because you faggots don't want freedom at all.

>Central banks now serve to further the goals of neoliberal capitalism.
First off, neoliberalism doesn't exist. There is nothing liberal about central banking, it's anti-liberal.
Secondly, the central banks that communists want would behave similarly to the central banks we have now. Inflationism, malinvestments, state control over everything etc.

>we implemented a central bank in a worker's state that existed to further the goals of achieving communism
Central banks fuck over the workers AND they are diametrically opposed to crypto.
Also, communism is fucking impossible lol

>and we could abolish currency altogether.
Exactly. You people hate crypto. You want to abolish currency.

>True communism
I can't stop laughing. Have fun trying to socially engineer away human instincts.

Communists need to be killed.

>> No.7034740


Because the dictatorship of the proletariat is the only way to defeat the ruling class and suppress the counter-revolutionaries. What are you, a Trot? Read Lenin baka. Capitalists need to be gulag'd

>> No.7034822

>Artificial economic equilibrium

So this....is the power....of Communism...

>> No.7034856
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>> No.7034891
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baka baka baka redditor

>> No.7034905
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>The goal of communism is a stateless society

>> No.7034942

Unironically yes, you're a brainlet for not DYOR, holy fuck

>> No.7034950
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>Because the dictatorship of the proletariat
There is it.
The marxist bootlicker and his pathetic justification for an all powerful state that enslaves him and controls every aspect of his life.
It's not a dictatorship of the proletariat, it's just a fucking dictatorship owned by a few scumbags calling themselves the working class.
It's incredible how stupid and gullible you people are.
Your stupidity MUST be genetic.

>defeat the ruling class
By creating a ruling class? lol

>Read Lenin
>bawww read by religious cult leader that has been debunked a million times
You people legit want to be enslaved and it's fucking hilarious desu.

>Capitalists need to be gulag'd
lmao too bad you will never be able to do this
Communists WILL be suffocated and thrown out of helicopters.

>> No.7034996
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They unironically believe they will create a stateless society by creating the most authoritarian state imaginable.

They are ACTUALLY this stupid.

>> No.7035221

here's why communists literally cant win

we literally just give you gibs: tuition, housing, food, etc, and you are happy

in the event of a violent uprising: the wealthy control the weapons, we will just kill you.

you literally can't win

>> No.7035254

and we already have fucking drones that will auto kill you, we don't even need armies. wait until we have fucking robo kill bots

>> No.7035389
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Hello Fellow Communist

When do we get our Lambos, Yahts and QT3.14s

Pic related

>> No.7035407

The only thing you need to do is let marxists open their mouths and they'll debunk themselves

>> No.7035468

Imagine being a north korean.

Imagine being brainwashed into thinking Kim Jong Un can literally read your mind.
Imagine being forced to have your hair a certain way and wear whatever clothes the state forces you to wear.
Imagine having little to no food and living in a shack.

Damn son.

>> No.7035629

yes you can. You can support shit going down while riding surf while it lasts.

>> No.7035734


Imagine being this brainwashed by imperialist propaganda that you actually believe any of this is true

>> No.7035756

look it I just want free college and money for coffee, food, a home, and anime. fuck the ruler class

>> No.7035833

>implying Communists are weak sissies
That is simply right-wing propaganda and YOU got brainwashed. In our fight against capitalism we can be bold, resolute and cruel. As a matter of fact, Communist leaders are almost always more strong, powerful and decisive than weak and effeminate Western leaders. Even rare exceptions like Hitler were basically inspired by communism, just misinterpreted it. Just look at Castro, Pol Pot, Kim Jong-il.. Those are not some weak hands that go around having "degenerate sex with whoever they want".. They are the MACHINES. The West has not defeated them with all its might, the most powerful bankers are impotent in their shadow. So much right-wing propaganda in you, my friend. Just beware, because the puppets of capitalism will be hanged when the time comes, and then you'll see how strong we really are.

>> No.7035841

Didn't read the thread, but isn't crypto literally the definition of "Muh evil wealth generating private property"?

>> No.7035880

WE are all communists, because thanks to the USA, anyone who is recognized a threat to the American interest(Jewish interest), is considered a communists, go read a history book +declassified files.

>> No.7035952

You are a dumb nigger. Ppl own themselves. Ownership of property stems from ownership of one's self. Denying private property is trying to control others.

>> No.7036238

dont worry, if you ever look at a commie/antifa gathering you see that those guys are all art school numales that think the reason they dont have a job is because of the system lmao

>> No.7036379
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>imperialist propaganda

I'm sure the countless people that managed to escape the country are just making it up?

Holy fuck you people are ACTUALLY this brainwashed.

>> No.7036407

Retard N in a nutshell.

"Holocaust never happened" two seconds later "Gas the Jews"
"Jews are nepotistic" two seconds later "whites need an ethnostate."
"Whites have a higher IQ than niggers" two seconds later "(((they))) say they have the highest IQ"

Jews will succeed in any system because they are smart and aren't Christ cucks who think have been fooled into believing money is evil. Unless they are rounded up and killed because some bimbos don't get that it is the economic system if central banking and big government that destroys the fabric of society. I hope the commies, natsocs and Muslims all join together so we can finish you all off at once. And I'm not even a Jew.

>> No.7036422

>when the time comes
The time will never come.
You people will be waiting FOREVER and die alone and angry.
Marxism is pseudoscience and has been debunked a million fucking times.
You people don't care about logic and truth and continue to believe in your religious cult.

Enjoy being a self hating failure your whole life.

Leftists ARE pussies lol

>> No.7036466

t. Phone cuck

>> No.7036470

>Denying private property is trying to control others.
Socialism is evil and must be destroyed.

>> No.7036562
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I still can't even fucking believe communists still exist.
They unironically believe this shit.
and when you debunk it or challenge their beliefs with the facts they just ignore you.

They believe capitalism will collapse in the same way christians believe in the second coming of Jesus.
Marxism is the literal definition of a cult.

>> No.7036650


>> No.7037186
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There are many marxists in the ponyfucker community too. Can't be a coincidence