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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7028323 No.7028323 [Reply] [Original]

Tired of ponzi schemes with shithead developers who exit scam just when it was getting good?

Ever want to create your own ponzi, but don't want to dive into all the technical stuff?

Say no more.

I give you PonziBase.

PonziBase is an ecosystem where anyone can create and join ponzi schemes.

I am the developer and I am proud to present this as part of the /biz/ community.

You can create ponzis of any growth parameters you'd like, or as a player, join any ponzis you think will make you ROI, thus there will always be economic competition between creators, and players are incentivized to shill.

No good ponzis out right now? Become the supply, and create one with you at the top!

I've taken the liberty of creating the game's flagship ponzi already. It's super cheap and grows slowly, so there's huge potential for a lot of people to make money if you shill it.

I make money from you all playing, so I'm incentivized to keep the game going rather than exit scam:
The whole game is governed by a contract that will exist on the blockchain forever.
There is no kill function.
There is no "owner withdraws everything" function.
There is no pre-mining or any ERC20 token involved.
There is only you, your balance, and the contract to always keep your balance 1-to-1 with what you deposit and what you earn ingame.

I'm planning to host the front-end on a blockchain like storj or similar after I do some research, which will eliminate the need for hosting as well, making this game literally exist forever with nothing anyone can do about it.

More info is available on the homepage by scrolling down. Contract is open source.

>> No.7028357

Update and feature requests are welcome. There are some issues I'm already aware of.

Happy shilling!

>> No.7028371

Just made 10k in less than 10 minutes with your site! Thanks a lot!

>> No.7028382

fuck yeah

>> No.7028389

Is this a Ponzi made of Ponzis?

>> No.7028440

finally a good product

>> No.7028448

This looks funny lmao. PonziCoin 3.0 btfo

>> No.7028457

Basically! The hyperponzi will go on forever though, whereas the sub-ponizes may stagnate over their lifetimes, giving you unlimited chances to win big.

>> No.7028509

Who will be the first to buy in?

>> No.7028537

That's where you're wrong anon!

PonziCoin is an ERC20 token where the owner pre-mined 200 to dump on everyone.

I pre-mined nothing.
There is no ERC20 token involved - it's got balances more like Etheremon.
I have no way to withdraw your balances.


>> No.7028569


>> No.7028711

Your idea does not seem to be taking off. Shill it on reddit anon

>> No.7028780

Looks like someone deposited 0.1 eth

>> No.7028812

so this is ponzi 3.0

>> No.7028883


No the Ponzi 3.0 is being posted tomorrow

>> No.7028912

I don't know anything about that, but this is a competing dApp in the ponzi space. A ponzi scheme ecosystem.

>> No.7028924

good luck unless you create a ponzi, the risk is just too big desu

>> No.7028932

People are buying the Flagship Ponzi already - Get in while it's cheap!

>> No.7028981

Correction, ponzi 3.0 coming today

>> No.7028995

Anyone know where to shill on reddit? Don't use it much myself.

>> No.7029059

I guess /r/cryptocurrency

That's the place where the last PonziCoin took off

>> No.7029065


Was ready to buy in until you posted this.

>> No.7029224

Wait for the oficcial 3.0 later today

>> No.7029292


Fuck yes. I've been jonesing for a new Ponzi to get into.

>> No.7029353


>> No.7029420


Bitch why did you make so that you have to deposit into a separate in-game wallet. You should be able to buy into a Ponzi directly from your personal wallet, like CryptoCelebrities.

>> No.7029507


>> No.7029509


Dude you're a fucking idiot. Not only do players have to deposit into a separate in-game wallet, the Ponzis themselves can only grow by a fixed amount of ETH (for example, 0.01 after every purchase). A good ponzi should grow by a given multiplier, like 2x, 1.5x, or 1.2x. This site is a massive disappointment.

>> No.7029533

Drew inspiration from Etheremon.

This way you don't waste money on fees when cashing out - You can wait until you've earned a lot and cash it all out at once.

>> No.7029572

>open source

where is the source nigga

>> No.7029601


The contract source is on the blockchain, ya dingus.


>> No.7029602


>> No.7029630


>> No.7029691
File: 25 KB, 474x490, ss (2018-01-28 at 12.13.39).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd made one if it didn't cost more than $300

>> No.7029838

Yeah I may lower that entry price, but it's to deter people from creating a shitload of ponzis that there will never be demand for.

I'm trying to balance supply and demand until more people show up and I get a feel for what the true demand is.

I am planning to update it at some point with choices for regression type: linear, polynomial, exponential, etc. Will gauge based on feedback.

>> No.7029977

Let people add pictures and descriptions for their ponzis too
Anyways guess I got a bag of this now. i hope it does better than my etherchan bag

>> No.7030031

Everyone shill on reddit too.
A few people have already bought the flagship ponzi.
Still waaaay early in this one to make massive gains.

>> No.7030307


This will never catch on until you add a multiplier. As it stands, you're disincentivizing people from buying into the Ponzi because the risk/return ratio continually diminishes after each purchase. Your flagship Ponzi, for example, has a set growth amount of 0.01 ETH. The current price is 0.04 ETH, making the payout at this level 25%, which is not bad. When the price reaches 1 ETH, however, the payout will be a mere 1%, which is not worth the risk.

The point of a Ponzi is that people are betting on other people being greedier than they are. A Ponzi eventually collapses when the greediest person ends up holding the bag. The way you have it currently set up, the Ponzi will collapse simply because the returns become progressively shittier after each purchase.

If you want this thing to grow, and you want people to continually buy into each Ponzi, you MUST make the returns at least 15%. Don't waste your time with regression choices. Nobody gives a shit about that.

>> No.7030341


You will never make massive gains on this. The Ponzi grows by a fixed amount instead of a percentage.

>> No.7030358


The site's UI is so bad. IMO ScamCoin has a better chance of taking off compared to this, seeing as it's literally a copy of PonziCoin with the same godlike UI.


>> No.7030409


Both scammy as fuck.

>> No.7030413

the point is that reddit will fomo into it

>> No.7030420

So does Etheremon, and it was never a bad ponzi.

It just means the earlier you join, the closer it is to instant ROI, whereas if you join later, it takes more people after you - The same principle as the pyramid scheme.

>> No.7030569

I'm not the guy that created ScamCoin. However, you're calling me a scammer, but you literally CAN'T CASH OUT of this shit site. Enjoy holding a token with 0 value brainlet

>> No.7030588

Except there's an open source contract and a Withdraw button that say you CAN ALWAYS cash out.

>> No.7030712


I'll join in if this actually grows, I'd rather go with scamcoin. Even if its a low effort copypasta, atleast its proven to work

>> No.7030834

Bruh. Wait for 3.0 coming out tonight. It's unfortunate that some anon created a copy paste of 2.0, but actual effort has been put into 3.0 and release is planned for later today. Updated algo, no premine, intended to go forever.

Why are you going to dump money to a pajeet that took the code, premined 1000 tokens, and didn't even bother to change the site?

Trust me on this.

>> No.7031091

>implying ponzicoin 3.0 is NOT a copypasta of ponzicoin 1.0 and 2.0 which failed hard.
>implying a completely new player is a copypasta of your own failed project
royal kek.

>> No.7031123

But it's not.

>> No.7031317

Wait till 3.0 then cry when it operates entirely different.

I can hear your stubby neckbeard hands FOMO'ing in from here

>> No.7031395

Just give up your sentimental attachment to that shitcoin and get in, or you'll be sorry. People are starting to realize this is that new paradigm on the chad chart.

>> No.7032098

what is this? you buy items and they pay dividends?

>> No.7032221

Yeah you can create them too, and set your own growth parameters. Anyone can create a ponzi scheme this way, and it's totally safe.