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File: 6 KB, 200x200, tether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7016220 No.7016220 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is everyone obsessed with calling out this potential scam, wouldn't it be in all your best interest to leave it alone and just use it to wait out a crash? Yeah USDT is not exchangeable for USD, neither are most fucking alts. I get the wash trading bitcoin inflation argument but the market cap isn't really that big. I don't hold any tether nor have held any for more than a week but it ridiculous the amount of FUD surrounding this. Who gives a shit if its not backed the USD isn't

>> No.7016262

meh, i think tether is a scam, but fags are only fudding tether to move bitcoin.
Been like that all week, "hey sir, tether is a scam, please buy bitcorn right now!"

>> No.7016268


Because they printed 600 million in the last few weeks which represent realistically almost 30-40% of crypto trading volume

>> No.7016269

for the lulz

>> No.7016285

i just want to see people who have spent all of their years that would have been spent forming career skills and hold a huge portion of their net worth in crypto kill themselves after tether crashes the market :^)

>> No.7016298

That's a funny way of spelling "they silently issued 600m in the last few hours and went on a shopping spree with it."

>> No.7016308

Because for better or for worse, the cryptos economy needs to reflect it's actual value without quantitative easing.

>> No.7016326

Because I want to buy some cheap bitcoins.

But seriously the more it stalls the more impact it will have so the sooner it crashes the better it will be

>> No.7016341

Bulls are overbought from buying in during the last couple failed breakouts, so they have no money to push the price up. Thus, they resorted to spamming FUD in order to get bears who had tethered up to buy back in.
Tether itself is antifragile; people who believed the FUD actually pushed up the price for real, which means Bitfinex makes money and can cover any USDT withdrawal requests.

>> No.7016349

Because they are degenerate fucks who want you to miss out gains and sell at the worst possible moment.

>> No.7016420

what a faggy smiley

>> No.7016522

helo sirs im from redit and they say amerikkka fed reserve prints infinit moneis and biz is racist so how can usdt be a scam? even if scam ppl still by like bazinga oh yea did i tell about bazinga whic has worked produc??? who care if it scam bitfinext help make us all mone

>> No.7016590

fucking Bitfinexed caused me to miss out big gains when bitcoin was $3000 to $5000.

Now I use Tether as a buy signal.

>More Tether printed?

>> No.7016620

Its just nocoiners hoping for a crash. Wont happen though.

>> No.7016673
File: 81 KB, 791x720, 1515797847811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They seriously thought it would go down to 7k. Poor sods are getting anxious.

>> No.7016787

Brainlets believe it's impossible for Bitfinex to have the money to back it up even though Bitfinex makes unfathomable fucking profits on trades and withdrawls every day.

>> No.7016788

I think we some time off that happening man

logical argument

>> No.7016814

No longer an indicator. New scam markets (like bitconnect) are hurting bitcoin and invalidating the efforts of tether. The big sell is coming. We'll have a broken and shitty bitcoin to influence the entire market. Hopefully we see a volume shift somewhere else when the market cap shuffles after bitcoin is corrected to ~5-7k

>> No.7016833

Just like Mt. Gox back in the day, right? They made a ton in fees, being basically the only big exchange at the time.

Yet they exit scammed all the same. Greedy fucks exist anon.

>> No.7016876

Fucking oath this so much, they likely don't want to disclose the details concerning the amount of money they are holding due potential for government intervention/getting jewed by regulations

>> No.7016882

Adding to this: what makes you think there won't be another crypto MLM? Now is the time. Exposure is at just the right point, there will be more bitconnects that will sell high volumes of bitcoin.

>> No.7016887

Gox didn't exit scam you fucking braindead monkey, unless getting your shit hacked on one of the first and biggest crypto exchanges counts. The wallets were bleeding and they didn't realize until too late. That's not an exit scam, look at what they are doing with STILL trying to resolve it through the courts.

>> No.7016893

>Gox mention = Godwin's Law of crypto

>> No.7016942


That was an intentional exit scam though, with Bitfinex people are essentially implying that Bitfinex is trying but eventually failing to keep their shit together. There's nothing to "keep together", and there's no problem with Tether as long as people uinderstand it's a placeholder token to allow people to daytrade against the USD pair on exchanges that don't really deal in fiat. I wouldn't hold Tether for years without keeping an eye on the news, but don't fall for the Bitfinex'd bullshit either.

>> No.7016953

They got hacked and didn't have Tether to bail them out.

>> No.7016968

Who told you they got hacked?

>> No.7017007

It's common knowledge Mtgox was hacked on multiple occasions.

>> No.7017120


Can you guys first off shut the fuck up with this tether conspiracy stuff

And answer this, am i the only one holding all his alts? Seems like every little pussy is selling off to BTC and ready to sell.

>> No.7017283

Because the longer it continues the worse the market will get wrecked in the future. No point in artificial gains when it gets taken from underneath you faggot.

>> No.7017490

Coinlets: crypto is a paradigm shift - no more federal reserve manipulating markets

also coinlets: stop the tether FUD faggots, their market manipulation keeps the value up

>> No.7017509

What how long Tether trades under 1 USD.
Bitfinex are the only ones who really know whether Tether is backed (and thus worth 1 USD) or not.

If they're not arbitraging Tether back to 1 USD (which is basically free money for them), it means they don't want to exchange USD or BTC for their own token.

It's been trading under parity for a few hours now.

>> No.7017734

USDT crashed to 0.90 in November for a longer duration of time, it was below $1 for a few days.

>> No.7017776

good pump, cash out on the retard, USDT crashes the market, buy low and were back. If you think 1 Bil is going to kill this market you are a mongoloid

>> No.7017803

That's when the 30M 'hack' happened

When the hack got announced BTC immediately crashed almost 10%, if I remember correctly. Vertical fucking red candles, take a look at the chart.

If that happened with a 30M hack, Imagine the red candles (if) the whole USDT market crashes.

>> No.7017854

bullshit, daily trading volume with btc alone has been between 8-20 BILLION each day since end of December.