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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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701458 No.701458 [Reply] [Original]

I've asked a few people whether they think the job seeking process is like dating, yet they often disagree or are simply unsure.

Does anyone here not see the parallels?

>> No.701466

Pretty sure you don't bring a resume with past experiences and references to a date.

>> No.701471

You bring a mental resume

>> No.701472


>> No.701474

Ok, good on you

>> No.701606

It is in that you bullshit as hard as you can

>> No.701612



Let me give you some advice

Dating is supposed to be fun. If you're not having fun on a date, then you're either dating a bitch or you did a shitty job planning it.

Literally the worst possible date you can plan is sitting at a table, with a woman you barely know, and asking her bland questions about herself.

Rule 1: First date is always an action date

>> No.701614

i'm pretty sure that it would have improved all my last realtionships..

>> No.701616

Of course a jew would see it that way.

If you actually have fun the girl will want to be seeing you again. And any job that will let you in by smoozing probably is a terrible place to work.

>> No.701682


sales and dating are nearly identical. sales is just more clear cut about what's happening. In dating both parties play this game where they pretend they are there for reasons other than a closing.

>> No.701684


> What do you do?
> Who have you dated before?
> What are your interests?
> How do you spend your time?
> What are your personality quirks?

>> No.701721

dating is love. when we love well enough we forget about our fears of death for a time. when that fear of death returns, you should make love again.

sales will never compare. it's just some made up bullshit. if you died today, and at your funeral people talked about your sales ability...you lived a horrible life

>> No.701746

kek. Look at that fag.

>> No.702196

I always get action on the first date ;)

>> No.702216
File: 54 KB, 300x100, 1413608883309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you died, either way you're dead. The camera doesn't stick around, so stop giving a fuck.

Also, your sales skills are so fucking phenomenal that people bring it up after your actual death, you were a fucking baller.

>> No.702249


lotsa great salesmen have died and their sales ability was a topic of discussion at the funeral, nothing wrong with that.

steve jobs for ex.