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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7008697 No.7008697 [Reply] [Original]

Did he really post a sexual slur? Should I dump my LTC?

>> No.7008732
File: 33 KB, 666x360, 1515959775451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's see what biz does

>> No.7008791


starbucks has nothing to do with F, A and G though, he should use Salesforce

>> No.7008835

i think we found a FAG

>> No.7008902

as a medical technologist and bisexual person i can say all the more reason to avoid litecoin

>> No.7008920

does Charlie Lee enjoy smoking?

>> No.7008923

All those companies are fags so he was just stating a fact. He is /ourguy

>> No.7008934

just sold 100k thanks

>> No.7008995

Holy shit, is LTC /ourcoin/?

>> No.7009059

LTC up .22% in the last hour. FAGS comment will lead to moon.

Screenshot this.

>> No.7009083


OPcoin about to moon

>> No.7009093

>we are a sensitive society today
And that faggot is part of it if he bows down to it and obeys some retarded Tumblr SJW's rules.
How about de-sensitizing society a bit, so there aren't as many pathetic weak ass crybaby faggot nu-males who need crayons and trauma pets and cry-ins when they get offended by someone using a "bad word"?
Fuck this shit.

>> No.7009221


Fake news

>> No.7009241

do you even media?

>> No.7009252

since 2012

>> No.7009253


>> No.7009286

forget about gooks shitposting.

>> No.7009290

buy buy buy bullish af

>> No.7009294

someone post it on tumblr pls i wanna see the sjw rage :)

>> No.7009323

Lol forget about muh sjw pc faggots for a second. Charlie's joke is weak as dick. Nowhere near /ourguy/. He's just a weak cunt trying to show off. Litecoin will be $200 eoy while the market grows by x10. It used to be ok. But anybody who didn't sell after this guy started trying to gain popularity by opening his plebeian mouth all over twitter is just begging for bags.
T. Sold my last 2k litecoin after he dropped his bags.

>> No.7009382
File: 51 KB, 645x729, AAFCF22D-A651-47A7-82E6-4124F3C3017A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having LTC to dump.

>> No.7009397

Literally retarded, going to $1000 after he gets his Google friends to make a Google wallet just for him

>> No.7009417

Most poorly drawn shit I've ever seen in my life kys

>> No.7009423

That was the most autististic, unfunny joke I’ve ever read. I like it.

>> No.7009443

Excellent. Just bought 100k.

>> No.7009471

are you fucking kidding me?!?!? youd think as an asian american he would know the struggles gays go through every fucking day! no way im supporting ltc anymore. #sorrynotsorry

>> No.7009478

$1500 EOY, screencap this.

>> No.7009500

ltc is fucking dead
not even meming

>> No.7009515


ETH after child pornography endorsment skyrocketed, the same will happen with this shitty coin

>> No.7009579


Vitalik didn't do nuffin'

>> No.7009633


i dont think he has AIDS bruh

>> No.7009785

based. I'm all in

>> No.7009817

If this spreads to mainstream media LTC is done. Dumped mine. Now to bed.

>> No.7009846

Fuck fags he's right

>> No.7010380

>being autistic enough to think posting this is fine
he truly is /ourguy/

>> No.7010385
File: 12 KB, 265x49, GayCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7010404

Did he delete it? What a fucking pussy lmao

>> No.7011179

its propably his usual fud before a big announcement to keep the price stable, he is weird like that

>> No.7011223

this idiot is going to crash this absolute shitcoin

maybe he is hoping to buy back lower

>> No.7011226

I like my coin's team autistic, not obnoxious

>> No.7011299
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1516425349887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no link or confirmation
>taking this shop at face value

The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.7011336

>implying the ticker shouldn't be HIV

>> No.7011447
File: 42 KB, 346x366, stupidgweilo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U shutup now baizuo. By coins much profit.

>> No.7011998

Check his twitter. Its real you autist