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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7015232 No.7015232 [Reply] [Original]

You are still holding ETH right? We're going to see some big movement soon boys.

>> No.7015352
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>tfw sold my eth and put it all in sumo a while back

>> No.7015373
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Holding 110 ETH

>> No.7015389
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Fuck off Tim Ferris

>> No.7015398

up or down???
huge hack incoming

>> No.7015406

bought more at 0.095, Im comfy as fuck
what about u anons

>> No.7015505

Yeah got $400 worth of ETH. Doesn't look like it's stopping any time soon.

>> No.7015585

100 ETH here. While the rest of the biz fags FOMO into every shitcoin imaginable, we will be sitting on at least $4k price EOY.

>> No.7015588

Bought a load at 1300 then doubled down at 900.

>> No.7015809

Fuck man I want to leave an ETH stack for end game. I'm just trying to ride pumps to make my stack bigger. Any idea how to get to 50 ETH? I have 10 ETH worth now, 5 in holdings and 5 in other coins

>> No.7015827

Spend more fiat on crypto.

>> No.7015860

100% ETH at the moment. Waiting for the Tether disaster to sell the spike for USD.

>> No.7015874

Lay some of your ETH on solid fundamental plays like TRAC, BTO, INT, SPHTX, etc. Within 3 months, you should have about tripled your ETH stack.

>> No.7015988

no KNC?

>> No.7016039

150 ETH here sir.

yes sir

i'm ready sir.

aye aye captain!

>> No.7016059

4x wew lad easy there

>> No.7016072

Got in at $980. Got a decent little profit right now but hoping for even more in the future.

>> No.7016097

Kyber's a decent mid/large cap coin IMO, but if anon is looking to quickly grow his ETH stack there are other coins with smaller mkt caps that have more room to grow quicker in the next 3 months.

>> No.7016125

I converted all my ETH into FUN, XLM, and, NEO.

>> No.7016138
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How am I looking, /biz/? Expected x this year?

>> No.7016142

What about the Tether Scandel and shit

>> No.7016158

4X on (conservatively) $200k in stacked ETH with small risk is way better than risking a sub $20k portfolio hoping to get 10x gains on the latest random shitcoin biz fags are shilling.

>> No.7016160
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Am I gonna make it?

>> No.7016173

why so much in the sjw coin.
you know its vaporware right?

>> No.7016208

>small risk
nothing adds up here. take half of it in shitcoins. shitcoins moon. you convert back into eth. easy

>> No.7016235

Are you talking about iota? The tangle is cool

>> No.7016343

The fact that so many biz fags post all day about getting rekt trying throwing their savings on shitcoins means that your "shitcoins moon" assumption is a bit faulty.

>> No.7016386


Enjoy your 4x EOY 2018. I'm up 3x since Dec 10 on all "shit coins".

If you are rich already, fuck crypto. You can make 20% in stocks this year without sweating.

If you have $500k+ in crypto, go ETH this year. BTC will cap out at $25k, and ETH can easily get to $5k. Nice safe play for 4x.

If you have less than $100k in crypto and are ignoring small cap shit coins to get 4x on ETH...

You suck at life and will never be rich. No beautiful woman will ever get naked for you. If you've been with a woman, she is not attractive.

Shitcoins is how you make money in crypto in 2018.

Next bull run (coming soon) will launch several low cap shitcoins 10x and 20x.

Find them now. Buy them now. Get rich and stop sucking. Get beautiful women to take off their clothes.

Here are 3 coins to help you:




Market ATH is $800b. If the next bull run that surpasses that hit $1T, every shitcoim under 1 cent in the top 400 will be a homerun.

Even poor ugly fags have no excuse not to get rich. It's cheap to get on this ride to riches.

This is your time to defeat the normies.

>> No.7016451

I'm doing both (going ETH + buying alts). I like ENG, GTV, BTO, TRAC and RLC for long term alt holds this yr. The shitcoins you listed I know nothing about - shill me.

>> No.7016500
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> Get beautiful women to take off their clothes, sir

>> No.7016542
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Why did I only buy 7 ETH? Please explain to me what I was thinking.

>> No.7016588

When Charlie Lee dumped that was your signal bro...

>> No.7016598


Be me
See btc hit 19k
Read abt it cuz wtf
Get coinbase
Know how normies think..
"Fuck these on ETH and LTC and BTC prices are too high. Cant make 10x or 100x duh"
Look at CMC to find cheap coins with cool logos, active reddit subs and twitters
Get binance, hitbtc, bittrex, even etherdelta to buy cheap coins
Buy lots of RDD, KIN, DENT, DCN
Profit so much money I quit my job
Cheap coins in the top 300 on CMC. Lower cap the better. Look for activity on 4chan, reddit, twitter.

People buying good tech right now are stupid. Though that time will come.

>> No.7016649

Wow TEL's website seriously looks like fucking normie heaven. I like the way you think, anon. Thanks.

>> No.7016778
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Nothing compared to some of the whales on here but I've got about $700 in crypto that I bought at $1,003 and I'm feeling pretty /comfy/

>> No.7016804
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>he didn't use green text

>> No.7016825

2736 ETH here. At what price do I consider myself a whale?

>> No.7016976

Be me
Don't know how
Don't care
Come here to give back to the community that help me make 30x on my money in 6 weeks.

I only wish there was a better forum here to give people legit tips. It's impossible for people to wade through the bullshit shills.

>> No.7017768
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which is worse, nujack or nupepe

>> No.7017895
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fuck i only have 4 ETH :(
Feels bad man

>> No.7017915

just give some time

>> No.7017945

Fuck btc all eth here

>> No.7017954

Lmfao please try harder to FUD

>> No.7017963
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>> No.7017992

D-Did they steal the hat I sell on my Etsy store? For real?

>> No.7018079

1000 imo

>> No.7018091
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you and me both bro