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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7019092 No.7019092 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else miss the crypto boat? It's too late now isn't it?

During late 2012-2014 I used to read about crypto daily but didn't pull the trigger.

Now I am close to homeless and wageslaving to try and catch the train but I think its already left the station. I don't even have a single crypto yet.

Meanwhile, everyone on /biz/ got rich and are living the life I can only dream of, buying new homes, cars and fucking hot chicks.

Do I just end it now?

>> No.7019102

ive seen this thread before, hmmm

>> No.7019128

What do you mean?

>> No.7019156
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I actively shitposted on /g/ back in 2010 when BTC was under a cent

Sage'd bitcoin threads, reported them, called bitcoin a botnet and the threads viral marketing

>> No.7019187

Well thats gotta hurt

>> No.7019191

>he fell for the "everyone on /biz/ got rich" meme

pathetic, kek

>> No.7019222

Not everyone but a lot of anons did
I've seen anons on here say they're poor meanwhile they have 300k~ crpyto

>> No.7019227
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Feels bad man

>> No.7019246

Jesus Christ that is painful to look at even

>> No.7019266

Buy some ETH and wait a year.
I believe u can fly anon

>> No.7019286

you made your street now shit in it

>> No.7019299

I cant otherwise I would

>> No.7019487

Crypto is useless without cashing out. In 2 weeks nobody here will be a millionaire. Smart money got out weeks ago, biz will be the eternal bagholder.

>> No.7019585

smart money is buying back in in two or three weeks

right now everything is going to trade sideways other than undervalued coins like XRB

>> No.7019605

Well which is it guys?

>> No.7019644

It isn't too late, it's just harder now. There are still new coins, some even make it to the top 100. You just need to keep up on things. /biz/ can sometimes have info, bitcoin talk is good.

>> No.7019695

it means you recycled this shitty thread
fuck off

>> No.7019714

> missed the crypto boat
have you checked GVC? Looks promising, bought a eth earlier https://etherdelta.com/#0xc4d6f5bfd149faf37a0decee946251820fe4816b-ETH

>> No.7019781

You did not miss a lot yet...dont listed to most people here giving you some random coins whatever.

Just put as much money as you can afford into Digibyte and let it grow over the long term. Its sitting under 7 cents right now, we have a lot of moving space before $2 - $3...it has many benefits over top coins and in fact one of the Bitcoin fork coins uses digishield that is developed by digibyte.

For more check out website www.digibyte.io

>> No.7019825
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I believe we can still make it, anon. We just have to be savvier than before. Yeah, it's probably too late to just buy $100 worth of some coin, hold for two years and walk away millionaires. But we can still get very rich with some hard work. There will be another bull run and another one after that before it's over. Bust your ass this year and next year you wont have to.

>> No.7019831

I have no crypto so I cant buy shit coins yet

>> No.7019848

probably too late. Just be glad you didn't buy in before the crash

>> No.7019858

Wow you already made it anon

>> No.7019859

youre not too late

>> No.7019880
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too late?

>> No.7019886

accumulate OMG and retire in 12 months

>> No.7019924

you realise market is up massively if you look back like 3 weeks... you faggots literally act like it's doomsday when there's a dip

>> No.7019925

>45k made it
45k aint shit you stinky pajeet

>> No.7019966 [DELETED] 

It is to me and I'm not even Pajeet
Just poor as shit

>> No.7020096
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Start with a few hundred and take this thing seriously for a few months and it won't seem like shit for long. Trust me. I started with $2500 and just traded up. If a brainlet like me can do it'll anybody can. You might lose some at first but don't give up. My first couple of weeks trading, I got stopped out of NEO at 750k sats and it shot right back up to 1MM. While I was sleeping. I couldn't believe it. Learned a lesson though. That and a few more and now I have this trading thing down.

>> No.7020160

Literally just buy 100$ worth of TRTL and come back in a year and cash out your 100k

>> No.7020210 [DELETED] 

Can you help me out?

>> No.7020304

Search quickfingersluc on YouTube. Best advice you'll ever get on /biz/

>> No.7020357 [DELETED] 

No I mean can you send me something to start with just a little

>> No.7020396

People having money and power would be useless if there wasn't an endless amount of wagecuck slaves like yourself to push the wagons... Accept your fate and fuck off faggot before you're late for check in time

>> No.7020661
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this nigger

>> No.7020739 [DELETED] 

Guess not then..

>> No.7021119

sauce my dude?

>> No.7021208


>> No.7021276

It's still early

>> No.7021535
File: 1.85 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20180110_150803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Issue for me is like.. Put 100 in bat and link each.. Both dip. Must I just wait or after 2 weeks chalk them up yo losses

>> No.7021556

To*/as losses

>> No.7021580

fucking kek

>> No.7021622

All I have is ven and eth. So /comfy

>> No.7021653

same here.
cant believe i was actually here. 2013 and 2014 reading about btc and believed in it..
and still didn't do anything. was poor in school