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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7022474 No.7022474 [Reply] [Original]

Some of You Guys are Alright, Don’t go into Tether Tomorrow

>> No.7022621

That's not much information to go on. I’ve been using Tethering up when panic selling starts, to increase my BTC stack when I buy back in -2% later. What do you know? Either you’re larping in which case fuck off, or you have info and want to help a fellow anon, in which case share the info, fag!

>> No.7022695

What the fuck do you think

>> No.7022732

If you haven't seen the info by now... you're not gonna make it

>> No.7022760

So is btc pumping because of this tether scandal?

>> No.7022778

What a bunch of fags

>> No.7022835

tether supply going parabolic right after the auditors ditching them

>> No.7022859


>> No.7022918

>something fishy
Lets crash the market and panic sell because "sOmThIng fIshY" kys faggot

>> No.7022942

he's fudding because he missed the dip (again)

>> No.7022960

>according to rumours
They're literally citing posts on /biz/

don't tell me you're this stupid

>> No.7022974

well look buddy. if the news comes out on monday and it isn't good, it will be too late to sell by then

i'll buy back in once the situation has been resolved.

>> No.7023025

You stupid fucking cunt.

>> No.7023073

Someone explain why the fuck we even have Tether.

Why can’t binance / Bittrex etc. just stick to crypto trading and pair BTC / ETH with alts instead of spooky USDT?

>> No.7023081

Plenty of FUD about Tether for months- I usually ignore the FUD so on its own, the auditor ducks out means nothing. But ok, printing a shit load more tether right after? Cancelled a buy order at 1300. Nothing to lose by staying in BTC until Monday, but possibly a lot to lose if this is the fabled untethering. Thanks anons.

>> No.7023082

Get rekt bitfinex employee.

>> No.7023104

It's literally nothing.

>> No.7023108

Why use a crypto exchange that doesn't let you short coins / park your gains in USD? You'd have nothing to do during a crash to lock in profits.

>> No.7023117

How to cuck yourself in 4 simple steps
>panic sold btc at 11k because tether closing contract with auditor
>tether finds new auditor
>btc pumps to 50k
>wtf i have less btc now

>> No.7023154

>Lets crash the market and panic sell because "sOmThIng fIshY" kys faggot
coingtelegraph just sugarcoating it, so they woudn't be liable for crashing the market
but whole situation reeks
no sane public company would avoid audit for so long if everything was ok
i mean they could probably double their userbase on a hype alone, if they just release the damn thing and get any bank in the world to represent them
but instead they hire paid trolls to slander bitfinexed

>> No.7023203

>no sane public company
tether isn't a public company

enjoy the bullrun to 50k knowing you cashed out

>> No.7023209

Brainlet here. What could go wrong with doing trades with Tether ? It's always gonna be 1USD anyway. Right ?

>> No.7023240

>enjoy the bullrun to 50k knowing you cashed out
enjoy being paid faggot shill
btw do you take you cut in tethers or prefer real money?

>> No.7023267

be sure to screencap this thread so you can look back on it in may

>> No.7023297
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>> No.7023300
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>> No.7023322

>be sure to screencap this thread so you can look back on it in may
only if you willing eat your own dick when it doesn't go to 50k

>> No.7023340

You do realize that when the Tether bubble bursts, 90% of the market is going to be erased in hours?

>> No.7023382


>> No.7023385


>> No.7023400

>c-crypto will surely d-die this time!
sure thing nocoiner

>> No.7023414

1/4 of btcs daily volume is in tether
its not all about market cap

>> No.7023425

Bitfinexed and his paid pajeet crew for his personal FUD campaign are doing a great job.

>> No.7023440

Once Tether blows up, every exchange relying on it will go bankrupt and pull an exit scam.
Which means Bittrex and Binance are fucked. Kucoin and Huobi will be heavily affected and probably not survive either.

Every coin on the exchanges will be locked and you won't see it again.

>> No.7023499

>Being this fucking retarded
This must be the stupidest post I have ever seen on Biz

>> No.7023513

This, I wouldn't even trust exchanges that doesn't use tether if this happens.

>> No.7023520

>Once Tether blows up, every exchange relying on it will go bankrupt and pull an exit scam

cant wait till youre posting pink wojaks

>> No.7023627

>Bitfinexed and his paid pajeet crew for his personal FUD campaign are doing a great job.
you mean bitfinex and ther pajeet crew
because every tether thread faggots like you attack bitfinexed, whom has nothing to do with their inability to provide fucking audit results

>> No.7023681

There is not 600MM in fiat in the market. You have no idea how price and market cap work.

>> No.7023805

What part of „not regulated” don’t you understand? There is nothing stopping the exchanges from taking your shit. The only reason they don’t is because they are making more money by fleecing you in the long run. Once they start losing money they will take your shit and fly to Panama. It has happened many times before, you retarded newfag.

>> No.7023823

Just FYI, there were a number of signals in there to alert you to the fact that it was not meant to be read seriously, all of which you missed because you are a fucking faggot kike.

>> No.7023867

Since when is this some of you are alright meme?

>> No.7023960

There is 20 threads on biz about tether exit scamming.
You are basing your whole conspiracy arguments on a missing audit and associate it with a fraud.
You might wanna think about why the don't have an official audit. Think about the point of view of the CEO. You might find more answers then this fucking pajeet threads every day.

>Bitfinexed has nothing to do?
Every 5min another twwet how fucked up bitfinex isn't and how fucked up tether isn't.
He has multiple twitter accounts, even tether print belings to him.
He has literally written every FUD article you can find on the internet and once again, basing all arguments on a missing audit.

Could it be a scam? Who knows, but then again bitfinex would have been gone end of december, when tether has the best purchasing power, the highest value and the bitfinex accounts were full of the most valuable cryptos. You don't even know even know how to pull an exit scam and just follow the masses like a sheep...scam scam. Good job

>> No.7024048

>buy tether at 0.98, sell at 1
Easy money, tether is not blowing up, lol.

>> No.7024096

Obviously tether is losing slight value when demand falls in BTC bull runs and vice versa.

Bitfinexed the guy who got sued by bitfinex. I love him :)

>> No.7024331

"We confirm that the relationship with Friedman is dissolved. Given the excruciatingly detailed procedures Friedman was undertaking for the relatively simple balance sheet of Tether, it became clear that an audit would be unattainable in a reasonable time frame. As Tether is the first company in the space to undergo this process and pursue this level of transparency, there is no precedent set to guide the process nor any benchmark against which to measure its success."

That sounds really scammy. Lmao

>> No.7024592

If you are worried about that just move your coins of the exchanges.

>The only reason they don’t is because they are making more money by fleecing you in the long run

exactly, you think they are even close to being done yet you must have an IQ of 45. 90% of the market value isn't going to be wiped in hours, besides Bitfinex could have existed the first time they got hacked but refunded user money and kept playing you dipshit

>> No.7024765

>You might wanna think about why the don't have an official audit. Think about the point of view of the CEO.

>be ceo
>everyone hatin
>show the money
>everyone happy
>free publicity
I literally can't find reasons not to audit except not having said money

>> No.7024839

I can posit a likely scenario here. Tether does not want to reveal their banking in such a way that will jeopardize said banking. They want a legitimate auditing firm like Friedman to vouch for them but Friedman is probably unwilling to sign off on an audit with key information omitted (bank details).

The money could very well be in accounts as Tether claims, but publicly revealing where the money is could easily lead to their accounts being closed (those who have been following this know it has already happened at least once). Tether probably wants some kind of binding agreement from Friedman to keep bank details secret and Friedman refused.

>Cannot think of a single reason, i am a good human and everyone on this planet is equal and is good too

>> No.7024913

So you saying if something happens no one will ever find this money because its not affiliated with tether and bitfinex anyway so it doesn't matter if tether is backed or not, right?

>> No.7024919

Can you explain this? How much money IS there in the market?

>> No.7025298

The auditor removing any trace to finex and tether from it's site does mean something... that's more than just a failed audit.

>> No.7025661

>Tether finds a new auditor who is willing to just look at their balance sheet and say everything is okay without doing an actual audit.
Don't stop believing, anon.