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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1006 KB, 1435x1551, 1517083212927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7005453 No.7005453 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you a millionare yet /biz/?
I thought you were smarter than a 19 y/o

>> No.7005490


just be yourself

>> No.7005495

He's a Jewish Mormon fag from idaho

>> No.7005499

Sounds like a total prick

>> No.7005652

lol he's a lil faggot lottery winner

>Why don't you win the lottery too anon? why aren't you winning the lottery now??

>> No.7005653

Cuz his daddy probably told him to do so. Just like any boy genius, there is a father that's behind it. All the way to fucking Beethoven.

>> No.7005740

Because it hasn't been ten years.

>> No.7005823

Every story of young crypto millionaires I hear involves them being gifted $5k - $10k at age 13 and then just dumping it all on Bitcoin when it wasn't worth much.

Now they're all full of themselves

>> No.7005876

>They kid who gambled 1,000 of magic internet money without doing any research into it and really having no preconceived notions of it's stability in the future tells you if you're not a millionaire by tomorrow it's your fault

>> No.7005902
File: 37 KB, 466x767, goldfarming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I goldfarmed on RuneScape to get my Bitcoin :^)

>> No.7005919

Except for Bobby Fischer. He was a bastard.

>> No.7005982

i am tho

>> No.7005999

>used his grandmothers money to buy bitcoin
>acts like he's some sort of self made millionaire genius

He literally just got lucky.

>> No.7006008

Me too ;^)
J-Just need to cash out, any moment now...

>> No.7006040

Hey man he risked a thousand dollars his grandmother gave him and listened to advice his brother gave him.

>> No.7006063

made my money the old fashioned way, unfortunately

>> No.7006089

>all upper-middle class entrepreneurs in a nutshell

>> No.7006090

I hate this little faggot

>> No.7006104

sucking dick?

>> No.7006117

he's trolling you and you're biting

>> No.7006121

He's not wrong. /biz/ is just jealous I see.

>> No.7006137

He's a faggot but he's kinda right. All the writing is on the wall for how huge digital currencies and assets are going to be in the next decade. Of course not everyone is just gifted money to invest with when they're teenagers like this little shithead. some people have financial responsibilities and aren't as fortunate.

>> No.7006251
File: 3.20 MB, 2951x9998, nocoiners deadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is right. I have been you little fucktards to get on bitcoin for ages, it was your fault that you didn't buy, and it will be your fault once 1 BTC is worth 1,000,000 yellencoins in 5 years and you still don't have 1 BTC.

>> No.7006257

kek, well memed

>> No.7006272

scared money can't win

>> No.7006388


So to reiterate, he blindly invested money that was gifted to him, on a whim of his brother, didn't do his own research, my guess is he forgot about the coins for a long time, and is NOW saying it's everyone's own fault they're not millionaires

>> No.7006415

Yeah then they act like they did it entirely themselves.

>> No.7006468

Something along those lines, im not sure if he forgot about the coins as he's made memes about " while you were having fun with friends I was making 100k at 16" shit along those lines

>> No.7006476

holy shit the autism it took to make that chart

>> No.7006525 [DELETED] 

i am 17, going good atm

>> No.7006539

He's right you know, he had the balls to take the risk and had the foresight to invest his money and not waste it on normal teenager bullshit.

Why don't we wanna pay taxes? Because we worked hard for our crypto bux and why should some risk averse, fudding nocoiner get a cut from our gains?

We took the risk, we held through the wild swings, we bore the opportunity costs, we were willing to gamble on the next big thing.

Fuck you faggots for calling this kid lucky. This kid is an arrogant faggot and he's certainly not a genius, but he made good decisions.

>> No.7006543

it's like that chink ma saying you deserve to be poor if you are poor after 34.

as idiotic as someone saying it's your fault you haven't won the lotto.

the kid bought a raffle and won. opinion discarded.

>> No.7006555
File: 334 KB, 499x583, 1412194826125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes goy, no one person or group can ever be doing things to undermine you, its always your fault!

>> No.7006601

>stumbled upon a bunch of gold
>"I'm totally a genius guise!"

If this fag knew what was good for him, he'd keep his head low and shut up.

>> No.7006605

Buying 100000000000000 bitcoin when it was 1$ isn`t really smart
I mean he got early but he didn`t grind it and shit

>> No.7006641

>going good
>i am 17
Not anymore my newfag friend :^)

>> No.7006672

you pay taxes on winnings at casinos too.

>> No.7006696

>t. jealous as fuck because he was smoking weed and playing xbox at 17

>> No.7006737

enjoy your ban

>> No.7006868

It's not really a risk when you're gifted the money. And he didn't research shit his brother told him to buy it.

>> No.7006895

to make a million you need money in the first place.

>> No.7006912


>> No.7007304


Anon are you still around? Would you mentor me for a portion of my earnings?

>> No.7007899

the absolute state of burgers...

>> No.7008568
File: 840 KB, 500x213, 4B96A0C2-337C-46B3-8BC9-DEF685C7E065.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like he has a great family

>> No.7008628

>All the writing is on the wall for how huge digital currencies and assets are going to be in the next decade.

That must be why all of the bigshots with decades of experience and ivy league schooling went all in on cryptos.

>> No.7008770

you'd be surprised at how little expertise really matters in the market

>> No.7008844

Jesus this is one of the ugliest mother fuckers I’ve ever seen. So fucking hideous.

>> No.7008879

>muh appeals to old school authority

>> No.7008939

Asians make it. Black people make it cool. White people with money buy it.

We are at black people status.

>> No.7008956
File: 203 KB, 349x491, 1516936345706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu if you shilled your heart out and held btc bags since 2011, you earned to make fun of other people