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File: 2 KB, 225x225, coinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7011786 No.7011786 [Reply] [Original]

Live at home as a student so I don't pay for shit. Leave PC on 24/7 so I figure I might as well mine. Single 1080ti. Should I just do basic NiceHash and Coinbase or is there a more stable currency that has a wallet that's easy to cash out on. Any advice would mean a lot!

>> No.7011913

Open a free wallet with CCRB, they are new launch and backed by real estate. It’s going to moon consistently for the next couple years, it’s in a flash sale at the moment and you get 1.22 if for free just to open a wallet.

I invested in it myself, but you don’t have to if you’re a poorfag you can just claim your 1.22CCRB here,


It’s gone up 102% since yesterday, so even if you got the free $5 yeatersay, it’s $10 now lol

>> No.7011928
File: 324 KB, 699x462, katzen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do a 360 degree turn and walk away.

>> No.7011974

Pick a small coin that you believe in, otherwise you won't make shit mining the big 3

>> No.7012003

Don’t listen to >>7011928

Learn to crypto, it’s the alphaneet choice.

CCRB is great but look into altcoins and big names you can stand behind. There is no right and wrong

>> No.7012104
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>> No.7012176

Any suggestions?

Congratulations, that is officially the lowest quality screencap I have ever seen.

>> No.7012293
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>> No.7012322


Well using that CCRB link to get 1.22 for free is a good start. Looking into new projects is also a good(btc used to be under a dollar too). If you want to mine there is a lot of info about it available. I started by picking a new project I liked, then invested 100ish dollars years ago. Turned out to make me a bunch of money, the same thing happens all the time

>> No.7012400

Aight I'll try out the CCRB for now while I look into stuff. Thanks!

>> No.7012823
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Figured I should use this thread as a help thread for myself

When transfering from Coinbase to Binance, which coin should I use to keep fees to a minimum? BTC or ETH?

>> No.7013206

ETH BTC will rape you

>> No.7013225

>BTC "stable"
>Coinbase "wallet"

kys op

>> No.7013430

Hey OP, if you haven't already signed up Binance consider using my referral code. I'm a poorfag as well.


>> No.7013675

Literally says Cryptocurrency Noob in title AKA idk anything you fucking illiterate incel potato.

>> No.7013751


>> No.7013857

Save yourself the trouble of mining and put everything into Bitconnect. It's the next Bitcoin, get in now before it's too late.

>> No.7013908


>> No.7013939

where can i download their wallet, because i intend to hodl?

>> No.7013971

more reason why?

>> No.7014263

Fee is super low, fast transaction and it will pump soon.

>> No.7014451

use nicehash to whatever wallet. if you use their wallet you receive payments each day. 1 x 1080ti is around $4-5USD/day from last time I looked. Consider powr costs of course. good option for turning on and forgetting about it

>> No.7015378

I second litecoin

I fucked up when I first got in. Watched bitcoin until it was down 5k from the cap, thought it was safe and got burned 30% more

The real problem was that it cost way more in fees to buy it and get it to binance, AND it took like 3x the time too.

So basically I was watching my funds go down and down while I couldn't touch it for a week.

I'm buying either ltc or bch now, whichever is further % from its marketcap and it's worked great