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7013906 No.7013906 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to code a program that successfully predicts lottery numbers?

>> No.7013960

You would just need the same algorithm that chooses the winning number

>> No.7014007

Yes, it's possible. Incidentally, that program would share identical code to the program that generates lottery numbers. And they are very careful with that code.

Good luck.

>> No.7014009

It most likely is since quantum fluctuations shouldn't be relevant in a system of some balls bouncing around.

However, there isn't and probably never will be a computer powerful enough to execute the program

>> No.7014050

I reckon, yeah..
Analyze previous numbers/systems and guess nex numbers based on shit, adjust for errors, run forever, after a while (may be a while) you'll have a decent lottery predictor..

>> No.7014101

Are you guys fucking retarded? No it's not

>> No.7014108

The seed for the pseudo random numbers in a computer is chosen based on information available to the os like clock, etc. so it's random and impossible to predict

>> No.7014122


Even if we could achieve 60% accuracy, it would still be profitable since partial matches (e.g 3/5 correct numbers) pay out significantly more than the price of a ticket.

>> No.7014129

Can you predict a random number? Of course not

>> No.7014158

I took a stat class and the answer is no. Too many combinations, might as well get hit by lightning

>> No.7014175

If I can't predict random outcomes with my algorithm, then why did I just get dubs?

>> No.7014186


you don't need to run the program, just code it

>> No.7014210

You didn’t you dumbfuck.

But seriously check these dubs

>> No.7014237


>if x combination has 0 entries, return x
>if else, return 0

>> No.7014261

>code a program
No, you're not going to be able to reverse a RNG algo used for lottery.. maybe if you were a top 1% mathamatician and compsci expert with inside knowledge, but i highly doubt you are.

There was the case of the sysadmin who dropped malware on the 'secure' air-gapped RNG boxes to make pre-select numbers come out on certain draws but he got busted because he was greedy and dumb.

>> No.7014310


Most lotteries don't use random number generators though. They use physical objects that move around a container. Why couldn't we apply stochastic theory here?

>> No.7014354

Because it’s effectively random.

>> No.7014428

No you fucking retard

Think about what you are saying

The smallest change in ANYTHING will cause the result to be diffrent

Different air pressure
Different oil on the machine
Different heat
Different electrical interference
Different gravitational pull
Different ANYTHING and its a different result

It's literally not going to happen

>> No.7014506

You guys are so fucking retarded
These are what dubs look like

>> No.7014510


Are we certain most of those aren't relatively constant though? Do they purposely modify them before every drawing?

>> No.7014537

Why are there so many brainlets in /biz/? I'm going back to /g/

>> No.7014544

No but they certainly have literally NO way of making them equal ever

>> No.7014576
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It's possible to solve it as a physics problem where you just estimate the forces involved and try to calculate the trajectory of the lottery balls. Theoretically you could solve it with 100% accuracy if you had enough information, but you wouldn't be able to get it in a realistic scenario.

>> No.7014603

Only if they used a really shitty outdated way of choosing randomness could you maybe get favorable odds, which I can guarantee a modern lottery company won't

>> No.7014605

look fuckmouth, what you're talking about is a heist. you want us to sneak in, do some funky shit with magnets and RIG the POWERBALL on NATIONAL TV and then get rid of the evidence before anyone notices? you want to steal a hundred million dollars in broad daylight from one of the most locked down soundstages in the world?

I'm in.

>> No.7014620

Lol good bants t b h

>> No.7014658

No. You buying a ticket affects the outcome. They base the lottery numbers off the tickets, so they can control how much they pay out each drawing.

>> No.7014770

you're right in a sense but they're two separate systems, for lotteries that don't use the ball chamber they have isolated servers that pick the numbers using industry/lottery official approved rng algorithms which is entirely separate from the prize pool 'winnings' calculations.

>> No.7014802

Why use all this energy trying to hack a lottery when we could be hacking Bitcoin?

>> No.7014851

You're probably better off using your GPUs to create a lot of wallets and just check if something was in it

>> No.7014914

run past winning numbers through a deep neural network and try to make it learn any latent variables that could be influencing the winning combinations. et walla, you are still broke but you at least know now how to apply a machine learning algorithm.

>> No.7014923


No, I just want to use publicly know data.

But now that you mention, how do employees resist the urge? Surely multiple people have physical access to those machines

>> No.7014981

I shouldn't be posting this, but I'm drunk so who cares....

It is entirely possible if you understand Layer-00 bayesian neural networks. Not going to say it's been done before, but let's just say if it has been done the money went to a good home.

>> No.7015009

It has happened

>> No.7015088


Tell me more please.

>> No.7015134
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>> No.7015155

No, even then there are hardware variables to take into consideration, etc. He'd probably need the exact same physical conditions

>> No.7015167
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yes op, it's called a random number generator. the chance of it predicting the upcoming result is the same as the chance of winning the lottery with one ticket.

aka - you are fucking stupid.

>> No.7015454



>> No.7015488

ask this guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Lustig

>> No.7015498
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>> No.7015558

Too bad scrub, real men get dubs in O(1), like so.

>> No.7015997

Some MIT fags did that with keno in Atlantic City years ago.

>> No.7016092
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why not?

>> No.7016132
