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7011951 No.7011951 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here who is married,.or wants to get married btfo.
Idiots, why waste your time and money on a depreciating roastie. Hookups are the best way, that way you don't get stuck with Chad's pump and dump.

>> No.7011985

her body is like a rectangle. I have a nice Spanish GF who I made insecure.

>> No.7011994

Because my wife loves me and you will never experience love with sluts.

>> No.7012001

get these vietcong sub humans out of here


normies out

>> No.7012009

Keep her around for 6 months then toss.

>> No.7012012

Who hurt you?

>> No.7012016

How do you successfully do this to a hot grill? I only do this by accident to girls when they aren't that hot.

>> No.7012075

How's Chad's pump and dump treating you?

>> No.7012110

Why pay for the cow when you can get the milk for free?

>> No.7012130

While waiting for my coins to moon I am working on myself. I am going to change my life. I’m not going to be a whiny, fat wang anymore. I am going to /fit/ to work on my physique so that once I get together with that mind-blowing girl I will be something worthwhile and she won't have any reason to find another man. Now, I only have one burning, life-changing question before I take that final step:

Which version of Doctor Who should I pattern myself after: the 4th or the 8th?

>> No.7012140
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>normies out
Even autists get lucky once
>Keep her around for 6 months then toss.
I'll do my best anon, she's young though so I could keep her longer.
She started it. We have a commute together so I'd always see her, probably for half a year. It was only a couple weeks ago where she started sitting near me and making eye contact. So one day I decided to save her a seat (she gets on when it's busy) so she sat down next me and I asked her her name. That's when it started. She's a a beauty too,

>> No.7012153

This girl is not asian

>> No.7012154

Sounds like you're not pumping and dumping anything, that's why you made this post. You have to rationalize your insecurities by stating this as fact. Ironically, you aren't wrong but the fact that you made this post shows that your feeling extra salty on a Saturday night while your facebook crush is out at the club posting instagram pics with popped collared chads. Sorry for your situation bro.

>> No.7012163

No, he wants to know how to make girls insecure.

>> No.7012169

>took her virginity
>chad's pump and dump
kek bitter much

>> No.7012181

Her parents in Xiagngnognagoaoa are proud tho

>> No.7012200

>dont want to settle down and find someone who makes me happy just spending time with them

pick one

>> No.7012244

Most underrated post on.4chan...like...ever

>> No.7012289

Oh, make fun of them. If you know they are insecure about their nose, make of their nose. But make it funny otherwise you're just a dick. I make fun of her butt, because I know she goes to the gym royally to squat, but I'll always say it's fat because she gets annoyed by it.

>> No.7012331

Reddit tier, who watches tv shows? Everyone should be on a pol, fit, biz tier since last year. Otherwise you're late coming reddit fags.

>> No.7012354

As a rulenof thumb, they're insecure.

The guys too, if that's your kind of thing.

>> No.7012364

>took her virginity
Sure anon, and I have a $2m portfolio. Nice meme. Just because you say doesn't mean it's true.

>> No.7012409

This, women are insecure. Make them KNOW that they need you not the other way around. Don't fall for their roastie tricks, make them thing you want them to be wifey then dump them. Repeat. Go back to the ones you played for side pussy. Gg
Thank me later.

>> No.7012434

I don't watch enough tv to relate that to any tv show.

So, I guess I'm doing at least something right.

>> No.7012437

There was also one autistic moment before that where we were standing before leaving the train and she motioned me to cut in front of her but I motioned (with my hand) that she should go ahead and we looked into each others eyes for like 10 seconds and she got embarrassed and laughed. I knew after that, that if I talked to her it wouldn't be weird since she didn't seemed wierded out.

>> No.7012470

>This, women are insecure. Make them KNOW that they need you not the other way around.
Yeah that's the whole point of making fun of them.

>> No.7012482

Whatever you say friend. My portfolio isn't 7 figures yet, but when Blockport moons to $5 it will be. Good luck with your investing and finding the right girl. I hope you make it

>> No.7012505


>> No.7012515

modern women are fucking garbage. pump and dump only.

>> No.7012527

Carefully over a long time. I do mentally dominate my wife though. This shit is dynamite and must be used sparingly.

>> No.7012552

girls are already insecure society has accomplished all of this for you

>> No.7012554
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>everyone should be on /pol/ since last year
>calling anyone else a 'late coming reddit fag'
back to your containment board pls

>> No.7012555

No keep her around for 6 months. No longer. Donkey fuck the SHIT out of her, anal, nut inside her, destroy her. Then pass her off to white knights on here to make her a "queen".

>> No.7012608

ur dum lol

if anyone's manipulating anyone, it's she manipulating u

>> No.7012649

It's not a larp. It took me fucking 6 months to build up some courage to actually have a conversation with her because I'm fucking here everyday being an autist, nigger.
Lol nice fucking bait, that shit riles people up because who the fuck gave birth to that shit
Alright man whatever, just sharing my experience as a commuter fag.
I'm looking for long term

>> No.7012680

Anybody nobody serious buys memes to wear, honestly. The moment I see people posting pink wojak plushies or shirts ,I'm off this board.

>> No.7012707
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>Never being this happy
Aww baby's first hookup. Pls tell us more about MGTOW now that you are a big boy

>> No.7012743

Their kids look retarded.

>> No.7012755

>long term

>> No.7012760

I have no desire for the chemical world

>> No.7012778

>Takes public transportation like a nigger

>> No.7012783

>falling for roastie tricks
Hows the soy milk anon?
Getting married is financial suicide. Like I said earlier, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. These women are throwing pussy around. No point in dating and ESPECIALLY not worth wifing.

>> No.7012820

Relevant passage from the Communist Manifesto:

"THE BOURGEOISIE, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his “natural superiors,” and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous “cash payment.” It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervor, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom—Free Trade."

>> No.7012858

My perfect gf will want to escape with me, and it will be us against the entire world. youll see

>> No.7012861


Because the milk is children and wife you dumbfuck.

>> No.7012871

nailed it /pol/,/fit/,/biz/ in that order. This fucking faggot was talking about bugman tier dr.who redditor trash clearly not going to make it. If you aren't lifting 3-4x a weak you are a fucking soy boy.

>> No.7012891

>Communist Manifesto
Nu-male soy cuck, go back to your women's study class.

>> No.7012924

You think your original? You sound like every other nigger out there who finally figured out how to get laid after a shitty time in high school.

>> No.7012934

You sound like every man who has gotten married to "the one" the gotten divorced five years later.

>> No.7012941

Spanish bitches are crazy

>> No.7012944

I have my car paid off, but driving more than an hour a day fucks with your psychologically and you're less satisfied with life. I pay $500 per month for my commute in spite of having a car nigger.
Mmmm, not a roastie, but ok.
I made my work create a gym for us, so I work out there everyday during lunch and during the weekends I go an actual gym to lift heavy. It's a pretty good split.

>> No.7012967

It doesn't matter how educated fit or rich you get because your dick is small and you're also short.

>> No.7012974

i got 20+ years worth of money. almost 30. live at home with my parents. i'm perfectly normal too. lived on my own for a while. all my money is in crypto so my parents thought i was poor and asked me to move back in.

mfw they pay for everything and cook me meals.

mfw i'm hella rich

>> No.7012977

>Spanish bitches are crazy
Yeah, depends on how they were grown up. She's a private school girl, so it's pretty innocent.

>> No.7013015

Found the non-rich, ugly faced lanklet skeleton

>> No.7013024

>It doesn't matter how educated fit or rich

>> No.7013041

I dated my high school girlfriend from when I was 16 until I was 20. I missed out on so much pussy, I vow to never get in another relationship.
Pros of a relationship:
- Less sex as time goes on
- Nagging and bitching
- See friends less

InB4: your girlfriend was a bitch and mine isn't. Just wait anon, I'm sure your girlfriend of two months will change.

Hookups/fuck buddies give you sex with none of the shitty relationship stuff.

>> No.7013043

women just want a pretty face, slim figure and a fat wallet, just like what men want

>> No.7013097

jelqed to 7 inches

>> No.7013115

No you soycuck. Women are the cows, sex is the milk. Fuck this board is full of idiots.

>> No.7013281

It's easier if they are single because they're just imagining, so you just step in by being aggressive and they'll comply if you meet the kind of man they desire.

>> No.7013311

if you're the kind ***

>> No.7013351
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Was your mom a huge whore or something? Or did some slut hurt you? Who cares. You sound like a nigger arguing the benefits of acting like a nigger. We get that it feels good, but there's no reason to brag about being a degenerate

>> No.7013378

I really can't stand all you white knight numales on this board. Fall for the marriage meme. Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.7013432

Marriage isn't for everyone, but if everyone starts acting like a nigger our society falls apart.

>> No.7013477
File: 52 KB, 600x600, I wonder who.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never get married white man
>Never reproduce
>Jerk off to porn all day and horde your worthless fiat
>Yes, good goy

>> No.7013494

I really can't stand all you MTGOW faggot soyboys on this board. Fall for the women are terrible because they wont touch your penis meme. Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.7013495


>> No.7013496

Yeah. There was also a study that marriage rates doesn't equal wealth. They also discovered that crime attribution doesn't equate to wealth. Why? Cuz the richest black neighborhoods had higher crimes than white poor communities, which also had better marriage rates, opposed to poor/rich black communities.

>> No.7013508

Agreed, so I'll let the low-t betas marry the women that I fill up with my semen. I'll keep fucking around and you can deal with them at their worst.
The lawyers won't get paid unless your wife divorces you anon.

>> No.7013511


>> No.7013521


>> No.7013568

What are you talking about. Sure I don't get laid ALL THE TIME but I have sex at least once a month.
Better than putting up with some roastie Chad Destroyed. Who is also most likely cheating on me with said Chad. Anon you have so much to learn.

>> No.7013611
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>Anon you have so much to learn.
This is coming from the kid thats speaking to me in memes?
Top kek

>> No.7013624

I believe in you, anon

>> No.7013628

Nigger is a state of mind. Like MGTOW numale faggots who would no doubt cut and run if they knocked up one of the fatties they picked up

>> No.7013652

Either you're a cuck or a virgin NEET.
Women are horrible creatures, fuck them and leave them.

>> No.7013678

The best women don't sleep with faggots like you. You get the fatties and the whores

>> No.7013688

have any of you considered open relationships? some people are built to be serial bachelors into old age, but others get lonely when they're old. so what about having a consistent companion while being allowed to have fun outside the relationship?

>> No.7013750

>Who is also most likely cheating on me with said Chad.

Knew it. This faggot got cucked when he was younger and can't get over it.

>> No.7013759
File: 29 KB, 1213x176, Marriage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posts like these are why I keep coming back- you guys are my type of autists

>> No.7013776
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>real women
You mean roasties? Fuck anon how many dicks has your gf/wife had fill her up? 10? 20?
I'm sure you believe her too when she says your the "best she's ever had".

>> No.7013782

Money ain't a thing.

>> No.7013808

I haven't been cheated on, I don't think anyways. Everyone around me has either been in a divorce though. I learn from the mistakes of my fellow man, I am trying to pass on those lessons.

>> No.7013812

top kek

>> No.7013830

lol pretty true.

>> No.7013863

so is marx mad that people are pursuing money instead of straight up faggotry

>> No.7013947

I went from contempt to empathy reading your posts. I hope you find what makes you happy, whether it's alone or with a partner. I hope if you do find a partner, it's someone you feel safe with, like you're home

>> No.7013996

Thanks anon, I would like to get married in a perfect world. Sadly the world we live in is flawed, if women saved themselves more instead of hopping from penis to penis then maybe. Sadly I can't think of women with small sexual histories.

>> No.7014103

Great lessons for some Aspy teen maybe, but there are actual adults here. You aren't an alpha Chad just cause you don't call your tinder dates back when they turn out to be ugly in person. The first time a truly hot girl shows interest in you, you'll be falling all over yourself to see her again.

>> No.7014152

Anon there aren't truly hot girls. Unless her sexual history is 3 guys or less I'm not interested.

>> No.7014181

god asians all have man jaws and boy bodies no wonder their men prefer cartoons

>> No.7014190
File: 94 KB, 800x857, BE68C7FF-C6D7-458D-9495-AECCE633BB8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus can you project harder

>> No.7014225

I hear you homie - I watched my parent's and multiple friends' parents get divorced. What upsets you personally about a longer sexual history? There's definitely women who manipulate and deceive men through sex, and I don't condone that but I know a lot of men who do the same. I also know a lot of people who just have sex, keep things very honest and low-maintenance and safe, and go about their lives. Do you think a potential gf worries over your sexual history?

>> No.7014243

The hotter the girl, the fewer hookups she's had. Unless she didn't have a good father figure. You might not find some perfect virgin, but you can find a girl who has only had a couple long term relationships

>> No.7014289

one question:
was she a virgin when you two got married?
if not you're officially a cuck

>> No.7014371

I want a woman with 3 or less sexual partners. I like feeling special, I don't want to be the 15th guy who's fucked her.

>> No.7014436

>settling less anything less than 1
anon stop moving the goalposts, a little shit is still shit

>> No.7014462

A cuck is a man whose wife sleeps around. That's why it's an insult, he is too emasculated to keep her in line

>> No.7014487

That's certainly feasible. Nothing wrong with holding out for the perfect girl.

>> No.7014495

yeah but if she's chosen you as someone she wants to truly open up with and travel with and be her weird self with, doesn't that make you special? if she's chosen you as the person she's comfortable having sex with consistently instead of casually, doesn't that make you special?

Also, anon, I hate to break this to you, but...you already are special. you don't need a girlfriend to make that true

>> No.7014542

you do know genetic material and DNA from previous sexual partners stays with the woman and even if it's your baby there are traces of the other men
why do you think virginity and chastity were so highly prized?
our ancestors understood this, we imagine we know better

>> No.7014599

it's not really a lie when they say that. women have memory of goldfish. same reason you don't invest in them because they don't remember it anyway.

>> No.7014613

well i should also add that investing in most women actually turns them off so there's that reason not to invest too.

>> No.7014618

I said she has a body of a rectangle, but I'd still fuck her anons.

>> No.7014699

>/pol/ first
>/fit/ second
>/biz/ third
no wonder we have so many fucking smallio portfolios in the blockfolio threads and just stupid fucking shitpost threads everywhere

god i wish we could go back to january 2016 where this was /biz/rael and the anti-pol
god /pol/tards coming here after buying their first bitcoins to give to (((richard spencer))) and (((weev))) was a mistake

>> No.7014714

Jesus dude your baby isn't going to pick up some random chromosome and be 1/4 Chad. I really wouldn't worry about it too much.

>> No.7014736

this retarded /bropol/ """science""" has been debunked completely if you're still believing this you're buy high sell low retarded

>> No.7014835

Anon you're a nice guy, but it's hard to view it like that. Sexual partners is the most important thing to me and most men.
The issue is the Chad that casually fucked her CHOSE not to keep around and you did. You're holding his bags now. You're not the one winning, the guy who fucked her and left is.

>> No.7014872

stay mad justifying it to yourself
dont get me wrong ive had girlfriends who werent virgins and i almost got married (called it off 3 months before when her parents and side of the family kept meddling)
im never making that same mistake again

>> No.7014921

>not being able to redpill a qt3.14 waifu
>not being an alpha male that she follows without hesitation

We don't need beta fags like you to pass down weak genes anyway.

>> No.7015021

>Do you think a potential gf worries over your sexual history?

A lot of them do, especially if there's a disparity in the couple with what they've done. Most girls genuinely worth marrying probably will think less of you for fucking prostitutes to use another example. They do care in different ways then men do unless you're way above her attractiveness wise.

>> No.7015109

Have fun with your meaningless existence
Creating children is the only way to leave a mark on this world for most people
They are like little clones with all your tendencies
The only reason death is an acceptable outcome is because your children will live on

>> No.7015157
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Can we all agree women with less sexual partners are OBJECTIVELY more attractive all other things considered equal?

>> No.7015341

I understand. But she could just as easily view me as the one Stacy had and CHOSE not to keep. but maybe it's not always simply a matter of someone getting used - what if me and Stacy just mutually decided we weren't compatible beyond friendship, or a physical connection?

yeah exactly! so like, why don't we just leave the past in the past? I get the idea of our partner having fucked a buncha people and then "settled" for us, but why would we view ourselves as so low value? what if they didn't settle, and we actually ARE that much of a better fit than the previous people?

if someone is "settling" for you, you know. it feels like you're dating Patrick Bateman's wife. THAT'S when you move on, imo.

I dunno fellas, you can't know who's right for you without experience. why can't sex be part of that experience as long as both parties involved were always honest and safe about it? sex to me is like conversation

>> No.7015344
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>He's staying classy. Pump Blockport

>> No.7015441

haha this is just personal, but every woman I've been with who'd had <or= 3 partners were very, very wack in bed. and carried themselves very stiffly, not very in touch with their bodies

>> No.7015606

Fuck off pol fag. Winning combination is fit/biz/g. Trv for a hobby.
Go back to your atavistic faggotry nigger.

>> No.7015688

You sound like a polfag arguing for the benefits of antiquated bullshit. The only thing that you have to hold on to is "muh heritage". Not that bad ion its own but you annoy others into adopting the same fucktarded life. Go shill your bullshit traditional values somewhere else.

>> No.7015701

You're a sperg. Go to bed.

>> No.7015741

No. You're assuming we all want this virginal, traditional, rustic, religious girl meme. Me? Couldn't be further from what I want.
I notice I'm the minority in this regard across the boards I frequent but eh, keep your clueless virgins. I want fire breathing whores.

>> No.7015743

>I dunno fellas, you can't know who's right for you without experience. why can't sex be part of that experience as long as both parties involved were always honest and safe about it? sex to me is like conversation

Because it says a lot about you that you'll callously use people for sexual gratification. There's a great deal of inherent power in sex, to the point that I'll be sent to prison if I force myself on a girl and she doesn't like it, or the kids that get diddled by their relatives being messed up for life in many cases. Among any non-consensual activity few have an impact like that short of beating them black and bloody. Or if you're married you can shatter trust built up over years in an afternoon just by fucking somebody, to use one of millions of examples. When you watch people, what they care about, and what they want, "dude it's just putting a dick in a vagina" type notions are far more a wish for how it works than a reality, and it's really no surprise our forefathers took this shit seriously.

>> No.7015769

I don't know why /pol/ loves latching onto /biz/ and /fit/ whenever they're successful.

>> No.7015817

I always been fit and had a stock portfolio & 401k set up. I'm just here for shitcoins. Stop being a glamour faggot.

>> No.7015907

I feel you. I'm not saying there's no place for sex to carry special significance positive or negative (t. sexually assaulted when younger and waited till 25 to lose virginity). The whole "peepee goes in vagene lol" meme is too detached, and I'd never condone "callously using people for sexual gratification".

But a part of me feels like our forefathers took this shit so seriously as a matter of control rather than protection, and part of why we get so worked up about sex is because we've been conditioned to

>> No.7016136


I don't think conditioning plays into it as much as we want to think. Hard to see why we wouldn't hold it is sacred to a tremendous degree when it's what creates consciousness/all humanity. Personally I'm of the thought that it's worth respecting and needs to be backed up by legitimate love as much as it's possible for us to know for it to not be destructive to ourselves and others. Not a popular message I know, and it's not like I don't see the appeal, but I do think fucking bar slags, tinder bitches, yoga class girls, or whatever appealing random there is is a pretty disingenuous way to go about it, and doesn't get us what we really need anyway, since we have to disconnect with ourselves so much to live with it. I don't want to be the sort of creature that can watch his wife get railed by some other dude and feel nothing.

>> No.7016219

How do I buy it?

>> No.7016257

Why not both? retard.

>> No.7016319
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>muh big words
Easy to discard on that basis alone. If what he was saying was actually reasonable he wouldn't need to dress it up with bullshit that makes it hard to understand.

>> No.7016353

Hahaha I understand that. I honestly was more trying to examine people who hold their ideal partners to sexual double standards that they themselves couldn’t abide by.

I actually respect that you’re selective like that (don’t worry about what’s popular). I am, too, just in a different way. I’ve had a lot of sex, but I can safely say its been with people with whom I’ve shared a unique, meaningful bond, even if it didn’t last long. The sex that actually felt like a grasp at validation and gratification did not feel good, and I cut that out quickly.

>> No.7016467


I see what you mean, just elaborating on why I think we care about sexual choices for ourselves and each other. Hopefully you can keep up a meaningful bond with one of these girls, cheers.

>> No.7016540

For sure! I waited a long time and said “no” to lots of relationships, but I’m really happy with the one I wound up with. She lets me see other women, but the closer I get to her, the less these other girls compare, and the less I’m compelled to stick with her.

I really hope you find someone who treats their bond with you as something sacred, and that everything you do together, in your words, is “backed by legitimate love”. Much love, homie

>> No.7016564

The more I’m compelled to stick with her, the less I find satisfaction in other women* I meant to type

>> No.7016572

chad isn't a real person. we all get pump and dumped. there's nothing special about it happening to a girl. all that redpill bullshit that incels push about women not being able to bond has been debunked by studies time and time again. if you find a girl that you have commonalities with (you like video games, or traveling together, or art or what the fuck ever) and she gets your rocks off super well, dude, settle for awhile. doesn't have to be for life. don't get married, don't invest too much. love is amazing. nothing wrong with it. embrace it. just don't give up half your fucking house and salary to it. and don't settle because it will eat away at you and your relationship and make you a piece of shit.

>> No.7016625

Judging by your guidelines you must be a virgin, right Anon?

>> No.7016666
