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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7019736 No.7019736 [Reply] [Original]

>around november 2016
>my sister asks if i can help her with crypto
>i tell her to put it in ETH for like easy 2x.
>she puts $3k worth of it
>i do the same
>i sell at $42
>nice $15k stash
>have like $10k left today from it

>fast forward 1 year
>sister invites me to dinner with our parents
>she explains that her ~350 ETH is now worth around $400k
>parents praise her and indirectly bashes me because I didn't hold

What the fuck /biz/. She doesn't even know what crypto is, let alone how to even "cash out". My whole family is talking about how smart she were and all that even though she haven't taken them out yet.
What do I do? I feel so left out by my family. She literally stumbled upon this and got $400k out of it.

>> No.7019763

Lmao how can you be so jelly. Be happy for your family. You little bitch

>> No.7019783

Why did you sell and how did you lose money after you sold at $42? did you convert all to fiat? last year you should have made a killing in almost any half decent shitcoin

>> No.7019784


Anon you so dumb. We're always telling you to hold for a reason.

listen to your sisters advice more often.

>> No.7019804
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kill that fucking bitch, or fuck her in pussy. at least tell that subhuman cunt to give you 50% or something. if you got her into crypto and she just forgot about it, i would try to take that shit.

is she hot, because you can blackmail her or something for sex

>> No.7019806

Your sister sounds smart, hodling is best for noobs like you and her. Fucking idiot

>> No.7019823
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, D7C510F2-04C4-4DB3-BDD4-6E16A476204E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this trading bot until you make more than her.

>> No.7019829

all my friends and family asks me to ask her about financial advice. what the fuck, she didn't do anything. I took her money and placed it in ETH and fixed everything, she didn't do anything.
It wasn't even legally hers. I basically bought ETH for her and told her that she owned it. it was my $3k.

I took ut $15k to fiat and still have like $30k in crypto.

>> No.7019838


FUD ETH until she sells, then FOMO her so she buys back in at a loss. Repeat until she’s lost everything. Or, you could just stop being a whiny fag and accept that normies will get rich through luck. At least someone in your family has made it.

>> No.7019896


and now you come crying to us? little bitch, nobody cares. I hope you lose your last 10k too

>> No.7019918

This, also I'd fuck your sister HARD

>> No.7019981

Well ask her to sexually pleasure you for making her rich at least

>> No.7020034
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>it wasn't even legally hers
>it was my $3k

>> No.7020058 [DELETED] 



>> No.7020080

She put in the money
She didn't take it out
She's rich
Pretty fucking simple. Don't see a problem.

>> No.7020093

top jej, your sister is fucking based.

retarded OP

>> No.7020115

>the virgin /biz/let
>the chad sister

>> No.7020128

That's what you get for having weak hands, fag boy.

>> No.7020136

virgin trader vs chad sister

>> No.7020139
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>mfw chad fucks your sister and takes all her eth

>> No.7020156

It was basically this:
Okay sis I'll give you $3k for crypto.
Ok brother
Hey brother (((my))) eth is now $40k.
Ok sis i told u it was urs but its not really but i cant take them now

>> No.7020159
File: 75 KB, 598x687, 1496860651813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It wasn't even legally hers
the absolute state of OP right now

your sister belongs on /biz/, not you

>> No.7020196

One word

You are a weak handed faggot and got what u deserve.
Ur sister is chad hodl.

>> No.7020197

>We're always telling you to hold for a reason.

To be fair the majority of /biz/ will tell you holding is retarded and selling is where it's at.

>> No.7020198

legendary bait. well done. amazing.

>> No.7020227

Can you tell your sister to go here so she can give us some trading advices?

>> No.7020248

Nah you're just a pussy OP. Learn to be happy for your sister. There is no reason to blame her for your weak hands

>> No.7020309

Unironically it is OP's money and he would legally win it back in court, that being said its pretty scummy even though she did nothing and just held. Just ask for some it back since its YOUR investment, inb4 taken to court and hated by family.
Inb4 larp.

>> No.7020388

Why the fuck would you "give" someone crypto but not really? Then you want it back after it moons
You sound like an entitled millenial rn.
You've got to buck up dude.
She should be thanking you not rubbing it in your face tho.

>> No.7020411

>it 10x?


>> No.7020423

Man it went like this:
Hey brother can you please teach me crypto?
Not really, here's 3k i put into ETH.
Ooooohh thanks, idk what that is but thanks i guess.

1 year later:
Hey brother my 3k is now $400k thanks.

>> No.7020454

If she gave u the 3k, it was her money
Learn to hold bitch

>> No.7020494

>Unironically it is OP's money and he would legally win it back in court
What? No court in the world would side with OP, gave her a gift and wants it back when he regrets his decision.

>> No.7020503
File: 508 KB, 1024x576, 48T0alkg99bQ3W9djFclaKc0vLWYh7Fm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would seriously hate to be you right now OP. I sincerely mean that.

this is why you should never help your brother and sister with money, because they'll just cuck you in the end.

>> No.7020534
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>You gifted her 350 ETH.
>You would've sold it too early.
>She managed it so it's worth 400K

You're a sore loser OP
>B-but I bought you the lottery ticket so the money is mine!
Get bent

>> No.7020547

holy fucking nuclear family
are (You)s for real? I get the competition among siblings but they are your flesh and blood, your closest

>> No.7020551

fuck yeah it is retard.
if i took a case like that to court i'd win because i bought the lottery ticket.

>> No.7020596


You're an idiot. At most you could argue that she was your employee, but given that no contract was made a judge would in all likelihood rule that she's entitled to half.

>> No.7020598

Your stupid fault for selling.

>> No.7020614

fuck this im stealing those coins.
she doesnt even know the wallet address or how to use it. she asked me to sell them even

>> No.7020664

Sell it for 400k, explain that the price dropped a bit and you wanted to be safe and give her 380k.

Or talk to your sister and split it half

>> No.7020673

What's the problem? She must be extremely thankful that you got her into it and also she's your sister, why aren't you happy for her? Would you rather the money go to george soros?

>> No.7020689
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Go back to plebbit

>> No.7020693

You would've sold at $42 cuck

>> No.7020723


Fuck of Pajeet, I know you want to make those pennies off of retards buying high and selling low, but HODL is THE strategy to win this game.

>> No.7020735
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What the fuck would you get in return for helping them? Do you think OP's sister is going to do anything worthwhile for him?
>Hey OP, im vacationing in Korea right now having a blast :)
>hope youre not too miserable with your wageslave job
>You need money for your anti depressants medications, ummmmm, ill get back to you in a month, okay.
>Love you. bye!

>> No.7020763

Nigger mentality
Not gonna make it

>> No.7020781
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If you're really THAT desperate, then take the money and run. Knowing everyone will hate you and you can never return.

>> No.7020782

doesn't matter
she will help him in his darkest hour should the need arise but anon gifted his sister with shitcoins and should act accordingly, be happy for her, not resentful
don't do it faggot

>> No.7020798
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, charlotte-05-nao-smile-cocky-smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 300 k

>> No.7020803

kek this is such an obvious larp

>> No.7020807

Lmao its true, she wouldn't give 100k in return.

>> No.7020808



>50Billion Circ

>100Billion total

>Bottom floor

>As soon as the 1 WEI orders get eat up 2 is the next stop (2x your money pajeet)

Enjoy and dont say i never helped you /biz/

>> No.7020809

I will tell her that the coins should be kept there.
hahhahahah im actually maniacly laughing irl at this hahahah my plan IS WORKING aahhahah

>> No.7020850

You can't buy a new sister with 400k you dumb fuck.

>> No.7020862

This is why you hodl dB frogposter

>> No.7020864

hahhahahah im actually maniacly laughing irl at this hahahah my plan IS WORKING you guys fell for the bait aahhahah

>> No.7020873

>help him in darkest hour
at most, what a sibling will do for you is let you crash on their couch for a month if youre homeless, and let you stay until their signficant other tells you to fuck off.

Face it, OP losing 400 k is the worst possible investment in the world right now.

>> No.7020911

>I'm the victim

>> No.7020973

family is sacred where I come from
I feel sorry for you if that's the norm in your reality

>> No.7020986

nah OP. Even though i think youre a cuckold who fucked up royally, dont be a degenerate thief. What would your girlfriend think of you?

>> No.7020994

It's deeper than that.

She trusts him as a brother, and is happy that she has those funds.

To break that trust you basically fuck up basic game theory. In that system where if both players choose positive, they share benefits, if both choose negative they both lose, and if one chooses positive while the other chooses negative, the one that cheats wins double.

The optimal strategy is to trust people that trust you. That's why you evolved the feeling of guilt and how human society was even built.

To break that, you basically forsake humanity itself. If everyone thought like that we'd at BEST be africans and at worse be animals.

I mean consider how you would feel if the roles were reversed. If you had 400k that you held onto despite price increasing, despite having 100k and holding through it, despite having 300k and holding through it... and then having it all taken away.

>> No.7021007

i dont have a gf, i have fuckbuddies

>> No.7021026
File: 971 KB, 1263x936, D4AB9EB4-65DD-43C1-A948-60999A37E150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legit anon thanks

>> No.7021028
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>parents praise her and indirectly bashes me because I didn't hold
That's too fucking funny.

>> No.7021065

Okay faggot. Go contact one of your siblings right now and ask for 400 k. see what happens.

>> No.7021078

Figured I'd ask here, what are some good projects to invest in and forget about for the next year or two? 50/50 in XLM and FUN right now.

>> No.7021097


>> No.7021109

this guy knows the way

>> No.7021128

why would I ask them such an unreasonable request?

>> No.7021162

Any family in a 1st world country knows that it is a competition amongst siblings.

>> No.7021176

u poor poor fuck
moral of the story
don't give normies crypto advices
especially cunts

>> No.7021178

I'm always thinking of people like you whenever I'm having a shit day.

>> No.7021242 [DELETED] 

there is no trust. at most, its all business. my brother has a hot girlfriend and is taller than me. Think he can help me in anyway with that? no. all he can do is look down on me.

When i told my brother i had made 300 k in crypto, all he could is say is
>Why the fuck didnt you help me?
>Wheres my money? Im your fucking brother
Well. Wheres my hot girlfriend? Wheres my fucking 5 extra inches? Except, i never said anything like that to him, because i know its my duty to get it myself.

The only trust i have is in my parents, and its kind of a given, since they decided to give birth to me and raise me
degen. just for doing that, you dont deserve 400 k lol. you'd probably spend it on hookers. good thing your sister got it
exactly. stop telling OP hes a piece of shit for being jealous. Hes going to get nothing in return for giving away 400 k, besides a
>i love you bro!
OP is a piece of shit for having fuck buddies though and doesnt deserve the money.

>> No.7021303
File: 55 KB, 607x551, 1479834538897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like your sister has strong iron hands while you have some faggot limp wristed hands. She deserves the money, you don't. I bet it is going to some chad she is fucking right now

>> No.7021367

you sound like a burger, the kind that gets kicked out at 18 and has to live the life of literal goyim without roots or any kind of social structure
>1st world
top kek

>> No.7021379

Good call. Make sure you send her back $3k though. That way it won't be theft legally lol.

>> No.7021391

tell her to put all in trx for easy 2x

>> No.7021417

>price goes up as IQ goes down


>> No.7021483


Do it. If it was a brother, I'd do as >>7020782 says, but sisters never remember a single thing you do for them, ever.

>> No.7021498

This thread was fun while it lasted.
Seriously OP you can't hold and you can't even keep your funny thread alive.
Just introduce your sister to /biz/ and gtfo, she seems smart

>> No.7021501

Hahaha. Yep, if you GAVE money its legally a gift/you are not entitled to it.
You would have just invested it all yourself otherwise.

>> No.7021530

she is a dumb fat pig i hate her

>> No.7021533

You do know the hodl meme originated from bitcointalk, right faggety faggot?

>> No.7021579

If you're going to say that the $3000 was yours originally, then I'd say you're entitled to only:

~350 ETH x $42 (where you'd probably have sold it)
= $14700

And the remaining $385k is hers, since you'd NEVER have held it this long anyway.

>> No.7021582

wtf u mong i would

>> No.7021589

Install a keylogger on her PC and take it for yourself. Start "trading" your 10k and somehow make 400 grand over the course of a year

>> No.7021599

But if you held even just $3000 worth of ETH from that time, you'd ALSO have your own $400k stash, but you apparently don't

>> No.7021612


Why are you debating the morality of this?
Take the fucking coins you mongoloid. Stop talking about it and do it.

>> No.7021620

If she never gave him the money and he never transferred the coins to her, they're still his.

If she complains, give her 3k worth of coins.

>> No.7021628

Looks like she has $420,000 now OP

get fucked

>> No.7021635
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be honest OP, what did you spend the ETH money on? Hookers? Crack? Vidya? I want to hear what the fuck you would do with the money vs what your sister is going to do with it

>> No.7021637

I agree
Also if I were in her spot I would atleast give that much of a cut to my brother. If she doesn't give you a nice cut I would fucking take it and tell her she's a piece of shit and deserve it. You said you still control her wallet right

>> No.7021654

>oh boo hoo why wont my parents praise me
your reaction should be that your thrilled for your sister. let her feel smart who cares. maybe if your sister is a decent person she'll help your parents out and the whole family can sail easy now. it's great news dude, be happy

>> No.7021663


Clearly OP would have used the money to better the lives of orphans, cancer patients, and the like.

>> No.7021686

no because i sold my stack retard. im not stupid.

i have the wallet on my pc, i always had it

mostly food because i am into bodybuilding

>> No.7021689

OP BTFO, lmao.

>> No.7021694

tell her to enjoy her taxes.. seriously wtf happened to this board in the last few months.. all the regulars have been replaced by a bunch of inbred mongaloids

>> No.7021707

>she literally stumbled upon this

No, you figuratively pushed her into this, and now she's got guala.

Why can't you be happy for her? I'm sure she'll at least buy you something for the occasion.

>> No.7021716

>you'd NEVER have held it this long anyway.
>wtf u mong i would
Then why didn't you hold your $3k worth of ETH, then?

>> No.7021720
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If you sold ETH at $42 then what the fuck did you reinvest your 15 grand into?!

Here's OP:
>Sells his entire Ethereum position in April 2017 at $42 per token
>has 15k to play with in one of the greatest financial booms of all time
>somehow lost 5k throughout the year and only has 10k left
>Blames his sister because he's a jealous beta faggot

A fucking monkey would have made 20x profits with that money by putting it into any fucking coin around that time.

Your parents are right, your sister is better with finances then you.

If this is real OP, you should feel bad.

>> No.7021731

because i wanted to sell??

>> No.7021754

>got into crypto in 2016
>still poor
I know you think you aren't but you are actually a fucking idiot and your sister is probably smarter than you.

>> No.7021755


>i have the wallet on my pc, i always had it

Then take the coins and laugh at all the faggots ITT. If you can do it, do it and stop quibbling.
Why did you even ask us about it?

>> No.7021776

idk. my family is gone if i run away with the coins.
i already dislike them, but family is still family

>> No.7021783

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Then how can you say you would have held it until now, when you clearly fucking didn't?

>replies to everyone
what a fucking 15 year old larper you are

>> No.7021802

>>7021720 and >>7021754 are right

OP is a brainlet, probably has 80 IQ

>> No.7021803

because it was my choice to sell at $42. are you stupid or something?

also, i'm 22

>> No.7021805

Just keep the stack for yourself. It's literally your right, 100% legal OP :')

>> No.7021835
File: 7 KB, 460x140, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> no because i sold my stack retard. im not stupid.

.... but I said:

> you'd NEVER have held it this long anyway.

and you said:

> wtf u mong i would

But you SOLD.

How does this even make sense? Are you retarded? LOL

>> No.7021858

i wanted to take out $15k at that moment. what don't you understand? you are the retard here

>> No.7021874

Yeah nah, I'm giving cash to my bro and parents when I've made it.

>> No.7021880
File: 29 KB, 600x315, ohno2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> how can you say you would have held it until now, when you clearly fucking didn't?

Apparently it can't handle such a complex thought...

Pic related

>> No.7021889

I genuinely hope this LARP is real and nigger op steals those coins, blows them all on jordans, crack, and grape drank, then has to go all in on KYS when his dumb ass is broke because he already alienated his family. I think there's a fable or ten like that.

>> No.7021894

>i have the wallet on my pc, i always had it
Then they're not hers.

>> No.7021907

Nope, if you can't understand what me and >>7021783 are talking about... guess who's the retard? LOL

>> No.7021916

Your sister's going to be a millionaire soon, congrats.

>> No.7021921
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Wow OP, you are clearly a larping faggot because NOBODY could be this retarded.

You would have to be the worst crypto trader of all time to be down 5k since April. I don't even know if it's possible to have done that poorly.

>> No.7021936

she and everyone else acts like it though.

stay mad retard

>> No.7021946
File: 28 KB, 488x463, clap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was my choice to sell at $42
>so i wouldn't have made the choice to sell at $42
>even tho i made the choice to sell at $42
is this bait?

>> No.7021984


>> No.7022008

fucking retard

>> No.7022053

Is your sister hot?

>> No.7022089

no she's fat and sjw.
she shaved her hair even.

>> No.7022094
File: 73 KB, 640x460, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I be mad? I'm not the butthurt dummy who cashed out when the market got gud.

Either you sold your position and somehow managed to lose money

Or you sold withdrew your money into cash in which case you still have to pay about 7k in taxes on that

You're the only one here who should be mad.

>> No.7022115

Why did you give her 3k then?

>> No.7022136

Op is even dumber than an SJW

Prolly lurks /pol/

Top fucking kek

>> No.7022156

Wow, you got outsmarted by a SJW

>> No.7022163

because i was a nice brother

>> No.7022196

Has she thanked you or offered to give you a share? If not and she's a fat SJW fuck her desu. Say half of it got hacked and take it.

>> No.7022198

not legit payment confirmed did not get shit

>> No.7022204

no she was just happy that she (((had))) $400k now

>> No.7022225 [DELETED] 


>> No.7022261

>all the pics have the same filename

>> No.7022453

Too late bro i already cashed out ;)

>> No.7022466
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Your sister has iron hands from the all the handjobs she's given.

>> No.7022487

Your parents aren't wrong, you should feel ashamed you didnt Hodl the coin of the year

>> No.7022525
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>The majority of biz

>> No.7022609

The simple fact of the matter is that your sister is your intellectual superior and you deserve nothing.

>> No.7022652

>It wasn't even HER money
HAHAHAHA the absolute state of /biz/nessman

>> No.7022980


>> No.7023658

ur sister is a loose roastie. I wall paper pasted her beef curtains to her ass.

>> No.7023724
File: 343 KB, 455x570, 1512035164438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know where to post this but I feel like I need to vent.
Do not take this as criticism of Ethereum, blockchain technology, or cryptocurrency users & developers, it's not.
There are probably other factors that led to my brother's suicide, but he had been beating himself up over Ethereum for the past few months to the point where he seemed constantly depressed over it and gradually became a shadow of his former happy self.
He claimed to have owned $15,000 worth of ETH at one point, which may have been an exaggeration. But I know for a fact that at some point around November 2016 he did have at least 350 ETH which he showed me in his wallets. He was so enthusiastic about Ethereum and how it would be an easy 2x.
I'm not sure exactly what happened to his ETH. He claimed to have sold them all too early, but who knows.
As the price took off in late 2017 you could tell he was distraught over it and became increasingly withdrawn from family and friends. Whenever I did manage to contact him he would sometimes end up ranting about how badly he had fucked up and how he would never have a chance to be rich again.
As the price climbed up to 1k over the past few months it became even more difficult to make contact with him, he just wouldn't reply to me or my parents calls and texts. A couple weeks ago my parents flew out to see my brother and found him dead by suicide with no note. He was 29 and still a virgin.
Other than obvious grief I don't really know how to feel about this. If I had missed out on $400K I might have killed myself too. I can't imagine what my brother must have been feeling these past several years knowing he missed his best & easiest shot at the wealthy life he had always fantasized about. /biz/ totally fucked up his mindset to the point where you couldn't talk about anything related to investing, money or finances without him storming off or crying.

>> No.7023762

steal them and claim someone hacked her you moron

>> No.7023865

>made 10k

>> No.7023895

nice effort

>> No.7023900
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>> No.7023902

Be happy for your sister, if you're seriously considering taking the remaining eth for your own, you'll turn everyone you know against you, i wouldn't do it if i were you, but hey maybe you're fine getting alienated by everyone.

>> No.7023903

Listen to your sister kiddo she might teach you a thing or two about making serious money

>> No.7023948

Genius scam idea.

>> No.7023952
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if it's really you who handles her money, just say you charge 20% withdrawal fees and take it as your commision.

She can't even argue since you probably haven't agreed about you offering your expertise to her free of charge.

>> No.7024005
File: 72 KB, 610x652, IMG_3021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 sibling, older brother. Once my folks are gone I will have no other family on this continent
>mfw he's looked out for me my entire life, my role model, one of my best friends
>mfw I would literally die for my brother, would give him anything he needed
>mfw I know he feels the exact same way about me
>mfw I'm starting to make it financially and intend to write him a cheque that will clear all of his debt (at 60k last time I asked) once he has his first child

What the fuck is wrong with you OP? Blood is all you have on this earth you faggot. Your greed and envy will ruin you. You will NEVER make it.

>> No.7024051

>putting the jew quotes around your sister referring to the ETH as her own
Stop it.

>> No.7024079

Rob that hoe blind before chad does

>> No.7024143

She doesn''t even give you a thank?
if she is grateful, she would has given you atleast half of that ETH
What a fucking cunt she is.
Never invest for someone else
They don''t give a fuck if you make them some money, but if you lose their money, they would fucking shit on you

>> No.7024169

OP you have weak hands, get over it

>> No.7024178

>I'm a weak handed faggot
>gaiz plz tell me I'm not a massive faggot

uh...but you are

>> No.7024188

Why are you jelly? Stop being such a lil bitch and Be happy and ask her to treat you stuff.

>> No.7024213

If you want to be jelly, why stop with your sister? Why not jelly with the whole society and vote for a communist candidate

>> No.7024230

If his sister is grateful, she would has given him atleast half of those ETH, but since she's a cunt , she's just ignore it and she even claims that she make that money by herself

>> No.7024270

Although you are a retard OP don't make it worse for yourself, but you probably will because you are a retard.

>> No.7024310

How do you know his sister isn't planning on giving him a cut once she's actually cashed out? All you know is one side of the story and it's the greedy autismo brother's.

>> No.7024508
File: 74 KB, 1024x595, retarded sucks at brained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats what I cal the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Intelligent normies are doing better in general than high IQ /biz/ with all this stuff. I am not talking about normies, I am talking about intelligent normies. They think about it not too much, but with this they act most times like the average person. And then they win.

>> No.7024535

Do you know why she took all the credit, and didn''t tell anyone that it's actually OP made all the money?
Because if she tell the truth, she has to give him something back, or otherwise, everyone would see her as an ungrateful bitch. But, she doesn't want to share him anything, so she just ignore him and claims that she make all of that money by herself

>> No.7025330

Hope you'll take this as a lesson to not talk about cryptos to or in front of normies.

>> No.7025384

How much ETH for those milkers? Plz respond :(

>> No.7025410

Nigga you would've sold those for $40 too. Only about $15k is yours.

>> No.7025417
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow this shit really works. Just bought it and made 1000 LINK with just 10!

>> No.7025470

Lmoa get rekt dumb bitch

>> No.7025496


Back to /fit/ with you, you salty bitch

>> No.7025501

it's hers bro. you fucked up.

>> No.7025743
File: 150 KB, 990x1146, shitted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have weak hands and should feel bad for not having more faith in your investment unlike your sister. If you aren't in this to retire then fuck off- you're just like every other norman trying to make a quick buck.