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7015181 No.7015181 [Reply] [Original]

They were just liquidating their USDT not pumping BTC.

It will crash again.

>> No.7015195

basically this.

they know its only a matter of time now. gotta cash out as much as possible before letting the shit hit the fan

>> No.7015210
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yA dat sounds about right anon, we'll jus buy back in when it crashes r-right?

>> No.7015246

Something Is Fishy: Tether, Auditor 'Dissolving the Relationship' According to Rumors
Reports surfaced Saturday night that Tether and their auditor, Friedman LLP, had dissolved their relationship. Due to the weekend, no independent confirmation has been received.


>> No.7015296

was not this like a week ago?

>> No.7015356

they started getting audited a week ago.
this is breaking like 8 hours ago

>> No.7015367

it was 4 days ago when it came out this morning

Tether will end up blurring the lines between who is counterfeiting who. The crypto bull run in 2018 will be absolutely terrifying

>> No.7015422

maybe they got a new auditor

>> No.7015607

what would be a good entry price
11k? 10k? 9k? 8k?

i'm so confused. first Korean FUD, then futures expiring, now Tether-auditor drama. bad news keeps compiling. no idea what to do.

>> No.7015746

They're not going to wait days to move all the btc to a cash exchange. Too risky. They probably already have proxy dumpers set up on other exchanges who will be reimbursed with the coins acquired in the usdt dump.

>> No.7015771

8k will always be a great entry

>> No.7015778


Brainlet here. Is a crash really going to happen or did I send my money to GDAX at a loss for nothing?

>> No.7015794

no one knows what is going to happen next

>> No.7015814

Why is it you faggots always post a red wojack with regular market fluctuations? This is what any healthy markets do. Up and down, up and down.
This isn't hard to understand.

>> No.7015831

It looks like they made away with about 2000-3000 btc from bitfinex. If they dumped it all on bitstamp the price would plunge to under 10k again.

>> No.7015834

>being this retarded

>> No.7015855


>> No.7015858

>healthy markets spontaneously print 600m goy dollars and go on a shopping spree isolated entirely within an exchange heavily affiliated with goybucks inc.

>> No.7015897

so this little run up is just tether in action.

>> No.7015910

i wouldn't say that, but it is suspicious, and it's probably the reason for the btc rally. Eth is rising for it's own reasons

>> No.7015936

>bitfinex is the only exchange with usdt pairing
>btc/usdt is the only usdt pairing on bitfinex
bitfinex only sees a fraction of the global btc/usdt volume, dumb cunt
where you think binance and bittrex get their tether? sell bitcoin on bitfinex for tether?

>> No.7015951

>where you think binance and bittrex get their tether? sell bitcoin on bitfinex for tether?

they are granted it by tether

>> No.7015955

i'm expecting it to dump in a few hours. around 3am - 5am

it's been dumping consecutive for the past couple of days around those hours
i'm thinking of buying in at that time.

>> No.7015968

Did binance and bittrex have simultaneous rallys? I was only watching it on finex

>> No.7015970

aw fuck this makes it worse than buying it for btc

>> No.7015993

hey man feel free, I'm usually asleep then

>> No.7016008

Bitfinex is the home for institutional money. It leads most rallies.

>> No.7016011
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Brainlet here, What the fuck is going, can you explain to me?

>> No.7016033

The rally didn't transfer over to stamp or coinbase (no tether).

>> No.7016035


nothing much
for the past three days BTC pumps during the day and dips after midnight.
buy the dip?
or is BTC headed to 8k
I'm confused.

>> No.7016071

Should i cash out right now, fuck, seem like the tethers bomb is about to explode

>> No.7016081

>be shitcoiners
>real money exchanges are either under regulatory scrutiny or limited membership
>trade dollars for goy dollars to buy btc
>goy dollar inc. Severs relationship with third party auditor.
>600 million goy dollars spontaneously show up on the books.
>huge buy rally on goy dollar exchanges.

>> No.7016082
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Prease refrain from posting poorly drawn wojak

>> No.7016091

It's the home for Bitfinex owners' market manipulation you mean.
USDT is tanking and BTC rising on Tether exchanges, it's not hard to understand why.

Pro-tip: institutional investors are not spending their Saturday night or Sunday trading Bitcoin.

>> No.7016095

There's a 300dollar difference on USDT exchanges and FIAT exchanges
is tether pumping the price there and are they dumping on FIAT exchanges
oh BOy!

>> No.7016110

Along with the coins they probably bought with the money people traded for usdt

>> No.7016193


TOO BIG TO FAIL! the other exchanges will have to bail bitfinex out or crypto dies

public confidence will die, MSM and economists will have a field day with it

>> No.7016203

I told my grandpa to empty his retirement @ 20k btc. I have nothing but missed calls for the past 2wks. FUCK

>> No.7016275

WTF, is that mean they are trying to cash out and leave us with tethers bag?

>> No.7016314

Get your bags ready tether

>> No.7016382


tether's only purpose is to serve as a dollar alternative for exchanges that don't host fiat deposits (excluding bitfinex) the peg of 1:1 is maintained by buying and selling tether. so when this much tether gets pumped i'd expect people will be buying tether so it's reasonable to assume that BTC will dip. but the market sentiment everytime Tether is issued is that BTC will pump, unironically it goes up because everyone starts buying it and not because tether is pumping it

>> No.7016410
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>> No.7016430

I wish it'd crash so I could buy more but that's not going to happen

I should honestly start trading based on what I don't want to happen because whenever I do the opposite shit goes bad

>> No.7016589

Bitcoin isn't going to crash to 8k
Fucking tether isn't the reason for the "pump"
There is no fucking conspiracy
Tether is for impatient chodes in the first place
Inpatient chodes posting in this and other threads sounding like fucking alex jones

TLDR; fuckking kill yourself everyone in this fucking thread

>> No.7016654

>Fucking tether isn't the reason for the "pump"
so what is the fucking reason?

>> No.7016683

Who the fuck knows. Its crypto faggot.

>> No.7016701


>> No.7016762

Sorry but how can tether crash the market? They "print it" but it isn't just being handed out for free. People are buying it which means there must be a lot of capital for them to fall back on even if it isn't 100%. And there isn't any evidence they are using it to buy bitcoin with their own printed tethers. How exactly could they hide and even get away with something like that?

>> No.7016800

A unique lack of market regulations.

>> No.7016834


>> No.7016890

I know exactly what happens next

>> No.7016925

A lot of people are having a hard time that since the exchanges is designed a specific way everyone is agreeing to use the automated system to trade their coin for a specific value.

It doesnt need to be backed by anything to hold its static value. The only way the the tether situation could explode is if people tried to use it to cash out and they dont have enough money to pay people for it. But if the option to cash out doesnt exist then all it has done is create a strange value void that can only function in high technology.

>> No.7016962

I don't fucking care what happens, i trade a lot but hold in these situations

I'm holding my alts, no way i'm selling while in red. Am i wrong?

>> No.7017144

Why are GDAX prices cheaper than Binance? Usually it's the other way around.

>> No.7017201 [DELETED] 

Because Binance is a fucking shell corporation for the furtherance of their bullshit scamcoin, and they're using their funny money fuckery to buy BTC, driving the price up.

>> No.7017253
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>> No.7017466
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>> No.7017536


>> No.7017704

I'm gonna buy at 11 like a cuck

>> No.7017909

no this news broke a few days ago. It just wasn't covered by the normies until today

>> No.7018349

There will always be something, as long as there are people on the sidelines waiting to buy in.

>> No.7018430

Stagnation after bullruns leads to fear and sell-offs, also known as a correction. It happens with literally every fucking crypto.

>> No.7018552

That's also why Tether FUD had such a large effect just now. People are restless and itching to do something. In the middle of a bull run the news wouldn't have done much. Steam dropping BTC didn't really have a noticeable impact on the price during the middle of the run to 20k, while it would have caused a big dip now.

Also, the net flow of BTC into Binance is still positive, showing that most people aren't cashing out.

>> No.7018661

Yeah I've been reading this for the past 4 days or so

>> No.7018684

It seems that the amount of BTC in Binance's wallet began falling sharply at around the time BTC broke out at 11.5k and kept falling until BTC peaked at 12.2k.

>> No.7018951

Tell me you're making this up

>> No.7019026
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>> No.7019047
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It feels like they are trying to buy time by preventing the USDT price from dropping any further. If that's the case they are most likely using their BTC reserve to buy them time for the inevitable. Last time I checked, Bitfinex had a shiton of BTC just lying around~ 1.5 billion dollars worth. Whether they wanted the news that their auditing firm got canned or not, it appears the Tetherbomb might go off sooner than most of us had previously thought

>> No.7019099

>It feels like they are trying to buy time by preventing the USDT price from dropping any further
That's exactly what they're supposed to do when Tether falls below $1.

>> No.7019287

Kek keep waiting

>> No.7019383
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what are those faggots waiting for? to be busted? to cash out as much das possible then let it collapse? to be goverbanned?

is tether a banking ploy all along to trash crypto?

>> No.7019445

every bull run/pump had a massive tether print before hand. Look at the charts yourself. look at the last 3, or 10 of the million dollar tether prints.

>> No.7019702

Yes, but that would be true whether or not tether was a scam unless more than half the mcap of all alts was falling relative to BTC together (in which case you could think that it wasn't just because people were putting money into tethert to buy cheap BTC)

>> No.7020062

1. you cant legally buy/sell tether for usd.

2. Tether carries a premium. Which in turn makes actual dollars better to use than tether

tether is being printed out of nothing

>> No.7020081

Especially the december bull run. Long live ETH, the heir to the throne.

>> No.7020861

This could just as well mean they are printing tether to accomodate a growing market. Ive looked at tether issuance dates and saw just as many dips after they printed. The market was in an uptrend all year so idk about this theory.

>> No.7020889

they're pumping right now/

>> No.7021233

No, you fudsters are getting wrong.
Billionaires are fomoing in during the dips. Warren Buffet was pretending to be retarded on bitcoin. He's wiring 100m (which is nothing to him btw, he's an investing god, personally met satoshi and will dollar cost average until btc is 100k) to a bank in poland every couple weeks.

>> No.7021346

and i thought i was gonna sleep tonight hahah

>> No.7021477

>sounding like fucking alex jones
implying that's a bad thing
everyone knows even his wildest claims are easily confirmed with a few minutes of research. the future he predicted 10 years ago is here. filter your fucking water or stay stupid and depressed faggots. #gayfrogs

literally not even joking, they really are putting chemicals in the water that turn the freakin frogs gay. if you didn't start looking into alex jones after the snowden leaks started confirming some of his wildest theories then you're not paying attention

>> No.7021633

Bitfinex doesn't even have a BTC/USDT pairing, but BTC/USD and BTC/EUR pairings.

>> No.7021673

How can one be this new?

Fucking decemberfags

>> No.7021700

>I bet ya saw that on mememarketcap little anon?

>> No.7021860

Yes, there is a BTC/USD trading pair on bitfinex. Poloniex, on the other hand, has a BTC/USDT pair.
When you want to withdraw dollars from your bitfinex account you can either make a bank transfer or chose to convert them into tether and withdraw them to a tether address.

>> No.7021862
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>BTC Price couldn't even survive being pumped with 600M of fake USDT.

>> No.7021934

huge crash incoming

>> No.7022024

Pretty much this. He was slightly misquoting a study that found industrial chemicals that were being dumped into some water source were linked to an increase in sexual irregularities in some species of fish. So they weren't literally putting chemicals in the water that were turning the freakin' frogs gay...but they were pretty much putting chemicals in the water that were turning the freakin' frogs gay.

>> No.7022040

Bitfinex ended their partnership with the bank that processed their USD withdrawals like half a year ago, you newfag

>> No.7022062

>reports surfaced
>no independent confirmation
so you're posting literal unironic FUD?

>> No.7022069

What happened?

>> No.7022132

The cognitive dissonance with people's little get rich quick fantasy falling apart has gone from amusing to just plain fucking pathetic. I'm heavily invested in several rope manufacturers and I can already taste those sweet dividends.

>> No.7022178
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What happened? Why didn't we reach 13k? Keep going up!

>> No.7022310

You can withdraw USD and EUR from bitfinex, you idiot. Do you even use bitfinex?

>> No.7022374

>“Why Bitcoin can’t be a currency” – The Underground Economist | $0.23
>“Why bitcoin will fail” – Apenwarr | $3.12
>“So, That’s the End of Bitcoin Then” – Forbes | $15.15
>“Why Bitcoin Will Fail as a Currency” – The Calculating Investor | $14.01
>“The Bitcoin Is Dying. Whatever.” – Gizmodo Australia | $10.95
>“The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin” – Wired | $2.37
>“Wired, Tired, Expired for 2012: EXPIRED – Bitcoin” – Wired | $13.30
>“Beware of This Insidious New Currency Scam” – Salon | $117.06
>“Game Over, Bitcoin. Where Is The Next Human-based Digital Currency?” – OUI Share | $122.30
>“Bitcoin Sees the Grim Reaper” – NY Mag | $105.70
>“Why Bitcoin will fail” – DailyPaul.com | $105.39
>“The SEC Shows Why Bitcoin Is Doomed” – Bloomberg View | $93.57
>“Bitcoin Is A Joke” – Business Insider | $433.57
>“Bitcoin Will Crash To $10 By Mid-2014” – Business Insider | $887.63
>“An early obituary for bitcoin” – Reuters | $821.79
>"Bitcoin revealed: a Ponzi scheme for redistributing wealth from one libertarian to another” – The Washington Post | $182.00
>“Is this the end of Bitcoin?” – BizNews.com | $228.07
>“Was 2014 The Death March for Bitcoin?” – PYMNTS.com | $315.81
>“Bitcoin is (Nearly) All Dead” – Acton | $325.60
>“Why Bitcoin’s male domination will be its downfall” – Fusion | $235.13
>“Why Apple Pay And Dollars Are Killing Bitcoin” – Forbes | $233.01
>“Performing an Autopsy on the Bitcoin” – The Street | $409.05

>> No.7022383

pt 2

>“Sorry, libertarians: Your dream of a Bitcoin paradise is officially dead and gone” – Salon | $637.77
>“Dumb Investment Of The Week: Bitcoin Investment Trust” – Seeking Alpha | $408.3
>“R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on.” – Washington Post | $382.00
>“Bitcoin Refuses to Just Die Already” – Gizomdo | $1185.01
>“Bitcoin passes $1,000 but only number that matters is zero” – Financial Times | $1034.34
>“Bitcoin is a bubble. It will burst on Monday 12 December 2016” – Linkdin | $771.23
>“The Bitcoin Bros Have Lost” – Deal Breaker | $577.58
>“Bitcoins – Are You Kidding Me?” – Seeking Alpha | $1938.7
>“Bitcoin will never be a financial mainstay” – Finance Feeds | $1,184.47
>“What is a Good Price For Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies? Zero.” – Jonathan Harris | $2262.83
>"Stay away from bitcoin — it’s complete garbage” – MarketWatch | $2345.56
>״Why Investors Should Ignore the Cryptocurrency Hype״ – Investopedia | $2,594.21
>“Bitcoin Just Surged Over $4000 and Is Near Biggest Financial Crash in 400 Years” – The Street | $4061.54
>“Gartman: Avoid the bitcoin boom” – CNBC | $4,046.99
>“A Bitcoin Is Worth $4,000–Why You Probably Should Not Own One” – Forbes | $4,179.97
>“Bitcoin’s price hit $5,000 last week. It’s still a dumb investment” – LATimes | $4,363.02
>“Why China Crushed Bitcoin” – Forbes | $4,450.15
>“Virtual Currencies are Not Money!” – Linkedin | $5,943.06
>“Jamie Dimon says if you’re ‘stupid’ enough to buy bitcoin, you’ll pay the price one day” – CNBC | $5,128.05
>“Bitcoin ‘Ought to Be Outlawed,’ Nobel Prize Winner Stiglitz Says” – Bloomberg | $9,972.67
>“Time to sell your Bitcoins: Cryptocurrencies success a bubble, Central bankers around the world warn” – Financial Express | $9,096.37

>> No.7022393

One thing is for sure.
There will be a film about what is happening inside Tether and Bitfiniex right fucking now.

Whether they will be seen as the saviors or nail in the coffin of bitcoin who knows

>> No.7022423

I only use my tethers to buy eth

>> No.7022460

Why will no one answer me on whether I should sell and stock up on USD on goybase or just hold?

If there is one thing that spooks me out it is tether

>> No.7022484

kys reddit fag.

>> No.7022566

>asking others what to do with your money
stay poor, faggot

>> No.7022582

Usd up on exchange that doesn't use usdt or set a stoploss.

>> No.7022674

t. Bitconnect

>> No.7022703

8k is optimistic

>> No.7022765

wallstreet fud is stale, people want more monies

>> No.7022860
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ajex lones so ruught

>> No.7022957

Bullshit, it was tweeted on coindesk yesterday.

>> No.7023518
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Ya rly

>> No.7023703

As an investment they were wrong of course, but in terms of Bitcoin being a currency? It's completely failed in regards to what it was trying to do. More and more merchants are stopping acceptance of bitcoin, fees are high and transactions are slow. Right now it is definitively not a good currency system, and there's no reason to think it will be in the future with the way the current dev team is working.

>> No.7023804

>not being absolutely balls deep all in bitcoin right now
fucking pathetic