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7005832 No.7005832 [Reply] [Original]

>You have 10 seconds to be as middle class as possible

>> No.7005858

black lives matter

>> No.7005881

>Honey, I got a raise.

>> No.7005897
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I need to get my 2.5 children their adderall so they can pay attention to their after school program. Then I need my xanax and wine.

>> No.7005901

>buy xrp at ath

>> No.7005915 [DELETED] 

>buys shoes maybe twice a year
>eats outside maybe once a month
>birthday special days consist of going to a fancy restaurant, but not that fancy
>private highschool but again, not that fancy

>> No.7005914

"did you see that thread on /biz/?"

>> No.7005921

School plays
Baseball team
Road trips
Green grass in yard
Garage full of tools and toys

>> No.7005932

sunday afternoon? i'm going to mow the lawn and do a little gardening

>> No.7006018

>buys shoes twice a year
found the nigger

>> No.7006061

The worst thing about Sunday, is that you know you have to get up tomorrow and go to work.

>> No.7006066

I'm very guilty

>> No.7006078

I shop at target

>> No.7006207

My 401k has done surprisingly well this year Bob, I'm telling you, you gotta switch to some of these low-cost mutual funds.

>> No.7006289

this so much

>> No.7006318

brunch on sundays after yoga

>> No.7006340

>woman driving a SUV

>> No.7006386

>work a 9-5 wagecuck job
>go home to your 2 kids and wife
>eat shit, don't exercise, get minimal sleep
>wake up, repeat for the rest of your life paying off your 30-year mortgage, student loans, children's college, wife's spending habit
>die of a heart attack after retiring at 65

>> No.7006407

>Just put €100K in it. Lambo EOY

>> No.7006422 [DELETED] 

Found the poorfag

>> No.7006425

Just leased a 2018 honda accord guys! Only $500 a month!

>> No.7006444

you've never met a single woman in your life have you

>> No.7006450

Kek, growing up middle-lower class I can confirm this thread is accurate.

On a side note, were you all rich as fuck growing up?

>> No.7006475

>let's finance this $35k car when we only bring home $27k a year

>> No.7006492

Bonus points if it's a Porsche Cayenne and the woman driving has tied back blonde hair and is wearing yoga pants.

>> No.7006510

>crippling depression
>addiction to sugar
>living paycheck to paycheck
>limited friendships

>> No.7006521

> Go to a hair stylist
> Buy "sport" acura sedan or inifinity
> Brag about new tv
> Go on disney cruise
> Invite favorite couple over for wine and cheese date night

>> No.7006537

>I want to buy that thing but I have to wait until next week for my allowance.

>> No.7006545

i bet you've touched a vagina before. stay poor.

>> No.7006556 [DELETED] 

>On a side note, were you all rich as fuck growing up?
Kek no, why'd you say that?

>> No.7006562


>> No.7006579

>tfw grew up in 500k yearly household with niggerrich house flipper dad
>shit parents fucked my life up, dropped out of college with felony
>niggerrich dad looses it all during 07 bubble burst

been working a delivery job for the past few years. shits rough, got an apartment, a woman and a kid on the way. Womans got a degree but cant work until this babys outta the way. Got car payments too. Driving a pretty middle class subaru crosstrek. My shitty portfolio is 40k total capital investment, over the course of the last 3 years. Its been split 60/20/20 with stocks/crypto/forex. Total worth right now is about 340k. Only ever time ive ever taken out gains was to buy one of those fancy 1080 gtx gaming laptops, and for a 5k dental work job.

I know il be stuck in this shit existence but it could be worse. All i ever want is to be able to live on a yacht and fuck 10/10s and do cocaine forever.

>> No.7006587
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>> No.7006608

>I'm not that rich.

>> No.7006616

kek look how buttblasted the shitskins get over a single word

>> No.7006645

i have no culture and tradition now im gonna eat my asian takeout and watch game of thrones oh and alexa play some bob dylan

>> No.7006697
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If that's your life, I'm really sorry...

>tfw using GI Bill to pay for college and getting paid to go to school
>will graduate without student loans and money saved up
>will do everything in my power to avoid ever having a wagecuck job

>> No.7006728

>niggerrich house flipper dad
Did he not report taxes? Or do you mean he spent it on frivolous shit?

>> No.7006738

Way to miss the entire point of the thread, retard.

>> No.7006749

>I just fill the gas tank right up

>> No.7006768


Gtfo this thread nigger

>> No.7006776

Gotta love the military welfare system.

>> No.7006821

Just saved up enough money by working overtime for the last few weeks to go on a vacation to Hawaii!

>> No.7006831
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>*loads Claire, Aiden, Emma, and Addison into pic related and stopping at the Starbucks drive through to order “coffee” milkshakes with 46322 separate ingredients before heading off to the mall to go shopping.

>> No.7006835 [DELETED] 

But anon you're the one who got triggered because of fucking shoes

>> No.7006847


>> No.7006865
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studentloaners4life detected

Continue paying high interest rates to Uncle Sam. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

>> No.7006904

>gas tank nearly empty
>puts in a set number of gallons
>doesn't even fill it up

>> No.7006913

>being this fucking autistic

>> No.7006918

christ you're stupid

>> No.7006926

I actually used GI Bill as well, you're just an idiot is all.

>> No.7006928

I'm using mine too and living off of the MHA. I still think it's basically welfare though.

>> No.7006945


Do you read the OP before you post? I'm gonna go with no.

>> No.7006968


>using tax payer money for your education

found the welfare queen

>> No.7006986

>be me
>currently building a mancave for me and the boys to watch college football
>crack open about 12 cold ones every single day
>the day comes, i finish the mancave
>guess what fuckers, friday night
>"honey me i invited the boys over to watch the game and crack open some cold ones"
>ok but none of your bullshit harold, bobby has soccer practice so ill be taking the van
>the boys finally get here
>show off my brand new camaro that i got because i was in the military so why not
>come in
>watch the game

just kidding guys, I'm a lower class spic trying to make it, but i tried, whatever, have a great day

>> No.7006996

>states the obvious
>no claim to the contrary was ever made

Consider suicide, my friend.

>> No.7007012
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>> No.7007016

Thank you for the panic attack

>> No.7007043

we wuz jordans n sheit

>> No.7007046

Thinking people that made it give a shit about "nice cars" is something very lower-middle class I see on here often.

>> No.7007052

Don't forget the part where that milf is wearing some sexy-ass yoga pants with her sunglasses perched on top of her head

>> No.7007073

>tfw I got memed into this life except don't have a wife or kids because ugly

>> No.7007086

>complains about someone taking the easy route and saving thousands
>on a board dedicated to people trying to take the easy route and make money

Half of making money is avoiding unnecessary purchases. Id say that getting a free education is a pretty good business decision. Especially considering college debt is crippling an entire generation of americans

>> No.7007106

>buy xrp


>> No.7007107

I'm going back to school to get my masters so Mr. Noseberg will consider me for a promotion.

>> No.7007129

Excellent larp Paco

>> No.7007136

that's upper middle class, silly

>> No.7007163
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>probably saved nothing because married with kids
>probably have a useless degree

All this mad. I'm sorry you're still paying off student loans. Some of us just found a loophole in the system. Add the fact I also get financial aid should make you guys even madder.

>> No.7007181


found the smalldick jelly fag

>> No.7007192


No such thing as a free education, someone is paying for it. In the case of the GI bill it’s the tax payer.

Tax payers shouldn’t have to pay for the college costs of military brats

>> No.7007194

>being this autistic

>> No.7007208

Wrong on all accounts yet again, brainlet.

>> No.7007223

American Dream desu

>> No.7007243


Holy fuck nailed it lol

>> No.7007260

this is the only correct answer everyone else is describing upper-middle class.

>> No.7007267

maybe, but the fact is it exists as an option. So anyone with half a brain who has that option to use the GI bill would be stupid not to take it.

>> No.7007275

>I don't wanna mess around with that bitcoin thing. Shekelberg Goldblatstein on CNN said its a bubble anyways. I'm putting my money in a diversified investment fund that will be locked up until I'm 65 years old and decrepit.

>> No.7007310
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desu student loans are just a tax on me for being white. It is fine though because I'll be paying all $35k of them off with my crypto gains within 1 year of being out of school. Feels good to be white :)

>> No.7007313

>niggerrich house flipper dad

your father was probably a broker who helped facilitate the crisis. has this thought ever crossed your mind anon?

>> No.7007332


Enjoyable post, friend

>> No.7007372

thanks harold

>> No.7007374

I bought a pair of boots and work out shoes, from NIKE. Won't expect changing them for another 4 years. Nike Lab.

>> No.7007376

What type of dog is that?

>> No.7007396

I can't afford college tuition.

>> No.7007404
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>got a raise

This guy hit the nail directly on the forehead.

>> No.7007525

I just got back from work.

>> No.7007604

jesus, everything but the sugar addiction. fuck you.

>> No.7007708

>Porsche cayenne
>middle class
Try Kia Sorento

>> No.7007743


You’re confusing working class and middle class.

A Porsche Cayenne is definitely middle class

>> No.7007800

Maybe I'm wrong then, but explain to me the difference between both in annual income? I would consider working class as middle class and Porsche Cayenne owners as upper middle class or lower upper class

>> No.7007927


There’s poor, working class, middle class, and upper class.

Most people (at least Americans) think they’re middle class when they are actually working class.

A middle class income would be $150-$250,000/yr for a family of 4.

>> No.7007956

>filling his tank
>not focusing on weight reduction
Fucking diesel cucks

>> No.7008069

>wrong on all accounts

>> No.7008131

>This is the house of my dreams, it even has its own garage!

>> No.7008173
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>> No.7008180

"I don't invest in Bitcoin. It's a scam."

>> No.7008200

A Porsche cayenne is def upper class.

>> No.7008278


>a $60,000 car is upper class


>> No.7008302

>all this schooling didnt teach you how to read so you could understand the topic of the thread

>> No.7008308
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I don't know much about IOST, but Zeus Zissou says if you sign up here you can get 68 IOST tomorrow during the Airdrop.


put them together to get the link!

>> No.7008351


Cayenne is upper middle class.

>> No.7008376

Seems at least upper middle.

>> No.7008475

has children with horse faces
eats the product of farmers who fart in their hands and dont wash
is always up before even animals

>> No.7008476

You are delusional if you think being middle class means sending your kids to private school. That is not a middle class thing, though I suspect do nothing nu-commies think that.

>> No.7008491

Just watched Tyrone black my wife rawdog, time to go and complain about Trump supporters on reddit.

>> No.7008556


>> No.7008633


You're fucking retarded if you think that. Middle class is 50-75k per year in household income

>> No.7008650

>wasted a large portion of your life in the fucking military and are basically hardwired to think like a cuck


>> No.7008798

Is this a joke? If you only have 50k in combined household income by the time you have two kids that means on average each parent makes just 25k. That's high school dropout tier income.

>> No.7008842

>owning a car worth between 1-2 years of your salary

>> No.7008876

i'm middle class and I went to a private school until high school

>> No.7009071

What do you fellas consider a middle class household income?
Just curious.

>> No.7009072

You can't even defend yourself. You'll just lay down in fetal position and die. There are a lot of smart people in the military and become successful after, unless they are fucked in the head.

>> No.7009097

>proud to be a dumb goy
I'm brown. And I got to study calculus for free at CC and got all the gibs. And I already have more than 40k debt free. Get cucked, thanks for the shekels.

>> No.7009103

>While using your BAH to buy Crypto and made enough money to not need your free BA and MA

It's a /comfy/ life anon.

>> No.7009160
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Kek I'm good. You'll just fall for the next bitconnect ponzi scheme and lose it all.

>> No.7009233

2 1 3

>> No.7009305

those are children you fucking weirdo
>pedo spotted

>> No.7009328

Lol you and I know that won't happen. Cope.

>> No.7009385

this next president will make things better for us!

>> No.7009910
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>4 years is a large portion of my life
>spent my time in hawaii, korea and japan fucking Asian girls


>> No.7009992


No you moron. Middle class does not mean average.

That is working class. That’s a couple on making $12.50/hr each. Good luck raising a family on that

>> No.7010491


I joined as a 153m blackhawk pilot, 2 yrs korea, 3 yrs hawaii. Took 3 Koreans virginity. Flying airlines now and haven't even used my GI bill yet. Fucking NEETs have no idea how much you can get out of military if you're not a complete retard.

>> No.7010632

>how many times have i told you not to put the dishes in the dishwasher like that

>> No.7010708

>Took 3 Koreans virginity.
How was that? I have a job offer in seoul but culture+laws look fucked over there.

>> No.7010725

All for the low low price of being treated like a piece of property and having no control of your life.

>> No.7010744

child in private school
I win

>> No.7010833

*High fives you* me too bro, feels good

>> No.7010841

>I'm brown

money can't buy you love Or whiteness see Michael jackson

>> No.7010871

>feels good
>being brown


>> No.7010916

>9-5 wagecuck job
>roastie wife who's had better sex, but married you anyways because Chad was taken. Still fucks Chad without you knowing.
>brat children
>fat and lazy but claims it's okay because you "work hard"
>terrible diet

>> No.7010965

I'd like to speak with the manager please, Dakota was playing in the ball pit and bumped xir head on a padded posts, why isn't there more padding on it?

>> No.7011108

Can confirm. It must suck being a poorfag.

>> No.7011142

10 seconds to be something I've been for 30+ years

>> No.7011169

>living past 30
jesus christ what a nightmare

>> No.7011308

i really don't get the welfare queen meme.
never did military but i've been around those environments and it's no cakewalk.
no overtime pay, on call 7 days a week.
i'd rather be paying a military nigger than a unemployed welfare nigger

>> No.7011353 [DELETED] 


youve already made one poor decision anon

>> No.7011402
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>NEET on 4chan telling other people they have no control of their life


They probably have this notion that all of us are nothing more than grunts when they don't realize there's other jobs in the military. I was an electronics technician that has skills with satellites, computers (software and hardware), soldering, radios, wiring and pretty much anything that runs on electricity or batteries. Just let these NEETs keep trying to act superior with their crypto that will probably fade in a couple years while we actually have useful skills.

Korea is a fucking blast. As long as you're not a filthy mexican, other generic looking Asian, you won. Even black guys get some actions.

>> No.7011404

>has never been in the military

I'm sure your wagecuck boss is much more understanding with your 10 days of vacation a year. faggot.

Officers don't get treated like property.

>> No.7011597

ITT: deluded ZOGbots

>> No.7011632

>muh parents are the ones who made me commit a felony
lmao imagine still not taking responsibility for yourself after you've grown up


>> No.7011691

I'll have tap water at a fancy restaurant thanks.

>> No.7011732

>Officers don't get treated like property.

stop this

>> No.7011797

ones on each side might be legal, middle one is definitely a kid though

>> No.7011826

Wow, look at all these crypto coins being shilled on /biz/! Bet they'll make me rich! Now it's time to make a thread on /biz/ making fun of the middle class even though I'm a middle class NEET


>> No.7011916

100% /allin/ crypto, you might still make it. Just don't make the wrong calls.

>> No.7012225

>sheltered fag detected

>> No.7012260
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>being this ignorant

>> No.7012298

>assumes that's their only car

What are you 12?

>> No.7012319

No, that's called "paycheck to paycheck"
I'm jealous because you must have so much money that you've lost touch with reality.

>> No.7012405

Don't be jealous, stay grounded. Delusional people like him always lose, in the end. Knowing the value of a dollar is important even when you're rich.

>> No.7012669


Middle =/= median

>> No.7012747

Mortgage on my house

>> No.7012773




>what is financing
>what are down payments
>what is the 20% rule

I'm not implying it's a smart decision, but it's entirely affordable on a $150-250k household income


>assumes they must own multiple vehicle

What are you 10?