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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 167 KB, 1228x746, TETHEREXITSCAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7004236 No.7004236 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7004276



>> No.7004294

shieeeet, prepare your iron hands, it's gonna hurt like it never did before

>> No.7004295

Partnership is over because audit is done
Thats what I'm getting from it. Why they gotta phrase it like fud though, so msm of them to do that

>> No.7004304



>> No.7004307

This is a good thing. Money from Tether heads back into BTC etc.

You dare fucking sell. YOU FUCKING DARE.

>> No.7004311

WTF I thought it was fake, LOL

>> No.7004325
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>> No.7004333

they do it on purpose to pickup on the dip lol

>> No.7004341

lmao the first reply is that bitfinexed fuck that sold everything at 1k acting all smug
guy was false with all his shit lmao

>> No.7004346
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don't worry

>> No.7004355
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This is it...Crypto is done for.
I knew this day would come but I just didn't think it would be so soon.

>> No.7004357


>> No.7004359

spoken like a true brainlet. audits are not partnerships you mongoloid

>> No.7004362

Show me a non-twitter source and I'll believe it

>> No.7004367


holy fuck that bitfiniex guy wont shut the fuck up.


look at how all these idiots are already falling for it

>> No.7004382

Holy shit it's REAL! Brace for IMPACT MtGox 2.0 incoming! HAHAHAH!

>> No.7004388

Fuckin saged.

>> No.7004415


coindesk IS a non twitter source

>> No.7004429


>> No.7004459

the more and more fud that comes out the less it will dip when there is some. you can only fud ppl so many times

>> No.7004467


>> No.7004483

You got to have some balls to be fully tethered up right now! LOOL

>> No.7004494

>there's nowhere to hide
Good, it's time to grow up some iron hands soy boys. You disgust me.

>> No.7004507

This is why im in fiat and dont give a fuck

>> No.7004508


Quick buy FUN

>> No.7004517

Friedman 'partnership' was nothing more than them having access to the books
Now that's over, so logical dedication would be the audit is finished

Brainlets panicking over literally nothing

>> No.7004522

Twitter accounts can be hacked quite easily. Remember that autist on /biz/ from a while back?

Hopefully this is true because it means BTC might pump back up

>> No.7004532


is this for real?

>> No.7004542
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Why are they throwing out heavy fud headlines when they don't even know exactly what's happening. really makes me think

>> No.7004546

This. Tether is the entire reason everything was crashing.

>> No.7004550

This is not new tho

>> No.7004574

Well, Friedman LLP has scrubbed all references to Tether from their websites a few days ago, there was some genuine FUD going on for a few hours.
Now it's just waiting for the background story, wonder if both parties will put out conflicting statements (most likely causing more FUD) or if they agreed on some non-confrontational professional explanation (a bit less FUD).

>> No.7004580

>Hopefully this is true because it means BTC might pump back up

It's the exact opposite, BTC will likely dump

>> No.7004592

you have an ongoing relationship with your auditor. not something you change on a whim.

>> No.7004610

I'd think the weak hands who flee into Tether would rather cash out and never return, fucking weaklings need to kill themselves.

>> No.7004621

Wouldn't it be better to cycle through different auditors? Strong relationships with auditors seems like a bad thing.

>> No.7004636

..Clarification: statement says Tether's relationship with Friedman "has dissolved." Statement is vague about who broke up with who. Story coming $USDT

>> No.7004646

Why would people dump BTC? People will sell USDT for BTC making the price pump

>> No.7004652

No it isn't. Tether results in people trading BTC/tether and ETH/tether... etc.

Any coin that trades with tether is seeing upward movement today.

>> No.7004669

I would bet my entire portfolio that someone had a bitmex 100x short ready to go the second that tweet went out.

>> No.7004671

you change them once in a while, but not each year.

>> No.7004677


wrong. BTC dipped/dumped because people thethered up. They'll be going back into actual coins now or just cash out which wouldnt make a difference anyway since they already thethered up before

>> No.7004683

this. everyone sitting in tether will buy into BTC/ETH

>> No.7004689

are they retarded on purpose? they have to say "relationship between frooty and loopy has been dissolved"
they are implying tether is on fire and going down

>> No.7004706
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Thats even fucking worse holy SHITTT

In any case the fud seems to have worked.

>> No.7004720

Whew... Just got out of it this morning too. Hahahaha bye you bitches

>> No.7004731

2 scenarios

1. people realize the news is scary and leave tethers to buy BTC/ALTS but at the same time realize that Bitfinex is corrupted and could try to go completely out to USD
2. people think this news is shitty and don't do anything..

>> No.7004733

This is not how it works. You have a contract with independent auditors.

The relationship was dissolved because they would not sign off on the audit.

>> No.7004749
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this is nothing


>> No.7004751


lmfao FUD at its finest

>> No.7004754

Yes, they would initially sell into BTC, but most likely go from BTC to Fiat immediately afterwards. So if there was a real collapse, we'd see a huge BTC pump followed by an even bigger dump from people leaving BTC immediately. Then when more and more people find out they would sell anticipating a larger scale correction.

>> No.7004755

hopefully a bunch of retards here sell all their crypto assets

>> No.7004773

>losing $100 in a day.
You mean this is a normal day for bitcoin

>> No.7004784

this guy governs corporations

>> No.7004795

$1,619,450,019 USD

Tether ain't big, can't crash the market lol.

>> No.7004809

Is nobody making the connection here? Days ago, Bitfinex announces ETH trading pairs on all cryptos on its exchange. Now we have this Tether news. Keep a close eye on Bitfinex and follow their lead, they are not going to let Tether destroy their exchange, hence them setting up ETH pairs. They already knew this was coming.

>> No.7004812

They know exactly what they're doing. Modern news reporting rewards sensationalism and bending the truth

>> No.7004814

Are we going to get rekt badly?

>> No.7004843

You don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.7004854

what is the importance of Tether? And why would this affect the market?

>> No.7004858

I'm selling 5% back to fiat. Will buy back into whatever crashes (unless it's tether LOL)

>> No.7004870

This is top kek fud. I'm not selling my tethers until the dip.

>> No.7004883

Nice job Pajeets for "exposing" Tether.
Jesus fuck.

>> No.7004896


>> No.7004903

tether is the most liquid asset/crypto in the whole game. If BTC is a property then tether is green cash. If tether crashes, then we are all doomed.

>> No.7004906

This. Tether can and has crashed the market before. People trade into tether anytime currencies drop more than 1-2% in an hour, often leading to chain reactions of 5-6% or more in an hour.

>> No.7004908

>people sell their btc for tether
>tether collapses
>thousands of people lose all their money and exit the market
>support drops
>price crashes

>> No.7004916

shit my nigger my massa gonna lose his money and thus my money nigga i fucked

>> No.7004952

Money going into BTC/ETH/etc. instead of USDT is good for crypto

Money going into USDT instead of BTC/ETH/etc is bad for crypto

>> No.7004963

coindesk is a terrible news service. they retweet news that is months old, and new articles like this report on shit that happened days ago and report it poorly.

shit tier news service

>> No.7004996

It's good in the long run, but definitely bad in the short term if tether dips.

>> No.7005005

Why can't people just directly withdrawl BTC to Fiat? Why does it have to be BTC > USDT > fiat?

>> No.7005011



>> No.7005017

Makes me wonder how things will be with crypto bought with it.
Basically ones for which Tether is swapped, but if it's worthless a lot of the value in crypto is far from correct. Who knows how much Tether has been put in certain cryptos.

>> No.7005020

Hahaha. There's only 8 billion USD in the market to begin with. This shit is all so fucked

>> No.7005021

Oh boy I can't wait for the literally nothing that is about to occur.

>> No.7005036

Taxes and usdt is supported on almost any exchange

>> No.7005040

If everyone buys crypto with USDT it should make the general market go up.

>> No.7005048

You fucking dumb nigga. Shut up, if you don´t know what you´re talking about!

>> No.7005056

WTF you all are panicking for?

BTC marketcap 193B
USDT marketcap 1.6B

Tether accounts only 0.83% of BTC market cap. Even if it blows up, it's only going to bring down those who own it. And small dip for you guys panicking before me and other whales buy bags from your shaking hands.

>> No.7005067

The whole reason people even hold tether is because of the idea that every tether = $1. You think exchanges have hundred of billions of cash laying around for BTC to be traded against? It would ultimately cause an exchange run or what we call in the real world, a bank run.

>> No.7005078


>> No.7005092

im a noob.. can you elaborate how this would help with taxes?

>> No.7005097

>can't cash out
>People flip and tip the fuck over to BTC


>> No.7005122

We arent panicking, everyone else is.

Did you look at the market, the whole fucking this is getting wrecked.

You thought the new year crash was bad, this will be 5x worse.

When the asians get on, everything is fucked

>> No.7005128


>> No.7005133

INB4 tether exit scam and tether goes up higher than $1 a coin

>> No.7005148

>btc continues to go sideways
>"getting wrecked"

>> No.7005157


Just bought some ETH / USDT. Still up over 8% for the day. Should I worry? Can someone explain how this pairing might be affected?

>> No.7005168

>people expecting market crash
>everyone wants to sell
>tether is worth 0 so demand is almost nonexistent
>btc panics
>huge crash

if tether goes under, you can't buy btc with tether.

>> No.7005175

i think i understand now. so you can cash out your BTC for tether so since its always $1.00, essentially your BTC price has been locked?

>> No.7005174

What is the fucking problem? just flip it over to an alt or BTC ETH.

>> No.7005177

bro...bitfinex IS tether lol

>> No.7005235


>> No.7005249

BTC and tether are basically one in the same.

BTC is backed by tether.

If tether goes down BTC goes down.

BTC is going to tank tonight when the asians get on.

Mark my words.

The crypto marked is about to get ass fucked

>> No.7005279


>reddit spacing
GTFO and take ur FUD with ya u tard

>> No.7005307

youre a fucking idiot. just because something doesnt have a direct USDT pairing doesnt mean that consequently billions of USDT falling from the market wont cause btc and other coins to take a fuckin nosedive.

>> No.7005309


>> No.7005314

u guys panicing, nothing will happen

>> No.7005315

The problem is that no one knows if tether really is $1. They just say it is on their websites. There is no way for me to be able to verify this claim. So if many people panic and want to exist tether and it's not backed by $1, guess what is going to happen? I will give you a clue (BIIIIITCONNEEEECT)

>> No.7005329


>> No.7005356

wtf are you talking about. BTC is backed by fiat and tether was just a safe haven for traders on exchanges without fiat pairs to lock the price.

Just flip USDT back to BTC or whatsoever.

>> No.7005387
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Wikipedia has foretold it, lads

>> No.7005393
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Do not sell any coin for USDT from this post onwards
Do not buy USDT

LOL at USDT bagholders

>> No.7005394

You fucking mong when you trade on an exchange you don't trade with the exchange. You are trading bitcoin with other traders, not the exchange.

>> No.7005418
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Fucking nice

>> No.7005444

all this FUD about tether. dont worry tether bros, its going to moon

>> No.7005451
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>> No.7005471

>actually giving a fuck what shilldesk posts

>> No.7005476

And another thing. This is the big problem and the worst case that could take place. Because tether derives it's value from 1 tether = $1, it has no other fundamentals. Tether is virtually worthless if it's not backed by dollar. Tether is worth less than air. So what happens is that if they perform a exist scam it won't slowly dip and go up a bit and then dip again, no this won't happen. Remember, tether has no other fundamentals. People won't speculate with tether. What will happen is that tether will in the span of 20 minutes go from $1 to $0 and never go back up again.

>> No.7005502

BTC will drop tonight because it is in a short term descending triangle, any rookie TA expert can see that so you'll excuse me if I don't consider you the next Edgar Cayce of crypto. Lowest it will go is about 9.2k before it bounces off the long term support line and returns to the mean.

>> No.7005513

Tether does not have to be backed 1 to 1 to the dollar for bitfinex to maintain the peg. If the price of a Tether falls below 1 dollar, bitinex only has to buy enough tether to take enough supply out of the market such that the USDT/USD price goes back to parity. This also works the other way. When USDT/USD goes above parity, bitfinex has to issue Tether. This is the only way Tether can remain dollar stable.

>> No.7005549
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>> No.7005554

Nah it's going down this week and the whole market with it

>> No.7005579

Yes, it remains dollar stable until people find out that it's not backed by any real money.

>> No.7005598
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Has the USDT price started to decouple?

GDAX, BTC futures always trade for a premium and now they're cheaper than Bitfinex, other USDT exchanges

>> No.7005613

Incorrect, it remains dollar stable until Bitfinex decides not to defend the peg.

>> No.7005620
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Sold everything, exiting all crypto markets for the time being.

>> No.7005675

So when people start to panic about tether and want to trade it for, lets say btc, how long do you think bitfinex could even hold that peg? The

>> No.7005720

Lol dumbass enjoy taxes dipshit, fell for bitfinexed fud KEK

>> No.7005738

About 5 seconds, give or take.

>> No.7005758


>> No.7005760

>Not shorting 1x on Bitmex

>> No.7005774

literally no one is fudding over tether except turbo-autists on /biz/ with too much time on their hands.

no one gives a fuck

>> No.7005803

I tend to agree. BTC will bring down KCS, BNB, ETH with it as trading bots will trigger. You'll see alts dropping even more.

>> No.7005836

USDT was cheaper yesterday
It loses value in a rising market and gains value during a falling market

>> No.7005869

good riddance to tether, just creates more HODLers

>> No.7005911

not the way it works
t works on audits
this is a bad sign

>> No.7005928


>> No.7005934

Your a fool if you hold during this. You will lose everything. Sell your holdings and buy back in after this passes. Cut your losses now.

>> No.7005935

Just get in DAI and ride it. The market isn't moving fast enough (upwards) at the moment that you'll miss out much if it blows over and turns out to be a non-issue.

>> No.7005948

I have no idea and neither do you.

>> No.7005970

use DAI you cunts https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/dai/

>> No.7005996
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>> No.7006001

>Cut your losses now.
what losses? the market is totally fine and will be totally fine. stop the fud because of 1.6b of tether.

>> No.7006045

>stop the fud because of 1.6b of tether.
Get off this board and read a book.

>> No.7006048
File: 642 KB, 634x630, 251F59D0-D6A3-4BDB-A387-2698F1CF805B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody even uses tether just hold your bitcoins until you’re ready to cash out you mong

>> No.7006080

Daily reminder to always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.7006082

It's hilarious they pay 40% income tax to jump out of market and get just'd when it will probably as likely go up short term, gotta lobe the state of biz FUD

Like we believe they were even in the market.

>> No.7006102

Big if true

>> No.7006124

>Price has stayed the same for 5 minutes.
It's nothing.

>> No.7006146


>> No.7006163
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>> No.7006195

Why do we even humor these threads, so pleb

>> No.7006375

Its crashin right now

>> No.7006426

Almost 1% down already. Enjoy your bags LOOL

>> No.7006485

>this if FUD breeeeeh

This will crash the crypto market 100%, this is fucked up

>> No.7006490

news https://www.coindesk.com/tether-confirms-relationship-auditor-dissolved

>> No.7006498

Friendly reminder that if tether goes down, coins go up, and they sell back to tether
You fud fags are insects

>> No.7006505

U mean it's up 2%

>> No.7006541

Honestly think it is ultimately nothing for crypto but tether IS probably fucked

>> No.7006549

>shorting tether by buying BTC ETH and VEN

>> No.7006553

this was news like a week ago lul

>> No.7006592
File: 136 KB, 680x541, Nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy chainlink

>> No.7006604


>> No.7006618

no you hold tether until it goes up to 1.03 then buy the discounted coin

christ its easy money you faggots, why am I even saying this

>> No.7006636

How fucking butthurt is this bitfinexed guy to fud btc just as its about to take of? Is he that salty that he sold at 1000$ and bitfinex told him to fuck of when he begged them to give him back his coins lol?

>> No.7006643

Want to bet on how wrong you are?

>> No.7006677

old news

>> No.7006703

Buy ETH now.

>> No.7006753

I don't buttfinex

>> No.7006838

Why would anyone trade their bitcoin for tether? Try answering without using the word FUD you fucking retard

>> No.7006876

WHy would anyone buy BTC when it becomes clear that bitfinex has been buying it all with fake money and the true market value is somewhere around $2500?

>> No.7006888

criminals and apartheidists

>> No.7006994

If tether stop existing RIGHT NOW, it would barely affect the market: it has no marketcap

>inb4 hurr that's not how it works durr

Shut the fuck up, I bet you didn't even know what 'capitalization' means before putting all your allowance on dogecoin or some shit.

>> No.7007034

everything is fud, kek the jews can only dream of having sheeple like you

>> No.7007088

This. Who uses this shit apart from some idiot day traders? How does this interfere with fiat<->coinbase<->binance

>> No.7007119

Actual the true market value is where it is trading right now. You are referring to the true intrinsic value, and assuming that at some point the market value will equal this true intrinsic value.

>> No.7007254
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You dumb fuck the only thing hold crypto in the past week had been massive tether printing. What do you think will happen if that stops?

>> No.7007274



>> No.7007627

Why is bitcoin going up? I thought it was supposed to crash reeeeeeeeeee

>> No.7007637

Damn, it crashed hard. Hope you tether'd up. gg no re.

>> No.7007904

when tether dies bitcoin will skyrocket a minimum of +30%

>> No.7007931

Lmao at all this fucking FUD, "daytraders" using tether all the time was a major reason why the market crashed this hard, this news is absolutely fantastic, no more more panic selling for tether

>> No.7008035

great. that way i can buy at the dip

>> No.7008369

sounds like something a retard who didn't know what he was talking about would say

>> No.7008430


Binance...? What?

>> No.7008466

Before crashing a good 300%

>> No.7008570

>crashing 300 percent

>> No.7008615

neo-/biz/ is financially and mathematically illiterate, today I learned

>> No.7008636

fake FUD

>> No.7008747

you really are fucking retarded or what?
to short it
sell high, buy on the dip
these tether shorters are fucking up the price, not bringing it up
tether is crypto cancer along with ripple

>> No.7008755

There is no fud anywhere but here. This thread is full of sub-human pajeet scum.

>> No.7009359

I used to make gains, I don't even know how to calculate losses...

A good, crashing 70%, are you happy now?

>> No.7009380

Fuck I quoted myself, it was for

>> No.7009442

In the event tether crashes no bitcoin would not spike.

People would realize tether isn't backed and try to sell for bitcoin. The Bitcoin USDT pair would fucking sky rocket because nobody would actually be selling their BTC for tether because it's worthless and those that did would be doing so at a 100X markup on the off chance it bounces.

People who already had BTC/ETH on fiat exchanges would be market selling it to get back into fiat in order to avoid the backlash from the tether scandal. BTC and ETH would tank as people just sold and sold.

>> No.7009487
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>> No.7009575

Biz is seriously cancer. This entire thread makes me sick. Worse than reddit. Like league of legends community got into crypto en masse. Fuck you all, teenagers.

>> No.7009622

Cry more faggot nigger

>> No.7009657

Explain, spoonfed to me like I'm a 10 yo why Tether is more than 1.6b and why the 550m mcap is fake?

>> No.7009711

This lmao, same people who got out during the dip now want back in

>> No.7009765

Boys this fud is getting good

>> No.7009869

I guarantee everyone fudding tether was holding shit coins during the dip and lost everything.

>> No.7009929

Brain damage is a wonderous thing, huh, tards?

>> No.7009955

>Like league of legends community got into crypto en masse

This is literally what happened. Online communities full of asian and /pol/ teenagers are easily the angriest, disaffected, ignorant and impulsive groups on the internet. That's what /biz/ has become.

>> No.7009979

Yeah, this is only good news, people need to learn to fucking hold instead of tethering up, besides normies don't give a shit about the tether conspiracy theories.

>> No.7010096
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Do I sell and cash out fiat now or what

please help a brainlet

>> No.7010237

>no replies
>markets starting to crash


sell or hold??????????

>> No.7010267

I'm just worried about the exchanges mainly. What happens to them if USDT collapses and gets involved with lawsuits, etc. Do the exchanges collapse after?

>> No.7010410

If you're

>> No.7010463
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Better tether up for this juicy dip!

>> No.7010520

oh wow its really crashin out there holy shit!!!

>> No.7010582

everyone is sleeping and chinks don't understand engrish

>> No.7010625

(((their))) FUD is getting more ridiculous day by day.

>> No.7010683

If tether died, people would sell usdt for bitcoin or eth. This wouldn't be a bad thing.

>> No.7010721
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do you people realise this doesn't actually mean much, by itself?

dissolving a relationship with an auditor doesn't mean that tether is a scam that is collapsing. it doesn't even mean that tether won't get properly audited in future, by a different auditor.

i'm not sure what you're all freaking out about. do any of you work in professional services?

>> No.7010735

Literally everyone would pull their crypto out of Poloniex, Binance and Bittrex within minutes

>> No.7010746

nobody wants your heavy banks stinkie

>> No.7010775 [DELETED] 

he's pointing out legitimate things bruh

>> No.7010819
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>> No.7010826 [DELETED] 

you are a huge mong

>> No.7010997

You fucking idiots.

I sold my coins because you said it was collapsing, now im down 24% you mother fuckers.

Fuck Biz

>> No.7011046

Binance has tether....

>> No.7011064

kek you got bizd

>> No.7011086



>> No.7011089
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>> No.7011148

Never take advice from people who are typing in all caps.

>> No.7011163


He called all of it months ago.

>> No.7011189
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It's happening you dumb fuck

GDAX is normally the most expensive exchange now it is the cheapest

everyone is in a rush to sell off USDT which pumps BTC price

Next everyone dumps BTC on GDAX / Kraken for USD and we get the flash crash

>> No.7011200

It's over with Friedman deleting every single mention of Bitfinex on their website (including news item).

Because they could not audit the simple balance sheet of Tether (their own words)?

They obviously found evidence of fraud and decided not to continue the audit.

>> No.7011259
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>GDAX is normally the most expensive exchange

>> No.7011282

Jesus Christ, I fucking hope not.
I just bought back into what i had before i sold for a 24% loss hoping to get my gains back.
Fuck Biz.
This board used to be about helping people. Now its about fucking people.

>> No.7011316

That's not what's happenning. Youre dumb

>> No.7011351


>> No.7011356

welcome to /biz/ new friend

>> No.7011366

Did the market cap of Tether just increase by 650 million? WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

>> No.7011411

They're just doing what it takes to maintain glorious parity with the USD.
Nothing to see, citizen, move along.

Keep talking shit about tether and they'll double its marketcap again.

>> No.7011472

welp gentlemen. It has been a fun ride. Looks like its back to wagecucking for me.

>> No.7011509

its the tether mafia

>> No.7011522

just stop retard

>> No.7011537


>> No.7011576

Tether is less of a currency and more of a coat check.
>Give tether $300,000 in buttcoin
>Tether gives you a receipt for $300,000 in buttcoin
>You masturbate to your $300,000 IOU while tether does whatever they want with $300,000 in buttcoin
Generally, Tether is a longbet on bitcoin. If bitcoin truly crashes, then tether will have problems. It won't happen the other way around, unless they're investing the money somehow in a bad bet.

>> No.7011645

That's optimistic. Tether is a longbet on strangers not finding you in the alps. The same strangers that keep finding hundreds of million of dollars in their couch cushion to maintain a a parity so good, you can't believe it's not auditable.

>> No.7011753

Tether pussies, fucking knew this day would come, never once touch that scam

>> No.7012103
File: 376 KB, 1150x1148, g56344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find Supreme Futura on etherscan, comment for free supr

>> No.7012144

does it not bother anyone that this https://twitter.com/coindesk/status/957381065190133767 and >>7011156 happened within hours?

>> No.7012372

These motherfuckers have their heads so far up their asses and believe in crypto so much that they ignore the obvious.

Fuck em if they want to leave their money in a collapsing market.

I got mine out. Fuck the rest

>> No.7012399

the market survived Mt. Gox during its infancy. this won't be that bad.

>> No.7012416

This whole tether conspiracy retarded. Not enough tether to prop btc

>> No.7012417

this, ill just buy more my coins on discount

>> No.7012454

You mean Bitfinex?

>> No.7012456

also, the FUD is almost certainly by people who aren't on the same side as the truth. so i'm not really sweating.

>> No.7012462


get in or stay poor faggots

not actually shilling, it's a stable coin on shittrex. worth looking into perhaps

>> No.7012481

i hate that bitfinexed faggot so much, I hope tether is legit to spite that faggot kek.

>> No.7012537
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>GDAX is normally the most expensive exchange

>> No.7012551

Their job as auditors would be to follow through with the audit. They don't just stop because they found something bad.

>> No.7012575
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>> No.7012596

old news. and who gives a fuck. you have to have a big vagina to even use tether anyways. no point to it if you have a dick and balls.

>> No.7012639

>muh balls
btc dropped 50% in a month
buy low SELL HIGH
fuck your long term hodling you're leaving money on the table

>> No.7012952

tether/bitfinex was stonewalling every request friedman was asking. This is the most logical explanation why friedman removed them as customers. Bitfinex does not want to honor these request because they think friedman will just stamp whatever they want because they are their customers.

>> No.7013019

>implying I held BTC
>implying I would ever waste my time with dinosaur coins
have fun with your gay safety net tether while the real men trade

>> No.7013109

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Bitcoin, is in fact, the Bitcoin Core fork, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Bitcoin Limited. Bitcoin Limited is not a functioning cryptocurrency unto itself, but rather one component of a fully functioning peer-to-peer electronic cash system made useful by the Bitcoin blockchain, hashing algorithm and distributed network comprising a full peer-to-peer electronic cash sytem as defined by Satoshi Nakamoto.
Many users run a modified version of Bitcoin Unlimited every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, Bitcoin Limited which is widely used today is often called Bitcoin, and many of its users are not aware that it is actually a fork of Bitcoin Unlimited, developed by Satoshi Nakamoto. There really is a Bitcoin, and people are using it, but some have begun referring to Bitcoin as Bitcoin Cash.
Bitcoin Limited is a node implementation: a client that verifies and relays transactions across the network. a node is an essential part of a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a distributed network. Bitcoin Limited is used in combination with the Bitcoin Blockchain: the whole system is basically Bitcoin Unlimited with a smaller block size. All the so-called “Bitcoin” implementations are really forks of Bitcoin Unlimited.

>> No.7013159

fukn solid m8, saved

>> No.7013261

oh ok, so when the entire market dipped this month, you knew just which coins to go to and you didn't lose any money?