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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 64 KB, 1080x573, Screenshot_20180128-090935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7003521 No.7003521 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7003582

They’re late. Buy our bags ladies come on in.

>> No.7003618
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>mfw i can dump my bags on "smart empowered womyn"

>> No.7003642


Good more normies for me to dump on

>> No.7003663

More dumb money to pump my bags.

>> No.7003724

The smart money is already in, bahahahaha

>> No.7003752

Roasties were a mistake

>> No.7003772

Please let tax season bring a wave of bitches to dump on.

>> No.7003804

Thanks god it's already too late

>> No.7003805
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>tfw when I unload my bags on Brittany and TaeShawanda

>> No.7003811

but then I have to make some effort to get what I want... reading boring stuff.... I want to do fun things :(

>> No.7003892

Quick, let's make a "ClothesCoin"!

>> No.7003964


>> No.7003975

They’re going to buy Ripple and end the patriarchy.

>> No.7003993

What about the Basic Bitch Token

>> No.7004017

>Make feminist coin under pretended of empowerment
>Keep 30% locked away because women are too dumb to realise it
>Hype the fucking shit out of it so that it moons to almost 10 dollars after they finally find out something's fishy
>Cash in after femonis

>> No.7004048

"Finally find out something's fishy belongs to last >

>> No.7004050

Women are good panic sellers the more the merrier

>> No.7004119
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>"Us roasties need to start buying bitcoin at 12k or the guys will get all the money again!"

>> No.7004131

Don't they understand that pretty much all wealth men have is always used by them?

>> No.7004156

Eh keep 70% and say it's needed for "makeup" etc, then put a fake women only team up(they will not bother checking it) and finally give Kim Kardashian and Jenners couple of mil to shill the coin. Shit this might just work.

>> No.7004174

Women > Pajeets tho?

>> No.7004191
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>Women get into crypto
>immediately they all in into BitconnectX

>> No.7004204


>> No.7004211

ofcourse roasties will buy the top

>> No.7004219

They are bad at choosing men. They go for the low paid beta cucks who support them at feminist marches.

>> No.7004220
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#metoo stopped at Aziz Anzari giving bitches the claw. Pajeets > Women on the victimhood totem.

>> No.7004223

bring em in....women love bags

>> No.7004229

Let's do it. I'll create the ultimate LGBTIcoin if I see no "femcoin" in the next month.

>> No.7004293

>if I see no "femcoin" in the next month.
I've got news for you

>> No.7004329

Here’s why I’m ok with this meme: it massively inflates the sexual market value of males who already have crypto. If women come to associate crypto with wealth, they will gravitate to men who have it.

“Yeah babe I im big into LINK- got 1000. So cash. Shits going lunar”
“please make a baby with me”

>> No.7004331

Honest question guys.. are females the biggest meme nowdays?

>> No.7004403

lol you are literally retarded if you think bringing women in is a good thing


>> No.7004425

>You need to make a selfie with a piece of paper and hashtag #FemaleToken written on it
t. tits or gtfo
damn this is genius

>> No.7004438

If you learn how bitches work, and understand them, you will own their shit.

If you really take the red pill on women, you’ll wind up alt-right, be warned.

>> No.7004439

Females with investing/finance, yes that is a meme.

>> No.7004530

But consider this: most normie women aren’t interested in being “big stronk womyn” but, if crypto=making it, just imagine all the poon even he stinkiest linky will be able to pick up.

>> No.7004533

that is a sexist tweet remind me why we have to put up with this?

>> No.7004595

because a female did it

>> No.7004612

Jiu-jitsu my friend... roll with it -and scoop up the honeys with your crypto knowledge.

>> No.7004639
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>> No.7004719
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>> No.7004734

>STEM loving women
Women want babies and security. They love nothing more than for their man to say, don’t worry about it... I got it covered.

>> No.7004802


t,. woman (female)

>> No.7004807


>> No.7004818

oh shit buy into maidsafe before they girls pump it. Wait does oprah have a coin? maidsafe + oprah coin! don't say i didn't warn you anons.

fuck. is there a juice cleanse coin?

>> brb filling bags

did someone say tampon coin?
Did someone say nagging coin?

Invest in THOT (Thotcoin) immediately. biz pls!

but for real, who fucking cares - every non-brainlet, man, woman, other should have something in crypto

>> No.7004866


unironically this. My girlfriend fights with me less about stupid shit and wants more sex from me when she isn't working her shitty job and i'm taking care of business.

>> No.7004878


>> No.7004953

kek based junky

>> No.7005003

Women really love buying bags

>> No.7005033
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Project Roastie:

Everyone like and retweet this now

>> No.7005142
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Women tried to make a coin for women by the way. This was the result:


>> No.7005184
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>tfw girl
>tfw in crypto since june
15 minutes to AMA before I become anon again

>> No.7005225

tits or gtfo?
how much for panties?
how much do you weight?
have you ever been fucked anal?

>> No.7005239

Tits or gtfo

>> No.7005257

How much BCC for sum fug

>> No.7005267

which guy set everything up for you?
your boyfriend or the guy who wants to fuck you?

>> No.7005294
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Fucking American bitch doesn't realise half of Asia are in on crypto.

>> No.7005304

Let me sniff that ass

>> No.7005306
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junky bringing da bantz kek

>> No.7005321

My BMI is 'normal'.
no (28 khv)

see above

>> No.7005341

R u trany?

>> No.7005359

>implying faggy leftists can even survive the hypercapitalism of crypto
they'll just buy our bags and fail again. feels good desu

>> No.7005369

Okay here's one for real: What the fuck are you doing on this site? This is like the bastion for lonely guys to come and lament and wallow in self-pity. Why do you have to corrupt something so pure?

>> No.7005376

They only want designer bags

>> No.7005379
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this is good, they take the losses, we take the gains

>> No.7005403
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>> No.7005413

this thread is BITCOIN (gold)


>> No.7005419

CNT is only $0.03 on YoBit.

>> No.7005432

>28 khv
>normal BMI
At least one of these is a lie.

>> No.7005465

PoC now means shitskins, Asians don't count because they're too successful.

>> No.7005477
File: 15 KB, 269x187, B8FE497A-6D3D-4AF2-A166-203B24E9A095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>”non-binary people too :)”

>> No.7005500


I grew up very protected, rich parents etc.
But I stutter, because of this I have no confidence and no friends.

>> No.7005503
File: 131 KB, 653x981, 954AB824-1D62-4AE8-AA4A-2CE0B5B91E88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what they mean by “PoC”

>> No.7005515

Kek. But yeah.

>> No.7005560


>> No.7005621

Good. So you're anonymous irl too.

Post tits

>> No.7005728

Hardly. I expect its possible to still make 100x off of crypto if you pick the right coins.

>> No.7005747

You are pathetic

>> No.7005768

>this delusional

>> No.7005789
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>women made a dumb coin hurr durr
Except the team members on the site are not real people, just google any of their names. This is an obvious red flag that points to a lazy scam, most likely run by men.

>> No.7005802


asians aren't really considered "PoC" because they can actually manage something without a cuckolded white person handing it to them

>> No.7005820
File: 35 KB, 633x308, what_is_a_bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This thread is gold

>> No.7005831

Too late whores. Wifebot AI is being built thanks to crypto company nerds getting handed billions for no reason

The single largest transfer of wealth... to the Chinks

>> No.7005890



>> No.7005913

To be honest women would have extremely weak hands. They don't take risks and will probably panic sell at the drop of a hat.

>> No.7005920
File: 94 KB, 620x656, Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 3.32.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are so stupid and constantly need spoonfeeding. I saw this on a friend's insta

>> No.7006007

Great news, ladies love holding bags

>> No.7006029
File: 84 KB, 750x750, fdfase3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in b4 tits or gtfu
Go fuck yourself. I'm a woman and I held/traded throughout the entire 2 year bear run that started in late 2013. You weakhanded faggots literally post pink suicide notes when things go bear for 2 weeks.

>> No.7006130

>blue tick

>literally fucking who?

>> No.7006144

Yeah Becky larp harder girl!! You show these men what’s up!! Haha xd

>> No.7006158


>> No.7006168
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tits or gtfo

>> No.7006215
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>Go fuck yourself. I'm a woman and I held/traded throughout the entire 2 year bear run that started in late 2013. You weakhanded faggots literally post pink suicide notes when things go bear for 2 weeks.
lets me help you

tits.... timestamp.... or gtfo

>> No.7006223
File: 405 KB, 420x399, 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how it will go:

>roastie gets involved in crypto
>zero-clue what shes doing
>spends all her savings buying bitcoin from coinbase
>sees it crash
>tries to sell for a loss
>don't know how to sell
>price goes down further
>finally give in and rings up a male nerd friend to come round and sell it her
>finally realises how much shes lost
>blame the man for losing everything

>> No.7006242


>> No.7006338

My mom is evidence of that. I got her into crypto December and she doesn't comprehend HODL when she sees red, and this was someone i thought had decades of investing experience

>> No.7006360
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>Non-Binary people

>> No.7006377
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kek this

>> No.7006397

Forgot the step where she goes running to the government for regulations to make things more "fair".

>> No.7006581

>white americans consider crypto
>otherwise jews are going to get all the wealth


>> No.7006635

>thinking there aren't already women in crypto

>> No.7006694

The only retard is the guy comparing hedge funds to crypto. Topfuckingkek

>> No.7006704

Gud. Should have been paying attention instead of #metoo

>> No.7006723

Honestly this

>> No.7006746


tit and timestamp or gtfo if trap kys

>> No.7006789

You all wouldnt do bad on meeting smart woman. Not the cheap 50$ cunts, but like the normal ones. Who dont think posing naked on insta is a modelling gig.
Not that easy if you sit in your basement all day tho.

>> No.7007146


>> No.7007195
File: 510 KB, 1080x1492, 1514137822307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've lifted my bags, now it's her turn

>> No.7007246

Holy fuck. That bitch got BTFOed so hard for this, that when she was interviewed on TV about how she got BTFOed, she made them blur out her face. She was fucking IRL >>>REKT<<<

>> No.7007330

Please be real.

>> No.7007477

I'll be your friend if you're in the greater cincinnati area.

>> No.7007558

Woe it must be to be you. Pathetic.

>> No.7007625

Linda got justed

>> No.7007787

Keep 30% because women earn 70 cents for each dollars. Seems fair.

>> No.7008769

T-t-that's a-a-ctual-l-ly kind of c-c-cute.

>> No.7009602
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>> No.7009648
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>> No.7009681

Hahahahahahaha. As usual, women are too fucking late.

>> No.7009708

i would love more prey on crypto imo

>> No.7009733

Ladies need to get in on VEN and take my bags

>> No.7009740

Welcome, were just about to dump

>> No.7009971

We should create a token that would appeal to feminists to buy, then pump it up and dump it 6 months later lmao

>> No.7010425

>lending platform for W2W (women to women) loans
>tell them 30% is retained to empower third world women
>pull a bitconnect scam on them
>watch salt when you exit